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        만발성 피부포르피린증 4예

        김성화(Sung Hwa Kim),정상립(Sang Lip Chung),상원(Sang Won Kim) 대한피부과학회 1983 대한피부과학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        Porphyria cutanea tarda(PCT) is a photocutaneous disorder due to excessive porphyrins in the skin. We experienced 4 male patients who showed typical clinical manifestations. Histologic findings revealed subepidermal bullae with festooned derrnal papi11ae, and typical porphyrin excretion pattern of PCT was detected. One case had on 500mg daily of chloroquine with r.linical and biochemical improvement 4 months later without any adverse effects. Other 2 cases had on 125mg of chloroquine twice a week and the other one had perforrned phlebotomy.

      • KCI등재

        주거내 알레르기성 질환 발생현황 및 거주자 의식 조사연구

        김성화(Kim, Sung-Hwa),장문영(Jang, Mun-Young),이재훈(Lee, Jae-Hoon) 한국실내디자인학회 2013 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.22 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to examine the current status of allergic diseases associated with the housing environment and the psychological attitude of residents towards relevant risk factors. This study surveyed 1,200 people. In the first round, 200 participants were questioned through direct survey methods, while 1,000 participants filled out an online survey in the second round. Selected study subjects consisted of allergic diseases known to be closely related to housing environment factors. With advice from medical experts, the analysis included the examination of the prevalence status regarding five types of allergy-related diseases?allergic conjunctivitis, allergic rhinitis, allergic dermatitis, asthma and headache?with the range of disease incidence set within the past ten years. The survey was conducted on all age groups except those nine years old and younger, and the findings are as follows. Allergic diseases were found to be more prevalent among women than men. Residents identified effective methods for the alleviation and treatment of allergic diseases as ventilation, use of environmentally-friendly finishing materials, maintenance of a clean living space through cleaning or washing, and sunlight exposure. Residents’ understanding of allergic diseases varied depending on their experience with such diseases and residential characteristics.

      • KCI등재

        경영판단원칙(經營判斷原則)의 도입(導入)에 관한 재검토(再檢討) - 독일(獨逸) 주식법(株式法)을 중심으로 -

        김성화 ( Kim Sung-hwa ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2017 법학논총 Vol.34 No.2

