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        공공서비스동기에 관한 명제들의 유효성의 평가와 제안:Perry & Wise가 설정한 세 가지 명제들을 중심으로

        이태우 한국지방정부학회 2023 지방정부연구 Vol.27 No.2

        Public Service Motivation(PSM) was presented as alternatives of public choice motivation in the critics on the failure of performance-related pay introduced into public organization according to the theory of new public management. The three propositions were established altogether with the first definition of public service motivation by Perry & Wise. The assessment of validity of the three propositions was made. Proposition 1 of the relationship between public service motivation and employment was sustained as originated. Proposition 2 of the relationship between public service motivation and individual performance was corrected with the addition of organization performance. Proposition 3 of the relationship between utilitarian incentives and individual performance was corrected with substitution of intrinsic rewards and extrinsic rewards for utilitarian incentives.

      • 韓國內에 自生하는 Bacillus thuringiensis의 分布와 同定

        李泰雨 西原大學校 1987 西原大學 論文集 Vol.20 No.-

        한국의 토양, 낙엽, 퇴비, 제비의 배설물, 누에의 배설물, 곤충의 유충 등을 수집한 218개의 표본으로부터 crystaliferous particle을 생산하는 균주 약80주를 분리하여 그중 조사된 11주에 대한 보고하고자 한다. Youngju 85-SW-4는 구상의 crystaliferous particle을 생산하고, 휜불나방의 유충에 대해서도 60-80%의 독성을 나타내거나 형태 및 혈청학적 소견에서 B.thuringiensis 가 아니었다. Andong 85-BO-1, Andong 85-BO-5, Andong 85-BO-8은 모두 능형의 crystal을 생산하고 혈청학적으로 같았으며, Andong 85-BO-3과 Andong 85-BO-5는 plasmid DNA의 수와 이동거리가 거의 유사하였다.그리고 Andong 85-BO-1은 plasmid DNA의 이동거리가 var. aizawai 보다 특히 var. Rurstari와 더 유사하였다. 능형의 crystal을 생한하는Yechon 85-BE-9는 var. alesti 의 근연종이며, Seoul 85-So-7은 crystal의 형태가 var. Ryushuensis와 같은 등근모습이며, plammid DNA도 유사하였다. 점모양의 작은 crystal을 드물게 생산하는 Sorak 85-LI-6, 능형의 crystal을 생산하는 Youngju 85-SW-5, Andong 85-BE-8은 서로 상이한 plasmid DNA상을 나타냈다. 그러므로 조사된 11개의 균주는 7-8개의 서로 다른 균주임이 밝혀졌으며, 한국에도 여러 종류의 Serovar.가 분포하고 있음을 알 수 있다. About 80 strains of crystaliferous particle producing bacteria were isolated from 218 samples of soil, litter, composed, swallow extrecta, Bombyx mori and its extrecta, and insect larvae which were collected in various site of Korea. 11 strains were investigated morphology of spore and crystaliferous inclusion, toxicity for Bombyx mori, Hyphanteria cunea, Drosopila melanogaster and larvae of Mosquitoes, and immunoreaction and plasmid DNA by reference strains. Nevertheless, Youngju 85-SW-4 produced round-shaped crystals and revealed high lethal rate for Hyphanteria cunea, which was determined that Youngju 85-SW-4 was not B. thuringiensis by morphological characters of spore and immunoreactions by reference strains of B. thuringiensis and B, moritai. And the others were agglutinated by reference strain of B. thuringiensis and were not agglutinated by B. moritai. The crystal's shape of Sorak 85-LI-6 was small and rounded-shape and crystals were produced rarely, and Seoul 85-SO-7 was rounded or rozenged-shape. The others, that is, Yechon 85-SO-9, Youngju 85-SW-5, Andong 85-BO-1, Andong 85-BO-3, Andong 85-BO-5, Andong 85-BO-6, Andong 85-BO-8, were rozenged-shape. Andong 85-BO-1, Andong 85-BO-5, and Andong 85-BO-8 were determined same strains by immunoreactions. And Andong 85-BO-3 were similar with Andong 85-BO-5 by migration lengths and total DNA elements of plasmid DNA. The case of Andong 85-BO-1 was more similar to var. kurstaki than similar to var. aizawai and Yechon 85-BE-9 was almost the same as var. alesti by plasmid DNA. And in case of Seoul 85-SO-7, the round-shaped crystal was the same as var. kyushuensis and the pattern of plasmid DNA was also similar. Sorak 85-LI-6, Youngju 85-SW-5, and Andong 85-BO-8 were revealed different characters by immunoreaction and plasmid DNA. As a result, 11 Isolates were determined to 7-8 different subspecies and then, multi-serovars of B. thuringiensis were distributed in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        수치해석을 통한 오븐건조 작업에서의 칼라 강판 온도예측

