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        1950년대 『사상계』와 전후 신세대 오상원의 휴머니즘

        최애순(Choi, Ae-Soon) 우리문학회 2018 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.57

        1950년대 ‘휴매니즘’이라는 용어는 각기 다른 맥락에서 보편적으로 통용되었다. 대립되는 사상이나 이데올로기에서 ‘휴매니즘’이라는 같은 용어를 내걸고 싸우고 있었다. 그것은 ‘휴매니즘’이 1950년대를 타결해 줄 유일한 돌파구로 보였기 때문이다. 1950년대 휴머니즘은 ‘인정적 휴머니즘’과 ‘실존주의적 휴머니즘’으로 양분되었고, 그것은 기성세대의 김동리로 대표되는 순수문학의 『현대문학』과 신세대 전후 작가들로 대표되는 『사상계』로 대립되었다. 그러나 기성세대의 것에 무조건 반항하려는 신세대들이 토속적인 것, 전통을 전면 부인하고 서구의 것만을 받아들인 결과는 그들이 내세운 구호가 추상적이라거나 허무주의로의 귀결이라는 비난을 면치 못했다. 결국 1950년대 두 갈래의 휴머니즘은 한국적인 것과 서구적인 것, 즉 전통과 새로움의 충돌로 이어진다. 토속성, 토착적인 것은 어느 시기에는 전통으로 존중받기도 하고, 또 다른 시기에는 국수주의나 전통주의로 취급되어 비난을 받기도 한다. 1950년대 전후 작가들에게 ‘전통’은 바로 기성세대를 대표하는 넘어서야 할 것일 뿐이었다. 1950년대 전후 신세대의 휴머니즘을 이해하기 위해서는 동인문학상을 받은 오상원이 ‘휴머니즘’을 어떻게 받아들였는지 따져보아야 한다. 그것은 1950년대 휴머니즘 논의에 관한 전반적인 문제제기이기도 하다. 이데올로기가 서로 다름에도 휴머니즘이라는 같은 용어를 사용하고 있고, 서로 비판할 때도 휴머니즘 문제를 거론하고 있다. 이렇게 휴머니즘이라는 용어를 빈번하게 사용하고 있음에도 불구하고 그것이 1960년대 세대들에게 허무주의로 비판받을 수밖에 없었던 것은, ‘휴머니즘’ 논의의 추상성 때문이다. 오상원 역시 〈현실〉에서 선임 하사의 무차별적인 총살에 대해 집단을 살리기 위해서는 어쩔 수 없다는 논리를 내세우다가도, 〈모반〉에서는 집단의 목표 대신 개인을 더 중하게 여긴다는 논리를 펴고 있다. 그것은 오상원이 〈유예〉에서 반공주의적인 이데올로기를 드러내다가 〈현실〉에서 전체를 강조하는 사회주의 원리를 들이대는가 하면, 〈모반〉에서 한 개인의 생명을 소중히 여기는 개인주의를 강조하는 것에서 볼 수 있다. 오상원의 소설을 논할 때 기법이나 문체에 대해서는 엇갈렸으나, 주제에 대해서는 ‘휴머니즘’으로 모아졌던 당대 비평에서 문제 삼아야 할 것은, 바로 ‘휴머니즘’이란 용어가 어떻게 문제적으로 담론의 장에서 사용되었는가 하는 점이다. Humanism in Korea was a multi-layered term in the 1950’s. The postwar generation used humanism, and the older generation also used humanism. Their positions were different between Sasangge and Modern Literature. Humanism was divided into empathic and lyrical humanism and existential humanism. One is represented by Kim Dong-lee and Whang Soon-won, and the other is represented by O Sang-won. O Sang-won is representative of the postwar generation of Sasangge. O Sang-won’s novel had been war-literature. However, O Sang-won’s background was not limited by the war period. Rebellion, the work Dong-in Literary Award dealt with the liberation period. Debaters criticized his style and sentence construction or the abstract war background. Otherwise, the subject of O Sang-won’s novel is concurred in humanism. What does O Sang-won’s humanism support and defy?