        일본에서는 2015년 5월 개정회사법이 시행되고, 같은 해 6월 기업지배구조코드가 실시됨에 따라 이사회의 기본방향 및 사외이사 등 경영진의 역할과 책임이 강조되고 있다. 일본의 개정회사법은 `공격적인 지배구조`를 목표로 하여 회사의 가치를 향상시키기 위하여 이사의 신속한 결단력과 공정한 경영판단을 요구하고 있지만 이를 위한 경영판단의 구조나 그 감독의 기본방향에 대하여 아직 논의 중에 있다. 이러한 이사의 경영판단을 체계적으로 구축하기 위하여 우리나라에서는 2000년대 이후 미국 회사법상 경영판단원칙을 도입하고자 하였다. 이 원칙은 미국의 판례법에서 발전된 것으로 이사의 책임을 직접적으로 감경시키는 것이 아니라, 이사의 주의의무를 완화하여 책임을 면제시키는 기능을 하고 있다. 미국에서는 경영판단원칙을 회사의 이익을 보호할 필요성이 큰 경우에 제한적으로 적용하고 있는데 반해, 대륙법계 국가인 독일과 일본에서는 이를 명문으로 규정하지 않고 판례의 법리로서 확립하였다가 예외적으로 2004년 독일에서 이를 도입하였다. 이 글에서는 상법상 경영판단원칙을 도입하기 위하여 미국 회사법의 규정을 직접 계수하기보다 대륙법계 국가인 독일에서 발전된 경영판단원칙의 판단기준과 구체적인 유형을 검토함으로써 비교법적 측면에서 다음과 같은 입법적인 방안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 독일 주식법이 경영판단원칙을 주의의무 위반 자체를 배제시키는 것으로 해석하고 있으므로 상법 제382조 제2항 제2문에 이를 규율할 필요가 있다. 둘째, 그동안 우리나라 대법원은 적극적으로 경영판단원칙의 법률해석의 지침을 제시하였지만, 이사에게 개인책임을 추궁하지 않는 안전항(Safe harbour)은 인정하지 않았으므로 독일과 미국의 법리를 검토하여 이를 명문화할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 상법상 경영판단원칙을 도입함으로써 이사의 민사책임이 면제될 수 있으므로 특별배임죄에 관한 상법 제622조 제1항을 개정하여 형사책임도 면한다는 취지로 규율하는 것이 타당하다. 넷째, 주의의무 위반의 입증책임이 독일과 미국이 다르기 때문에 경영판단원칙이 효율적으로 운영될 수 있도록 이사의 입증책임을 예외적으로 전환할 수 있는 규정을 마련하는 것도 필요하다고 본다. 다만 기업운영의 활성화를 위하여 경영판단원칙의 도입은 시급하지만, 이해관계자 보호라는 전통적인 회사법의 규제와의 정합성을 고려하여 이러한 규제체계를 구축하는 것이 중요하다고 본다. The purpose of this research is to establish appropriate foundations and to cultivate right relationships of corporate governance to introduce the business judgment rule without conflicting with the existing legislation under the Korean Commercial Act. Under the premise that the economy should attract foreign capital and thereby be stimulated, the protection of shareholders of companies will inevitably be an issue in legislation. This article aims to strike a balance between minor shareholders and creditor protection and nimble management of corporation. It is necessary to examine the matter in a larger perspective than in the discussion of traditional regulations of corporate governance. The business judgment rule is legal doctrine that protects directors, officers, managers, and other agents of a company from civil liabilities to the corporation for loss incurred in their business decisions within their authority when there is sufficient evidence to show that the decisions were reasonably well informed, made in good faith, and without conflicts of interests, fraud or illegality. It is a judicially created doctrine and has been developed through case laws. Although it has been 20 years already since some scholars and lawyers insisted the necessity of application of this rule in Korea, even the most recent Korean Revised Commercial Act does not yet accept these opinions. Recently the needs of introducing this rule are increasing in our corporate society due to the development of corporate governance and corporate revitalization. Since there are significant discrepancies between corporate law on the books and the institutional reality of corporate practice, it follows an emerging tendency in comparative legal researches by seeking to give a highly integrated view on the Commercial Act that provides a clear framework.

