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        한국현대소설에 나타난 파리의 정체성 탐구

        함정임(HAM Jeung-Im) 한국프랑스문화학회 2015 프랑스문화연구 Vol.31 No.-

        Paris, capitale du XIXe siècle de Walter Benjamin est l'oeuvre monumentale de l'étude sur Paris. Cette étude de Paris de Walter Benjamin s'est fondée des oeuvres d' un poète Charles Baudelaire issu de Paris. Ce sont surtout Les fleurs du mal, Le spleen de Paris, La critique de l'art sur la scène de Paris. Dans ces poèmes en prose, Baudelaire radicalise l'expérience décrite dans la section "Tableaux Parisiens" des Fleurs du mal. Le narrateur poétique y passe et connaît en se promenant sans intention dans les rues. Ses expériences est en communion d'idées avec le processus de changement et l'arrière-fond génétique du systeme de capitalisme moderne. Walter Benjamin poursuit Paris, émergeant métropole artistique comme symbole du capital moderne par la médiation de promeneur en ville par Baudelaire. Après Paris, capitale du XIXe siècle, Paris entre l'objet de recherche de plusieurs domaines ; urbanisme, Regional studies, littérature, art, architecture etc. Notre article est inspiré par l'etude de Paris de Benjamin. Nous allons faire la revue des aspects et le sens de Paris dans les romans contemporains de Corée. Paris y apparaîtt à la fin des années 1980, ou au début des années 1990, notamment dans les oeuvres de Kim Chae-Won, Choi Youn, Ham Jeung-Im. Et depuis le milieu du 1990 à 2010, dans les oeuvres de Go Jong-Suk, Youn Dae-Nueng, Kim Tak-whyan, Shin Gyung-Suk, Kim You-Jin, Baek Su-Rin. Nous avons pour le but d'examiner les romans publiés dans les revues littéraires centrales et à la maison d'édition litteraire de 1990 à 2010. Nous recherchons les romans de Kim chaewon, Ham Jeung-Im, Choi Youn, Go Jong-Suk, Kim You-Jin, Baek Su-Rin en profondeur. Les thèmes de ce travail sont divisès comme nous le verrons plus bas :'l’experance et la meoire, l'espace topophilia de l'étranger’, ‘la revolution et l’idéologie, l'espace historique’, ‘la cohabitation indifférente et l’exil doux, l'espace réel de nomades au XXI '. En fin de compte cela devient un quête sur l'identité culturelle de Paris comme l'espace technique romanesque

      • KCI등재

        원예치료프로그램이 정신장애자의 우울감에 미치는 효과

        정은경,이명희,서정근 한국화훼연구회 2001 화훼연구 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to identify effects of horticultural therapy on the depression of psychiatric patients. The experimental group was 12 patients, who received horticultural therapy far one hour per week for 15weeks. The control group was 12 patients, who did not received horticultural therapy, 24 patients were examined before and after program of horticultural therapy at once respectively. The results of the study were as follows; The experimental group showed the decrease on depression. As following general characteristic of patients, people who is man, single, over 5years in hospital and academic carrier educated under middle school graduate, had the decrease on depression. Through above results we can prove the effects of horticultural therapy on the depression of psychiatric patients. On the Other hand, more professional study will be required.

      • 흰 쥐에 대한 HgCl₂의 腎毒性 硏究

        鄭正男 東亞大學校 1985 東亞論叢 Vol.22 No.1

        Mercuric chloride-induced nephrotoxicity was evaluated by urinalysis and determination of several enzyme activity in rat urine at day intervals after a single ip injection of mercuric chloride. A time study (6 days) by urinalysis following administration of 2mg/kg of HgCl₂showed that secretion of glucose, protein, and urea nitrogen was increased whereas secretion of creatinine was decreased. Significant increases occurred in the activity of alkaline phosphatse and lactic dehydrogenase. The activity of glutamic-pyruvic transaminase and glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase in rat urine showed no change. Urinary enzyme values more rapidly returned to normal values than glucose, urea nitrogen, and creatinine values. These findings suggest that the assay of urinary enzyme may be useful in the detection of slight injury in renal tubules. Specifically, proximal tubular injury is indicated by increased alkaline phosphatase activity and distal tubular injury by an elevation of lactic dehydrogenase.

