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        해방 직후~정부 수립기의 민족주의와 파시즘 ― `민족사회주의`라는 문제

        후지이다케시 ( 藤井たけし ) 역사문제연구소 2010 역사문제연구 Vol.14 No.2

        本稿は、第二次世界大戰をファシズム對民主主義の戰爭と規定することによって1945年に終わったと見られがちであったファシズム思想、とりわけ國民社會主義/民族社會主義(Nationalsozialismus)が解放後の南朝鮮においてどのように專有されていったのかを歷史的に檢討したものである。植民地支配からの解放により當然にも民族主義の高まっていた南朝鮮において、解放直後には左翼側においても國民社會主義について必ずしも否定的でない評價がなされており、米軍政により左右合作の進められていた1947年頃には右翼側から左右合作へのイデオロギ一的對應策として、民族意識によって階級意識を包攝せんとする民族社會主義が唱えられもした。分斷政府樹立以後にも民族社會主義は政治家によって時折主張されたが、政治家のみならず政治學者によっても民族社會主義は抵抗民族主義の流れにおいて說明されており、このような認識は大學の敎材などを通して一般にも流通していた。抵抗民族主義、すなわち反帝國主義を揭げた民族社會主義的な傾向は、1949年春に反共體制が本格的に形成され始める際に左翼を思想的に轉向させるための武器として用いられることとなったが、その結果として組織されたのが左翼轉向者組織である國民保導連盟である。共産主義に民族主義で對抗するファシズム的な路線が當時許容さ れ得たのは、チト一イズムの登場を契機に米國が對ソ戰略として定式化した楔戰略という、民族主義活用路線の存在の故であった。この民族社會主義的な反共主義思想は一民主義の名の下に國是として體系化され、大韓民國の國是が反共産主義と同時に反資本主義、反帝國主義であるという現在からは想像し難い言說狀況を生むこととなる。しかし朝鮮戰爭の勃發により南北朝鮮は本格的に冷戰構造へと編入されることとなり、さらに1950年代後半に登場した近代化論により反帝國主義的でもあるようなファシズム的な民族主義は姿を消していくこととなる。

      • KCI등재

        4·19/5·16 시기의 반공체제 재편과 그 논리 ― 반공법의 등장과 그 담지자들 ―

        후지이다케시 ( 藤井たけし ) 역사문제연구소 2011 역사문제연구 Vol.15 No.1


      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        `이승만`이라는 표상 ―이승만 이미지를 통해 본 1950년대 지배 권력의 상징 정치―

        후지이다케시 ( Fujii Takeshi ) 역사문제연구소 2008 역사문제연구 Vol.12 No.1

        In order to understand the true nature of the Syngman Rhee regime, which assumed the form of a modernized political power, it is necessary to examine not only Syngman Rhee as an individual but also the regime`s inside mechanism which operated as a system based upon the image and existence of an individual named Syngman Rhee. Examined in this article, which employed the above-mentioned perspective, is for example what kind of changes the emblem of Syngman Rhee had gone through, since 1948 and through 1960. And also analyzed in this article, is the nature of the political power that ruled the time, which was displayed through a series of symbol-based politics. The task of presenting and emphasizing Syngman Rhee`s existence and character had continued since the foundation of the South Korean government. Yang Woo-Jung, who was a converted Socialist and also the head of the Yeonhap newspaper company played an important role in that task, by authoring a book called the 『president Rhee`s Political Idea for Founding of the Nation』. Prime minister Lee Bum-Suk wrote the foreword for this book, so we can presume that this book, written by Yang Woo-Jung, indeed reflected the position and opinion held by the ruling power of the time. The `Syngman Rhee~ way and position presented here was in fact one of Social democracy, and at this stage Rhee`s way and position even exhibited a certain level of `Third world` quality, which intended to resist and struggle with not only Communism but also Capitalism. Yet, after the so-called `Jokchung-gyae` faction which included Lee Bum-Suk was removed from power, with the cease-fire agreement in 1953, the image of Syngman Rhee changed significantly. Biographies of Syngman Rhee started to be published since 1954, and these biographies all emphasized Syngman Rhee`s pro-U.S. nature, while downsizing his Nationalist nature. Also, in order to present Syngman Rhee to the public in literally very visible terms, the government`s efforts continued. We can see that from the fact that the government issued orders to create portraits of Syngman Rhee everywhere in the country. And in 1955, in commemoration of Syngman Rhee`s 80th birthday, a large celebration ceremony was arranged, and the project of erecting Syngman Rhee`s statue was promoted there as well. In the latter half period of the 1950s, Syngman Rhee became almost a mythicized figure. As we can see from descriptions referring to him such as `the Korean Christ sent from God`, Syngman Rhee`s life were being described in religious, Catholic, God-related terms. This kind of mythifying of a person reached its peak right before the presidential election in 1960. Such phenomena was originated out of the Liberal Party`s desperate attempt to have Lee Ki-Poong, who did not have any kind of presentable philosophy whatsoever, elected as vice president to assist Syngman Rhee. As a result, later Syngman Rhee` s statue became a target of rallies during the April 19th revolution. In other words, Syngman Rhee`s image changed again, and became an object to be attacked as well.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 반공 교재의 정치학

