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      • <만선>의 비극적 특성 연구 1

        심상교 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 1999 논문집 Vol.1 No.-

        I studied the tragic characteristics of "Manson". The story of "Manson" is constructed by the materialistic cause and the destined space of fable. These two (the materialistic cause and the destined space of fable) throws the tragic hero who couldn't get out of them into despair. The one which the hero hope to be free from is connected with an actual life and the other is related to the original form of our life. First, the materialistic cause is connected with economic subordination. The Fishers of the village, Chilsan money for their livelyhood. And then the capitalist who lend money ask for too high interest and repaying in too short time in which they never be able to do. This unfair contract brings on subordination and represses them by degrees. Second, the original form is similar to destiny or fate. So this one makes characters who wants to escape from the materialistic cause defeated and drive them into the death. I ( or We can) think that this one brings on the mental contentment which "Komchi" wants ; a desire to be recognized as the greatest fisherman. We can obviously see the tragic aspect of destiny through Komchi's behavior. He thinks the see an absolute being but try to confront it, so he get into the miserable state. Komchi's behavior and the tragic hero's of fable "Jangsu" is almost alike in their ability, the progress of realizing their ideal and their last. In the aspect of confrontation, charater of komchi is more fabulous. Because Komchi is failed by the tremendous desteny. It means that Komchi is abandoned by the see as a hero who is done because he has broken the taboo in a fable. We can see that the destened damage also brings on the typical structure of tragic, the destroyed happiness.

      • KCI등재

        서사작품에서의 라이어스콤플렉스 연구

        심상교 한국초등국어교육학회 2022 한국초등국어교육 Vol.74 No.-

        The Liaus complex was examined. The term Liaus complex is a neologism used for the first time in this paper. Laius refers to the father of Oedipus, King Laius, who appears in the play Oedipus. Watching the growth of his son or of one’s own subsequent generations, leading to the idea that he can be eliminated by them is called the Laius complex. A father who feels threatened by his son does not respond with identification. He will either ignore his son’s threats or attack his son as a preemptive response. This preemptive response is called Laius Complex in this paper. In works such as the Laius Complex’s tale, “The Hyoja(good son)’s Help” an incident that can be seen as a father’s murder of his son appears. There is also the Laius complex that instructs killing in a socio-cultural context. “The Story of the Longevity of the Baby” is an example of this. The social and cultural Laius complex phenomenon also appears in the tale of “Majeong(horse well)”. The horse well complex and the Oedipus complex are opposites. Two opposing complexes are latent in all human beings. It can be seen that the fundamental human tragedy is due to the collision between the horse well complex and the Oedipus complex. 라이어스콤플렉스에 대해 고찰하였다. 라이어스콤플렉스라는 용어는 본고에서 처음사용하는 신조어다. 라이어스는 연극 「오이디푸스」에 등장하는 오이디푸스의 아버지 라이어스왕을 지칭한다. 라이어스콤플렉스는 후속세대에 대한 앞선 세대 혹은 우월한 지위에 있는 존재가 열등한 지위에 있는 존재에 대해 선제적으로 대응하는 행동과 관련된다. 선제적 대응의 목적은 자신의 지위를 유지하고 사멸되는 존재에서 벗어나려는 것이다. 선제적 대응은 공격적으로 나타나기도 하지만 후속세대나 열등한 지위에 있는 존재를 보호하기 위해 대응하는 경우로 나타나기도 한다. 이러한 선제적 대응을 본고에 서는 라이어스콤플렉스로 명명한다. 라이어스콤플렉스가 우리의 전래동화 「효자의 도움」같은 작품에서도 아버지의 아들 살해로 볼 수 있는 사건이 나타난다. 사회문화적으로 살해를 지시하는 라이어스콤플렉스도 있다. 「아기장수설화」가 그 예라고 할 수 있다. 「마정(馬井)」이라는 설화에도 사회 문화적 라이어스콤플렉스 현상이 나타난다. 라이어스콤플렉스와 오이디푸스콤플렉스가 서로 상반되는 내용이다. 상반되는 두 콤플렉스는 모든 인간에게 잠재되어 있다. 인간의 근원적 비극성이 라이어스콤플렉스 와 오이디푸스콤플렉스의 충돌 때문이라는 것을 알 수 있다.

      • 전통연희를 이용한 교육연극의 자아확대 방법 연구Ⅱ

        심상교 釜山敎育大學 學生生活硏究所 2001 學生指導硏究 Vol.21 No.-

        In this article, a solution of the educational drama problems was drained by intellective drama. Intellective drama is up-graded educational drama. It is similar to epic theater. First, Students have learned Korean traditional performing art and then they make a tableau for their educational understanding. Talnori shows the shapes of dance which seek for the harmonious life between each other. Talnori's dance contains overcoming the sorrow and seeking the new life. The energy got the turning point of the new life comes out of the enthusiasm of the public culture. Second. The results run as follows. The educational drama develops participants in steps of the imagination, the performance and reflection. In order to achieve teacher's and students' participation, and its educational purpose, talnori uses many techniques in course of activities. Participants are second year students in elemantary school. There are 2 class 32persons a class, they divided into 8groups. They discuss a dramatic method and a usual method. They use their creative drama in course of discussion activities. And then, they made a writing a determined theme. What I have arranged and generalized its results run as follows. Educationnal drama is effective and practical means for elementary students. And it is successful means for self enlargement in elementary school class.