      • 殼物의 適正販賣時期

        李正漢,金正夫,金厚根 진주농과대학 1971 진주농과대학 연구논문집 Vol.- No.10

        This study is intended to determine the optimum marketing time for grain products; rice and barley. The farmer has been faced apparently uncertainty caused by weather variation, price fluctuation and technological changes. Hence, one of the most important functions of individual farmer is to set up an optimum strategy for marketing time for the products they produce. Moreover, nonsystematic price variation over season is found especially in the case of grain products, in the short run are affected by the time and amount of grain import, price policy, expectation of the coming products, and so on. Thus, this study is decided to provide farmers as well as grain dealers with some information about the optimum marketing time which secures a maximum profit as greatly as possible, when price uncertainty has been taken into account, under assumption of several storage cost levels including the interest, risk, and the like. In other words, the game theory models have been applied to the monthly time series data of rice and barley prices for this objective. All price series are expressed in 1965 constant price, and are converted into November and July present price for rice and barley, respectively, when the storage costs have been considered. The results can be summaried as follows; 1. Rice marketing strategy a) Maximin criterion Interest rate Strategy selected (%) Single strategy Mixed strategy 0 Sell in Aug. Sell in Aug. 1.5 Sell in Aug. Sell in Nov., Feb., Aug., Sep. 2 Sell in Nov. Sell in Nov., Aug. 3 Sell in Nov. Sell in Nov., Dec. b) Benefit criterion Interest rate Strategy selected (%) Single strategy Mixed strategy 0 Sell in May, Jun. Sell in Nov., May, Jun., Aug., Oct. 1.5 Sell in Nov., Feb. Sell in Nov., Jan., Aug., Sep. 2 Sell in Nov. Sell in Nov., Feb., May 3 Sell in Nov. Sell in Nov., Dec. c) Regret criterion Interest rate(%) Strategy selected 0 Sell in Jun. 1.5 Sell in May 2 Sell in May 3 Sell in Nov. d) Laplace's criterion Interest rate Strategy selected (%) 0 Sell in Jul. 1.5 Sell in Jul. 2 Sell in Jul. 3 Sell in Nov. 2. Barley marketing strategy a) Maximin criterion Interest rate Strategy selected (%) Single strategy Mixed strategy 0 Sell in Apr. Sell in Dec., Mar., Apr. 1.5 Sell in Dec. Sell in Dec., Feb., Apr. 2 Sell in Dec. Sell in Dec., Feb., Apr. 3 Sell in Dec. Sell in Dec., Feb., Apr. b) Benefit criterion Interest rate Strategy selected (%) Single strategy Mixed strategy 0 Sell in Apr. Sell in Dec., Mar., Apr. 1.5 Sell in Apr. Sell in Dec., Jan., May 2 Sell in Apr., Jul Sell in Jul., Dec., Jan., Apr. 3 Sell in Jul. Sell in Jul., Dec., Apr. c) Regret criterion Interest rate(%) Strategy selected 0 Sell in May 1.5 Sell in Apr. 2 Sell in Apr. 3 Sell in Apr. d) Laplace's criterion Interest rate(%) Strategy selected 0 Sell in May 1.5 Sell in Apr. 2 Sell in Apr. 3 Sell in Jul. These results are suggest that the governments purchasing policy is effective in the sense that price is comparatively equalized to season for rice. However, barley puchasing policy seems to weak to equalized the price level over season thus far. Moreover, rice price control policy by government caused a destruction of marketing channel which is function of merchant under the society of capitalism. As mentioned above, it would be too sweeping to say that the results are always proper to every individual farm, because selection of the strategy for a farmer will likely depend on his psychological make-up.

