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      • KCI등재

        러시아의 민족 언어 지원정책 분석연구: 소련의 민족 언어 평등정책과의 비교를 중심으로

        전병국 한국러시아문학회 2016 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.53 No.-

        Through globalization, the whole world is folding into a multicultural era. This era has escaped the current country’s and nation’s frame, and while experiencing a new form of social and cultural disputes, it has faced realistic problems such as racial conflicts, alienation, and discrimination. Especially in multi-ethnic countries, the conflicts within the nation are deepening and becoming more complex than in the past. Therefore, the national policy enforcement within the multi-ethnic country is becoming the core key word for the unity, maintenance, and improvement of the country. A Correct and efficient national policy enforcement could be the cornerstone of the multi-ethnic country; however, the regressive national policy could also threaten or dismantle the country, becoming its key of existence or destruction. And the ethnic-language policy plays a core role in that national policy. Ethnical identity can be defined as one’s individual’s feeling of belonging to a specific nation due to the shared national characteristic. The ethnic Language is the essential tool to maintain and achieve the national characteristic. The ethnic language is the nation’s representative symbol, and through the language, the national culture and identity are inherited. Therefore, the next generation’s ethnic language’s communication ability will become the benchmark for judging the national identity’s continuation. The sum of all formal management and administrative measures relating to the ethnic language is called ethnic language policy. The analysis research of the ethnic language policy is an indicator understanding the national policy’s identity aimed by the nation. As a scale that predicts the direction of the continuation of the national policy, the analysis research is massive in its value. This analysis research of the Russian ethnic language policy puts the analysis of the Russian government’s support policy for non-Slavic ethnic groups in Russia as its core. However, this analysis does not only review the efficiency of the Russian government’s ethnic language policy. Through the transition point in time of when Russia has truly entered the multi-cultural society, we will examine the identity and the direction of the Russian ethnic language policy. According to the policy’s identity and direction, the future of the Russian multi-cultural society’s future may change. This research is an analysis research using the collected documentary records to find differences between the Russian ethnic language support policy and the Soviet Union’s ethnic language equality policy. Firstly, through the analytic background from the times of the Soviet Union to modern Russia, the basic operation is grasping the diachronic approach method of the contents of the ethnic language policy. Through these kinds of processes, the analysis of the causes and basic characteristics of the Soviet Union’s and Russian ethnic language policy towards non-Slavic ethnic group took place. Later, using both the Soviet’s ethnic language equality policy and the research frame called the comparative analysis, the identity, limitations, and the objectives of selected analysis target, the ethnic language support policy (Core analysis policy: multi-lingual permit policy and the native language education support policy) was sought out. The policy comparison isn’t the differences between the advantages or the disadvantages. Using the analysis of the similarities and the differences, instead of the efficiency of the policy, the analysis revealing the character of the policy is considered as the core of the policy comparison.

      • 효율적 지구단위계획 수립을 위한 증강현실 기반 도시계획지원시스템 적용 연구

        전병국,김철주,김창석,소진광,Jeon, Byeong-Kuk,Kim, Chul-Joo,Kim, Chang-Seok,So, Jin-Kwang 한국공간정보학회 2012 한국공간정보학회지 Vol.20 No.2

        본 연구는 공간계획의 일환으로 도입된 지구단위계획의 수립과정을 중심으로 GIS에 기초한 증강현실기법의 도입가능성을 검토하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위하여 증강현실 기반의 도시계획 지원시스템을 구축하였고 현행 지구단위계획 내용 중 공간적인 성격이 강하여 증강현실기법의 적용이 가능한 부분들을 검토하였으며 성남 여수지구를 대상으로 지형현황분석, 용도지역 구분 및 기반시설 배치분석, 건축물 형태 및 배치분석, 건축물 용도 높이 건폐율 용적률 및 경관계획에 시범 적용함으로써 증강현실기법의 지구단위계획으로 적용 가능성을 모색하였다. 또한 지구단위계획 수립과정에서 증강현실기법 적용 효과를 기존 방법과 비교하는 방식으로 분석하여 증강현실기법 적용을 통한 지구단위계획 수립의 실효성 확보 가능성을 제시하였다. This paper is aimed at offering preliminary data that improve the effectiveness of district unit planning, which has adopted to make comfortable environment of national land, to prevent urban sprawl rural area and to perform systematic maintenance of the existing urban area, by case study analysis about the applied possibility of GIS-based augmented reality. To do this, we developed the augmented reality based urban planning support system and checked the parts that can be applied of augmented reality techniques in the process of district units planning. And we analysed about merits and demerits of augmented reality techniques through comparative analysis, which is about form, arrangement, use, and height of building, building coverage ratio, floor area ratio and landscape planning in the case study area, the Yeosu district(located in Seongnam).

