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      • TOEFL CBT의 연구 : Section 2를 중심으로 With Emphasis on Section 2

        朴榮 한국영어교육연구학회 2003 영어교육연구 Vol.- No.27

        The computer-adaptive sections of the TOEFL CBT, Listening and Structure, are tailored to the individual test taker. That is, the computer is programmed to estimate an examinee's ability and to choose items that will provide the most information to refine the ability estimate. Since the shift has been made to the CBT format, however, Korean students seem to fare worse than they did with the PBT format. In general, Korean TOEFL takers do not seem to have a very clear understanding of how a computer-adaptive examination works. This paper probes into the Structure section of the TOEFL CBT and attempts to introduce a sensible strategy for Korean students. With the use of POWERPREP, a practice software developed by the ETS, a series of mock tests have been conducted. As a result, it has been found that the first half of the section is far more important than the second half. Furthermore, it has also been verified that the first 5 questions of the earlier half of the test are even more important than the next 5 questions. Meanwhile, this paper also calls for increased attention on the Writing section of the TOEFL CBT since it plays a more decisive role than the Structure section in determining the overall score of Section 2.

      • KCI등재

        영화 속 스피치를 활용한 영어 교수

        박영 영상영어교육학회 2014 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.15 No.1

        Most real-life speeches are prepared by an educated speaker and thus set an excellent example for foreign students seeking to acquire the knowledge of English grammar and vocabulary. Also, real-life speeches are perfect for providing the learners with the background information on English-speaking countries. Yet real-life speeches sometimes prove to be unsuitable for pedagogical purposes since they are often too long and monotonous. Movie speeches emerge here as a viable alternative. This paper explores the potential of using movie speeches as a teaching material. Responses from participants suggest that movie speeches are especially useful for expanding advanced vocabulary and background knowledge as well as the skills for listening comprehension. Students were very satisfied in that the movie speeches show the situation in which a particular expression is used. One of the drawbacks of classes dedicated to teaching movie speeches was that students easily got bored. It is recommended that the teacher mix the use of romantic comedies with that of movie speeches. Most romantic comedies deal with less serious issues than movie speeches do while featuring adorable characters students can readily relate to. Romantic comedies could be a nice complement to a class designed to teach English through movie speeches.

      • KCI등재

        전기철도의 전차선로 형상검측을 위한 광학기반 검측 장치 구현

        박영,조용현,정호성,이기원,김형철,권삼영,박현준,김원하,Park, Young,Cho, Yong-Hyeon,Jung, Ho-Sung,Lee, Ki-Won,Kim, Hyung-Chul,Kwon, Sam-Young,Park, Hyun-June,Kim, Won-Ha 한국전기전자재료학회 2008 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.21 No.9

        We propose an optical-based measuring instrument of catenary system in electric railway. This system was made to utilize line scan camera as inspecting system to measure the stagger and height of overhead contact wire in railway and composed with optical type source and FPGA-based image acquisition system with PCI slot. Vision acquisition software has been used for the application to programming interface for image acquisition, display, and storage with a frequency of sampling. To check the validity of our approach for the intended application, we monitored height and stagger in the overhead wire of a high-speed catenary system in Korea. The proposed optical-based measuring instrument to measure the contact wire geometry such as the hight and stagger shows promising on-field applications for online condition motoring. We expect that a new generation of real-time instruments with demanding various conditions motoring requirement in railway can be easily integrated into optical-based measuring instrument system.

      • 家門의 傳統과 風水思想에 관한 小考

        朴泳昀,(Park Young-Kyun) 공주대학교 동양학연구소 1993 초자연현상연구 Vol.1 No.-

        Every living thing on the earth is at the mercy of its environment. For a long time, Korean have believed in Peung-Su(風水) theory that if descendants bury their ancestor’s corpse at the propitious site for a grave, they will be blessed thanks to ancestor’s invisible energy. Until now, Korean unchangeably keep this custom and have the thought of ancestor worships or clan conceptions. The purpose of this thesis is to study conceptions for the propitious site shown in many geography books and to compare various interpretations for the theory. 1. The conditions for the propitious site. The mountain should be extended from the graceful mountaions to the grave. And mountains in four directions and streams should tenderly protect the grave. The most ominous shape of the grave is one where the stream run away wildly from the grave or mountain fall down unnaturally. 2. The theory of judgement for the good and bad luck according to directions. Each of school has its different conception and standard of judgement. Therefore, the contrary theory often results from the same site at the same direction. 3. A view for the inspiration Because the theory of judgement for the good and bad luck is different according to school, there is no lucky site in accord with all theories. Consequently, if a geomancer decide a site as lucky one in accord with his theory, we should admit his conclusion and take charge of this site valuably. Peung-Su theory is significant in that respect we can transfer family traditions and respectable virtues of ancestor's to the descendants and then encourage them to live well.