      • KCI등재

        사기적 보험금청구에 관한 입법적 검토

        김성화(Kim Sung Hwa) 한국보험법학회 2017 보험법연구 Vol.11 No.1

        최근 보험사기의 피해가 급증함에 따라 보험계약자를 실질적으로 보호하기 위하여 2016년 보험사기방지특별법 이 제정되었다. 그러나 이 법은 공법적 규제를 주된 내용으로 하고 있으므로 보험계약상 보험사기에 관한 다양한 문제를 규율하기에는 한계가 있다. 따라서 이 글에서는 2007년 전면 개정된 독일의 보험계약법과 이를 참고하여 2008년에 제정된일본의보험법을비교검토하여보험계약법상사기적보험금청구에관한규정을도입하는 데에 그 목적이 있다. 이를 통하여 공법적인 측면의 보험사기방지특별법과 아울러 사법적인 측면의 보험사기에 관한 제도적 기반을 구축하고자 한다. 그러므로 이 글에서는 사기적보험금청구에관한규정에관하여대륙법계국가인독일과일본의논의를순차적으로검토함으로써 다음과 같은 입법적 대안을 제시하였다. 첫째, 상법개정안 제657조의2에서 보험금청구권자의사기청구에대한‘실권조항’이신설됨에따라독일의판례법리로서실효의법리가 상당히 축척되었기 때문에 이를 참고하여 급부면책이라는 강한 제재적 효과가 발생하는것과관련하여신의칙위반이인정되는사기청구에대하여는제재적효과가과도하지않도록이를조율할필요가있다. 특히사기청구는고의로사고를일으킨것은아니지만, 사고로인한손해를사기의목적으로확대함으로써보험제도에미치는폐해는고의의사고못지않게 크기 때문에 사기청구에 의한 실권조항의 효력을 명문화하는 것이 타당하다. 둘째, 상법개정안은 사기의 목적으로 보험금의 지급 여부 또는 그 보험금 산정에 중대한 영향을 미치는 경우 보험자의 급부면책을 체계적으로 규율하고 있는데, 독일 보험계약법에서는 책무위반이보험사고의발생또는보험자의급부의무범위확정에영향을미치지않을때는급부면책의 효과는 발생하지 않는다는 인과관계의 부존재특칙을 중과실뿐만 아니라, 고의의 위반의 경우에도 인정하고 있으므로 이를 참고할 필요가 있다. 그러므로 이러한 인과관계의 부존재특칙에 관한 범위를 구체적으로 규율하는 것이 타당하다고 보며, 보험계약자가 중과 실에의한 위반에대하여는엄격한책임에 상응하는비율에따라책임을 일부감축할수있다는 일부면책원칙을 마련하는 것이 필요하다고 본다. Korean Special Act on Prevention of Insurance Fraud is established to protect the rights and interests of policy holders by increasing matters of insurance fraud in 2016. However, because this act is to legislate in terms of criminal law, it is not efficient to regulate fraudulent insurance claims of insurance contracts. In fact, these claims caused by moral hazard that have a harmful effect to the insured and other interested persons, as a result by making an excessive demand on fraudulent insurance claims most policy holders would cover the increase of insurance premium. Thus, the purpose of this article is to analyze the regulations between Germany and Japan, and to introduce “Fraudulent Insurance Claim” without conflicting with the existing legislation under the Korean Commercial Act. In this respect, it is necessary to cultivate the systematic relationships between “Special Act on Prevention of Insurance Fraud” and “Insurance Contact Act” in Korea. Therefore, in this article it suggests legislative proposals by examining the patterns of similarities and differences that appear between Germany and Japan. First of all, by adopting ‘Verwirkung’ of fraudulent insurance claims under the Revised Bill of Korean Commercial Act in 2013, it is necessary to apply properly the rules of fraudulent insurance claims that is formed by the vast reference data and precedents in Germany. Also, Revised Bill of Commercial Act regulates to be exempted from execution of insurer if is discovers several important facts of insurance fraud. Therefore, throughout comparative researches in Germany and Japan, it seeks to make a systematic framework that is appropriate for fraudulent insurance claims in Korea.


        청신경초종에 대한 감마나이프 방사선 수술

        성화,무성,심홍보,정영균,이선일,정용태,수천,심재홍,Paeng, Sung Hwa,Kim, Moo Seong,Sim, Hong Bo,Jeong, Yeong Gyun,Lee, Sun Il,Jung, Yong Tae,Kim, Soo Chun,Sim, Jae Hong 대한신경외과학회 2001 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.30 No.11

        Object : The goals of radiosurgery include preservation of neurological function and prevention of tumor growth. We document the results of gamma-knife radio-surgery for vestibular schwannoma. Method & Object : Eighty-two patients underwent stereotactic radiosurgery for an vestibular schwannoma from October, 1994 to December, 2000. Sixty-five of these patients were followed up for radiological and clinical evaluation. As pregamma-knife modality, surgical resection were done in 23 patients,and V-P shunt in 2 patients. Initial symptoms were headache(n=45), dizziness(n=16), tinnitus(n=17). While normal facial function(House-Brackmann grade 1) was present in 48 patients(73.8%), other patients showed grade 2 function in 8, grade 3 function in 7,and grade 4 function in 2. The Gardner/Robertson scale was used to code hearing function. Male to female ratio was 1:3. Mean tumor volume was $7.98cm^3$. Mean dose delivered to the tumor margin was 14.2Gy,and mean maximal dose was 28.3Gy. Results : Mean follow-up duration of 19.9 months. Thirty-five showed decrease(53.8%) in size, 19 patients(29.2%) stationary, 3(4.6%) initial decrease follow up increase, 5(7.6%) initial increase follow up decrease,and 59 patients (90.8%) were well controlled. Two patients experienced transient facial neuropathy, one transient trigeminal neuropathy, and one transient hearing deterioration. After gamma-knife radiosurgery, ventriculoperitoneal shunt was done in 4 patients. Conclusions : Gamma-knife radiosurgery can be used to treat postoperative residual tumors as well as in patients with concomitant medical problems in patients with preserved hearing function. Gamma-knife radiosurgery is safe and effective method to treat small, medium sized(less than 3cm in extracanalicular diameter), intracanalicular vestibular schwannoma, associated with low rate of cranial neuropathy.

