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Design Exploration of High-Lift Airfoil Using Kriging Model and Data Mining Technique
Masahiro Kanazaki,Kazuomi Yamamoto,Kentaro Tanaka,Shinkyu Jeong 한국항공우주학회 2007 International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sc Vol.8 No.2
A multi-objective design exploration for a three-element airfoil consisted of a slat, a main wing, and a flap was carried out. The lift curve improvement is important to design high-lift system, thus design has to be performed with considered multi-angle. The objective functions considered here are to maximize the lift coefficient at landing and near stall conditions simultaneously. Kriging surrogate model which was constructed based on several sample designs is introduced. The solution space was explored based on the maximization of Expected Improvement (EI) value corresponding to objective functions on the Krigingmodels. The improvement of the model and the exploration of the optimum can be advanced at the same time by maximizing EI value. In this study, a total of 90 sample points are evaluated using the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes simulation (RANS) for the construction of the Kriging model. In order to obtain the information of the design space, two data mining techniques are applied to design result. One is functional Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) which can show quantitative information and the other is Self-Organizing Map (SOM) which can show qualitative information.
Review : Graft-versus-Leukemia Effect of Nonmyeloablative Stem Cell Transplantation
( Masahiro Imamura ),( Junji Tanaka ) 대한내과학회 2009 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.24 No.4
Nonmyeloablative stem cell transplantation (NST) is increasingly used with beneficial effects because it can be applied to older patients with hematological malignancies and those with various complications who are not suitable for conventional myeloablative stem cell transplantation (CST). Various conditioning regimens differ in their myeloablative and immunosuppressive intensity. Regardless of the type of conditioning regimen, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in NST occurs almost equally in CST, although a slightly delayed development of acute GVHD is observed in NST. Although graft-versus-hematological malignancy effects (i.e., graft-versus-leukemia effect, graft-versus-lymphoma effect, and graft-versus-myeloma effect) also occur in NST, completely eradicating residual malignant cells through allogeneic immune responses is insufficient in cases with rapidly growing disease or uncontrolled progressive disease. Donor lymphocyte infusion (DLI) is sometimes combined to support engraftment and to augment the graft-versus-hematological malignancy effect, such as the graft-versus-leukemia effect. DLI is especially effective for controlling relapse in the chronic phase of chronic myelogenous leukemia, but not so effective against other diseases. Indeed, NST is a beneficial procedure for expanding the opportunity of allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation to many patients with hematological malignancies. However, a more sophisticated improvement in separating graft-versus-hematological malignancy effects from GVHD is required in the future. (Korean J Intern Med 2009;24:287-298)
Masahiro Kawanishi,Hidekazu Tanaka,Yutaka Ito,Makoto Yamada,Kunio Yokoyama,Akira Sugie,Naokado Ikeda 대한척추신경외과학회 2023 Neurospine Vol.20 No.4
The management of osteoporotic vertebral fractures (OVFs) in the elderly includes nonoperative treatment and vertebroplasty, but has not been established due to the diversity of patient backgrounds. The purpose of this study was to compare the impact of 3 treatment modalities for the management of OVF: orthotic treatment, percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP), and balloon kyphoplasty (BKP). The method was based on an analysis of the latest RCTs, meta-analyses, and systematic reviews on these topics. No study showed a benefit of bracing with high level of evidence. Trials were found that showed comparable outcomes without orthotic treatment. Only 1 randomized controlled trial (RCT) showed an improvement in pain relief up to 6 months compared with no orthosis. Rigid and nonrigid orthoses were equally effective. Four of 5 RCTs comparing vertebroplasty and sham surgery were equally effective, and one RCT showed superior pain relief with vertebroplasty within 3 weeks of onset. In open trials comparing vertebroplasty with nonoperative management, vertebroplasty was superior. PVP and BKP were comparable in terms of pain relief, improvement in quality of life, and adjacent vertebral fractures. BKP does not affect global sagittal alignment, although BKP may restore vertebral body height. An RCT was published showing that PVP was effective in chronic cases without pain relief. Vertebroplasty improved life expectancy by 22% at 10 years. The superiority of orthotic therapy for OVF was seen only in short-term pain relief. Soft orthoses proved to be a viable alternative to rigid orthoses. Vertebroplasty within 3 weeks may be useful. There is no significant difference in clinical efficacy between PVP and BKP. Vertebroplasty improves life expectancy.
Masahiro Kato,Junya Ishii,Hiroyuki Tanaka,Midori Sugiyama,Tadahiro Kurosawa 대한방사선방어학회 2024 방사선방어학회지 Vol.49 No.4
Background: A portable gamma irradiation system was developed for on-site calibration of environmental radiation monitoring devices. This system uses a portable collimator and gammaray sources such as 57Co, 133Ba, 137Cs, and 60Co, each with a nominal radioactivity of 10 MBq or less. Materials and Methods: The air kerma rate produced by the system was measured using a spherical ionization chamber with a 10 L sensitive volume. This chamber was calibrated against the air kerma rate measured with primary standard ionization chambers. The system’s performance was evaluated by comparing the calibration results of the monitoring device with those obtained using a conventional method involving a standard ionization chamber for outdoor use. Results and Discussion: The calibration coefficient of the spherical ionization chamber was within ±2% of the value of 3.029×103 Gy/C for photon energies ranging from 50 keV to 1,250 keV. The air kerma rate of the irradiation field produced by the portable system ranged from 0.17 μGy/hr to 4.7 μGy/hr, with an uncertainty between 2.4% and 10%. The calibration coefficients obtained using the portable system were consistent with those from the conventional method. Conclusion: The portable gamma irradiation system offers significant advantages, including preventing damage to standard ionization chambers used outdoors and reducing measurement time compared to conventional methods. Due to its ease of construction and implementation, the system is expected to be useful not only for on-site calibration of monitoring devices but also in various radiation safety management scenarios.
Toward High Thermal Conductivity Nano Micro Epoxy Composites with Sufficient Endurance Voltage
Tanaka, Toshikastu,Kozako, Masahiro,Okamoto, Kenji The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers 2012 The Journal of International Council on Electrical Vol.2 No.1
We are aiming at the development of epoxy composite materials with both high thermal conductivity and sufficient voltage endurance. A target is set as 10 W/m/K with 5 kV withstand voltage for power electronics applications. In order to achieve high thermal conductivity for polymers such as epoxy, it is a common method to fill inorganic micro particles with high thermal conductivity, but such composites prepared in this way shows lower endurance voltage. To compensate such negative performance, it is considered to be a good way to add nano sized inorganic particles. After many trials were made, good results were obtained for a composite material with two modes of BN and alumina and surface treated nano silica. It has thermal conductivity larger than 5- 10 W/m/K with reasonable withstand voltage.