        이태우,이경우,최민석,이덕재 대한금속재료학회 2004 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.42 No.4

        Paint coating process on steel sheet has to be carried out for producing prepainted steel sheet by continuous process. After coating process, drying processes are needed. Temperature control of oven system directly affects on the product quality, such as, a coherence of coating and state of surface. In this study, heat transfer coefficients were calculated by 3-dimensional heat flow analysis from hot wind of nozzle to steel sheet and values of PMT(Peak Metal Temperature) of steel sheets were predicted by adapting that value to 2-dimensional analysis and using the coefficients. Conditions of numerical analysis were obtained from orthogonal arrary which is known as Taguchi method. Coefficients of heat transfer coefficient equation were derived from the second order regression model. By comparing numerical analysis with experimental results, the accuracy of numerical analysis was verified. Moreover we analyzed the effect of various conditon of factors, such as velocity and thickness of steel sheet, temperature of hot wind and the type of steel sheet. (Received December 17, 2003)

      • KCI등재

        근세 일본의 사료에 나타난 울릉도·독도의 지리적 인식 -<죽도기사>·<죽도고>·<원록각서>를 중심으로-

        이태우 영남대학교 독도연구소 2017 독도연구 Vol.- No.22

        The purpose of this paper is to reaffirm that Takeshima(Ulleungdo) and Matsushima(Dokdo, Usando, Jasando), as which Japan refers to, belong to Korea, judging from their geographical recognition in modern Japanese historical materials. Japan had already recognized that Chosun had been possessing Ulleungdo and Dokdo before the 17th century, as Japan acknowledged the fact that Ulleungdo and Usando were already described in the historio-geographical materials of Chosun, in various parts of 『Jukdogisa(竹嶋記事)』 which is the basis of Japanese “Inherent Territory” Theory on Dokdo since 17th century. It is unreasonable to claim Dokdo, only based on one fact that Ojiya·Murakawa families had been illegally engaged in fishing in Takeshima for 80 years in 17th century. Japan is strongly claiming Dokdo back, misleading the fact that Chosun evacuated the inhabitants from Ulleungdo in order to protect them from Japanese pirates, left the island uninhabited. Japan argues that Dokdo was uninhabited and unowned, while Japanese engaged in fishing there. This can be understood in the same context as the point 3(“Inherent Territory” Theory on Dokdo since 17th century) in the “10 Points for Understanding the Takeshima Problem” of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. In 『Wonrokgakseo(元祿覺書)』, the phrase 「朝鬱兩島監稅將 臣 安同知騎」written on the flag of the ship, on board of which Yongbok An’s party was has an important meaning. It contains Yong-bok An’s strong will to declare to the Japanese authority that Ulleungdo and Dokdo belong to Chosun, because Yong-bok Ahn called himself an official who was responsible for collecting tax in Chosun’s Ulleungdo and Usando. It can be said, thereafter, that Yong-bok An’s visit to Japan is an manifest expression of the fact that Ulleungdo and Dokdo belong to Chosun. According to the characteristics of geographical recognition of Ulleungdo and Dokdo in the Japanese modern literature, It is obvious that the Japanese perceived the distance from Chosun to Ulleungdo and Dokdo as much closer than they actually were. This can be confirmed by Yong-bok An's statement in 『Jukdogisa(竹嶋記事)』, 『Wonrokgakseo(元祿覺書)』. Obviously, Okajima who compiled 『Jukdogo(竹島考)』 recognized that the distance from Chosun to Ulleungdo and Dokdo is closer than from Japan. The fact that the Japanese already knew that Ulleungdo and Dokdo belonged to Chosun, led them to think cognitively that the distance between Chosun and Ulleungdo·Dokdo was much closer than in reality. A careful review of Japanese modern historical materials, especially ‘Japanese geographical awareness of Ulleungdo·Dokdo’, is very important in that it provides clues to convincingly refute Japan’s claim Dokdo on the ground of the “Inherent Territory” Theory on Takeshima since 17th century. 이 논문의 목적은 근세 일본의 사료에 나타난 울릉도·독도에 대한 지리적 인식을 중심으로 그들이 말하는 다케시마(울릉도)와 마쓰시마(독도, 우산도, 자산도)가 한국의 영유임을 재확인해보는 것이다. 일본이 17세기 고유영토설의 근거 사료로 삼고 있는 『죽도기사』의 곳곳에서 이미 울릉도와 우산도가 조선의 역사지리서에 기술되고 있음을 인정하고 있음을 볼 때, 일본은 이미 17세기 이전부터 울릉도와 독도를 조선이 영유하고 있었음을 인식하고 있었다. 『죽도고』에서도 역시 오야와무라카와 집안이 80년간 울릉도에서 불법적인 어로활동을 한 사실만을 가지고 자신들이 되찾아야 할 섬으로 주장하고 있는 것은 잘못된 인식으로 지적할 수 있다. 왜구의 노략질로 고통 받던 울릉도 주민들을 보호하기 위해 섬을 비워둔 것을 사람이 살지 않는 폐도라고 하면서, 잠시 동안 그곳에서 어로활동 한 것을 핑계로 자신들이 되찾아야할 섬이라고 강변하고 있다. 이것은 일본 외무성 홈페이지의 ‘다케시마 문제를 이해하기 위한 10가지 포인트’ 중 <포인트 3>의 ‘17세기 고유영토확립설’ 주장과 같은 맥락에서 이해할 수 있다. 『원록각서(元祿覺書)』에서 안용복 일행이 타고 온 배에 걸린 「조울양도감세장 신 안동지기(朝鬱兩島監稅將 臣 安同知騎)」라고 쓰여진 깃발은 중요한 의미가 있다. 바로 안용복이 울릉도·독도가 조선의 영유임을 일본 측에 선포하는 강력한 의지가 담긴 글이라고 할 수 있다. 조선의 울릉도와 우산도(자산도) 양도의 감세장을 칭하며 죽도(울릉도)의 조선영유를 당당히 확인하기 위해 도일한 것임을 가시적으로 표현한 것이라 할 수 있다. 근세 울릉도·독도 관련 일본사료에 나타난 지리적 인식의 특징을 보면, 조선에서 울릉도·독도까지 거리를 실제보다 훨씬 더 가까운 것으로 인식하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이는 『원록각서』와 『죽도기사』에서 안용복의 진술을 통해 확인할 수 있다. 『죽도고』를 편찬한 오카지마는 오히려 조선에서 울릉도·독도까지의 거리가 더 가까운 것으로 인식하고 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 이러한 사실은 울릉도·독도가 조선영토라는 사실을 이미 알고 있었기에 공간적 거리보다 인식적 거리가 훨씬 가까웠음을 보여주고 있는 것이다. 근세 일본의 사료에 대한 검토, 특히 ‘울릉도·독도의 지리적 인식’에 대한 검토는 일본 측의 ‘17세기 다케시마 고유영토설 주장’을 비판하기 위한 단서를 제공한다는 점에서 중요한 의미가 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • 중소기업 화학 사업장의 안전관리 실태 조사 분석

