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      • KCI등재

        하나님의 프락시스와 교육목회 : 신반포감리교회를 중심으로

        손원영(Won-Young Sohn) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2010 기독교교육정보 Vol.27 No.-

        The aim of this research is to clarify the concept of "God's praxis" and "educational ministry" and also to find out some possibilities of praxis-oriented educational ministry though the case study about Shinbanpo Methodist Church, Korea. First of all, this article is more interested in aspect of praxis-oriented educational ministry rather than transmission or indoctrination of educational ministry in the Korean churches. In addition, researcher classifies three different praxis-oriented educational ministry theories in terms of James Fowler's "God's praxis theory," Wonyoung Sohn's "Theopraxis theory," and Richard Osmer's "Theodrarna theory." On the basis of the common grounds of God's praxis above three, this article tries to investigate the educational ministry of Shinbanpo Church as an alternative case for a God's praxis-oriented educational ministry. In details, by the reference of especially Osmer's theory for the congregation that he connected between Christ's fivefold office (prophetic, priestly, transfigured, royal, and open fellowship) and congregational Christopraxis (Marturia, Diakonia, Doxology, Didache, and Koinonia), this article also suggests some ideas for God's praxis-oriented educational ministry through the Shinbanpo Methodist Church. In conclusion, through God's praxis-oriented educational ministry, Korean churches who have been stumbling recently could find some new ways for the reign of God.

      • KCI등재

        자연과 실험집단내 Drosophila melanogaster 제2염색체의 유전적 변이성에 대한 비교 연구

        손성곤,최영현,이원호 한국환경과학회 1994 한국환경과학회지 Vol.3 No.4

        The genetic variabilities of second chromosomes concealed Sasang natural and experimental populations of Drosophila melanogaster have been analyzed. The experimental population was composed of D.melanogaster which had the lethal-free second chromosome collected from Sasang natural population in 1982. The results were as follow; The mean frequencies of deleterious genes were estimated to be 33.33% in Sasang natural population and 31.72% in experimental population. The allelism rates in lethal genes isolated from the natural and experimental populations were calculated to be about 0.95% and 12.28%, respectively. The allelism rates between lethal genes isolated from the natural population and those of the experimental population were calculated to be about 0.01%. The mean values of elimination by frequencies of deleterious genes and allelism rates were 0.0011 in the natural population and 0.0124 in the experimental population. The frequencies of phenotypic sterility of males in the natural and experimental populations were estimated to be 1.49% and 1.36%, respectively. The frequencies of genotypic sterility of females and males were estimated to be 0.90% and 1.80% in the natural population, and that of males was 2.38% in the experimental population.

      • 제 6·7차 고등학교 수학과 교육과정의 비교 연구

        손원호 부산외국어대학교 교육대학원 1999 敎育論叢 Vol.- No.-

        We made a comparative study of 6th &th curriculum -system, content, the method of teaching · learning and evaluation focused on high school. This paper predicts lots of problems which may be caused by practicing of a degreed and leveled curriculum that is the core in the 7th curriculum of Mathematics and propose some alternative plan. 1. Sufficient classroom space and facilities that make easier for students to move. 2. Sufficient teacher resource to solve overcrowding classes. 3. Reduction of an overworked teacher to improve and develop the method of various teaching · learning and evaluation. 4. Development of various teaching method and materials for the ability grouping. 5. Expansion of the chances of study activities and a variety of seminar to cultivate highly - qualified teachers. 6. The precedence of opening and exchanging of class-guiding plan and teaching · learning materials. The result of the analysis of this paper show that the more advanced system of content, the method of teaching, learning, and evaluation focused on high school.

      • 수학 교과 성적과 여타 교과 성취도와의 상관관계에 관한 연구

        손원호,김은숙 부산 외국어 대학교 2000 外大論叢 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to find out the relation between Mathematics achievements and different subject achievements, among middle and high school students. The main finding of this study is as follows. (1) The Subject that has the highest positive relation with Mathematics achievements was English achievements. (2) The Subject that has the highest positive relation with Mathematics achievements was the same regardless of different in grade (3) The Subject that has the highest positive relation with Mathematics achievements was the same regardless of different in sex.

