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        인두와 골격성 부정교합에 관한 방사선학적 연구

        박미애,이상래,Park Mi-Ae,Lee Sang-Rae 대한영상치의학회 1991 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.21 No.1

        This comparative study was designed to ascertain whether any differences existed between skeletal class Ⅱ malocclusion (<ANB 5°) and skeletal class Ⅲ malocclusion (<ANB -1°) with respect to the craniofacial morphology and nasopharyngeal area. A total of 121 males and 125 females representing different ages were examined. For the purpose of comparison, each malocclusion was classified by sex, and further subdivided into three different age groups; l2-years-of-age-and-under, l3-to-15-years-of-age, l6-years-of-age-and-over. The conclusions were as follows; 1. There were no differences in the area of bony nasopharynx between both types of malocclusion. 2. As a whole, the areas of adenoids of skeletal classⅡ malocclusion tended to be larger than those of skeletal class Ⅲ malocclusion. However, statistically significant differences were found only in the l2-years-of-age-and-under groups of both sex. 3. The areas of nasopharyngeal cavity of skeletal class Ⅲ malocclusion were in general larger than those of skeletal class Ⅱ malocclusion. Statistically significant differences, however, were discovered in the l2-years-of-age-and-under group as well as the l3-to-15-years-of-age group of male. 4. There were significant differences with respect to the rate of area of adenoids to nasopharynx in the l2-years-of-age-and-under groups of both sex and l3-to-15-years-of-age group of male. 5. Cranial base angle showed positive correlation with the depth of nasopharynx and negative correlation with the height of bony nasopharynx. 6. <SNA, <SNB and <ANB were not associated with the size of bony nasopharynx, adenoids and pharyngeal cavity.

      • KCI등재

        비전자기록물 이관 사례 연구 함양교육지원청 기록관을 중심으로

        박미애,Park, Mi-ae 한국기록학회 2020 기록학연구 Vol.0 No.66

        기록관은 처리과에서 생산한 기록물을 영구기록물관리기관으로 이관하기 전까지 관리의 연속성을 보장하는 핵심 기관이며, 기록물의 이관은 매년 이루어지는 기록관의 주요 업무이다. 2008년 업무관리시스템 도입으로 기록물의 전자적 생산·관리체계가 구축되었고, 비전자기록물은 업무관리시스템에 등록하여 전자적으로 관리하게 되었다. 이 연구는 함양교육지원청 기록관의 2017~2019년 비전자기록물 이관업무 프로세스와 이관목록 분석을 통해 비전자기록물의 전자적 관리실태를 파악하고 이관업무 개선방안을 제시하였다. The Records Centers' key institution is that ensure the continuity of custodys until records produced by the Office are transferred to the Archives. The transfer of records is the main works that the records center carries out annually. The introduction of the business management system in 2008 established electronic prodcuction and management of records. And Non-digital records have been registered and managed electronicallly on the system. This study analyzed the transfer procedure of non-digital records and the Transfer List between 2017 and 2019 by the Hamyang Office of Education Records Center. This study proposed improvement of transfer works by idnetifing and measuring the status of electronic management of non-digital records.

