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      • 1996년과 1999년 경기지역 초등학교 학생들에서 유행성이하선염에 대한 면역도 조사

        나병국,이주영,고운영,이진수,신구철,이주연,최보율,기모란,양병국,강춘,김우주,김지희 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.3

        Background : Although massive use of live attenuated mumps virus vaccines successfully reduced the incidence of mumps virus infection worldwide, mumps outbreaks have not been completely eliminated, even in vaccinated populations. In recent years, the incidence of mumps has been remarkably increased in Korea. This study was designed to evaluate the recent seroprevalence rate of mumps IgG among children in Kyonggi province at 1996 and 1999. Methods : Study population included students from 8 elementary schools in Kyonggi province. Serum samples were collected twice at 1996 and 1999 and tested for mumps-specific antibody by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We also conducted a questionnaire survey on the parents and collected the records including history of vaccination and mumps infection. Results : The seropositive rates against mumps were 89.47% and 89.74% at 1996 and 1999, respectively, and they were not significantly different when compared to age, sex, and region. Although the first vaccination rates were 92.17% and 92.25% at 1996 and 1999, respectively, the second vaccination rates were only 37.89% and 38.03% at 1996 and 1999, respectively. Infection rate showed no significant difference between vaccinated groups and nonvaccinated gropus. Seropositive rate of infected group was higher than that of noninfected group but it was not significantly different between the vaccinated and the nonvaccinated. Conclusions : This study showed the seropositive rate and vaccination against mumps in children. There were no significant relationships between vaccination and infection. Therefore, it seems likely that the vaccination is not fully protective against mumps infection. This study will be helpful for the establishment of guideline for prevention and treatment of mumps in Korea. (Korean J Infect Dis 33: 157∼164, 2001)

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Genetic Characterization of Haemagglutinin 1 Domain of Influenza B Viruses Isolated in Korea during $1988{\sim}1999$

        Shin, Gu-Choul,Na, Byoung-Kuk,Lee, Joo-Yeon,Ahn, Jung-Bae,Park, Jong-Won,Lee, Jin-Soo,Kim, Jee-Hee,Kim, Woo-Joo,Kang, Chun The Korean Society for Microbiology 2003 Journal of Bacteriology and Virology Vol.33 No.4

        Although Korean influenza virus isolates have been genetically associated with the vaccine strains of the corresponding year, influenza B viruses have prevailed almost every year in Korea during the past decades. We have 'analyzed the genetic characteristics and evolutionary patterns of the haemagglutinin (HA) 1 domains of influenza B viruses isolated during 1988-1999 using direct RT-PCR and sequencing. Phylogenetic analysis of influenza B viruses isolated in Korea indicated that antigenically and genetically distinguishable strains of the lineage II and lineage III variants had been cocirculated. Variants prevailed in early 1990s are represented in 1996/97 and 1998/99 and some different variants have been co circulated geographically and prevailed concurrently in Korea. All HA1s of Korean isolates have amino acid substitutions mainly in the region between position 124 and 310, which was previously proposed an immunodominant region. Insertion-deletion patterns of the HA gene revealed that Korean influenza B viruses were evolved from Lee40 with different manner between lineage II and III viruses. Lineage III viruses were also divided into two groups as conserved group and inserted group, in relation to Lee40. But lineage II viruses had evolved with directional pattern. Antigenic index proposed that influenza B isolates prevailed since 1996/97 seasons might had emerged from the antigenic variants of a Seo1697-like virus and that new variants might appear from the lineage II viruses resulting in persistent prevalence in Korea.

      • 2D영상에서의 CONVEX HULL처리를 위한 SPLINE활용 연구

        이병일,서재현,최흥국 인제대학교 1997 仁濟論叢 Vol.13 No.1

        본 논문은 2D image에서의 object boundary representation을 위한 여러 가지 알고리즘중[6] convex hull 처리를 위해 스플라인(spline)을 도입한 방법을 제시하였다. 연속적인 점들에 대한 곡선의 추출은 각 점에서의 기울기를 일차 미분을 통해 연속적으로 처리하고, 그 점들을 이용해서 boundary region을 위한 point를 찾아낸 다음, 스플라인을 활용하여 boundary region을 추출해내는 것이다. In this paper, I studied about spline curve for convex hull at 2D image. There are many algorithm of boundary representation, but spline is new challenge for boundary representation and tracing. The purpose of this paper is to apply spline to convex hull at 2D image. The abstrction of curve about continuous point is treated successive by diferentiation of first degree of each point. It can be found a traced boundary region by this algorithm. After applied this algorithm, it should be developed to 3D image with sliced 2D image. Because 3D function needs spline interpolation for representation of cubic delineation and reconstruction. In the x-ray the image which is discontinuous fur noise and its characteristic feature, would be applied to find visible boundary and its segmentation line.

      • Compass 연산자를 이용한 Edge의 방향정보 표현

        이병일,최현주,최흥국,전순미 인제대학교 1998 仁濟論叢 Vol.14 No.1

        에지(edge)의 검출은 영상처리를 하기 위한 전처리 단계로서 중요하고도 기초가 되는 부분이다. Compass 기울기 연산자는 방향에 따른 마스크를 사용하여 에지를 검출하여 주는데, 본 논문에서는 이러한 Compass 기울기 연산자를 이용하여 찾아지는 에지를 방향에 따라서 색상을 지정하여 표현함으로써 에지 정보의 방향성을 시 각화하도록 하였다. 예제 이미지는 임의의 타원으로 구성된 실험용 이미지와 다른 하나는 쥐와 운동 신경조직을 현미경으로 확대하여 본 이미지이다. Digital Image Processing is divided into two branches. One is Improvement of Image Information which helps human beings to understand image, and another is Image Data Analysis which helps the machine to have cognizance of image. Edge Detection is indispensable part to apply two branches, for it is basic application. Edge Detection is important and basic preprocess at Image Processing. Edge can be found by Compass operator as direction with 3×3 Masks. Compass operator has 8 element to be compared. Each has an information about direction of an edge. To visualize edge information, We propose the method of edge detection as direction showed by color. First, We had experiment on 4-Direction, then on 8-Direction. 8-Direction 8-Color method was better than 4-Direction 4-Color method, for Compass operator had 8 elements. Result Image shows the color which has direction information.

