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      • KCI등재

        한국 근대 역사문학의 기원과 지형

        김병길(Kim Byoung-gill) 국어국문학회 2010 국어국문학 Vol.- No.155

        This study is a kind of resume on Korean modern historical literature. In other words, this report was made as a meta-writing to depict the history of historical literature in genealogy by reconstructing the dynamic relations and their origins among historical novel, historical play, and historical romance. For this, philological consideration was adopted as a study of method. Until now the study on historical literature has obtained excellent results quantitatively as well as qualitatively. However, the approach by bibliology as a key to get a wide view and understanding of early historical literature's features has not been performed enough. In consequence, different views about the origin of historical novel or historical play, confusion over genre's terms, discourse differences among historical literature genres, and the relativity of media to them have not been discussed thoroughly. For these reasons, this study was aimed to raise the necessity of discussion on such subjects and strengthen the basis of it.

      • KCI등재

        성호의 僿說과 지식 구축 방식(2)

        심경호(Sim, Kyung-ho) 한국고전번역원 2017 民族文化 Vol.50 No.-

        이 논문은 지난 호의 「성호의 僿說과 지식 구축 방식」(1)에 이어, 『성호사설』을 일부 내용을 분석하여 성호 이익의 학문적 지식 구축의 방식을 검토했다. 제5장 ‘사실분석과 추리논증의 방법’, 제6장 ‘고염무 『일지록』의 참조와 차별화’, 제7장 ‘『성호사설』의 掌故와 提案’을 중심으로 한다. 5장에서는 성호의 ① 소학(필롤로지), ②언어에 대한 관심과 훈민정음학, ③ 문헌학 ④ 정보의 상호대조 방식을 살펴보았다. 제6장에서는 성호가 ① 顧炎武의 『日知錄』을 참조한 사실을 확인하고, ② 성호가 논리 전개에서 『일지록』과는 상이하게 독특한 자기 방법을 구축하려 한 사실을 살펴보았다. 마지막으로 제7장에서는 『성호사설』을 단순한 類書가 아니라 사실의 논증을 겸비한 雜考로서 규정하고, 성호가 故實掌故를 다룬 방식과 현실의 제반 문제와 관련하여 어떠한 제안을 하고 있는지 알아보았다. 그 내용은 ① 己見의 단순진술, 自說의 비판 수정, ② 외교와 邊備에 관한 정보 집적과 정책 제안, ③청조 정치와 문화에 대한 초보 인식의 피력, ④『여지승람』의 보완과 역사지리의 논증, ⑤ 童謠의 정치적 기능 중시, ⑥ 민생과 銀 소비에 관한 遠慮 등으로 이루어져 있다. 정약용이 지적했듯이 『성호사설』은 일관된 체계를 이루지 못하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 하지만 소학(필롤로지)의 방식과 문헌학의 방법을 도입하여 경전, 역사, 민간지식, 자연학을 연구하되, 현실의 여러 구체적 문제들을 해결하는데 참조할 수 있도록 지식을 정리하고 논리를 충분히 발전시킨 점에서, 『성호사설』은 조선후기 새로운 지식 구축 방식의 단초를 연 중요한 저작물로 평가해야 할 것이다. This article explores Sŏngho(星湖) Yi Ik(李瀷, 1681~1763)’s way of study and its accumulation focused on his Sasŏl(僿說) which is a collection of his memorandums. This article is the second part of the whole plan of work and it deals with 1) its method of analysis of truth and argument from reasoning(chapter 5), 2) its referring to Rizhilu(日知錄, Records of daily gains in knowledge) by Gu Yanwu(顧炎武) and its differentiation from it(chapter 6), 3) customs and his suggestions(chapter 7). Dasan Jeong Yakyong pointed out that Sasŏl lacks a system as a book. However, it can be estimated as a significant work that provided a head start for the new way of accumulation of knowledge emerged in late Chosŏn in that it adopted the methodology of philology and bibliology to study Chinese classics, history, folklores, natural science etc as well as arranged knowledge and developed its logic so that it can be used when solving the practical problems.