      • KCI등재

        외상 후 뇌 지방색전증 1예

        문정미,소정일,김용권,류진호,허탁,서정진,민용일 대한응급의학회 2001 대한응급의학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Post-traumatic fat embolism was first reported by Zenker in 1862, Von Bergmann reported the first clinical diagnosis of the fat embolism syndrome in 1873. Fat embolism has been associated with traumatic or non-traumatic disorders. Fat embolization after long bone trauma is probably common as a subclinical event. The diagnosis of fat embolism syndrome is based on the patient's history, is supported by clinical signs of pulmonary, cerebral, and cutaneous dysfunction, and is confirmed by the demonstration of arterial hypoxemia in the abscence of other disorders. Two different mechanisms cause fat to embolize: direct entry of deposit fat into the blood stream and agglutination of endogenous or exogenous plasma fat. MRI can detect a cerebral fat embolism with a higher sensitivity than cerebral CT. We report a case of post-traumatic cerebral fat embolism without pulmonary involvement, and we present a review of the literature. A 16-year girl had a traffic accident and pelvic bone fracture. Forty eight hours later severe trauma become stuporous without a focal neurological deficit. The patient received supportive therapy, and her condition improved throughout her hospital course. She was discharged with good condition after a 30-day hospital stay.

      • KCI등재

        Developpe a la seconde 동작 시 골반과 하지의 지향각(Orientation angles)의 운동학적 분석

        정철정,정혜진 한국운동역학회 2004 한국운동역학회지 Vol.14 No.3

        C. J. JUNG, H. J. JEUNG. Kinmatics Analysis of pelvis and lower extremity using orientation angles during a developpe a la seconde. Korean Journal of Sport Biomechanics, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 259-270, 2004. The purpose of this study was to analysis of pelvis and lower extremity using orientation angles during a developpe a la seconde. Data were collected by Kwon3D program. Two females professional modern dancer were participated in this experiment. Subjects performed a developpe a la seconde in meddle heights(about 90 deg.) The results were as follows. The orientation angles of pelvis were, in most cases, caused by the movement of trunk and thigh. It was restricted the movement of pelvis within narrow limits because the movement of pelvis was very important to lower extremity alignment. The orientation angle of shank against thigh showed a change of angle about 3-60 in internal ·external rotation The orientation angle of foot against shank showed a change of angle about 6-7 in internal ? external rotation.

      • LIS를 이용한 數値地圖와 數値地積圖의 重疊에 따른 正確度 分析에 관한 연구

        박운용,곽두호,정성모,김정동 동아대학교 건설기술연구소 2000 硏究報告 Vol.24 No.1

        The cadastral administration is centered around cadastral maps. It increasing that demand of the public for effective administration and higher quality of service through the development of application program of cadastral maps maintenance. Also, there has been much demands for the digital information of cadastral maps in other systems. Land Information System is the answer to meet with the public for effective administration and higher quality of service. In this study, The graphic and attribute data of cadastral maps were integrated on the same DBMS. Also, pointing out difficulties of database implementation and many experiences in the development of application program will be used effectively for further expansion of the automation of cadastral administration.

      • 기혼여성의 여가활동 참여와 의사소통의 관계

        송강영,안정덕,김이정 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.3

        The main purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the participation in leisure activities on Communication. The subjects of this study are married women residing in Seoul using a systematic stratified cluster random sampling. From our target sample of 1,360, excluding those who dropped out in the course of research or those questionnaires that were judged unreliable, the sample number used in actual analysis was 952 people. In order to analyze the data, this study used a SPSSWIN 11.0 program for statistical analysis. MCA and ANCOVA were conducted to examine hypothesis Based on the above research methods and procedures, this study produced the following results. The Types in leisure activities influences on communication. In case of participation in sports activities was best communication. The Frequency in leisure activities influences on communication. In case of participation in 2-3 days a week was best communication.

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