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      • KCI등재

        신동문의 「풍선기」 연작에 나타난 시적 주체의 풍경 인식 연구

        김민구 ( Kim Min-goo ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2020 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.65

        이 글은 신동문(辛東門, 1928~1993)이 6.25 전쟁 동안 쓴 「풍선기(風船期)」 연작을 중심으로 시적 주체의 풍경 인식을 살핀다. 그리고 원근법적 질서(상징계) 안에 순응하지 않고 스스로가 풍경을 구성하고자 하는 시도를 라캉 정신분석학으로 관찰한다. 풍경의 인식이란 ‘보는 방법’ 즉 태도의 문제이며 풍경의 수용자에서 구성자로 주체의 위상을 바꾸도록 요청한다. 「풍선기」에서 우리는 시적 주체의 세 가지 풍경 인식을 볼 수 있다. ‘전쟁 이전의 풍경’, ‘견딤의 풍경’, ‘우주적 풍경’이 그것이다. 첫 번째 층위는 외상적 사건의 무대인 ‘비행장’에서 원-풍경인 ‘초원’으로 돌아가려는 죽음 충동적 담화에서 나온다. 두 번째 층위는 타자에게 질문하기를 자기에게 질문하기로 전도시키면서, 공백을 감추는 상징계에 순응하기보다 그것을 자각하고 증상을 견디려는 전략에서 나온다. 세 번째 층위는 자신의 지엽적 시야를 몽상적으로 뛰어넘으면서 끝없는 하늘과 비어있는 풍선의 의미론적 접합을 통해 청춘과 풍선과 식물의 삶을 우주론의 자장에서 하나로 엮으려는 주체의 통찰에서 나온다. 기하학적 조망점이 주문하는 시선을 기각하고 그 풍경을 이루는 질료들의 동질성 속에서 소실점을 발견할 때 주체는 마침내 별개의 선상에서 전개되던 것들을 하나로 묶어내어 새로운 풍경인식을 체득한다. Focusing on a serial-form poetry "Pungseongi" by Shin Dong-Mun(1928~1993) which had written in Korean War period, this study explores the perception of landscape by poetic subject. And basing on Lacanian psychoanalysis theory, this paper analyzes subject's attempt what constitutes landscapes by himself without conforming to perspective order(Symbolic). Landscape perception is a matter about 'way of seeing', so called a problem of manner, and requires to change subject's status that recipient to constructor. In this serial poetry, We can glance three types of perception of landscapes. It is 'antebellum landscape', 'endurance's landscape', 'cosmological landscape'. The first type comes from one's discourse connoted in death-drive‘ that is about to return to the primary scene, from the stage of traumatic events(airstrip) to pasture. The second type emerges from a strategy in which subject reverses questions toward others to questions about himself, thus he chooses recognition his lack and endure his symptom rather than conforming Symbolic. The third type emerges from exceeding beyond one's poky sight dreamingly and grouping one's youth, ballon's destiny, and plant's life together in cosmological field by way of semantic combining in endless sky and empty balloons. Henceforth, poetic subject dismisses a normative eye toward Symbolic's geometrical point and when he finds a vanishing-point wherein homogeneity among materials that make up landscape, finally he can realize new landscape perception through binding each lines to one stream.