      • KCI등재

        1,3-Dichloropropanol 흡입에 의한 랫드간의 조직변화에 관한 연구

        김성화(Sung-Hwa Kim),박오성(O-Sung Park),이성배(Sung-Bae Lee),최종윤(Jong-Yun Choi),권효정(Hyo Jung Kwon),손석우(Sek-Woo Son),박일권(Il-Kwon Park),이경열(Kyoung-Youl Lee),손화영(Hwa-Young Son),이미영(Mee-Young Lee),이근좌(Guen-Jwa Le 한국독성학회 2005 Toxicological Research Vol.21 No.2

        1,3-Dichloro-2-propanol (1,3-DCP) is known as chloride chemicals and causes severe hepatotoxic agent. The Ito cells and Kupffer's cells of the liver in the 5 old F344 Rats were exposed to 1,3-DCP gas chamber for 6 hours/a day, 5 days/a week, and 13 weeks, in the 0, 5, 20, 80 ppm, respectively. After then the body weights, liver weights, and relative liver weight to body weight were measured, and the hepatic tissues were prepared by the routine and Immunostain method, and observed by the LM, and EM. In the results, there were severe body weight decrease (p<0.05) in the 80 ppm of the male and female rats. The relative liver weights to the body weight were increased relate with exposed 1,3-DCP concentration (P<0.001). Inflammatory cells, infiltration was observed at the perivascular area in the 20 ppm exposed group, and bilirubin pigment infiltration, bile duct hyperplasia, inflammation hepatocytic necrosis, fibrosis were observed in the 80 ppm exposure group. In the 80 ppm exposure group, disarrangement of the endothelial cells, erythrocytes and hepatic cell fragment in the Disse space and numerous migration macrophages were observed in the necrotic area by EM observation. In the immunostained hepatic tissues positive stained ED1 cells were extremely increased (P<0.05) in central vein area, but ED2 was weakly positive immunostained in the 80 ppm exposed group. Immunostained desmin was observed in the Ito cell. It was no difference in the low and medium exposed group but it was typical increase in the necrotic area. In conclusion, These results suggest that NOAEL of 1,3-DCP may be 5 ppm in rats and the Immunostained of desmin, ED1 and ED2 positive cells activated in the inflammatory liver were related to the exposure volume and density. The increase of the lto cells were related to the severe phagocytosis of the Kupffer's cells.

      • KCI등재

        뉴미디어 다큐멘터리 연구 - 다큐멘터리 영화 「라이프 인 어 데이 Life in a Day」(2011)와 웹 다큐멘터리 「프리즌 밸리 Prison Valley」(2010)