        후지이다케시 ( 藤井たけし ) 역사문제연구소 2013 역사문제연구 Vol.17 No.2


      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        당국체제의 연쇄 - 동아시아 내전과 냉전 -

        후지이다케시 동북아역사재단 2014 東北亞歷史論叢 Vol.- No.43

        이 글은 1950년부터 대만에서 진행된 改造를 통해 형성된 중국국민당의 형태와 1951년에 남한에서 창당된 자유당의 형태가 지닌 특징을 ‘당국체제(party-state system)’라는 관점에서 살펴보며 그 양자가 공유하고 있는 정치적 지형으로서 동아시아 내전이라는 상황을 드러내보려고 한 것이다. 蔣介石은 국공내전에서 패배를 거듭하던 1949년부터 본격적인 당 개조를 진행하려고 했지만 비교적 민주적인 색채를 띤 당시의 개조안은 대만으로 철수하게 되면서 실현되지 못했다. 그런데 한국전쟁이 발발한 직후인 1950년 7월에 개조는 전격적으로 추진되었다. 한국전쟁으로 인해 미국의 대만정책이 바뀔 수밖에 없는 상황을 이용해 蔣介石은 기존의 개조안과 전혀 다른 개조를 추진해 강력한 독재체제를 구축하는 데 성공한다. 이 개조를 통해 蔣介石․蔣經國 부자의 독재체제가 형성되었다는 것도 중요하지만 주목할 것은 이 개조가 국민당을 공산당과 유사한 방향으로 바꾸는 것이기도 했다는 점이다. 농민, 노동자 등 생산대중을 당의 사회적 기반으로 삼고 사회 기층에 침투하기 위해 小組를 당의 기본 단위로 설정했으며, 이데올로기적으로도 변증법을 적극적으로 연구하도록 지시하는 등 蔣介石은 개조를 통해 공산당에서 적극적으로 배우려는 자세를 보였다. 이는 한국전쟁을 통해 재개될 것으로 기대한 국공내전에서 공산당을 이기기 위해 그들의 기반을 쟁취하려는 데 그 목적이 있었다. 이와 같이 내전 재개가 예감되는 상황 속에서 개조된 국민당은 한국에도 영향을 미쳤다. 개조가 진행되던 당시 주중대사로 대만에 있던 이범석을 통해 국민당의 성공적인 개조가 전해진 것이다. 당시 국회와의 갈등국면을 타개하기 위해 자신의 정당을 조직할 생각을 하던 이승만은 이범석을 귀국시키고 1951년 8월 15일 ‘광복절기념사’를 통해 농민과 노동자를 토대로 한 정당을 만들 것을 선언한다. 창당 과정에서 이 신당은 이데올로기적으로 자본주의를 비판하는 모습을 보였는데, 이는 1949년에 반공산주의와 반자본주의를 동시에 내건 국정이데올로기로 등장했던 일민주의를 실질적으로 부활시킨 것이었다. 하지만 실질적으로 미국이 주도하는 한국전쟁 와중에 반자본주의를 내세울 수는 없어 신당이 자유당이라는 이름으로 창당되었을 때 그 이데올로기는 ‘협동사회 건설’이라는 식으로 순화되었다. 이와 같이 이데올로기적으로는 불분명해졌지만 당 형태 자체는 개조된 국민당과 공통적으로 공산당과 유사한 모습을 보였다. 무엇보다도 주목할 점은 당의 기초단위로 세포를 두었다는 점이다. 또한 당원을 훈련시키는 기관으로 중앙정치훈련원을 두었는데, 이것 역시 국민당의 간부를 훈련하는 데 활용된 혁명실천연구원을 그 모델로 한 것이라고 볼 수 있다. 중국국민당 개조와 자유당 창당은 한국전쟁 속에서 이루어진 것이었으며 각각 내전이라는 상황에 대응하기 위해 공산당과 유사한 당 형태를 취했다는 데 그 특징이 있다. 하지만 미국이 주도하는 냉전 체제 형성 과정에서 주된 ‘관리’ 대상이 된 남한에서는 그와 같은 당 형태는 오래 지속될 수 없었으며 상대적으로 덜 관리된 대만에서 40년 가까이 당국체제가 유지된 것과 큰 차이를 보이게 되었다. This paper discusses the format of the Kuomintang of China, which had been formed through reformation in Taiwan since 1950 and that of the Liberal Party formed in South Korea in 1951 from the perspective of the party-state system in an attempt to identify the state of East Asian civil wars through the political formats shared by both parties. Chiang Kai-shek had tried to implement a full-scale reformation of the Kuomintang since 1949 as it was losing many battles in the Chinese civil war. As the reformation plan of the time had a relatively democratic character, the reformation attempt failed as the Kuomintang withdrew to Taiwan. However, in July 1950, immediately after the outbreak of the Korean War, reformation was implemented dramatically. Taking advantage of the situation in which the United States policy toward Taiwan was forced to change due to the Korean War, Chiang Kai-shek introduced a reformation which was completely different from the one that had existed and successfully established a robust dictatorial system. It is important to note that Chiang Kai-Shek and his son Chiang Ching-kuo together formed the dictatorial