        이태우,강경식 대한안전경영과학회 1999 대한안전경영과학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.1999 No.11

        Most of chemical plant are using toxic and dangerous materials, inflammable and poisonous. There are many accidental dangers by escaping of fire, explosive and poisonous materials in case of high temperature and pressure. The accidents lead to taking employer's and local people's life and environmental contamination. Therefore, 27 small-medium chemical plant, which size is 30∼200 employees out of safety management agent in the area of A was selected in this study. The problems of safety management and several countermeasures at the chemical plants was indicated through the analyzed data. Prior to this analysis, top managers' concerns, equipment maintenance for the safety management are needed. For the future, calamity prevention countermeasures by industrial disaster analysis are needed and active safety management programs are investigated for the industrial disaster prevention and productivity enhancement at the chemical plant.

      • KCI등재

        급성 복통을 주소로 한 소아장간막 림프절증: 초음파 소견과 임상증상과의 상관관계

        이태우 대한영상의학회 1995 대한영상의학회지 Vol.33 No.4

        Purpose : The correlation between sonographic findings and clinical symptoms was investigated in the patientswith mesenteric lymphadenitis who had recurrent acute abdomen. Materials and Methods : Seventy-eight childrenswith recurrent acute abdominal pain without obvious primary disease were evaluated by sonography. The initial andfollow-up sonography were performed in 17 children. The abdomen was divided into 3 areas. The number and size ofmesenteric lymph nodes were observed in each zone, and was compared with the clinical findings. Results : In56(71.8%) of 78 cases, good correlation was seen in the area of the greatest size and number of the lymph nodes inthe sonography. Most severe symptom, was seen in the right lumbar area(49 cases) and umbilical area(7 cases). In17 cases of follow up, 14 cases showed decreased size and number of mesenteric lymph nodes while 2 cases shpwedincrease in size and number of the nodes with aggravated symptoms. Conclusions : Ultrasonography was useful todetect and localize the enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes. Initial and follow-up sonography showed good correlationbetween the changes in number and size of the lymph nodes and symptoms.

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