        김성화 ( Kim Sung-hwa ) 한국브레히트학회 2020 브레히트와 현대연극 Vol.0 No.42

        ‘메타미디어’로서 컴퓨터와 통신기술에 기반한 뉴미디어는 예술의 매체 및 서사적 형식, 제작-배포·유통-수용·감상 과정을 변화시켰다. ‘현실의 재현’, ‘기록’으로서 다큐멘터리 또한 디지털 테크놀로지와 웹을 기반으로 새로운 실험적 형식을 보여준다. 유튜브 영상공모를 통해 제작된 크라우드소싱 다큐멘터리 「라이프 인 어 데이」는 디지털 민주주의에 기반한 새로운 다큐멘터리 영화미학의 가능성을 연다. 또한 제작상 시공간적 제약을 극복하고 전 세계인의 하루를 한 영화 속에 담아내며 문화적 특수성과 인류의 보편성을 동시에 주제화시킨다. 웹 다큐멘터리는 실시간적 인터랙티브 형식, 선택적 하이퍼텍스트 내러티브의 특성을 바탕으로 한 뉴미디어 예술의 영역을 확장한다. 로드무비 형식으로 진행되는 웹 다큐멘터리 「프리즌 밸리」는 ‘내비게이션 공간’으로서 개방적 서사를 실현하며 참여적 성찰을 이끌어낸다. Der Computer als »Metamedia« ermöglichte eine digitale Revolution, die die Kommunikations- und Industriestrukturen und die Möglichkeiten der Kunst wesentlich verwandelt hat. Diese Abhandlung untersucht die neuen Möglichkeiten der New Media Documentarys. Als Forschungsgegenstand wird hier lediglich die Documentary genommen, welche durch das Web produziert, distribuiert und rezipiert wird und die sich von den TV Documentaries oder analogen Dokumentarfilmen als alte Medien unterscheidet: Crowdsourcing Documentarfilm Life in a Day (2011) und Webdocumentary Prison Valley (2010). Zur Analyse bieten die Überlegungen von Manovich über die neuen Medien in The Language of New Media eine theoretische Grundlage an. Daneben werden auch die genrespezifischen und ästhetischen Merkmale des Dokumentarfilms behandelt. Hier soll betrachtet werden, welche narrative Strategie der Dokumentarfilm für die Vermittlung der Wahrheit verwendet und mit welchen Ausdrucksverfahren sie dargestellt wird. Auf der Basis dieser Analyse wird ein Vergleich mit der Neuen Medien Documentary gezogen.

      • KCI등재

        국제적 조세분쟁에서 상호합의절차의 ADR 활용에 관한 비교법적 검토

        김성화(Kim, Sung Hwa) 한국세무사회 부설 한국조세연구소 2024 세무와 회계 연구 Vol.13 No.1

        Recently, as a procedure for resolving international tax disputes, the Alternative Dispute Resolution Procedure (ADR) has been used as a complementary procedure for mutual agreement in addition to the arbitration procedure based on the international tax treaty. Since the digital transformation (DX) of the economy is changing widely due to the development of information and communication technology (ICT) and artificial intelligence (AI), the introduction of ADR, such as mediation procedures, is important as a response to most countries that have not introduced mandatory binding arbitration procedures. Therefore, in this paper, measures to utilize various ADRs such as mediation procedures, reconciliation procedures, and expert evaluation are presented as follows. First, in the mediation process, the mediator only cooperates so that the parties to the dispute can reach an agreement smoothly, but does not present opinions or judgments on the matter. It is arbitrary for the competent authority to utilize the opinions or evaluations of experts, and there is no obligation to be bound by them. Second, with respect to the transparency of the procedure, the characteristic of ADR is to promote mutual agreement or arbitrarily delegate evaluation or views on issues to experts, etc., and the procedure should be flexible. Also, as with the arbitration procedure, the procedure should not be disclosed and the contents of the use of ADR should not be published. Third, it is important to take a form that can be properly explained to the parties to the dispute, and a systematic management of ADR is needed so that experts, etc. can properly utilize the procedure. Fourth, since investigation activities such as the recognition of facts by experts, etc. include confidential information such as taxpayers, it is important for ADR to protect them in accordance with the provisions of the tax treaty, as in arbitration procedures. Fifth, due to problems such as human resources of the other country, appropriate experts, etc. cannot be selected when the other country is a developing country, so it is necessary to give certain consideration for appointment.

      • KCI등재

        택시 운전자의 응급처치 시행의지에 대한 응급처치 교육 효과

        성화용 ( Hwa Yong Seong ),박득현 ( Deuk Hyun Park ),윤유상 ( Yoo Sang Yoon ),박경혜 ( Kyung Hye Park ),양원 ( Yang Weon Kim ) 대한외상학회 2013 大韓外傷學會誌 Vol.26 No.3

