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      • KCI등재

        Investigation of Soil Cr and Ni Contamination in Different Land Uses and Tracing the Source of Contamination

        Minju Jo,Mina Lee,Kwon-Rae Kim 한국토양비료학회 2020 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.53 No.4

        Chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni) are commonly used heavy metals in alloy manufacture. In Korea, most research on heavy metal(loid)s focused on As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn, and little attention has been paid to Cr and Ni. However, recent studies showed that they were gradually increasing in the soils, especially when the soils were influenced by human activities. Thus, this study aims to investigate soil Cr and Ni concentrations in different land uses and trace the source of Cr and Ni contamination. Cr and Ni concentrations in different use of soil were obtained from literature and soil analysis. Also, to identify the impact of dust deposition on the soil Cr and Ni, Cr and Ni levels in air dust from various areas were studied by literature review and air dust analysis. Soil Cr and Ni concentrations were higher near roadsides and industrial complexes, and their concentrations had a strong linear correlation. This indicates that Cr and Ni could have a common source of contamination such as vehicles. Similarly, Cr and Ni concentrations in air dust were also higher near roadsides, urban areas, and industrial areas. Therefore, Cr and Ni loads on soils are highly related to traffic and industrial activities.

      • KCI등재

        Changes in superconducting properties of Nb films irradiated with Kr ion beam

        Minju Kim,Joonyoung Choi,Chang-Duk Kim,Younjung Jo 한국초전도저온학회 2024 한국초전도저온공학회논문지 Vol.26 No.1

        This study investigated the effect of Kr ion beam irradiation on the superconducting properties of Nb thin films, which are known for their high superconducting transition temperature (T_c) at ambient pressure among single elements. Using the Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter (SRIM) program, we analyzed the distribution of Kr ions and displacement per atom (DPA) after irradiation, finding a direct correlation between irradiation amount and DPA. In samples with stronger beam energy, deeper ion penetration, fewer ions remained, and higher DPA values were observed. X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed that the Nb (110) peak at 38.5° weakened and shifted with increasing irradiation. T_c decreased in all samples after irradiation, more significantly in those with higher beam energy. Irradiation raised resistivity of the film and lowered the residual-resistivity ratio (RRR). AC susceptibility measurements were also consistent with these findings. This research could potentially lead to more efficient and powerful superconducting devices and a better understanding of superconducting materials.

      • 시뮬레이션 방법을 통한 선망 어구의 침강속도 해석

        이민주(Minju LEE),조서영(Seoyeoung JO),이지훈(Jihoon LEE) 전남대학교 어업기술연구소 2017 어업기술연구소보고지 Vol.10 No.1

        Korea is surrounded by sea on three sides of the sea. Therefore, marine products occupy a very important position in terms of food resources. In recent years, By the change in people"s eating habits values change and food preference increased the appetite preference of marine products. According to the Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries in Korea, The total production of Korean fishery is around 3.3 million M/T. Especially, purse seine fishery produced around 5.4 hundred thousand M/T. Thus, purse seine fishery shared around 14 percent of the total fishery"s production. So, a performance improvement of purse seine will increase the fishing efficiency. The purpose of this study evaluates the sinking performance of the present purse seine gear using a numerical method. Furthermore, this study will present an alternative for improving the sinking performance of the purse seine in terms of different type of materials, mesh sizes, buoyancy and sinking forces. This study will be helpful to improve the fishing efficiency in purse seine fishery.

      • Assessment of lead concentration in sediments through electrical resistivity and multivariate statistical approaches

        Sunjae Lee,Narae Lee1,Minju Kim,Hyunwook Cho,Hyunbin Jo,Haeseok Lee,Jaeyoung Choi 한국퇴적환경준설학회(구 한국환경준설학회) 2024 한국퇴적환경준설학회 학술대회 초록집 Vol.2024 No.10

        Stream and lake sediments are often subject to contamination by heavy metals due to both natural processes and human activities, such as industrial waste disposal and steel production. Lead (Pb), one of the most concerning contaminants, is a potent neurotoxin that can accumulate to hazardous levels, threatening both aquatic ecosystems and human health. Pb has a strong affinity for binding to fine-grained sediments and organic matter, and its adsorption is highly dependent on factors such as pH and the organic content of the sediments. In this study, we aimed to assess Pb contamination in sediments by utilizing electrical resistivity measurements in combination with multivariate statistical techniques. Sediment samples were systematically collected and analyzed for Pb concentrations using aqua regia extraction. Electrical resistivity was measured using a Sample Core Induced Polarization (SCIP) device to evaluate the geophysical properties of the sediments. The resulting geochemical and geophysical data were then analyzed using multivariate statistical methods to explore the relationships between these datasets and derive regression models. These models were employed to estimate and verify Pb contamination levels based on the electrical properties of the sediments.


