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      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 현신규의 임학자로의 성장과 그 의미

        선유정 한국인물사연구소 2014 한국인물사연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Science education at college level had been impossible in Korea due to institutional discrimination during Japanese colonial occupation period. Nonetheless, Hyun Shin-Gyu studied at the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu Imperial University in Japan to grow to become the leading forestry researcher of Korea. During his boyhood, he wanted to enter college with interest in literature rather than in science. Such was he, but he became a forestry researcher because he entered Suwon Highschool of Agriculture due to the worsening state of his family`s economic situation. He grew to become interested in forestry because he met good teachers there and entered the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu Imperial University in Japan with difficulty after overcoming institutional difficulties as one from a vocational school. After graduating from Kyushu Imperial University, Hyun Shin-Gyu began working at the forestry experiment station of the Japanese Government-General of Korea, a feat considered difficult to achieve even for Japanese. Life in the early part at the forestry experiment station was satisfying since he was allowed to conduct his own research more or less. But he was forced to conduct research not suited to him after a new Japanese superior was appointed and intercepted the credit for research outcomes, which made him feel powerless as a member of conquered nation. As situations became increasingly worse, he quit his job at the forestry experiment station and came back to his old school in Japan. That decision was based on his suspicion that it would have been the lack of doctoral degree which made him less competent than his japanese superior and he became the first doctor in forestry. In such ways, though he was not interested in forestry at first, he grew to become a Korean forestry researcher while overcoming the special historic barriers during the Japanese colonial occupation period.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 일본과 조선의 여성과학자-쓰지무라 미치요와 김삼순의 비교연구

        선유정 가천대학교 아시아문화연구소 2021 아시아문화연구 Vol.55 No.-

        This research looks into the female scientist of Japan and Korea, Tsujimura Michiyo and Sam Soon Kim from a comparative perspective. Both share a similar career path from attending the Tokyo Women’s Higher Normal School, working as a middle school teacher, and at the Hokkaido Imperial University during the Japanese occupation and achieved the first female Doctorate in Agriculture from both countries. However when we look at their backgrounds, the path taken by these two women scientists were quite different. After enrolling at the Tokyo Women’s Higher Normal School, Tsujimura was able to do it as a regular student, but Kim had to as a auditing student because of the differences in the school system. While enrolled at the Hokkaido Imperial University, Tsujimura became a laboratory assistant rather than being a regular student so that she was able to conduct her research, but Kim enrolled as a regular student as the door of the Imperial University was opened wide due to the war. However even before she could build a proper career in research she had to return to Joseon. Even the process of becoming a doctor, Tsujimura obtained the degree with a thesis she had released while growing her researching capabilities with colleagues within a great environment known as RIKEN. On the other hand, Kim had obtained her degree 20 years after the liberation while overcoming the long period of research career severance. As shown above both women scientists walked different paths within the same career. 이 연구에서 일본과 한국의 여성과학자 쓰지무라 미치요(辻村みちよ, 1888~1969)와 김삼순(金三純, 1909~2001)을 비교사적 관점으로 살펴보았다. 둘은 도쿄여자고등사범학교, 중등학교 교사, 홋카이도제국대학에 이르기까지 상당히 비슷한 경력을 거치며 양국의 여성 최초의 농학박사학위를 취득했다. 두 여성 모두 유독 남성의 활동이 두드러진 과학계에서 꾸준히 연구를 하며 과학자로서 그 역할을 충실히 해냈다. 하지만 이 과정을 면밀히 살펴보면 둘의 행보에는 상당한 차이가 보인다. 일제강점기 지배민과 피지배민이라는 태생적 차이에 여성이라는 입장이 더해져 조선인 여성으로서 김삼순에 대한 차별의 수위가 더 높았다. 도쿄여자고등사범학교 진학시, 쓰지무라는 5년제 중학교를 졸업하여 본과생으로 입학했지만, 4년제 조선의 경성여자고등보통학교를 졸업한 김삼순은 학제 차이로 청강생으로 입학해야 했다. 홋카이도제국대학에 들어갈 때 쓰지무라는 학생보다 부수(副手)가 되어 곧바로 연구를 할 수 있는 길을 택했다. 반면 김삼순은 전쟁이라는 변수로 제국대학의 문이 넓게 열려 학생으로 들어갔지만 제대로 된 연구경력을 쌓기도 전에 길어진 전쟁으로 조선으로 돌아와야 했다. 박사가 되는 과정도 쓰지무라는 이화학연구소라는 좋은 환경에서 동료들과 연구능력을 쌓으며 그간 출판했던 논문들로 학위를 취득했지만, 김삼순은 오랜기간 단절된 연구경력을 극복하고 해방 후 15년만에 일본으로 다시 건너가 홋카이도대학에서 규슈대학으로 옮겨가기까지 하며 어렵게 학위를 취득했다. 이처럼 두 여성은 같은 듯 다른 행보를 보이며, 양국을 대표하는 여성과학자로 남게 됐다.