      • KCI등재

        50년대 『아리랑』 잡지의 '명랑'과 '탐정' 코드

        최애순(Ae Soon Choi) 한국현대소설학회 2011 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.47

        This paper intended to show the aspect of the popular culture in the 1950`s through the popular magazine Arirang. Arirang is the typical public entertainment magazine in the 1950`s, which claims the complete reading magazine. The best or the most important codes of the magazine Arirang in the 1950`s, are ``the detective`` and ``the merriness``. This paper is to study the social-cultural aspect of the 1950`s through the detective novels and the merriness novels of Arirang. Through that, is to show what the intended effect of the plan of magazine and the ideology of nation is, what the popular desire is. Why had been the detective and the merriness called in the 1950`s. Together with that, this paper intends to write the original history of literature against the regular history of literature centered on the intellectuals. This is to raise the problem about the literature history centered on the regular journals and the intellectuals. The detective novels and the merriness novels of Arirang are full of the episode accidents differently from so-called the intellectuals` novel filled with the intellectual`s inner side.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 <사상계>의 농촌소설에 대한 인식과 이무영의 농촌소설 쓰기

        최애순(Ae Soon Choi) 한국현대소설학회 2015 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.58

        Lee Moo-young is evaluated by the writer of rural novels of the 1930` s in the history of literature. Lee Moo-young wrote many novels in the 1950``s before dying. But Lee Moo-young``s novels in the 1950``s had not evaluated or had left out in the history of literature. Therefore, this paper is concentrated to Lee Moo-young``s novels in the 1950``s. Lee Moo-young intended to write rural novels in the 1950`s, but the criticism of his rural novels in the 1950``s was negative. Kim Dong-lee criticized formulas in Lee Moo-young` s rural novels, because of the same character between The season of spring poverty and Mole. Otherwise, the new generation criticizer Lee Eu-lyung in Sasangge, criticized Lee Moo-young``s rural novels by the old literature, because he had chosen the subject matter but the rural society not the urban society. Why had Lee Moo-young written the rural novels in the 1950``s, in spite of the negative criticism? Was it possible to write the rural novels in Sasangge of the 1950`s? Where was the position of Lee Moo-young``s rural novels and how were rural novels recognizes in Sasangge of the 1950` s.

      • 주민의 의지를 중심으로 한 농촌마을 개발 계획 (동백꽃 권역을 중심으로)

        최애순 ( Choi Ae Soon ),윤성수 ( Yoon Seong Soo ),리신호 ( Rhee Shin Ho ) 한국농공학회 2009 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2009 No.-

        농업과 농촌은 인간에게 생명 에너지를 공급하는 원천이다. 그러나 FTA와 같은 국제적 정세와 후계 농업인의 부족과 농업인의 고령화 등으로 지속적인 농업의 경영과 농촌 마을의 유지가 어려워졌다. 이와 같은 이유로 아름마을, 녹색농촌체험마을 등과 같은 사업이 정부의 각 부처 별로 추진되었으나 마을의 특성을 고려하지 못한 정형화 된 개발과 마을 주민의 의사 결정 및 반영이 미흡하여 마을의 갈등을 해소하는데 부족하였다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 마을의 현재 상황과 특성을 반영하고, 주민의 의사를 수렴한 농촌마을 개발을 위한 계획을 세우고자 한다. 본 연구는 충청남도 서천군 마서면 남전리 외 2개 리에 걸친 7개의 자연 마을을 권역으로 설정하였으며, 기존 아름마을 사업이 수행된 바 있고 동백꽃으로 특화된 마을이다. 이 권역 내에 남전리, 옥산리, 월포리는 국립생태원과 해양자원관과 같은 국책 사업이 시행 중인 지역으로 향후 많은 관광객을 유치할 수 있는 잠재력을 내포하고 있다. 또한 지방도로를 중심으로 서로 인접해 있어 마을 간 접근성이 우수하며 바다, 산, 들이 공존하여 다양한 종의 철새 도래지로 알려져 있다. 동백꽃 권역은 마을 안길을 비롯하여 마을 내에 꽃밭이 조성되어 생태 꽃마을로 특화하고, 전통 방식을 따른 한우 사육을 기반으로 한 새로운 소득 창출원 개발을 발전 방향으로 한다. 또한 바이오매스를 이용한 재생에너지원의 도입으로 마을 내 에너지 사용에 탄소 발생량을 줄이고, 발생한 탄소의 꽃마을 조성에 재이용을 통해 저탄소 녹색성장을 바탕으로 한 친환경 마을 조성을 목표로 한다. 이러한 발전 방향을 지속가능하고 주민 사이, 마을 사이의 갈등을 완화시키고, 마을의 잠재력을 극대화하고 참여도를 증대시키기 위해 지속적인 주민 교육과 소프트웨어의 개발을 통해 지역을 비롯한 주민의 역량을 강화하는데 중점을 두고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        1950년대 서울 종로 중산층 풍경 속 염상섭의 위치