        Evaluation of high nutrient diets on litter performance of heat-stressed lactating sows

        Choi, Yohan,Hosseindoust, Abdolreza,Shim, YoungHo,Kim, Minju,Kumar, Alip,Oh, Seungmin,Kim, YoungHwa,Chae, Byung-Jo Asian Australasian Association of Animal Productio 2017 Animal Bioscience Vol.30 No.11

        Objective: The present study investigated the litter performance of multiparous sows fed 3% and 6% densified diets at farrowing to weaning during summer with mean maximum room temperature of $30.5^{\circ}C$. Methods: A total of 60 crossbred multiparous sows were allotted to one of three treatments based on body weight according to a completely randomized design. Three different nutrient levels based on NRC were applied as standard diet (ST; metabolizable energy, 3,300 kcal/kg), high nutrient level 1 (HE1; ST+3% higher energy and 16.59% protein) and high nutrient level 2 (HE2; ST+6% higher energy and 17.04% protein). Results: There was no variation in the body weight change. However, backfat thickness change tended to reduce in HE1 in comparison to ST treatment. Dietary treatments had no effects on feed intake, daily energy intake and weaning-to-estrus interval in lactating sows. Litter size, litter weight at weaning and average daily gain of piglets were significantly greater in sows in HE1 compared with ST, however, no difference was observed between HE2 and ST. Increasing the nutrient levels had no effects on the blood urea nitrogen, glucose, triglyceride, and creatinine at post-farrowing and weaning time. The concentration of follicle stimulating hormone, cortisol and insulin were not affected by dietary treatments either in post-farrowing or weaning time. The concentration of blood luteinizing hormone of sows in ST treatment was numerically less than sows in HE2 treatment at weaning. Milk and colostrum compositions such as protein, fat and lactose were not affected by the treatments. Conclusion: An energy level of 3,400 kcal/kg (14.23 MJ/kg) with 166 g/kg crude protein is suggested as the optimal level of dietary nutrients for heat stressed lactating sows with significant beneficial effects on litter size.

      • Modulating Ion Transport and Self-Assembly of Polymer Electrolytes via End-Group Chemistry

        Jung, Ha Young,Mandal, Prithwiraj,Jo, Gyuha,Kim, Onnuri,Kim, Minju,Kwak, Kyungwon,Park, Moon Jeong American Chemical Society 2017 Macromolecules Vol.50 No.8

        <P>We report a rational design of solid-state dry polymer electrolytes with high conductivity, high mechanical strength, and improved cation transference number. Thiol ene click chemistry provided orthogonal control over the type and number of end groups in poly(styrene-b-ethylene oxide) (PS-b-PEO) block copolymers. This approach permitted the synthesis of PEO chains with reduced crystallinity, reminiscent of PEO oligomers, thereby playing a key role in improving the room temperature conductivity. Intriguingly, the incorporation of diol or dicarboxylic acid end groups in PS-b-PEO produced a well-defined gyroid structure, leading to order of magnitude improvements in the storage modulus. Out of the various samples examined, the electrolytes bearing terminal diol displayed the highest ionic conductivity and a 2 -fold increase in lithium transference number. The improvements in performance are attributed to the reduced interchain aggregation and the anion stabilization mediated by the terminal diol group. The fact that the dramatic changes in ion transport and mechanical properties of PS-b-PEO samples were brought about solely by the modification of single terminal group of the PEO unit confirmed end-group chemistry as a powerful tool for the design of efficient solid-state polymer electrolytes. This work should find applications in various emerging electrochemical technologies, namely those employed in energy storage and conversion.</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        열화학기상증착법을 이용한 다공성 3차원 그래핀 구조의 온도 의존성 연구

        김창득(Chang-Duk Kim),김민주(Minju Kim),조연정(Younjung Jo) 한국물리학회 2022 새물리 Vol.72 No.5

        열화학기상증착기 (thermal chemical vapor deposition, TCVD)를 이용하여 Ni 구조물에서의 다공성 3차원 그래핀 구조 합성에 대한 온도 의존성을 확인하였다. 다공성의 3차원 그래핀 구조는 스펀지 구조의 Ni 구조물을 기반 틀로 그 표면에 다층의 그래핀을 형성하여 제작하였다. 스펀지 구조의 Ni 구조물은 TCVD 내부에서 800, 900, 1000, 1100 ℃의 온도 따라 각각 합성이 진행되었다. 합성된 다공성 3차원 그래핀 구조의 특성을 확인하기 위하여 그래핀 합성 후 Ni 구조물은 화학적 식각법을 이용하여 제거하였다. 다양한 분석을 통하여 제작된 다공성 3차원 그래핀 구조가 다층의 그래핀이 서로 연결되어 다양한 크기의 기공을 갖는 저밀도 다공성 네트워크로 형성됨을 확인하였다. 또한, 1100 ℃의 합성온도에서 합성된 다공성 3차원 그래핀 구조체는 기존의 Ni 구조물의 형태를 따라가지 못하고 변형된다는 것을 본 논문을 통하여 확인할 수 있었다. The effect of temperature on the synthesis of porous three-dimensional (3D) graphene structures on a foam Ni structure by using thermal chemical vapor deposition (TCVD) was investigated. The porous 3D graphene structure was fabricated by forming multi-layered graphene on the surface of a foam Ni structure as the base frame. The foam Ni structure was synthesized using TCVD at temperatures of 800, 900, 1000, and 1100 °C. After graphene synthesis, the Ni substrates were removed using a chemical etching method. The fabricated 3D graphene structure formed a low-density porous network in which multilayered graphene is connected to each other and has pores of various sizes, as confirmed through various analyses. In addition, it was confirmed that the fabricated 3D graphene structure at a synthesis temperature of 1100 °C was deformed without following the shape of the existing Ni structure.

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