        Purpose: After a traffic accident, first-aid performed within the first few minutes is important for the injured in terms of survival, future health, and quality of life. Taxi drivers have more possibility of witnessing traffic accidents because they spend much time on the road. If taxi drivers are well trained and can perform first-aid in a correct manner, they will play an important role in pre-hospital emergency medical services. We investigated the effect of first-aid training on taxi drivers` willingness to perform emergency care. Methods: We provided first-aid training for 600 deluxe taxi drivers in Busan in 2012. The subjects were given a questionnaire to answer at the beginning and at the end of first-aid training. Results: 427 out of 600 deluxe taxi drivers answer our questionnaire completely. 93 out of 427 deluxe taxi drivers answered that they had first-aid training within past 3 years(21.8%). 323 taxi drivers have witnessed a traffic accident(76%). 45 out of 323 deluxe taxi drivers who witnessed a traffic accident answered that they provided first-aid to victims(14.0%). After first-aid training, taxi drivers` willingness to perform emergency care was increased compared to that before training. The failed group of taxi drivers that had same or decreased willingness after first-aid training had a low level of education than the successful group that had increased willingness after first-aid training. Conclusion: First-aid training increased taxi drivers` willingness to perform emergency care. So Taxi drivers should be encouraged more to undertake and maintain first-aid training. For more volunteering of first-aid training and improvement in the effect of first-aid training, a graded education program for taxi drivers with a low level of education should be developed, and a policy on giving credit for completing first-aid training course and for carrying out first-aid needs to be formulated.

      • KCI등재

        허구적 자서전의 형식과 의미 : 토마스 베른하르트의 『지하실』을 중심으로 살펴본 현대적 자서전의 특성

        김성화 ( Sung Hwa Kim ) 韓國世界文學比較學會 2012 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.40 No.-

        Die vorliegende Studie versucht, anhand Thomas Bernhards □Der Keller□ die Merkmale des autobiographischen Romans zu erlautern und den Charakter der modernen Autobiographie zu behandeln. □Der Keller□ (1976) ist das zweite von Thomas Bernhards funfteiligen autobiographischen Werken und zeigt einen Ruckblick auf die vergangenen Lehrjahre im sogenannten “Keller”. Eines Morgens fasst der Ich-Erzahler den Entschluss, nicht mehr ins Gymnasium zu gehen und beginnt bei Podlaha, dem Besitzer des Lebensmittelgeschafts “Keller” in die Lehre zu gehen. Die Isolation in seiner Familie, das aufgezwungene Lernen im Gymnasium und die Armut nach dem Krieg haben den Protagonisten verzweifeln lassen, so dass er keinen Sinn mehr im Leben findet. Aber in seiner Lehrzeit trifft er auf die verschiedensten Leute und findet schließlich fur sich eine andere, neue Welt. Durch die Arbeit im Keller erkennt er den Wert seiner eigenen Existenz. Hierbei wird untersucht, wie die Beziehung zwischen dem Ich-Erzahler und dem Autor entsteht. Es wird dabei auf den Unterschied zwischen der Erzahlzeit und der erzahlten Zeit eingegangen. Die rezenten Bernhard-Forscher außern verschiedene Meinungen daruber, welcher Gattung □Der Keller□ zuzurechnen ist. Folgt man Philippe Lejeunes Le Pacte autobiographique, ware □Der Keller□ weder ein Roman noch eine Autobiographie, sondern vielmehr ein autobiographischer Roman. Dieser Argumentation folgend, erscheint Bernhards Werk als Gegenentwurf einer klassischen Autobiographie. Es weist den von der Autobiographie-Wissenschaftlerin M. Holdenried vorgeschlagenen Charakter einer modernen Autobiographie auf, der bestimmt ist durch die Elemente der Zentralperspektive als asthetische Objektivierung, die dissoziierte Chronologie und vitale Zeitordnung, Selbstreferentialitat, Stilisierung und Stilprioritat sowie Fragmentierung und Schlussproblematik. Besonders die Stilisierung ist ein bedeutendes Charakteristikum Bernhards: Sein Stil entstammt der Kategorie der alltaglichen Grammatik mit eigentumlichem sprachlichen Ausdruck. Der in □Der Keller□ vorzufindende Stil Bernhards zeigt den Versuch auf, sich der Wahrheit anzunahern.

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