      • KCI등재

        『전선시첩』수록 작품의 시적 주체 특성 연구 -「미셸 세르의 ‘천사’와 ‘기생자’ 이론」을 중심으로 -

        김민구 ( Kim Min-goo ) 한국현대문예비평학회 2021 한국문예비평연구 Vol.- No.72

        이 글은 『전선시첩(戰線詩帖)』(1984)의 수록 시편에 대하여 미셸세르의 이론과 정신분석비평의 논변을 통해 시적 주체의 특성을 밝힌다. 1950년대에 종군한 이들의 작품은 선전적 문체와 불투명한 신분 탓에 예술적 가치에 미달한 작품으로 보일 수 있지만, 본고는 ‘선전’을 일종의 ‘대신해서 쓰기’의 메시지 회로로 부르면서 이 선전 회로를 안정적으로 관리하는 요인과 이를 방해하는 요인의 병존을 탐구한다. 그들은 대타자를 대신해, 그리고 전쟁터의 병사들을 대신해 쓴다. 미셸 세르는 메시지 회로를 구성하는 두 개념(작인)으로 ‘천사’와 ‘기생자’를 든다. ‘천사’는 메시지 회로의 안정적 유지를 위해 바깥으로 사라지며, 이격된 두 항들(주는 자와 받는 자)을 결속하는 관리자이다. 그들은 메시지를 대신해서 전달할 뿐 그 내용(주제)을 변형하지 않는다. 반면 ‘기생자’는 숙주 안에서 살면서도 그의 문법에 복종하지 않고 오히려 숙주의 결핍을 드러낸다. 그는 의미의 투명한 전달을 방해하는 소음이자 다양한 해석가능성을 열어놓는 창조적인 작인이다. 이를 정신분석 논변에 적용해볼 때 ‘천사’는 대타자의 온전함(A)에 의존하여 상징계속 충실한 기표이자 나아가 대변자로서의 지위에 동일시하려는 반면, ‘기생자’는 상징계의 불안정을 상기시키는 지워지지 않는 증상이자 이상적 의미(기표)를 모호하게 만들어 그의 결핍(A/ )을 포착하고 상징적 의미를 기입하지 않는 상태에 애착하는 궁핍화된 주체로 표명된다. 종군자-천사가 전선과 후방을, 국가이념과 병사를 이어주는 ‘사라지는 연결자’라면, 종군자-기생자는 그런 단순한 연합에 포함되지 않고 그것을 방해하는 의미 횡단을 시적으로 추구한다. 살펴본 대로 시적 주체의 두 작인들을 분석한다면, 6·25 초기 종군시들이 지닌 상징계로의 지배적 순치와 물러남의 병존을 읽을 수 있고, 그리하여 문학적 응전 양식의 주체적 태도를 발견할 수 있다. This study focuses on the poetic subject's characteristic features in Jeonsunsichup(1984) via Michel Serres's concepts and discussions of psychoanalysis criticism, In 1950s, produced works by war-writers may be seen as substandard for artistic value because of their propaganda style and equivocal identity, however, this paper calls these propagandas into 'vicarious writings' then explores a sort of co-existences by two factors that reliably manage this circuit and those that interfere with it. They produces their works in place of Other or soldiers in battlefield. Michel Serres suggests two concepts(agents) that constitute this message circuit: 'angel', 'parasite'. First, angel disappears outside to keep the circuit stable and it is like an administrator who connects two distant poles(giver and receiver). Angels only send message instead of givers and never transform its contents(themes). By contrast, 'parasite' is living in host but exposes one's lacks rather than obeying rules. Parasites are creative agents who open various interpretation ways through interfering message's transparent transmissions. Applying these ideas into psychoanalysis, The angels, who rely on wholeness of Big Other(A) then desire to be obedient significant embedded Symbolic, try to identify with a statues of spokesperson. But the parasites as a kind of obstinate symptoms what remind instability of Symbolic, make ideal meaning(signifier) ambiguous and grasp the Other's lack(A/ ) then manifest oneself as subjective destitution who attaches to non-inscribed any symbolic meanings. Follower-Angel is 'vanishing mediator' that connects front and back, national ideologies and soldiers in battlefield, while follower-parasite is not involved to the simple association so that they pursue the traversing senses via to interrupt it poetically. Through analysing two agents of poetic subject, as we have seen, we can find out about a sort of co-existence that consists of dominant conforming Symbolic and withdrawal from it, focusing in early Korean War military poetry, therefore, we can explore subjective attitudes around literary response modes.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국어판 Modified Mini-Mental State (3MS-K) Examination의 신뢰도와 타당도

        김민구(Min-Goo Kim),이선우(Sun-Woo Lee),왕성근(Sung-Keun Wang),지익성(Ik-Sung Chee) 대한생물치료정신의학회 2005 생물치료정신의학 Vol.11 No.2