      • 낙후된 재래시장 활성화 방안 : 대전 대동시장 사례를 중심으로

        박영,박찬인 글로벌문화콘텐츠학회 2016 글로벌문화콘텐츠학회 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.1

        경제의 양극화 속에서 대형 업체들의 뒤편에서 고통 받는 재래시장과 영세 매매업들을 위한 새로운 정책 마케팅이 요구 되는 시점이다. 정형화되고 획일화된 현대인에게 재래시장이란 사람 냄새나는 가슴 뛰는 삶 속으로 “추억의 향유”를 제공하는 역할을 하고 있다. 대동시장 인근에 위치하고 있는 인동시장은 대전 최초의 5일장으로 1919년에 만세 운동이 일어난 곳으로 만세운동을 재현하는 행사를 진행하고 있다. 이렇게 역사가 잘 기록되어 있는 인동시장과는 달리, 대동시장의 역사를 찾기는 어려우나 현재 40년 넘게 가게를 이어가고 계시는 상인들에 따르면 인동시장의 역사와 별반 다르지 않다고 한다. 산업화와 도시화로 인하여 주변 대형마트와 아파트 사이에 자리 잡은 시장은 설 곳이 점점 없어져 빈 상가가 줄을 잇게 되었다. 도심 속 재래시장 용도의 재해석이 필요한 때이다. 현재 서울시나 다른 지역에서는 공간을 새롭게 재해석하여 ‘공간의 재발견’이라는 의미 있는 사업을 추진하고 있다. 그에 반해 대전의 재래시장 활성화는 획일화에 그친 아쉬움을 띄고 있다. 본 연구는 그나마 옛 모습이 남아 있는 대동시장의 공간을 과거와 현재가 교차하는 공간, 그리고 다양한 문화콘텐츠를 향유 할 수 있는 공간으로 발전할 수 있는 방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        품사 및 구문 파악 미숙으로 인한 자막 오역: 아카데미 수상(후보)작 및 기타 흥행작을 중심으로

        박영 영상영어교육학회 2013 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.14 No.1

        Movies have now established themselves as one of the most popular study materials for those who aspire to improve their English proficiency. Since movies use authentic English, however, they cannot be readily comprehended by typical college students. In this respect, Korean subtitles play an instrumental role in helping the students overcome obstacles they face. Regrettably, incorrect translations compromise the reliability of movies as a source of studying English. If these mistranslations are allowed to go unchecked, students might soon shy away from using movies as a means of studying English. This study, aimed at analyzing the patterns of mistranslations in movies, focuses on the mistakes related to erroneous identifications of parts of speech and sentence constructions. Examples from Oscar-winning or Oscar-nominated pictures and other top-grossing movies are discussed so that instructors and students of movie English classes may become more adept at identifying and correcting the mistranslations in Korean subtitles. This paper concludes that the misinterpretations are mainly due to the translators’ insufficient grammar knowledge as well as to inadequate working environments they are often forced to work in

      • KCI등재

        영화를 활용한 영어 관용어 학습 및 교수: 영화 대통령의 연인을 중심으로

        박영 영상영어교육학회 2017 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.18 No.1

        Traditionally, learners acquire English idioms through rote-learning. However, this approach fails to capture the fact that learners often get important clues from context. In addition, studies in cognitive linguistics have shown that such processes as mental imagery and etymological elaboration incorporating the notion of source domain may also assist learners in decoding the meaning of idioms. It is indisputable that contextual clues, mental imagery, and etymological elaboration are all valuable learning tools since they promote better understanding of idioms. Yet, it is often beyond students’ ability to portray an accurate mental picture and search for the origin of an idiom all by themselves. Audio-visual aids like movies can save the day for students since they provide aural, visual, and kinesic signals as well as the contextualized input of authentic material. This paper recounts the results of teaching English idioms in a Korean college with the use of the movie The American President (Reiner, 1995) and, through sets of tests and surveys, shows that the students relied mostly on the teacher’s explanations (43.4%) and guessing from context (33.4%). The survey also shows that watching movies greatly increases students’ ability to predict the meaning of idioms.

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