        최애순(Ae Soon Choi) 한국현대소설학회 2013 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.52

        This paper intends to examine the middle class landscape in Seoul through to Yeom Sang Seup` love stories The young generation and Deeding the estate to next generation in the 1950`s, on which there had not been the studies. This long love stories have been come under criticism because of trivialism, which is out of the spirit of the times. This paper is focused on the reason that is full of dailiness rather than the times like Three generations. The old writer, Yeom Sang Seup, had taken picture of the middle class in Seoul in the 1950`s. Why had he focused on the daily lives of the middle class in Seoul? Was he old? This paper tried to understand his reasons, before rash judgements such as positive or negative. Together with that, this paper intended to examine the landscape of the middle class of Seoul in the 1950`s by Yeom Sang Seup.

      • KCI등재

        1945년 해방기부터 1950년대 전쟁기까지 방인근의 탐정소설 - 범인 설정 구도를 중심으로

        최애순(Choi, Ae-Soon) 한국현대소설학회 2020 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.78

        After the liberation, Bang In-geun began to create detective novels that featured detectives of equipment, rather than romance novels such as Gain of the Wanderer or Magic of the Magic of Madness. He has created a lot of detective novels such as National Treasures and Rogues, Vengeful Revenge, arson murder, including translations such as The Killer’s Identity, An Evil Hand(魔手), and The Secret of Heaven. However, many of his detective novels are now almost gone, and his memories of detective Jang Bi-ho have faded. Why did detective Jang Bi-ho, who pleaded with numerous readers in the 1950s, disappeared from the land without rumors? In most detective fiction, the most noticeable person is detective. That’s why detective novel writers come up with ’Detective’ and want the detective to become famous. By the way, in Korean detective novels, detectives are not well remembered. What is the reason? Perhaps it was more exploratory to describe ‘the criminal’ as the detective information. Starting from raising such a problem, this paper focused on the “criminal”, not the detective, paying attention to the phenomenon in which the detective’s activity in the detective novel of Bang became weaker during the war. In this paper, we will focus on who sets the culprit instead of (almost inconspicuous) the role of detective equipment in the detective novel of Bang In-geun. The question of who sets the culprit in detective fiction is effective in examining the socio-cultural elements of the era, as it is cultivating ideology of the day. In the detective novels of Bang In-geun, the composition of criminals from the liberation period, the 1950s war period, to the 1950s after the war period changes according to each period. Following the changing pattern of the criminal setting from the liberation period, when the enemy of the nation was the criminal, to the wartime period when the owner of the distorted castle and the boy who did not compensate the price of personal affection, look into the emotions of the masses of the era. Through this aspect of the transformation of the perpetrators, I would like to look into the public’s oppressed anger, surrogate catharsis for the implementation of a justice society, and the public’s desire when the whole system collapsed. In addition, in the detective novel after the war, I followed who was setting the criminal. So far, In-Geun Bang’s 1950s detective novel research has been conducted mainly on detective equipment. However, this paper considers the reason why the detective equipment was currently forgotten because the role of the detective weakened and the position was filled with the rise of the crime itself under the influence of US crime fiction, that is, the crime of the criminal. I want to take a look at. We want to break the classic formula that the protagonist of a detective novel must be a detective, and show that various types of detective novels (such as thrilling feelings or highlighting crimes) have been introduced since the liberation period. The detective novels of Bang In-geun from the period of liberation from 1945 to the war of the 1950s reveal the dynamics and changes of Korean society. In particular, the books published in unstable times when there was not enough to read were significant in that they melted the public’s emotions as they could be more free from ideology than literary magazines and institutions.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 유토피아의 지향과 균열『완전사회』

        최애순(Choi, Ae-Soon) 한국현대소설학회 2021 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.83