      • KCI등재

        敎育演劇과 國語敎育(Ⅰ)-글 理解度를 中心으로-

        沈相敎,李澈雨 한국어문교육연구회 2003 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.31 No.3

        A Study on the Effects of the Understanding the Learning Methods of Educational Drama Sim, Sang-gyo Lee, Cheol-woo The purpose of this study is to find the effects of Understanding the Learning Methods of Educational Drama in elementary school children. For this purpose, the Learning Methods of Speaking and the importance of creativity and the possibility of it’s improvement in school were analyzed. On the basis of the theoretical background, two problems which dealt with the study were as follows;1. Is there any meaningful difference between the experimental group and the control one, related to the program for improving the understanding?2. Is there any meaningful difference between the groups related to the two student's level for improving the understanding?For the experiment, the pretest-protest control group design was used. The subjects of study were 75 children from 2 classes of the 4th grade in Norm Elementary School at Busan.To summarize the above results, following conclusion could be drawn; the understanding post-test total score showed meaningful increase for the experimental group. The above results, following conclusions could be drawn; the application of the learning methods of the understanding was effective for elementary school children. 본고는 글에 대한 理解의 정도가 敎育演劇的 方法을 활용하여 授業을 받는 아이들과 그렇지 않은 方法으로 수업을 받은 아이들 사이에 어떤 차이가 나타나는가를 조사 연구한 것이다.글에 대한 理解의 정도를 알아보기 위한 檢査는 敎育演劇的 方法을 이용하여 수업한 경우와 그렇지 않은 초등학교 4학년 2개 반을 대상으로 했다. 理解의 정도를 알아보는 方法은 교과서에 제시된 問題를 敍述形으로 답하게 한 다음 그 답글의 內容 分析을 통해 알아보았다. 敎育演劇的 方法으로 수업을 한 반의 답글은 확대된 사고로 분석되며, 대상에 대한 인식이 확대되면서 동시에 구체화되고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. 이러한 긍정성을 보이는 교육연극적 수업은 놀이적 특성인 일탈성, 규칙성, 감각성, 동시대성에 근거하는데 이는 인식과정과도 일치하는 것이었다.

      • 전통연희를 이용한 교육연극의 자아확대 방법 연구 I

        심상교 부산대학교 학생생활연구소 2001 學生指導硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        In this article, a case of the educational discussion will verify its effectiveness through positive study. And I will present its process & its example. First, Students have learned talnori (Korean traditional mask dance) and then they mare a tableau for their educational understanding, Talnori (Korean traditional mask dance) handed down from generation to generation in Korea. Talnori shows the shapes of dance which seek for the harmonious life between each other. Talnori's dance contains overcoming the sorrow and seeking the new life. The energy got the turning point of the new life comes out of the enthusiasm of the public culture. Second, The results run as follows, The educational drama develops participants in steps of the imagination, the performance and reflection. In order to achieve tearcher's and students' participation , and its educational purpose, talnori uses many techniques in course of activities. Participants are second year students in elemantary school. There are 2 class 32persons a class, they divided into 8groups. They discuss a dramatic method and a usual method. They use their creative drama in course of discussion activities. And theb, they made s writing a determined theme. What I have arranged and generalized its results non as follows. Educationnal drama is effective and practical means for elementary students. And it is successful means for self enlargement in elementary school class.

      • KCI등재

        오태석 , 김광림의 연출 기법 연구

        심상교 한국연극학회 1999 한국연극학 Vol.12 No.1

        We studied directing methods of 90's Korean plays, and the directing methods can be divided into four categories. First of the category is the 'Ritual Drama' Korean ritual characteristic(Pujayuchin), and Ar taud's ritual characteristics are mixed in Korean ritual drama. The Korean ritual characteristics are formed by the traditional clothes, music, virtues, dance, and instruments. And it is quite silimiar with the Artaud's directing methods. Second thing we are going to describe is the Realistic Drama (Puko-Daegari). Puko Daegari is a drama about the two people living in the cargo. The two people possess the characteristics that are opposite to each other. Picturization, pantomimic dramatization, and movement are indulged in Puko Daegari. Third thing is about the Epic Drama(Keu Yuja, Lee Soon Rye). This drama describes one individual who is victimized by the huge social system. This drama is created by using the Epic Drama method. Movement, and pantomimic dramatization is well described. Final Category is about the Post modem drama(Why did Sim Chung put herself twice in the In Dang Soo). This play describes the complex current society by using the post modem. The main actress of this play is Sim Chung, and by using her as a guide, the play shows the symptoms of the late century. This play was shocking, unique, and was the first of the field.

      • KCI등재

        북한 희곡 연구-90년대 후반을 중심으로

        심상교 고려대학교 한국학연구소 2002 한국학연구 Vol.16 No.-

        This paper is studied North-Korea's drama of 90's by Ju Che Ideology. North-Korea's drama of 90's believe their society with absolute socialist system which realy menas The Kim Jong Il Regime. North Korea is a society governed by an absolute ruling ideology called Ju Che All political activities are under the direction of the Korea Labor Party. Politics plays an important role in every corner of the society and is deeply involved in the private lives of the people. North-Korea's drama of 90's mirrors this condition. North-Korea's drama of 90's as a means to educate the worker in the spirit of communism and revolutionizes the entire society under the value of the working class. The basic principle of the literature and art policy can be summarized as creation based on socialistic realism and guidance of the party. Theme of North-Korea's drama of 90's is establishment of Kim Jong Il Regime & ju Che Ideology. It constraint North-Korea's people to devote. They mirror famine fuelshortage. Main characters of North-Korea's drama of 90's are Kim Jong Il, military, worker, doctor, technician, engineer, engin driver etc. Kim is not staged. He staged by film, telephone, letter & character's dialogue. Other main characters are very faithfulness & self-sacrifice being. These characters actually devote to Kim Jong Il Resime & Worker Party. And then North-Korea's drama of 90's is writed & dramatized by political ideology & unconditional loyalty towards the Su Ryong and the party based on the Ju Che Ideology.

      • KCI등재

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