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Bovine-derived Xenograft가 치주 골내낭 치유에 미치는 영향
김영택,채경준,정의원,이용근,조규성,채중규,김종관,최성호,Kim, Young-Taek,Chae, Gyung-Joon,Jung, Ui-Won,Lee, Yong-Kun,Cho, Kyoo-Sung,Chai, Jung-Kiu,Kim, Chong-Kwan,Choi, Seong-Ho 대한치주과학회 2007 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.37 No.3
The ultimate goal of periodontal treatment is to regenerate the lost periodontal apparatus. Many studies were performed in developing an ideal bone substitute. Anorganic bovine-derived xenograft is one of the bone substitute, which were studied and have been shown successful for decades. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effect anorganic bovine-derived xenograft. Total of 20 patients, with 10 patients receiving only modified widman flap, and the other 10 receiving anorganic bovine-derived xenograft and flap surgery, were included in the study. Clinical parameters were recorded before surgery and after 6 months. The results are as follows: 1. The test group treated with anorganic bovine-derived xenograft showed reduction in periodontal pocket depth and clinical attachment level with statistically significance(p<0.001) after 6 months. The control group treated with only modified Widman flap showed reduction only in periodontal pocket depth with statistically significance(p<0.001) after 6 months. 2. Although periodontal probing depth change during 6 months did not show any significant differences between the test group and the control group, clinical attachment level gain and re-cession change showed significant differences between the two groups(p<0.05). On the basis of these results, anorganic bovine-derived xenograft improves probing depth and clinical attachment level in periodontal intrabony defects. Anorganic bovine-derived xenograft could be a predictable bone substitute in clinical use.
은행공동전산망(2)-우리나라 은행공동전산망의 추진현황과 과제
김영택,Kim, Yeong-Taek 한국정보통신집흥협회 1991 정보화사회 Vol.43 No.-
국가기간전산망사업의 일환으로 추진되고 있는 금융전산망사업은 금융기관의 급속한 전산화를 가져와 국민편의 확대는 물론 국제경쟁력 확보, 지급결제업무의 개선, 정책수립자료의 신속한 제공 등 많은 가시적 성과를 거두어 왔다. 이러한 금융전산망 사업은 그러나 은행.증권.보험.투자금융 등 각 업계별 전산화 뿐만 아니라 이들 전 금융기관이 공동참여하는 단일 전산망 구축문제, 그리고 외국은행 국내지점의 금융기관공동 전산망 가입 압력 등 대내외적으로 풀어나가야 할 산적한 많은 과제들을 안고 있다. 이에 본지는 대 국민 인식제고를 위해 금융전산망사업중 주도적으로 추진되고 있는 은행공동전산망의 종류와 내용, 추진현황, 향후전망과 과제 등을 알아본다.