        Perfect Society functions as a product of a debate that reveals the desire to preoccupy the title of first among researchers, rather than the aspect that it is fun to read by readers of science fiction. It can be seen as a product and representation of a process that was caught in the midst of the confrontational debate between full-fledged literature and genre literature, adult literature and childrens and youth literature in the 1960s. Independent of the content of the work, Perfect Society can be seen as a testament to the confrontational society of South Korea in the 1960s in itself as it is caught up in the controversy over the ‘real’ or ‘first’ that the work itself evoked. If Kim Ji-Young Born in 1982 represented an era through the feminist discourse surrounding this novel rather than the content of the novel, Perfect Society also confronted the 1960s through the full-scale and first controversy surrounding this novel, science fiction and feminist discourse. It can be said that it showed an old-fashioned society. Through the confrontational debate surrounding this work and the future confrontational society presented in the work, Perfect Society indirectly shows how our society in the 1960s was occupied with dichotomous oppositional structures such as normal and abnormal, health and infirmity, and good and bad. In particular, it is not an exaggeration to say that Perfect Society in the history of Korean science fiction burns down how strong the dichotomy between authentic literature and popular literature (genre literature) has been since liberation. The emergence of creative science fiction in Korea after Moon Yun-seongs Perfect Society had to wait a long time until Bok Go-ils alternative historical novel In Search of the Epitaph. Unlike Bok Go-ils In Search of the Epitaph, which aroused interest in the paragraph as soon as it was published despite its unfamiliar reading method, Yunseong Moons Perfect Society is not mentioned in the paragraph at all. As such, Perfect Society proves the point of conflict and conflict that was prevalent in the society of the time by showing the opposition between the full-fledged literary and genre literature as a work itself. In this paper, we see that the elements of opposition and conflict that prevailed in the contemporary society are fully revealed in the work, and through it, we try to show that utopia, which is presented as an alternative method of confrontation and conflict, is also not a solution. Utopia novels, as always, are born by overcoming criticism or denial of reality. However, in that the Republic of Women is not a true utopia, but a dystopian society in which sexual desire is maintained as the worst law governed by the state through an imperfect dictatorship system, it can be seen that utopia does not bring happiness to everyone. Perfect Society is meaningful in that it points out that a utopia already has an inherent nature that can only be broken in the sense that it is built with someones desire or political intention as collateral and excluding someone elses desire.

      • KCI등재

        1940년대 『신시대』부터 1950년대 〈헨델박사〉까지 발명과학의 디스토피아

        최애순(Choi, Ae-soon) 한국현대소설학회 2022 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.85

        In this paper, I try to look into the horror of invention science when it becomes a reality by focusing on the period when the genealogy of invention science in Korea was filled with pessimistic prospects. Assuming that everything human beings invented or fancied becomes “real,” we cannot invent, fantasize, or dream arbitrarily. This is because we have to consider the results or effects when it becomes a reality. So, if the fantasies of inventions are narrowed from reality, it becomes impossible or difficult for us to fantasize about the future. This is because no matter how much you try to fantasize about the future, the pressure of reality is strong. The energy of war surrounding the Pacific Ocean in the 1940s, the energy of nuclear explosions after 1945, and the energy of the Korean War after 1950 overwhelms all reality. No matter how much you try to fantasize about the future, the reality is so bleak and hopeless, it’s like riding Wells’s time machine and continuing to face the ‘eerie desolate’ while continuing to travel into the future. In this thesis, the actual fear and invention of the reality that has made it impossible to imagine the future through the future war novel (fictional novel) 「Eagle of the Pacific」 and the science novel 「Soshinsul」 published in the 『New Era』 published during the Pacific War in the 1940s. I want to look into the dystopian outlook that science has created. In the 1940s, until the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, ratherthan fear of a catastrophe for mankind, I wanted to divide my side and winby dividing my side. However, the nuclear tests and nuclear explosionsspread the aura of the “end of the earth” throughout the world, and theKorean Peninsula, where the Korean War was fought in 1950, could notescape from this. 〈Dr. Handel〉, published as a chewing gum cartoonduring the war in 1952, begins with ‘the last human left on the earth’. However, in 1959 Han Nak-won’s 『The Lost Boy』 or Kim San-ho’s science-fiction cartoon 〈Li-Fi〉, the dystopian outlook turned into an optimistic one. In this paper, we try to follow the period when the fear of reality was eroded by the fear of reality, revealing a dystopian outlook before changing to an optimistic one and not having time to imagine the future. With the exception of 「Eagle of the Pacific」, 「Soshinsul」 and 〈Dr. Handel〉 have not been studied, so it is thought that it will be helpful in securing bibliography of Korean science fiction. It reveals that Lee Woo-young’s 『Artificial Man』 was analyzed together in order to discuss the double public sensibility of the android in 〈Dr. Handel〉.