      • KCI등재

        제7차 교육과정과 기독교학교의 종교교육

        손원영 韓國宗敎敎育學會 2001 宗敎敎育學硏究 Vol.13 No.-

        제 7차 종교 교육과정이 기독교학교에서의 종교교육을 위축시킬지 모른다는 의구심이 기독교학교와 교회당국에 의해 제기되고 있다. 이런 상황에서 이미 시행되고 있는 제 7차 교육과정의 전면적인 개정의 요구는 적절하지 않다는 전제 위에, 연구자는 제 7차 교육과정 안에서 어떻게 종교교육이 효과적으로 수행될 수 있을지를 탐색하였다. 이를 위해 우선 제 7차 종교 교육과정의 성격을 비판적으로 분석하고 성찰하였다. 여기에서 얻어진 결과는 ①제7차 종교 교육과정이 제6차 교육과정과 비교하여 개념-경험주의자들의 교육과정이론을 보다 체계적으로 활용한 것을 찾아볼 수 있다. ② 제7차 종교 교육과정은 교양교육이라는 맥락에서 접근되고 있음으로, 종단학교 뿐만 아니라 일반 공립학교에서도 활용될 수 있는 가능성이 높다. ③ 제7차 종교 교육과정은 신앙교육적 접근과 종교학적 접근을 병행시키는 특징이 있다. ④ 제7차 종교 교육과정은 신앙교육적 접근과 종교학적 접근의 균형보다는 후자에 의한 전자의 지나친 종속으로 흐르는 경향 때문에, 종단학교로부터 거부될 가능성이 있다. ⑤ 제7차 교육과정은 기독교의 측면에서 볼 때, 다양한 기독교 전통을 간과한 채 어느 하나로 축소시키는 경향을 보이고 있다. ⑥ 제7차 종교 교육과정의 성공적 시행을 위해서는 전문성을 갖춘 종교교사의 양성이 시급하다. 이런 문제점을 보완하기 위해 연구자는 다음과 같은 점을 제안을 하였다. ① 종교 교육과정의 개념이 교과서와 같은 객관적 실재의 의미보다 재개념주의자들의 주장처럼 "초월을 향한 실천의 과정"으로 재개념화시킴으로써 만들어가는 교육과정으로 전환될 필요가 있다. ② 기독교과목(성경과목 혹은 종교교과)만을 종교교육의 전체로 인식하는 것으로부터 벗어나, 모든 교과목 속에 기독교적 지식과 정신이 스며들게 하는 작업이 요청된다. ③ 종교과목 중심의 종교교육으로부터 인성교육 중심으로 종교교육이 전환될 필요가 있다. ④ 기독교 학교에서의 실제적인 종교교육은 종교수업 시간이나 종교교재를 통해 이루어지기보다는 교사나 학교환경 같은 ‘성례전적 존재’를 통해 이루어진다는 점을 인식하여 그에 대한 학교의 더 큰 관심이 요청된다. This paper aims at analyzing critically the 7th National Religious Curriculum for Christianity(NRCC), which has been developing since 2000, and providing some ideas for effective operation of NRCC at Christian schools in Korea. More specifically, this paper, first of all, describes following results that researcher would try to analyse the 7th NRCC: (1) Compared with the 6th one, it has a characteristics to develop curriculum based on conceptual-empiricists' curriculum theories which would emphasize on effectiveness and system of curriculum. (2) As the 7th NRCC focuses on liberal education, public school will be able to select it as one of the liberal arts like Christian school. (3) The 7th NRCC has a characteristics to integrate the two different functions of curriculum development, i.e., faith educational approach and religious approach. The former is more focused on supporting evangelical missions to students, the latter is highly related in objective understanding on Christianity as one of various religions. (4) Because of unbalance between two approaches in spite of trying to integration, the 7th NRCC has a possibility not to be accepted from many Christian schools and Korean churches as well. (5) The 7th NRCC has inclined to reduce many Christian traditions into one tradition. (6) In order to succeed in effective implementation of the 7th one, it is very urgent to recruit the professional religious teachers and to train them as soon as possible they can. Based on these explanation of characteristics on the 7th NRCC, lastly, this paper attempts to provide a proposal for Christian school by suggesting reconstructed ideas in four ways: (1) Christian school is required to re-clarify the definition of curriculum as "actical process toward transcendence,"r "king curriculum"n terms of reconceptualists, who are interested in curriculum as praxis rather than objective reality like textbook. (2) Christian schools and religious teachers should be overcome the narrow meaning of religious education that it would often be regarded it as Christian subject-matters like religious/Bible classes. Instead of that, they need to imbue all kinds of subject matters and students' mind with Christian values. (3) The religious education focused on subject matter or Christian dogma-centered education in Korean Christian school, is required to transform into personality-centered education which is more related in humane relationship based on conversation and encounter. (4) Christian school needs to create an Christian environment where teachers and students could make feel God's love. The potent effect on religious education is really high not through the classroom but school environments like teachers attitude and school's educational settings which is understood as a "cramental beings"oward God.

