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        20세기 전반기 인천 지역경제와 식민지 근대성

        문영주(Mun, Young-joo) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2009 인천학연구 Vol.10 No.-

        The Incheon Chamber of Commerce was established by the integration of Japanese and Korean Chamber of Commerce in 1916. Chamber of Commerce was Regional economic organizations of the capitalists. At the same time Chamber of Commerce was Economic organization of colonial power. The Japanese capitalists has accounted for the vast majority of officers of Chamber of Commerce. The group also was involved in local politics. As such, The Japanese capital made the network. On the network, a very small number of Korean capitalists were involved. Because of this, The interests of the Korean capitalists was limited. In this regard, The Incheon Chamber of Commerce was The organization of ethnic discrimination in the local economy. If the problem occurs, however, local interest, Situation have changed. This led to the Japanese, but Korean has joined for regional interests. The residents were mobilized to pressure the colonial government. The Japanese government and the National Assembly has also mobilized to pressure the colonial government. This means that Regional interests is more important than national interests. As such, In the colony Korean capitalists was living in the Colonial Modernity that was mixed regional interests, national interests and class interests.

      • KCI등재

        식민지 지역사회와 조선인 자본가

        문영주(Mun Young-Joo) 부산대학교 한국민족문화연구소 2009 한국민족문화 Vol.35 No.-

        식민지 시기 조선인 자본가에 대한 기존연구는 예속적 계급성을 강조하는 입장과 근대적 주체성을 강조하는 입장으로 나뉜다. 두 입장은 역사적 평가를 달리하지만 다음 두 측면을 공유하고 있다. 하나는 연구 대상이 전국을 단위로 기업 활동을 한 자본가를 중심으로 하고 있다는 점이다. 다른 하나는 자본가의 의식과 활동을 민족과 계급이라는 이분법으로 평가 한다는 점이다. 식민지 조선인 자본가는 식민지라는 구조적 조건 하에서 자본가로서의 정체성을 모색한 존재들이다. 이러한 정체성은 근대국가나 민족사회에서 형성될 수 없었기 때문에 이들의 주 활동 무대였던 ‘지역’사회에서 형성되었다. 공간적으로 ‘지역’은 조선인이 일상생활을 영위하고 사회적 관계를 형성하는 곳이었다. 또한 일제의 지배와 조선인의 다양한 대응이 충돌하는 곳이기도 하였다. 시간적으로 ‘지역’은 전통사회에서 근대사회로의 변동이 구체적으로 진행되는 공간이었다. ‘지역’에서 전통이 일제가 요구한 근대화에 활용되고 역으로 일제가 요구한 근대화가 전통에 의해 굴절되면서 식민지 근대가 형성되었다. 위와 같은 성격을 가진 ‘지역’사회에서 조선인 자본가는 조선총독부, 재조일본인, 지역민과 다양한 형태로 갈등하면서 경제적 이해관계를 드러낼 수밖에 없었다. 따라서 식민지 시기 조선인 자본가의 역사적 성격을 고찰 할 때, 민족성이나 계급성과 더불어 이들의 지역성을 함께 고려해야 할 것이다. The space that Joseon capitalists was able to explore in a colonized situation, was not a space where nationalist ideals and principles were to be valued most, but a space where local interests and principles were pursued and abided by. These local communities were where the capitalists' factories and farms were located. And existent in these communities, were also the much needed human networks which were very important for the entrepreneurs, as they could expand their influences in reality's political and social arenas based upon such networks. So they pursued their economic interests in these local communities. They secured their profit with their statuses as capitalists, or with help from the nature of their national identity(being a Joseon person), or under the cause of representing the collective interests of the local communities. So, we should be aware of certain things, when we deal with the Joseon capitalists in a regional context: one, how they managed to accumulate wealth, when they were in competition with the Japanese capitalists and entrepreneurs. And second, how they imposed their social and political influences upon the local residents.

      • KCI등재

        일제시기 조선금융조합연합회의 운영주체와 ‘금융조합주의’

        문영주(Mun Young Joo) 한국사연구회 2009 한국사연구 Vol.145 No.-

        The foundation of the Federation of Joseon Financial Associations symbolized that the systemic organization of cooperative associations that would serve the interest of the authorities in a colonized situation was eventually finalized. The most notable thing that we could spot from the process is the fact that factions of financial associations were the ones which continuously requested the foundation of a central body for the financial associations, to the Joseon Governor General office. They were the force behind the operations of the federation. Most of the members were graduates from the Eastern League schools, who settled down in Joseon when they started to serve as directors of financial associations, before either (Korea's) colonization or during the 1910s. They were the people who pursued their interest within the terms of aboriginality and individuality, stuck between the Joseon Governor General office's officials and the Joseon people. The accentuating of 'financial associations' was rather an expression of a particular ideology, by the financial association-factions in their putting an emphasis upon their own aboriginality and individuality. In this ideological aspiration, they made a comparison between the financial associations in Joseon and the Japanese industrial associations, and argued the differences between the situation inside the colony and inside the mainland. They also emphasized certain differentials that existed between nations (countries, peoples), while also commenting upon the low level of awareness on the Joseon people's part and then linking it to the (supposed necessity of) monitoring and intervention of the authorities. They argued the necessity of a financial association, while suggesting its nature as a cooperative union, and that was where they were different from the Joseon Governor General office's officials, who argued a form of financial association as a special financial entity that should and could operate in a colonized environment. They claimed their individuality in the context of Joseon's particular condition of being colonized and being different from the mainland, and they claimed it also in the context of their themselves being unique within the hierarchy structure inside colonized Joseon, being different from not only the authorities but also the ordinary Joseon people.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        일제 말기 관변잡지 『가정지우(家庭の友)』 (1936. 12~1941. 03)와 `새로운 부인(婦人)`

