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한영철(Young Cheol Han),박성환(Sung Hwan Park),유용운(Young Oon Yoo),허광덕(Kwang Duck Hur) 대한소화기학회 1994 대한소화기학회지 Vol.26 No.4
Sixty five cases of primary carcinoma of the biliary tree, treated in Taegu Catholic Universi- ty Hospital from 1983 to 1992, have b en reviewed. The average age and the ratio of male to female for gallbladder cancer and bile duct cancer were 62.4, 62.5 years and 1:1.2, 1:0.9 respectively. Clinical manifestations in order of frequency were abdominal pain(93% ), indiges- tion(67%), jaundice(58%), nausea/vomiting(53%) in bile duct cancer and gallbladder can- cer. And also, clinical signs in order of frequency were tenderness(62%), jaundice(59%), hepatomegaly(29%) and palpable mass(29%) in bi]e duct and gallbladder cancer. Turnor lo- cations were found to be in the gallbladder in 28 cases(43% ), in the proxirnal bile duct in 15 cases(23%), in the middle bile duct in 3 cases(5%), in the distal bile duct in 15 cases(23%) and in undetermined locations in 4 cases(6%). In the gallbladder cancer, the preoperative di- agnosis was made in 13 cases(46.5%), and CT was the most accurate diagnostic modality(71 % accuracy), In the bile duct cancer, preoperative diagnosis was rnade in 27 cases(73%), and PTC was the most accurate diagnostic modality(91%). In 28 cases of gallbladder cancer, there were 15 cases(54%) with stone. Also, there were 10 cases(27%) in 37 cases of bile duct cancer. Curative operations were performed in 5 cases(17.8%) in gallbladder cancer and 4 cases(12.5%) in bile duct cancer. The histologic examinations of tumor revealed adenocarcinoma(91%), undifferentiatted carcinoma(7%), and severe dysplasia(2%) (clinical- ly malignant). Mean survival time was 5.4 months in gallbladder cancer, 13.2 months in the cases of resection and 5.1 months in the cases of palliative by pass procedure in bile duct can- cer.(Korean J Gastroenterol 1994; 26: 706 715)
강재 반강접 보-기둥 접합부의 회전강성 모형식에 관한 연구
한영철(Young Cheol Han),홍갑표(Kap Pyo Hong),김근덕(Kun Duk Kim) 한국강구조학회 1992 韓國鋼構造學會誌 Vol.4 No.3
This paper shows a resonable prediction equation to estimate the nonlinear moment-rotation behavior of semi-rigid beam-to-column connection. The effect of flexible connection to the moment-rotation behavior is shown by the standardization constant K using the experimental data. Prediction model is composed of the modified Menegotto-Pinto power function which is the curve fitting model. This prediction equation is compared with the polinomial prediction model suggested by Frye(1975) and the experimental results reported by Kishi and Chen (1986).
횡하중을 받는 반강접 철골 골조의 유연도에 관한 연구( II ) -골조 해석모형을 중심으로-
강철규,한영철,이갑조,Kang, Cheol Kyu,Han, Young Cheol,Lee, Gab Jo 한국강구조학회 1996 한국강구조학회 논문집 Vol.8 No.4
Semi-rigid frames are frames for whcih the connections joining the beam and column are neither fully rigid nor perfectly pinned. In reality, all steel frames are semi-rigid in nature as all connections exhibit a certain degree of flexibility under loads. For semi-rigid frmaed structures, it is tended to reduce more rigidity of the member for the nonlinear behavior of connections and the P-delta effects of framed structure. To predict the actual behavior of semi-rigid steel frames, a more realistic analysis methods which explicitly takes into account the effect of connection flexibility should be used. In this research, the effect of connection flexibility in the semi-rigid structure has been investigated. To predict the response of flexibility connected frames, the algorithm of semi-rigid steel frame is developed using connection model having nonlinear spring on end of beam.
횡하중을 받는 반강접 철골 골조의 유연도에 관한 연구( I ) -접합부 해석모형을 중심으로-
강철규,한영철,이갑조,KANG, Cheol Kyu,HAN, Young Cheol,LEE, Gag Jo 한국강구조학회 1996 한국강구조학회 논문집 Vol.8 No.3
Connections as basic elements and an integrated part of a steel frame has an effect on the frame's performance. Conventional analysis and design techniques are based on either idealized fixed or pinned conditions. In fact, the use of rigid or pinned connection model in steel frame analysis serves the purpose of simplifying the analysis and design processes, but all connections used in current pratice possess stiffness and transfer moment which fall between the extreme cases of fully rigid and ideally pinned. To predict the behavior of the semi-rigid steel frames, it is necessary to predict the moment-rotation behavior of the beam-to-column connections. In this research, prediction equation for moment-rotation behavior of the beam-to-column connection is suggested and the effect of design parameters has investigated. Prediction model, in a nondimensional form shows the moment-rotation characteristic for connections. It is composed of the curve fitting power function using standardization constant K and 4 parameter $KM_o$, ${\theta}_0$, b, n based on the pretest result about moment-rotation behavior of connection.
치은연하 파절로 치조골 소실을 동반한 상악측절치에서 orthodontic extrusive remodeling후 임플란트 식립을 통한 심미수복 : 증례보고
황수연,손원준,한영철,배광식,백승호,이우철,금기연 大韓齒科保存學會 2008 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.33 No.1
심미적으로 중요한 전치부에서 단일 치아 임플란트를 이용한 보철수복은 임상의에게 새로운 도전과제 중의 하나가 되었다. 그러나 전치부에서 single-unit implant는 식립할 부위의 치조골 상태가 양호해야 하는데 치은연하 파절로 인해 치아 주위에 골 손실이 있는 경우 immediate implant는 심미적으로 문제를 야기할 수 있다. 따라서 본 증례는 "orthodontic extrusive remodeling"을 통해 파절치와 주위 조직을 교정적으로 정출시켜 임플란트 식립을 위한 연조직과 경조직을 증대시킨 후 임플란트 식립을 통해 상악측절치에서 성공적인 심미수복을 이룬 증례에 관한 것이다. The treatment of esthetic areas with single-tooth implants represents a new challenge for the clinician. In 1993, a modification of the forced eruption technique, called "orthodontic extrusive remodelling" was proposed as a way to augment both soft- and hard-tissue profiles at potential implant sites. This case report describes augmentation of the coronal soft and hard tissues around a fractured maxillary lateral incisor associated with alveolar bone loss, which was achieved by forced orthodontic extrusion before implant placement. Through these procedures we could reconstruct esthetics and function in a hopeless tooth diagnosed with subgingival root fracture by trauma.