      • KCI등재후보

        위치정보 기반의 모바일 매쉬업 서비스 설계 및 구현

        전병국,이준동,최재홍 한국통신학회 2011 韓國通信學會論文誌 Vol.36 No.4

        최근 들어 매쉬업 서비스 및 스마트폰의 확산에 따라 다양한 애플리케이션들이 등장하고 있다. 이러한 매쉬업 서비스는 오픈 API를 이용하여 새로운 응용 분야를 만들고 있다. 본 논문에서는 모바일 매쉬업 서비스로서 Airmap 시스템을 설계하고 구현한다. 제안된 시스템 Airmap은 위치정보를 기반으로 하여 사용자의 주요 관심 대상이 되는 객체에 대해서 사진촬영과 이에 대한 정보를 부여하는 내용을 덧붙여 모바일에서 웹 서버로 저장하고 검색하는 모바일 매쉬업 애플리케이션이다. 제안된 시스템은 향후 모바일 증강현실 시스템으로도 확장이 가능하며 모바일 POI(Point of Interest) 분야에도 적용될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        효율적 지구단위계획 수립을 위한 증강현실 기반 도시계획지원시스템 적용 연구

        전병국,김철주,김창석,소진광 대한공간정보학회 2012 Spatial Information Research Vol.20 No.2

        This paper is aimed at offering preliminary data that improve the effectiveness of district unit planning, which has adopted to make comfortable environment of national land, to prevent urban sprawl rural area and to perform systematic maintenance of the existing urban area, by case study analysis about the applied possibility of GIS-based augmented reality. To do this, we developed the augmented reality based urban planning support system and checked the parts that can be applied of augmented reality techniques in the process of district units planning. And we analysed about merits and demerits of augmented reality techniques through comparative analysis, which is about form, arrangement, use, and height of building, building coverage ratio, floor area ratio and landscape planning in the case study area, the Yeosu district(located in Seongnam). 본 연구는 공간계획의 일환으로 도입된 지구단위계획의 수립과정을 중심으로 GIS에 기초한 증강현실기법의 도입가능성을 검토하는데 그 목적을 두고 있다. 이를 위하여 증강현실 기반의 도시계획지원시스템을 구축하였고 현행 지구단위계획 내용 중 공간적인 성격이 강하여 증강현실기법의 적용이 가능한 부분들을 검토하였으며 성남 여수지구를 대상으로 지형현황분석, 용도지역 구분 및 기반시설 배치 분석, 건축물 형태 및 배치분석, 건축물 용도・높이・건폐율・용적률 및 경관계획에 시범 적용함으로써 증강현실기법의 지구단위계획으로 적용 가능성을 모색하였다. 또한 지구단위계획 수립과정에서 증강현실기법 적용 효과를 기존 방법과 비교하는 방식으로 분석하여 증강현실기법 적용을 통한 지구단위계획 수립의 실효성 확보 가능성을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        바보 이반을 통해 살펴보는 러시아 정체성

