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하종식(J. S Ha),박수길(S. K Park),오창환(C. H Oh),안호상(H. S An),최영휴(Y. H Choi) 한국생산제조학회 2006 한국생산제조시스템학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2006 No.5
Even though a series of cutting jobs for a small workpiece can be finished at one set-up. any machine tool builder hasn’t been able to build a module type of multi-functional machine which can do most of machining jobs for large-sized workpiece like turbine driving shaft & crankshaft of large generation facilities requiring heavy cutting jobs at one set-up until today. Therefore. high productivity & machining accuracy couldn’t be guaranteed in the previous process requiring separate workpiece set-up in each cutting process, In this regard. we have finally developed a multi-functional machine which can complete all the machining jobs of a large & complicated component at one set-up on one machine, In the next step. however. it is also required to develop the analysis of a machine structure, CAD data processing module through the cutting status checking software to monitor the cutting result on the machine. Multi-Function Module. AAC & ATC and the post-process technology of NC Data at the sane tine.
하종식(J. S Ha),박수길(S. K Park),오창환(C. H Oh),안호상(H. S An),최영휴(Y. H Choi) 한국생산제조학회 2008 한국생산제조시스템학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2008 No.10
Even though a series of cutting jobs for a small workpiece can be finished at one set-up, any machine tool builder hasn't been able to build a module type of multi-functional machine which can do most of machining jobs for large-sized workpiece like turbine driving shaft & crankshaft of large generation facilities requiring heavy cutting jobs at one set-up until today. Therefore, high productivity & machining accuracy couldn't be guaranteed in the previous process requiring separate workpiece set-up in each cutting process. In this regard, we have finally developed a multi-functional machine which can complete all the machining jobs of a large & complicated component at one set-up on one machine. In the next step, however, it is also required to develop the analysis of a machine structure, CAD data processing module through the cutting status checking software to monitor the cutting result on the machine, Multi-Function Module, AAC & ATC and the post-process technology of NC Data at the same time.
하종식(J. S Ha),박수길(S. K Park),오창환(C. H Oh),안호상(H. S An),최영휴(Y. H Choi) 한국생산제조학회 2006 한국공작기계학회 춘계학술대회논문집 Vol.2006 No.-
Even though a series of cutting jobs for a small workpiece can be finished at one set-up. any machine tool builder hasn’t been able to build a module type of multi-functional machine which can do most of machining jobs for large-sized workpiece like turbine driving shaft & crankshaft of large generation facilities requiring "heavy cutting jobs" at one set-up until today. Therefore. high productivity & machining accuracy couldn’t be guaranteed in the previous process requiring separate workpiece set-up in each cutting process, In this regard. we have finally developed a multi-functional machine which can complete all the machining jobs of a large & complicated component at one set-up on one machine, In the next step. however. it is also required to develop the analysis of a machine structure, CAD data processing module through the cutting status checking software to monitor the cutting result on the machine. Multi-Function Module. AAC & ATC and the post-process technology of NC Data at the sane tine.