      • KCI등재

        기록관리 '혁신' 로드맵의 법제화 연구

        박미애,Park, Mi-Ae 한국기록학회 2010 기록학연구 Vol.0 No.25

        1999년 기록관리법은 정부기록보존소 개혁운동의 결과로 제정되었다. 그러나 지속적인 기록관리 개혁이 뒷받침 되지 못했기 때문에 국가기록관리의 질적 전환을 가져올 수 없었다. 반면, 2006년 기록관리법은 기록관리 혁신의 일환으로 전면 개정되었다. 기록관리 혁신 로드맵은 기록관리 개혁운동 과정에서 제기된 문제의식을 적극적으로 수용하고, 국제적인 기록관리 패러다임의 변화에 대응하기 위하여 국제표준에 부합하는 국가 표준 제정, 기록관리 프로세스 재설계, 기록관리 시스템 개발 등을 아젠다로 설정하였다. 기록관리법의 정비는 이러한 혁신 과제를 체계적으로 추진할 수 있는 제도적 기반 마련을 위한 최우선 과제이므로 2000년부터 시행된 기록관리법의 문제점을 보완하고, 국제표준을 준용하여 개정되었다. 2009년 국가기록원의 '국가기록관리 선진화 전략'은 외형상 기록관리 혁신 로드법의 연장선상에 있는 것으로 보인다. 하지만 기록관리 혁신에 대한 평가 없이 현 정부의 정책기조를 반영한 것이어서 연속적인 국가기록관리정책 추진 전략이라고 볼 수 없다. 지속가능한 국가기록관리정책의 수립과 일관성 있는 추진을 위해서는 참여정부의 기록관리 혁신에 대한 면밀한 검토가 반드시 이루어져야 한다. 본 연구는 국가기록관리체계와 기록관리 프로세스를 중심으로 기록관리 혁신 로드맵이 2006년 기록관리법에 어떻게 투영되었고, 국제표준이 어떤 방식으로 기록관리법에 준용되었는지 검토할 것이다. 그리고 이 과정에서 나타난 기록관리법의 한계와 이를 극복하기 위한 향후과제를 제시하고자 한다. The Records Management Act was established by the result of the National Archive reformism in 1999. However, it could not have brought high-quality changes of recording management since recording management innovation was not continuously achieved. On the other hand, in 2006 the Records Management Act was completely revised as a part of recording management innovation. The records management innovation road map is created as an agenda in order to accommodate difficulties we face in the process of the records management reformism and to establish a norm in accord with international standards, a redesign of records management process and a development of records management system so that it can react quickly to rapidly changing situations on records management paradigms. The organization of the Records Management Act was revised by compensating the defect and applying in international standards. This is due to the fact that it is the highest priority assignment to be able to help promote those sorts of innovation to provide an institutional strategy. 'The National Records Management Advancement Strategy' of National Archives in 2009 seems to be an extension of the recording management Innovation road map. Nonetheless, this strategy cannot be considered a strategy of the consecutive national records management reform since it reflects the basis of the existing policy without any assessment with respect to the records management innovation. Government-level talks on records management innovation should be regarded so as to establish a national policy on records management and to be consistent in carrying Out the policy. This research focuses on how the records management innovation road map is reflected in the Records Management Act in 2006 and how international standards are applied in the act in the national records management regime and current records management system. Furthermore, several challenges will be illustrated to overcome a limit of the Records Management Act in the process.