      • KCI등재

        균학자 김삼순 연구활동의 과학사적 접근

        선유정,김근배 한국균학회 2022 韓國菌學會誌 Vol.50 No.2

        Sam Soon KIM was a female scientist who pioneered mycology in South Korea. She not only created the Korean Society of Mycology and the Korean Journal of Mycology but also achieved extraordinary results in the studies of mycology. After returning from Kyushu University in Japan in 1966, she turned her attention to the applied research of microorganisms. Kim pursued an earnest exploration of the practical values of bacteria in addition to those of fungi and mushrooms. Then, with the founding of the Korean Society of Mycology in 1972, she emerged as the central figure in the rare academia of mycology. Particularly, mushroom research, which had been stagnant, became revitalized by the joining of researchers from the Rural Development Administration. Taking this as momentum, Kim moved beyond applied research, such as mushroom cultivation, and led the mushroom name unification plan from 1978. She also studied mushroom classification and eventually launched publishing an illustrated book of mushrooms. These

      • KCI등재

        물의 정치화:1960년대 한국의 인공강우 이야기

        선유정 한국과학기술학회 2023 과학기술학연구 Vol.23 No.1

        Experiments with artificial rainfall were first attempted in South Korea in the 1930s, but a serious project aimed at achieving this goal started only in 1962. The year before, Cook Chaepyo returned from the United States after obtaining a master’s degree in meteorology and insisted that artificial rainfall would happen in South Korea. His insistence was known through the press to President Park Chung Hee, who had just established a new government; the government, therefore, paid attention to artificial rainfall. Cook was appointed as the meteorological administrator of the Central Meteorological Office (CMO). In 1962, President Park visited the CMO and met Cook, ordering him to set up a national project for the promotion of artificial rainfall. The government’s interest in artificial rainfall increased as the drought that struck Korea at the time worsened. Considering artificial rainfall as a method to combat the drought, the government provided the necessary research funds to the CMO. Cook then went to Japan to receive the equipment for the experiments as well as advice. However, at the time, artificial rainfall was being heavily criticized in Japan. As a result, Cook returned to Korea with no significant achievement and stopped talking about artificial rainfall in public. He silently retired in 1967. After his retirement, Yang In-Gi was appointed as the meteorological administrator of the CMO. While Cook’s Ph.D. was on typhoon forecasting, Yang’s was on artificial rainfall. Still, Yang did not stress artificial rainfall as he was aware of his predecessor’s failure. Instead, he advocated in favor of artificial rain increasing, arguing that this method would have lower research costs and be more effective than artificial rainfall. Yang did not request support from the government but cautiously continued studying artificial rainfall. As a result, the loud efforts of Cook were forgotten, while Yang went down in history as the first scientist who attempted artificial rainfall in South Korea. 한국에서 인공강우 실험은 1930년대 시도된 기록이 있지만, 본격적으로 시작된 것은 1962년부터였다. 1961년 미국에서 기상학 석사학위를 취득하고 귀국한 국채표는 인공강우가 한국에서 실현될 수 있다고 주장했다. 이 내용이 언론을 통해 이제 막 정권을 수립한 박정희에게 알려지면서, 인공강우는 정부의 주목을 받게 됐다. 이후 국채표는 중앙관상대의 대장으로 부임했고, 1962년 관상대를 방문한 박정희는 국채표를 만난 후 ‘인공강우’를 국가적 사업으로 추진토록 지시했다. 국채표는 1965년을 ‘인공강우 완성의 해’로 목표로 하고, 인공강우는 관상대의 대표 업무가 되었다. 인공강우에 대한 정부의 관심은 때마침 한국에 가뭄이 심해지면서 더욱 커졌다. 정부는 가뭄 대책의 일환으로 인공강우를 생각하여 관상대에 많은 연구비를 지급했다. 연구비를 받은 국채표는 시험 장비와 연구 자문을 구하기 위해 일본으로 갔다. 하지만 그가 일본에 갔을 때는 인공강우에 대한 일본 내부의 비판이 커지고 있을 무렵이었다. 별 성과 없이 돌아온 국채표는 더 이상 인공강우를 대외적으로 이야기하지 않았고, 1967년 조용히 정년퇴임 했다. 국채표의 퇴임 후 양인기가 관상대장으로 부임했다. 사실 국채표는 ‘태풍 예보’로 박사학위를 취득하였던 반면, 양인기는 인공강우 연구로 박사학위를 취득했다. 그럼에도 양인기는 국채표의 실패를 거울삼아 인공강우를 강조하지 않았다. 그는 인공강우 대신 ‘인공증우’를 내세우며 인공강우보다 연구비가 적게 들고 실효성이 높다는 것 정도만 알리며 정부의 지원을 요청하지 않고 인공강우 연구를 조심스럽게 이어갔다. 그 결과 소란스러웠던 국채표의 인공강우 노력은 역사에서 잊혀졌고, 양인기는 한국 최초로 인공강우를 시도한 인물로 알려지고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 현신규의 임학자로의 성장과 그 의미