      • KCI등재후보

        『독립졍신』에 대한 서지학적 재조명

        김명섭 한국정치외교사학회 2019 한국정치외교사논총 Vol.41 No.1

        이 논문은 1904년 옥중에서 처음 집필되고 1910년 미국 로스엔젤레스에서 최초의 순한글 정치사상서로 출간된 『독립졍신』을 서지학(書誌學)적으로 분석하고, 정치사적 함의를 재조명하였다. 이 연구는 저자 이승만이 이후 대한민국 임시정부 대통령과 대한민국 대통령이 되어 남긴 정치적 공과(功過)에 대한 논쟁과는 최대한 분리해서 이 책의 집필과정과 출판 및 재출판과정, 그리고 주요 내용의 분석에 집중하였다. 이러한 서지학적 분석을 통해 이 책이 지닌 한계, 그리고 이승만의 정치적 공과에 대한 시시비비와는 별개로 이 책이 재조명되어야 하는 이유들을 규명하였다. This study analyzes Dongnip jeongsin (The Spirit of Independence) written by Syngman Rhee in 1904 in a Korean prison and was published in 1910 in Los Angeles, as the first book of politics written in the Korean alphabet (Hangeul). The author later became the President of the Korean Provisional Government (established in the French Concession of Shanghai in 1919) and then President of the Republic of Korea in 1948. Rather than dealing with the political merits and demerits of the author as a statesman however, this bibliologial study sheds new light on the book published in 1910 and later reprintings as well as the primary arguments put forth in the book in the context of the times.

      • KCI등재

        Jung Young Lee’s Doctrine of God : Contextualization or Syncretism?

        박종복 아세아연합신학대학교 ACTS 신학연구소 2020 ACTS 신학저널 Vol.45 No.-

        The necessity of contextualizing the Gospel is not debatable since there is no culture-free theology. Contextual study, however, is intricate and complicated so that it is not simply to be constructive for the church. In Korean scholarship, evangelical scholars have been reluctant to explore contextual studies due to a fear of syncretism and an uncritical adherence to church tradition. On the other hand, since the 1960s, liberal theologians have constructed theologies around more Korean situations. However, their biblical legitimacy and usefulness for the church are highly questionable. Among liberal theologians, Jung Young Lee’s contextual study of the doctrine of God is especially noteworthy as Lee explores a Korean theology more relevant to the mind (world view) of Koreans and contextualizes the core doctrine of the Trinity for Korean churches (and himself). This study explored Lee’s doctrine of God. His contextual studies pave the way for further Asian contextual studies. Theology should not be separated from one’s life and context. It should be sensitive to the church’s situation. Lee’s autobiographical theology reveals his theological integrity. However, his emphasis on experience over Scripture has led him to syncretism; thus, his context overrides scriptural teachings. His instrumental epistemology on reality and neo-orthodox views do not save him. Rather, they give him theological justification.

      • KCI등재

        김상복 목사의 생애와 사역과 신학

        심상법 한국교회사학회 2011 韓國敎會史學會誌 Vol.29 No.-

        This article is a hermeneutical evaluation of the life, the ministry and the theology of Rev. Sang-Bok Kim, for the purpose of inspiring and teaching the next generation. First and foremost, prior to evaluating his ministry and his theology one must first observe his life to understand the depth of his spirituality and the formation of his values and beliefs. We will look at his life through three different stages. First, his life in Korea (1939.1.11∼1965.8): north (Pyongyang) and south (Pusan and Seoul); second, his life in America (1965.8∼1990.5): studying abroad, teaching and ministry; and lastly, his life again in Korea (1990.6∼2011.1): his life based on his ministry at Hallelujah Church. Understanding his life through these three different stages will provide us insight with regard to the direction of his ministry and its characteristics. Furthermore, his ministry can be divided into teaching ministry and pastoral ministry. Within his pastoral ministry we will be able to see him as a ‘pastor-teacher’ (Eph. 4:11) through the vision, the method and the characteristics of his ministry. Lastly, his theology is understood as well as criticized generally on his view of Bible (‘plenary verbal inspiration’) and in particular his view of pneumatology and eschatology and ecclesiology and woman ordination, and WCC.

      • KCI등재

        비블리오드라마의 개념, 선구자들, 그리고 근본성격

        고원석 한국기독교교육학회 2020 기독교교육논총 Vol.0 No.62

        This study is an attempt to grasp the fundamental characteristics and core structures of Bibliodrama, which has recently received a lot of attention in various fields including Christian education. Bibliodrama is a guided form of process-oriented staging of biblical texts in groups with the aim of mutually opening up the text and the biography of the participants in the implementation of holistic encounters (H. Aldebert). In the background of the birth of Bibliodrama can be found the hermeneutical efforts of the biblical scholar Walter Wink who sentenced the bankruptcy of historical criticism. He laid the biblical interpretative foundation for Bibliodrama which combines Bible and body. German theologian Gerhard Marcel Martin had a new experience of seeing the Bible through body activity during his life in New York, and based on that experience he began to work on the Bibliodrama. And the New Testament scholar Tim Schramm, who focused on the TCI (theme-centered interaction) movement, found the optimal methodology to embody the interaction of biblical studies in Bibliodrama. On the other hand, Peter Pitzele, who wanted to realize the Bibliodrama in the tradition of Midrash, has developed a new type of Bibliodrama (Bibliolog) that is different from the European Bibliodrama. When we put together the positions of the pioneers of Bibliodrama, it turns out that it has three fundamental characteristics: body, interaction, and the empty space of the Bible.

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