      • KCI등재

        『太平廣記』 未來豫知譚에 나타난 중국 전통시기의 가치관념

        박미애 ( Mi Ae Park ) 한국한문고전학회(구 성신한문학회) 2013 漢文古典硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        『太平廣記』 500卷은 중국 宋代太平興國연간에 李昉등 12명이 太宗의 명을 받들어 편찬한 중국의 설화집으로, 위로는 先秦兩漢시대부터 아래로는 宋代초까지 장장 7,000여 편에 달하는 이야기들을 수록하고 있다. 내용과 수량방면에 있어서 매우 방대한 분량의 서사 텍스트로, 당시 중국의 삼라만상을 모두 이야기하고 있다. 그래서 학계에서는 통상적으로 『太平廣記』를 ‘소설의 바다[小說的淵海]’라 부르고 있다. 한편, 『太平廣記』 텍스트는 고려시대에 우리나라로 유입이 되어 당시는 물론 조선시대에 이르기까지 한국 설화문학의 생성과 발달에 지대한 영향을 끼쳤다. 이로서 중국은 물론 한국의 소설문학연구에 있어서 『太平廣記』 텍스트의 사료적인 가치를 짐작할 수 있다. 본고는 『太平廣記』 텍스트의 위와 같은 사료적인 가치에 주목하여 이야기향유계층의 의식이 가장 잘 나타나 있으며 문화적인 의의가 가장 잘 드러나있는 ‘未來豫知譚’을 통해 그 속에 묻어 있는 당시 이야기 향유계층의 삶에 대한 인식태도와 문화적인 함의에 대해서 집중적으로 고찰해 보았다. 특히, ‘未來豫知譚’은 중국 사람들의 운명에 대한 여러 가지 인식뿐만 아니라, 인생에 대한 다양한 태도와 다각적인 사고를 보여주고 있다. 예를 들면, 未來豫知譚의 구성요소 중 하나인 ‘豫知內容’은 그들의 숙명론적, 현세주의적, 순환주의 적인 ‘世界觀’을 잘 보여주고 있으며, ‘豫知過程’은 그들의 도덕관념, 행복관념, 가치관념 등을 전반적으로 포함한 총체적인 ‘社會人生觀’을 보여주고 있다. 한편, ‘豫知方式’은 자연, 지리, 산술, 의학에 대한 전통시기 중국 사람들의 ‘科學技術觀’을 선명하게 반영하고 있다. 이처럼 ‘未來豫知’와 관련된 이러한 전통적인 관념들은 未來豫知譚속에서 서로 유기적으로 어우러져, 이야기의 향유계층인 전통시기 중국 사람들의 가치관과 신조, 논리 등의 의식세계를 다양하게 보여주고 있다. 본고는 위에서처럼 『太平廣記』 未來豫知譚에 대한 분석을 통해, 전통시기중국 사람들의 인생과 운명에 대한 다각적인 사고방식과 생활정서, 그리고 더나아가 서사문학으로서의 전통적인 이야기가 현재를 살아가는 사람들에게 어떠한 의미로 다가오는지에 대해서도 함께 살펴보았다. The five hundred rolls of Tai Ping Guang Ji (Extensive records compiled in the Tai ping years) is China`s earliest collection of classical novel which was compiled by Li Fang and other eleven people from the order of the emperor Tai Zong in two years of Tai ping xing guo in the Song Dynasty (A.D.977) and completed in the follow in year (A.D.978). It includes nearly 7000 stories from the Pre-Qin and Han Dynasty to the Five Dynasties and the early Song Dynasty, also can be said to be avery large collection of narrative text in content and quantity. Therefore, academic circles usually take this book as “the source of the novel”. It provides valuable information for researchers of Chinese classical novels. Tai Ping Guang Ji was introduced to the Korea in the Koryo period and was published into detailed section, annotation and so on various forms of abridgment and translation in the Joseon Times, promoting the generation and development of Korea`s classical novels. As a result, it has high historical value not only in China but also in Korea`s literary research history. Through the in-depth analysis of various traditional concept contained in the “predict the future” narrative of Tai Ping Guang Ji, this paper discusses various Chinese ideology and concept, namely logic, value, belief and other psychological problems when Tai Ping Guang Ji was widely popular. Especially, from the three factors of “predict the future” narrative --- predict the content, predict the process, predict the way this three point of view, it studies people`s fatalism, secularism, the cycle of world outlook, the social life concept which contains morality, happiness and values, and the scientific concept which involves nature, geography, math, and medical science. All in all, from the ideological background above, this research studies the ideological and cultural significance and value contained in the “predict the future” narrative in the traditional natural life culture carrier Tai Ping Guang Ji, also discussing the important meaning and reference of Tai Ping Guang Ji to us who live in a modern civilized society.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 개사 ‘從’과 ‘離’ 고찰

        朴美愛(Park, Mi-ae) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.96

        This paper is based on a research about the confusion between the usage of two prepositions, ‘cong’ and ‘li’. This research was done in 2009, by a beginner’s level Chinese linguist called Kim Yoon Jung. The predicate that appears with ‘cong’ also appears with verbs that imply action, which creates a dynamic situation. The predicate that appears with ‘li’ usually appears with adjectives and adjective phrases, that either describe appearances or conditions. The predicate that appears with ‘li’ may also appear with inactive verbs, which imply inactive situations. The results of the research is valid and agreeable. On the other hand, in order to counter this debate, situation and happening types had to be used. The following explanation resolves this confusion. Predicate ‘cong’ is a bounded event that has a maximum viewing frame, which creates or implies finalized events, attained events, and habitual conditions. Predicate ‘li’ is an unbounded event with a limited frame that presents finished actions or temporary conditions. In conclusion, we can look at predicates ‘cong’ and ‘li’ with a different perspective.