      • KCI등재

        60년대 신세대들의 외로움과 극기

        최애순 ( Choi Ae-soon ) 한국어문학국제학술포럼 2003 Journal of Korean Culture Vol.5 No.-

        This paper intends to analyse characters' mental conflict in the sixty novel. The mental conflict is expressed by ‘loneliness’, so the sixty generations strive for overcoming the loneliness. The strife for overcoming the loneliness can be named by ‘self-control’. The self-control for loneliness show through the construction of ‘self-realm’, or the trip to a strange place. However, from time to time, the effort fails in the overcoming, only frustration and despair remain. Then, the sixty generations are going to make choice of self-destruction, that is to say, suicide. New generations in the sixties desire to enter into the secure society escaping from unrest in the fifties. The desire to enter into the secure society, usually displays the desire to possess secure ‘occupation’. Nevertheless, after they enter into secure society, the uneasiness to exclude from the society sometime or other remains. To overcome the uneasiness the sixty generations are to construct ‘the self-realm’. The generation in the 1950s was almost alienated outsiders, otherwise the generation in the 1960s was relative outsiders, that is, the persons not to enter into the snobbery society, or the persons not to adapt themselves to their social environment. Therefore, the conflict that they feel is not the universal, but the personal, so the conflict cannot belong to him/her and others. That is because it results from the memory and recollection, the wound, or the complex from the personal past. So, the sixty persons are ‘alone’. The biggest fear of the young generations in the sixties was ‘loneliness’, they struggle to free themselves from this ‘loneliness’. However, the struggle, after all, is going to feel the bitterness of disillusionment of the social system. In the last, only ‘despair’ remains. This paper shows the process from the struggle of loneliness, ‘self-control’ to disillusionment to despair. The difference the sixty despair from the fifty despair is exactly there. The sixty new generation struggle of loneliness and self-control can, therefore, show the characteristic of the sixties.

      • KCI등재

        초창기 과학소설의 두 갈래 양상 『철세계』와 『비행선』

        최애순 ( Choi Ae-soon ) 우리어문학회 2020 우리어문연구 Vol.68 No.-

        It is the duality of science that is revealed in science fiction in the early days. Depending on who uses science, science can act as a pure function to make the country rich, or it can be recognized as a symbol of the terrifying destructive power that destroys the country. This paper focuses on the duality of science revealed in early science fiction, and attempts to show the point at which the science and imperialism of the Joseon masses, which were colonized by the Japanese invasion, and the national power declined from 1908 to the early 1910s collided. “Science fiction” was a stepping stone that connects science and magic, the world of mystery, to the Joseon public, who embraced the future in an empty and absurd dream in the early modern period when science was difficult to actualize. In addition, science in the early modern period shows that when it is beneficial to the planning and preservation of the state, it is a value that must be developed for a bright future, but when it is contrary to the state (dominant) ideology, it is shown that it contains a relative concept and duality that is assumed to be 'enemy'. From 1908 to 1910, the Western imperial powers were advocating racism, civilization, and enlightenment, and their colonial logic was unfolding. The Iron World shows that winning the race war depends on the development of science and technology, depending on the differences in the position of each country, we can see the consciousness that 'science' directly governs power. In Japan, The Iron World can be read as a confrontation between the West and East Asia, and it was recognized as a world of science and technology that should be followed, although the West is on the opposite side of East Asia because Japan is placed at the center of East Asia. However, to us, it is read as a confrontation between Japan and colonial Joseon, and as a hope of becoming independent from the colony through the development of science and technology and achieving a strong and rich country. The dual perception of steel and weapons manufacturing science and technology in the The Iron World was mixed in a state where the aims of Japan and Korea were different from 1908 to 1910. The early science fiction introduced from 1908 to the early 1910s led to the construction of an ideal society suggested by future science fiction in the 1920s, inventions in the 1930s, and the dream of invention science of colonial intellectuals leading to the discovery society. The field of science fiction in colonial Joseon was the ideal society in 1908 with The Iron World, and the expectation of scientific invention through Airship in 1912. It led to the construction of an ideal society dreamed of and the discourse of utopia, and the expectation for scientific invention through Airship went from Pioneer by Lee Kwang-soo to The Research of Dr. K by Kim Dong-in, and then to the Invention Society in the 1930s. In this thesis, I would like to examine the two branches of the early science fiction that were at the beginning. And I would like to show the process of the two-pronged aspects of the construction of an ideal society and the science of invention eventually leading to a dream of becoming a rich country. The science fiction novels The Iron World and Airship, which were introduced in the early days, are novels with a strong perspective of Western imperialism, mainly focusing on science fiction and adventure. However, as it entered the country, the end of the Korean Empire and colonial Joseon revealed a dual desire for the rich and powerful who wants to resemble the West, which achieved civilization through science, along with the recognition of the powerless Eastern country compared to the West. Let's look at how the duality of science is revealed in The Iron World and Airship.

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