      • GIS를 이용한 위천유역에서의 유역평균강우량 산정방법의 비교

        이정식,이재준,전병국 금오공과대학교 산업기술개발연구원 2001 産業技術開發硏究 Vol.17 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to compare the estimation methods for mean areal rainfall using ARC/INFO GIS system. Daily, monthly and yearly rainfall from Wi Cheon watershed are used to estimate the mean areal rainfall and 10 methods, Unweighted Mean(UM), Grouped Area-Aspect Weighted Mean(GAAWM), Thiessen Polygon(TP), Individual Area-Altitude Weighted Mean(IAAWM), Triangular AreaWeighted Mean(TAWM), Kriging(Kriging), Inverse Distance Weight(IDW), two-Axis(TA), Modified Polygon(MP), and Finite Element(FE) method are applied to ARC/INFO GIS system. To examine the variability of mean areal rainfall, the coefficient of variation is obtained from the each method and the result of Kringing method is used as the standard value and the average value of Kringing method is compared with the other methods. The mean areal rainfall of the existing procedures which use the topographical map are compared with those of ARC/INFO GIS system. The results of this study are as follows: (1) With the result from ARC/INFO GIS system it is shown that TA, IAAWM and FE methods have large values and GAAWM has small one. However there is little difference among those methods on the whole. (2) When the average value by Kriging method is used as the standard one, variation rates of average value about mean areal rainfall is not more than 4%, except GAAWM method. (3) The coefficient of variation of MP method has the maximum value and that of GAAWM method has the minimum one among the methods, However there is little difference among those methods on the whole. (4) The mean areal rainfall using ARC/INFO GIS system is almost similar to the existing methods which use the topographical map.

      • 폴리에스테르 섬유 감량시스템용 프로세서 타이트레이터 개발

        조진호,이흥락,이종현,김명남,구성모,김무영,진경찬,유병희,강민수,김국진 경북대학교 센서기술연구소 1993 연차보고서 Vol.1993 No.-

        폴리에스테르 섬유 감량시스템의 제어를 위해서는 처리조 내에서 감량되는 섬유가 목표 감량치에 도달했는지를 판단해 주는 장치가 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 가성소다용액의 초농도 및 섬유 감량 정도의 정확한 측정과 감량 종료시간의 산출 및 이에 따른 종료신호를 발생할 수 있는 폴리에스테르 섬유 감량기 전용의 자동적정장치를 개발하였다. To control caustic soda treatment system for the polyester fabric reduction, we need the device to determine that the fabric has been arrived target reduction value. In this study, we develope an automatic process titrator for the caustic soda treatment system. Major functions of the target titrating system are accurate measurements of the caustic soda concentration and then producing the end point signal for caustic soda treatment system.

      • Ce_(0.8)Zr_(0.2)O₂ 촉매를 이용한 Dimethyl Carbonate 합성에서 탈수제 첨가의 영향

        한기보,전진혁,박노국,이종대,류시옥,이태진,이병권,안병성 한국공업화학회 2004 응용화학 Vol.8 No.1

        The effect of dehydrating agent in DMC(dimethyl carbonate) synthesis from methanol and carbon dioxide over Ce_(0.8)Zr_(0.2)O₂ catalyst was studied in this work. Ce_(0.8)Zr_(0.2)O₂ catalyst having the best activity among Ce_(1-x)Zr_(x)O₂ catalysts was selected. We could supposed that the addition of dehydrating agents improved the DMC yield by H₂O elimination. When the dehydrating agents such as Na_(2)SO₄ or K₂SO₄ was added into the synthesis of DMC, the formation amount of DMC increased to about 0.8∼0.9 mmol through the elimination of formed H₂O as by-product.


        Numerical Analysis of a Flux-Reversal Machine with 4-Switch Converters

        Byoung-Kuk Lee,Tae Heoung Kim 한국자기학회 2012 Journal of Magnetics Vol.17 No.2

        Many different converter topologies have been developed with a view to use the minimum number of switches in order to reduce construction costs. Among this research, the four-switch converter topology with a novel PWM control technique based on the current controlled PWM method is thought to be a good solution. In this paper, a two dimensional time-stepped voltage source finite-element method (FEM) is used to analyze the characteristics of a Flux-Reversal Machine (FRM) with a 4-switch converter. To validate the proposed computational method, a digital signal processor (DSP) installed controller and prototype FRM are built and experiments performed.


        Advanced Simulation Model for Brushless DC Motor Dries

        Byoung-Kuk.Lee,Mehrdad Ehsani 전력전자학회 2003 JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS Vol.3 No.2

        An advanced simulation model for brush less de (BLDC) motor drives using Matlab is presented In the developed model, the dynamic characteristics of speed and torque as well as voltages and currents of pwm inverter components can be effectively monitored and analyzed Therefore, it can be expected that the developed simulation model can be an easy-to-design tool for the development of BLDC motor drives including control algorithms and topological variations with reduced computation time and memory size.

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