      • KCI등재후보

        슬관절 치환술을 받은 환자의 WOMAC 지수와 생활만족도

        박미애 ( Mi-ae Park ),황선경 ( Sun-kyung Hwang ),이윤지 ( Yoon-ji Lee ) 부산대학교 간호과학연구소 2016 글로벌 건강과 간호 Vol.6 No.2

        Purpose: The aim of this study was to identify predictors of influencing on the physical function and life satisfaction in patients who underwent knee replacement arthroplasty. Methods: A convenience sampling of 70 patients who were hospitalized for knee replacement arthroplasty was taken from a university hospital. The instruments for the study were the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis (WOMAC) Index, Life Satisfaction, Scale and the Geriatric Depression Scale. The exercise capacity was measured. Data were analyzed using t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson``s correlation coefficient, repeated measures ANOVA and multiple regression with PASW version 18.0. Results: The WOMAC index (F=48.28, p<.001) and the life satisfaction (F=12.45, p<.001) showed a significant change over time, with measurements before surgery, at 1 month and 3 months after surgery. The predictors of the WOMAC index at 3 months after surgery were leg muscle strength at discharge(β=.40) and life satisfaction at 1 month after surgery (β=.75). Life satisfaction at 3 months after surgery accurately predicted 44% of the WOMAC index at 3 months after surgery (β=-.48) and depression before surgery (β=-.35). Conclusion: The findings indicate that reducing depressive mood and strengthening leg muscles will improve patients`` physical function and life satisfaction after knee replacement arthroplasty.

      • KCI등재

        근골격계 질환으로 입원한 노인 환자의 식후 혈압의 변화

        박미애 ( Mi Ae Park ),윤진희 ( Jin Hee Yoon ),정연희 ( Yeon Hee Jung ),황세영 ( Se Young Hwang ),최혜진 ( Hye Jin Choi ),황선경 ( Sun Kyung Hwang ) 부산대학교 간호과학연구소 2013 글로벌 건강과 간호 Vol.3 No.2

        Purpose: The purposes of this study were to identify the changes of blood pressure after meals and the prevalence of postprandial hypotension(PPH) in hospitalized elderly with musculoskeletal disease. Methods: A total of 76 elderly patients(mean age 71.1±7.0) with musculoskeletal disease participated in this descriptive study. Blood pressure was measured before the meal as baseline and then every 15 minutes until 120 minutes after the meal. Results: The prevalence of PPH was 52.9% and 45.6% during 120minutes after breakfast and lunch. The most prevalent time point of PPH was 75~90 minutes after the meal. The elderly people with PPH had higher systolic blood pressure than those without PPH. The change of postprandial systolic blood pressure over time was significantly different between PPH and non-PPH groups. Conclusion: Nurses should pay more careful attention to blood pressure falls after meal and develop appropriate nursing interventions that can prevent PPH in elderly inpatient with musculoskeletal diseases.

      • KCI등재

        중한 영상 자막 번역

        朴美愛(Park, Mi-ae) 중국어문학연구회 2018 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.111

        This paper first discusses the technical aspects of the subtitle translation program and the contents of the video subtitle translation. Then, on the basis of the translation theory of German telegraphic translation scholars Hans Vermeer and Katherina, he translated subtitles for the Chinese entertainer program “偶像來了”, it is divided into four translation methods: abbreviation, clarification, comment, and naturalization. The results of translation and analysis of subtitles are as follows. First, although the translation method is classified into four methods of abbreviation, clarification, comment, and naturalization, there are many cases where translation methods such as abbreviation and naturalization are mixed so that it is not easy to distinguish clearly in actual translation. Second, due to the characteristics of entertainment programs, Internet terms that are popular in China are widely used. In translating them, translators should investigate their meaning carefully and search for proper Korean translation. Third, we have to study the genre of video material that should be subtitle translated. The data analyzed in this paper is Chinese entertainment program. Therefore, by watching the Korean entertainment program before translating it, it is possible to provide the subtitle translation which can be accepted by the Korean audience naturally by learning the form and the expression of the subtitle. Vermeer said that the purpose of the translation was to determine the translation method. In every film subtitle translation, the purpose of the translation will be determined according to the genre of the video and the translation method will be determined accordingly. Therefore, the translator should try hard so that it becomes the most ‘suitable’ translation to object audience, not unconditional ‘equivalent’ translation.

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