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Conventional CMOS 공정을 위한 GGNMOS Type의 ESD 보호소자의 TLP 특성 평가
이태일,김홍배,Lee, Tae-Il,Kim, Hong-Bae 한국전기전자재료학회 2008 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.21 No.10
In this paper, we deal with the TLP evaluation results for GGNMOS in ESD protection device of conventional CMOS process. An evaluation parameter for GGNMOS is that repeatability evaluation for reference device($W/L=50\;{\mu}m1.0\;{\mu}m$) and following factors for design as gate width, number of finger, present or not for N+ gurad -ring, space of N-field region to contact and present or not for NLDD layer. The result of repeatability was showed uniformity of lower than 1 %. The result for design factor evaluation was ; 1) gate width leading to increase It2, 2) An increase o( finger number was raised current capability(It2), and 3) present of N+ gurad-ring was more effective than not them for current sink. Finally we suggest the optimized design conditions for GGNMOS in evaluated factor as ESD protection device of conventional CMOS process.
TLP 평가기법을 이용한 Diode type의 ESD 보호소자 특성 평가
이태일,김홍배,Lee, Tae-Il,Kim, Hong-Bae 한국반도체디스플레이기술학회 2007 반도체디스플레이기술학회지 Vol.6 No.4
In paper, We evaluated for various diode type ESD protection device using TLP measurement method. An Evaluation diode is divided to Enclosed type and Stripe type as pattern style in extensive. These diodes is split up followed factor that Anode-to-Cathod space, N+ region width, Multi type and Contact to Active space. After a TLP measurement, we can be got the Vt2, It2 by I-V characteristic values. In the results, diode of enclosed type is present relatively higher Current capability(It2) than stripe type in a same voltage conditions. And the Second-breakdown voltage(Vt2) were that Stripe type's diode higher than Enclosed type's diode as have $14{\sim}15V$. Finally we suggest the best diode design condition as ESD protection device using entire consequence.
투명 디스플레이의 양면 반전 정보 디자인을 위한 맥락 기반 시각 정보 코드 세분화
유승헌(Seung Hun Yoo),이태일(Tae Il Lee2) 한국디자인학회 2016 디자인학연구 Vol.29 No.1
Background : A piece of visual information is recognized as a set of display codes through perception to the cognition cycle of a user. The overlapped meta-image on a transparent display and the background behind the screen increases the complexity of recognized information. Especially the rear-side users will experience the extra workload of left-right reversed information processing. Methods : The normal display code of images has been newly classified into four subcategories: text, geographical image, socio-symbolic image and spatially coded image. The different coded images were used to construct four sets of test screens in a combination of forward directed-reverse directed design. Users were then asked to perform the perception – cognition cycled information processing tasks with a designed screen on a transparent display. Result : The reversed visual information took longer time than the forward direction information for users to recognize. There was a difference amongst users’ cognitive sensitivity onto reverse images in the following order; text – geographical image - socio symbolic image and spatial coded Image. The socio-symbolic image and spatial coded image showed less sensitivity of direction compared to text and geographical images which decreased big performance gap when reversed. Conclusions : The source of reversed visual information problem on the rear side of transparent display UI was analyzed via context based display-coded images which indicated the different level of forwarded - reversed direction sensitivity when transferred to users. The result is applicable for the improvement of transparent display for better user experience on dual surface interaction.