        선유정 (사)한국인물사연구회 2014 한국인물사연구 Vol.21 No.-

        Science education at college level had been impossible in Korea due to institutional discrimination during Japanese colonial occupation period. Nonetheless, Hyun Shin-Gyu studied at the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu Imperial University in Japan to grow to become the leading forestry researcher of Korea. During his boyhood, he wanted to enter college with interest in literature rather than in science. Such was he, but he became a forestry researcher because he entered Suwon Highschool of Agriculture due to the worsening state of his family’s economic situation. He grew to become interested in forestry because he met good teachers there and entered the Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu Imperial University in Japan with difficulty after overcoming institutional difficulties as one from a vocational school. After graduating from Kyushu Imperial University, Hyun Shin-Gyu began working at the forestry experiment station of the Japanese Government-General of Korea, a feat considered difficult to achieve even for Japanese. Life in the early part at the forestry experiment station was satisfying since he was allowed to conduct his own research more or less. But he was forced to conduct research not suited to him after a new Japanese superior was appointed and intercepted the credit for research outcomes, which made him feel powerless as a member of conquered nation. As situations became increasingly worse, he quit his job at the forestry experiment station and came back to his old school in Japan. That decision was based on his suspicion that it would have been the lack of doctoral degree which made him less competent than his Japanese superior and he became the first doctor in forestry. In such ways, though he was not interested in forestry at first, he grew to become a Korean forestry researcher while overcoming the special historic barriers during the Japanese colonial occupation period.

      • KCI등재

        한국에서의 느타리버섯 연구 궤적―재배기술의 돌파구를 연 김삼순

        선유정,김근배 한국과학사학회 2022 한국과학사학회지 Vol.44 No.1

        This research aims to examine how research on oyster mushroom cultivation has evolved in South Korea. Since the 1950s, national interest in mushrooms rose sharply, but oyster mushrooms did not attract enough attention. Some researchers jumped into scientific research one after another to achieve artificial cultivation of oyster mushrooms. Although they presented knowledge of the cultivation based on the advanced technology introduced from Japan, it did not resonate in the country. On the other hand, only KIM Sam Soon, who joined late in the late 1960s, produced research on oyster mushrooms that had a social ripple effect enough to arouse the government's interest. The Rural Development Administration was motivated by her scientific achievement and began practical research to distribute the mushrooms in earnest. By the mid-1970s, they rapidly emerged as one of the top three edible mushrooms in South Korea. Then why did her belated scientific research serve as an opportunity to spread the cultivation of oyster mushrooms despite the cases of visible results in their cultivation ahead of KIM? This study will focus on KIM Sam Soon’s scientific research and its ripple, which have become a breakthrough in oyster mushroom cultivation in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        지방의 과학·산업 인적 유산 발굴 연구: 대구·경북을 중심으로