      • 初等學校ㆍ中學校 數學科 敎科書 比較 分析

        손원호,김명생 부산외국어대학교 2001 外大論叢 Vol.22 No.1

        The aims of this study are to analyze how much the contents of the elementary and middle school textbooks are related to the students' thinking ability development and to refer inappropriate parts in linking analysis so that more effective can be possible. Our research explains the collection between the terms used in the middle school and those in the elementary school.Therefore the conclusions are like as followings. The first and second grade students in the elementary school would be continuously interested in the mathematical thinking way and diagram of quantity problems.For the third and fourth grade students, the textbook applies mathematical knowledge and function to problem solution ability.Also, it is made up so as to get interested in the necessity and continuous interest in mathematics.For the fifth and sixth grade students, it presents mathematical thinking, expressions and attitude.In the middle school textbook, it gives rational solutions through the mathematical method, good attitudes, and interests to make mathematics useful in real life.Therefore the connection between the elementary school and the middle school is quite closely related.

      • 수학과 열린교육 실천을 위한 교수-학습 방법 고찰

        손원호,전병임 부산 외국어 대학교 2000 外大論叢 Vol.20 No.1

        The further will be decided by mathematics and science education and we need a revolutionary conversion in our country's education. In this study, it is aimed to perform open education in mathematics education field. In additional, all elementary fields will have to seek the education for supporting creativity. These whole courses will be arranged after the elementary fields are compounded by mathematical ability or communication. Observing the problem of mathematics education in the parts of the management theory of school and teaching methods, I studied various educational approaching processes and instructing methods in changing mathematics attitudes and interesting. These methods will be perform by positive promotion in mathematics education. Open education will play a great role in our country's education in the view of free education course which students become the center of it.

      • 영아기 거대세포 바이러스(CMV) 간염 : 혈청내 CMV 특이 IgM 항체와 소변내 바이러스 조기항원 검출에 대한 연구

        손영모,조형래,김소연,정기섭,송경순,오기근,이원영 대한감염학회 1990 감염 Vol.22 No.4

        Four hundred and three infants with hepatosplenomegaly or abnormal liver function were studied for antibodies of Hepatitis A and B, Rubella, Herpes simplex virus, Cytomegalovirus (CMV), Toxoplasma and Syphilis. Among them, 22 infants were also studied for viruses in urine. Monoclonal antibodies especially, for that of CMV, were used to detect virus encoded early antigen with in the urine and the following results were obtained. Among the 403 infants tested, 37 cases (9.2%) were confirmed CMV infection by detection of CMV specific IgM or viral antigen detection in urine. Among the 22 cases in which virus culture was done in urine, 8 cases (36.4%) were confirmed CMV infection and CMV was isolated in 6 cases (27.3%). Virus isolation rate of confirmed CMV infected cases was 75% (6/8). It can be concluded that hepatitis due to CMV plays a significant role in neonatal hepatitis in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        디지털사회와 웹기반의 교회학교 공과 수업