        전병국,이효숙 건국대학교 GLOCAL(글로컬)캠퍼스 동화와번역연구소 2022 동화와 번역 Vol.44 No.-

        민담은 편재성이라는 기반 위에서 각 민족과 각 지역이 가지고 있는 고유한 특성에 새로운 이야기가 더해져 완성된다. 고유성은 각 지역, 각 민족이 타지역, 타민족과는 다른 사회적 환경, 역사적 배경 그리고 민족 정체성에 의해서 발현된 특성을 의미하며, 이러한 고유성이 민담의 다양성을 만들어낸다. 러시아의 바보와 관련된 민담 또한 위에서 말한 것처럼, 편재성을 가지고 있다. 그러나, 러시아만의 고유성 또한 당연히 가지고 있다. 그리고 이러한 러시아만의 고유성을 찾아가는 과정은 러시아민족이 가지고 있는 정체성을 분석하는데, 훌륭한 리트머스 종이가 된다. 바보 이반은 현대적 시야에서 본다면, 실패가 확정적인 사람이다. 그는 게으르고, 멍청하며, 대책 없이 선함을 남발하고 있다. 그러나 바보 이반을 러시아라는 공간적 배경과 빈부와 신분 격차가 극심했던 시대적 배경을 통해서 살펴본다면 새로운 해석이 가능하다. 바보 이반의 어리석음은 어리석음이 아니다. 오히려 이 어리석음이 인간 본연의 순진무구함에 집중하게 만든다. 또한 바보 이반을 성공으로 이끄는 행운은 인간이 가지고 있는 선함에 기인한다. 타인의 아픔에 진심으로 슬퍼하고, 타인의 말에 진심으로 집중하고 그래서 타인과 동행하고자 하는 바보 이반의 선함은 지식과 물질보다 더 중요한 것이 있음을 역설적으로 보여주고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        러시아 체제전환 시기 사회통합정책 분석연구 : 시베리아 소수민족 관련정책을 중심으로

        전병국 한국러시아문학회 2021 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.73 No.-

        The Russian government has stated they implemented a reasonable social integration policy, which suited the new era, for the people in the period of its system transition. However, the integration of classes, races and generations has been incomplete and insufficient is a view shared by experts. Even up until now, the conflict between Slavic people and non-Slavic people in Russia still exists under the water like glaciers with no effective settlement. What was the cause for that? Was it caused by wrong implementation of the policy? Or did it go bad in the process of applying the policy? This study is focused on analyzing the perspective of the Russian government towards others to devise the policy targeting non-Slavic people and implement it. This study compared differences between the two to look into the identity of the Russian social integration policy and its perception on others. The Siberian minority-related policy of the Russian government during the period of system transition had differences between the contents to push ahead with and the identity when the policy was implemented, It was a positive multi-cultural policy. But when it comes to the application, it was an assimilation-based passive policy for discrimination exclusion. The difference between the contents of the policy and the identity when it was applied means that the will to enforce the policy was different when it was pushed ahead with and when it was applied. In other words, it was not the change for efficient implementation of the policy. The current ethnic disharmony deepening in Russia is the outcome of the improper policy application during system transition of the past. If the previous policy and policy application are repeated now and forever without solving this fundamental cause, the future of Russia would not differ from the present.

      • KCI등재

        이민자통합정책이론을 통한 러시아 정부의 이주 및 노동정책 분석 연구: CIS 출신 귀환 러시안 이주민을 중심으로

        전병국 한국러시아문학회 2013 러시아어문학 연구논집 Vol.44 No.-

        Currently Russia has the second largest number of immigrants and more than 14 million immigrants reside there. Most of these people are immigrants from the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 and from CIS, and 65% of them are from Slav. These immigrants from CIS are not due to the change of residents but are due to the change of boarders which is a new kind of immigrant. In other words, these immigrants lived in the countries of CIS and were citizens of the Soviet Union but the collapse of the Soviet Union and independence of Russia made them as brethren abroad living in CIS and the era made to return to Russia. The emergence of these returned immigrants have caused various problems to the Russian society starting from problems in citizenship to difference in language, culture and labors which were not possible to be handled with the laws and policies of the time. Especially labor problems of returned immigrants were one of the fundamental conditions, as well as citizenship, for them to settle down in Russian society. Unfortunately coupled with conventional labor environment, population problem, and rapid economical growth it came up as an urgent social problem. Russia have been making lots of various policies to deal with labor problems of these returned immigrants. These policies are influencing throughout Russia’s economy, society, and culture. Considering all these, Russia governments’view in analyzing the returned immigrants is not merely a part of research in Russian society but is a research of exploring the fundamental problems in politics, economics, and society that the current Russia is facing, and also it is the central research to predict the direction which Russia is seeking to become a truly developed country in the future. This research analyzed the problems of returned immigrants and their labor policies, which have become one of the most important problems in Russian society, by using Castles and Miller’s the theory of immigrant integration policy. By using the theory it is possible to classify them by time and policy, by identity of the immigrant family, by assimilation type, and by multiculturalism type, and by the way they are connected with each other. This kind of analysis can derive out Russia’s policy toward immigrants in three dimensional classification and this will be foundation to look into Russia’s view toward their immigrants based on political and economical necessities which are keep on changing. This research is to contribute to other researches on Russian immigrants. Although there are parts to be complemented and changed, I would like to make it as a main subject of research and leave rest to the follow-up studies.

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