        선유정,문만용 한국지역사회학회 2018 지역사회연구 Vol.26 No.4

        This research aims at documenting the experiences of important scientists/engineers and entrepreneurs in the region and unearthing related materials. Because such an attempt is unprecedented, it is necessary to establish appropriate criteria for selecting the figures. According to the results of anonymous evaluations by members of the deliberation committee, Professor Ki U-Hang in science/engineering and Kyung Chang Industrial Co., Ltd. (Son Ki-Chang) ranked first in the industries. Interviews constitute the most important method for the documentation of human heritage, and it is necessary to establish concrete procedures for interviews. It will be possible to make use of the procedures and information secured through this policy project in the future as key reference materials for the Daegu National Science Museum’s follow-up projects and/or similar projects at national science museums in other regions. 이 연구는 국립대구과학관의 의뢰로 추진된 “대구·경북 산업·과학 인적 유산 사업”의 결과물로서, 지방의 과학·산업 인적 유산을 발굴하고 사료화 하는 프로토콜을 만들고 이러한 연구의 가치를 규명하는 것을 목표로 한다. 이를 위해 대구·경북지역의 대표 중견기업(창업주)과 과학기술자를 선정하는 적절한 기준과 절차를 수립했으며, 이 과정에 따라 기업(창업주) 5곳과 과학기술자 5인의 후보를 선정했다. 인적 유산 연구의 대상자가 될 기업과 과학기술자를 최종 선정하기 위해 국립대구과학관은‘대구·경북 산업·과학 유산 운영심의회’를 개최했으며, 심의위원의 무기명 평가를 통해 산업 분야는 경창산업(손기창)을, 과학 분야는 경북대 기우항 교수를 선정했다. 다음으로 그들의 활동과 관련된 중요 자료를 발굴·조사하고, 인터뷰 등을 통해 그들이 지닌 경험을 정리했다. 특히 인터뷰는 사료화의 가장 중요한 절차인 만큼 풍부한 사전조사와 구체적인 계획을 마련하여 진행되었으며, 그 결과는 각각의 스토리텔링으로 재구성했다. 이러한 연구는 이후 다른 기관이나 지역에서 유사한 연구를 추진할 때 유용한 지침이 될 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 석유산업의 개척가, 전민제의 삶과 그 의미

        선유정 한국경영사학회 2020 經營史學 Vol.95 No.-

        This dissertation conducted a study on Chon Min-Che, the engineer and businessman who cultivated Korean oil industry, using biographical method. Taking the initiative for the establishment of the Korea Oil Corporation and Ulsan Oil Refinery, Chon Min-Che built the original form of Korean petrochemistry. He also improved the engineering technology by founding Chon engineering company and Shin Han Eng. & Const. Co., and contributed to raising engineers as well. For these reasons, successors call him as ‘the father of oil industry’, ‘a myth of engineering’, ‘the godfather of petrochemistry’. There are three main factors which made him successful engineering businessman. First of all, he learned new technology directly from field other than school, and he worked as a businessman and an engineer at the same time earlier on his age. Secondly, he had a human network made of the best scientific technicians, politicians, businessmen, who was not related to regionalism or school associates. Third, he put emphasize on fostering engineers of next generation as a businessman of a company. In this way, Chon Min-Che became the representative of Korean oil industry by experiencing the field, building a human network, and educating engineers. 이 논문은 한국의 석유산업을 개척한 엔지니어이자 경영자였던 ‘전민제’에 대해 전기적연구방법을 통해 연구한 것이다. 전민제는 대한석유공사의 설립과 울산정유공장 건설을이끌면서 한국의 석유화학의 기틀을 마련했다. 또한 전엔지니어링과 신한기공을 설립하여엔지니어링 기술 수준을 끌어올리는 한편, 엔지니어 양성에도 큰 공헌을 했다. 이 때문에후학들은 그를 가리켜 ‘석유산업의 아버지’, ‘엔지니어계의 신화’, ‘석유화학의 대부’라고부르고 있다. 이처럼 그는 한국의 석유산업의 선구자로 그 위치를 공고히 하며 강력한 국가권력 속에서 기술전문성을 갖춘 경영자의 역할과 가치를 보여주며, 그간 우리가 간과해왔던 한국의 발전에 있어 개인의 중요성을 환기하게 시켜 줄 수 있는 인물이다. 그가 엔지니어형 경영자로 성공할 수 있었던 이유는 크게 3가지가 있다. 첫 번째는 그는 학교가 아닌 현장 경험을 통해 새로운 기술을 익히며 일찍부터 경영자이면서 동시에엔지니어로 활동했다. 두 번째 학연과 지연이 아닌 당대 최고의 과학기술자, 정치가, 기업가들로 이루어진 인적 네트워크를 가졌다. 세 번째 기업에 경영자로서 차세대 엔지니어양성에 힘을 기울였다. 이처럼 전민제는 현장경험, 인간관계, 엔지니어 양성을 통해 한국석유산업을 대표하는 인물로 자리잡았다.

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