system through this reformation, but another noteworthy fact is that this reformation was intended to reform the Kuomintang so that it would have a similar direction as a communist party. Chiang Kai-shek appeared to have been keen to learn from the communist party through the process of reformation. For example, farmers and laborers were set to be the social foundation of the party. The cell was introduced as the lowest unit of the party in order to penetrate into the very foundation of the society. Chiang also ordered the study of dialectic proactively to refine their ideology. The purpose of these actions was to win over the foundation of communist party so that the Kuomintang could beat the communists in the civil war which was expected to resume as a result of the outbreak of the Korean War. The Kuomintang was reformed with an expectation of resuming the civil war, and it exerted influence in South Korea. While the reformation of the Kuomintang was progressing, Yi Beom-seok was in Taiwan as ambassador to China and he forwarded the news of the successful reform of the Kuomintang to South Korea. Syngman Rhee brought Yi home as he was considering forming his own political party to obtain a breakthrough in his impasse with the National Assembly. On August 15, 1951, in his Independence Day speech, Rhee announced the organization of a political party having farmers and laborer as its base. In the process of forming this new party, the party seemed to criticize capitalism in an ideological manner. This was a virtual resurrection of the One-people Principle, an official ideology from 1949 that was simultaneously anti-communist and anti-capitalist. During the Korean War, which was practically led by the United States, however, it was impossible for the party to assert anti-capitalism. Therefore, when the party was formed as the Liberal Party, its ideology was weakened to something resembling “building a cooperative society.” The ideology became ambiguous, but the format of the party was similar to that of a communist party and similar to the Kuomintang after reformation. The most noteworthy point is the fact that the Liberal Party, too, introduced the cell system as its basic unit. Also, as a training institution for party members, the party established a central political training institute. And this too was modeled from the Revolutionary Practice Research Institute, a training center for the Kuomintang’s officials. The reform of the Kuomintang and the formation of the Liberal Party occurred during the Korean War, and its characteristics are that both parties adopted a communist party-like system in order to address the situation of civil war. However, since South Korea was one of the main subjects of United States control during the emergence of the American-led Cold War system, such a party-s...

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