        손원영 한국기독교교육정보학회 2001 기독교교육정보 Vol.3 No.-

        This paper aims at critically analyzing the digital society which would fundamentally force modern education to be changed into a new educational paradigm, and suggesting a model of web-based instruction(WBI) for the church school classroom. More specifically, this paper, first, explores the data smog to survive the information glut, which can make some obstacles in a web-based learning environment today The problems presented are mainly catagorized by three domains, i.e., information overflow, information gap between an already-digitized society and a digitizing society, and human rights In other words, such things can be described to show the negative characteristics of a digital society, for instance, technological stress, upgrade mania, disinformation, dataholics, computocracy, and fragmentation, etc. It is important that such problems need to be reduced for a more effective web-based instructional program. Accordingly, this article recommends that users positively try to know "the critical information literacy." By dint of critical literacy, all participants who are involved in the classroom will be able to filter the information and make a balance between the real world and cyber-space or the on-line and off-line sphere of life. Second, this paper develops a web-based instructional model to support church school classroom. According to instructional system design (ISD: generally a five-step system of "analysis-design-production-implementation-evaluation"), a WBI model tries to be developed for concretely applying to the church school classroom of the Korean Methodist Church(KMC), especially junior high school students' group. In detail, on the assumption that the WBI media (production) has been already developed, the model focuses on the fourth step, "implementation," which is usually regarded as a teaching-learning situation, and develops a so-called "WBI implementation system model." The model can be divided into four parts. (1) First of all, the model includes a part about "instructional strategy" which consists of 9 elements, I.e., [unit lesson], [heuristic learning], [individualized learning], [bulletin boards], [reference materials], [seif-evaluation], [chatting rooms], [free discussion], and [searching engines] (2) Second of all, the model is designed for "off-line instruction" based on WBI. It is also consisted of five movements in terms of Thomas H. Groome's shared praxis approach, by which the textbook of KMC youth group was developed. That is, the five movements are M1 Learning objectives and our story(5 min.); M2 widening thought(10 min.); M3 Hearing the Story(15 min); M4. Awakening and sharing(10 min.); M5. Praxis in life(5 min.). (3) Third of all, the model is shaped for "student individualized learning," in which all students can adopt another's strength and overcome one's weakness. For that learning, it suggests that five elements can be used: [bulletin board], [self-evaluation], [unit lesson], [heuristic learning], and [individualized learning]. (4) Finally, the model is formatted on "evaluation." When evaluation is preceded, participants who are involved in class can consider various methods for evaluation, i.e., diagnosic evaluation, formative evaluation, and summative evaluation, and performance assessment, etc. In conclusion, this article explains the praxis-oriented Christian educational effect of mentoring among participants, possibility of collaborative learning, and mutual relationship between the off-line and on-line learning system by the WBI implementation system model.

      • KCI등재후보

        기독교 대중음악과 종교교육

        孫元暎 韓國宗敎敎育學會 2003 宗敎敎育學硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        최근 청소년들을 중심으로 기독교 대중문화에 대한 관심이 매우 높다. 특히 CCM으로 불려지는 기독교대중음악은 교회에서 뿐만 아니라 인터넷과 라이브공연장에서 사랑을 받고 있다. 이런 상황에서 이 글은 CCM문화에 대한 비판적 이해를 통해 새로운 종교교육의 가능성을 탐색하는 것이다. 따라서 이 글은 세가지의 주제를 중심으로 연구된다. 첫째, 대중문화로서 기독교대중음악은 어떻게 정의되고 또 분류될 수 있는가? 둘째, 문화란 의미를 만드는 실천이라고 할 때, 기독교문화적 실천으로서의 기독교대중음악은 신학적으로 어떻게 해석될 수 있을까? 셋째, 앞의 논의를 통해, 향후 종교교육의 방향은 무엇인가? 이상의 탐구주제를 통해, 연구자는 기독교 종교교육이 기독교적 문화교육으로 재개념화될 필요성이 있음을 주장하고, CCM이 문화적 실천으로써 적어도 해방적 실천, 해석학적 실천, 그리고 영성적 실천으로 해석되어야 한다는 점을 지적한다. 그리고 빠른 시일 내에 기독교문화를 실천할 수 있는 종교교육과정 개발을 제안하고 있다. The purpose of this article is to analyses the popular culture which is focused on "Contemporary Christian Music"(CCM), and to explore some possibilities for Christian religious education. For more details, this paper follows three issues about CCM which are in debates. First of all, the researcher tries to clarify the definitions of popular culture as well as contemporary Christian music in terms of what culture means by "signifying practices." Based on such definitions of popular culture, CCM would be categorized into three models: worship and praise model, communio sanctorum model, and neighborhood mission model. Secondly, this paper argues that CCM could be theologically interpreted by three-folded theological praxes, i.e., liberating praxis, hermeneutical praxis, and spiritual praxis. Thirdly, following the above results, researcher tries to reconstruct the Christian religious education. Thus, this paper suggests to re-conceptualize Christian religious education as "Christian cultural education" rather than evangelization in postmodern cultural society, and to develop the new religious curriculum based on Christian popular cultures as soon as possible.

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