        문영주 ( Mun Young Joo ) 역사문제연구소 2007 역사문제연구 Vol.- No.17

        『Friend in the house(家庭の友)』, which is the object of examination in this article, was a magazine published by the Joseon Financial Association Alliance, which was one the most prominent organizations that had ties to the Japanese authorities, to be read by female housekeepers in agricultural regions. This magazine was published mainly under the purpose of reorganizing the normal lives in agricultural families into a new format of living which will facilitate wartime mobilization of human workforce from local regions. The colonial authorities needed to absorb the private realm of agricultural families of the Joseon people into not only the official range of mobilization for war preparations, but also into the official perimeters of a `colonized state`. The publication of 『Friend in the house(家庭の友)』 was part of those efforts. The magazine served as a medium of conveying modern knowledge, and the circulation of that magazine functioned as a wartime mobilization mechanism in colonized agricultural regions. 『Friend in the house(家庭の友)』 also suggested a new image for `female housekeepers`. Female housekeepers who were required to accept this new model, were supposed to absorb the official sentiment(the `State` sentiment) of sacrificing oneself to serve the bigger interest(`滅私奉公`), and to efficiently utilize the modern information to the best of their abilities in wartime situations(`銃後婦人`). The images of Japanese females who were supposedly dedicating themselves to the state, were presented as role models to the colonized Joseon`s females.

      • KCI등재

        일제시기 도시금융조합의 관치운영체제 형성과정

        문영주(Mun Young-Joo) 한국사연구회 2006 한국사연구 Vol.135 No.-

        The present paper examines the nature of the governmental financial system during the Japanese colonial era through the Financial Association Order, which was amended in 1929. The gist of the 1929 amendment was: ① the acknowledgement of non-members’ savings deposits and ② the dispatch of government-appointed trustees to urban financial associations. The former was a decision in which the Government-General of Korea(GGK) disregarded the demand of the main offices of commercial banks, which had difficulty procuring funds, that non-members’ savings deposits at financial associations be abolished. The latter similarly disregarded the demand of the management of urban financial associations for popularly elected trustees. The 1929 amendment of the Financial Association Order is significant for the following reasons. First, it signaled the process through which the management system of financial associations, hitherto divided into city and country, came to be integrated into a governmental management system under government-appointed trustees. Second, it signaled the process through which the GGK came utterly to subordinate the interests of colonial capitalists to the efficiency of colonial rule. In other words, the amendment signified the process through which the class and nationalistic interests, in conflict with one another in the “social space” of urban financial associations in the 1920’s, came to be subordinated to and reorganized by the “colonial state” as represented by the GGK. Through such this process, the GGK was able to turn urban financial associations into a governmental management system and use them as policy financial organs in the 1930’s.

      • KCI등재

        Rural Rehabilitation and Colonial Subjects during the 1930s

        Mun Young-joo(문영주) 고려대학교 한국사연구소 2009 International Journal of Korean History Vol.14 No.-

        1920년대 후반 농업공황으로 인한 농가경제의 몰락과 민족운동 세력의 농촌 침투는 식민 지배체제를 위협했다. 식민권력은 농촌과 농민 ‘갱생’을 통해 위기 극복을 시도하였다. 식민권력은 근대적 합리성의 지도와 계몽이 ‘갱생’농민을 창출하는 조건이라고 판단하였다. 그들은 조선농민을 전통적 관습에 얽매인 게으르고 무지한 인간으로 인식하였다. 이러한 인식은 미개한 야만적 조선인과 문명적 일본인이라는 식민주의를 정당화 시켰다, 또한 ‘갱생’과정의 지도와 계몽을 넘어서 관리와 통제를 정당화 시켰다.‘갱생’농민은 계획, 과정, 결과의 전 과정에서 식민권력으로부터 철저하게 관리되었다. 이 과정에서 잉여 노동력의 극대화, 가계부의 작성, 문맹퇴치, 시간관념의 보급과 같은 경제적 합리성이 주입되었다. 그러나 경제적 합리성은 식민지 ‘국민’이 되기 위한 조건으로 선전되었다. 결국 식민권력이 창출하려고 한‘갱생’농가는 통제된 근대적 일상을 살아가는 식민지 이등 ‘국민’이었다. 식민권력은 자신의 정체성을 부정하고 지도와 계몽을 통해 조직되고 관리되어야만 하는, 그래서 자립하지 못하는 불구적 근대주체를 생산해 내려고 했다.

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