        Objectives: The purpose of this study was to test the validity and reliability of the Korean version of Modified Mini-Mental State(3MS-K) examination. Methods: The subjects were total 76 patients in the psychiatric hospital and day hospital. All subjects were examined one Cognitive Examination of Cambridge Examination for the Mental Disorder of the Elderly(CAMCOG) by one rater, and also were examined two 3MS-K examinations and two Mini Mental State Examination(MMSE)s by two raters. Results: For reliability of 3MS-K, Cronbach alpha was 0.966, Pearson correlation coefficients for inter-rater reliability was 0.996(p<0.001). For item-total correlation coefficients in two raters were ranged between r=0.399 to r=0.921. Pearson correlation coefficients for the total scores between 3MS-K and CAMCOG in two raters, were 0.972 and 0.979 respectively. The cut-off scores of 71 had a sensitivity of 92% and a specificity of 93%, and the area under the Receiver Operating Characteristics(ROC) curve was 0.921. Conclusion: The results revealed that 3MS-K could be a reliable and valid tool for cognitive assesment. However, further study is in need to investigate it's clinical usefulness.

      • KCI등재

        건강기능식품 원료 Bifidobacterium breve IDCC 4401 열처리배양건조물의 혈중 콜레스테롤 개선 기능성에 관한 고찰

        김민철(Min Cheol Kim),김민구(Min-Goo Kim) 대한약학회 2022 약학회지 Vol.66 No.6

        Blood cholesterol is an item of national health examinations in Korea, which is one of the essential health indicators that healthy and semi-healthy people, who are not in the stage of taking medicine, also need to be managed by controlling their lifestyle. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, which are commonly used to lower blood cholesterol, have been reported to have various adverse events, and there are several factors limiting their application. As a result, semi-healthy and healthy people who do not have critical health issues may not be able to take these drugs. Bifidobacterium breve IDCC 4401 heat treatment culture powder (BBR4401) is a functional raw material obtained by heat-treating and killing the probiotic Bifidobacterium breve which is widely used as a functional raw material for improving intestinal health in foods and health functional foods. In addition, BBR4401 is a raw material with safety and stability which has been recognized for its cholesterol-improving functionality. Therefore, healthy and semi-healthy people who wish to manage their blood cholesterol can consume BBR4401 for prevention/management purposes. Furthermore, BBR4401 has an entirely different mechanism of action from HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors in that it inhibits the reabsorption of cholesterol/bile acids in the small intestine, meaning that even those who are taking HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors can consume BBR4401 to manage their blood cholesterol; this treatment combination is expected to provide a synergic effect in improving cholesterol.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국판 Cohen-Mansfield 초조 척도(K-CMAI)의 표준화 연구

        김정란(Jeong-Lan Kim),왕성근(Seung-Keun Wang),김민구(Min-Goo Kim),김수영(Soo-Young Kim),김의준(Eui-Jun Kim) 대한생물치료정신의학회 2008 생물치료정신의학 Vol.14 No.1

        Objectives: This study was conducted to standardize and develop the Korean version of Cohen-Mansfield Agitation Inventory(K-CMAI), which is a scale for assessing common agitated behaviors in elderly patients. Methods: After developing the K-CMAI, 166 patients, who met diagnostic criteria of dementia, were rated by it and Korean version of Neuropsychiatric Inventory(K-NPI). We tested internal consistency, interrater reliability, and factor analysis and correlation with K-CMAI and K-NPI. Results: Internal consistency of frequency of K-CMAI(Cronbach's a) in two raters were 0.889 and 0.893, respectively, and κ value of interrater reliability was 0.97 for frequency and was 0.95 for difficulties of caregivers. Factor analysis from Varimax Rotation of K-CMAI was found 4 factors, such as aggressive behaviors, physically non-aggressive behaviors, verbally agitated behaviors, and hiding and hoarding, and we could confirm those 4 factors with Amos. Irritability, Disinhibition, and aberrant behavior domains of K-NPI were highly correlated with K-CMAI. Conclusions: The K-CMAI was showed good reliability and validity for the assessment of agitated behavior in elderly. The K-CMAI is an useful tool to caregiver for detecting abnormal behavior of dementia patients.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        증례보고 : Eisenmenger씨 증후군 환자의 응급 개두술을 위한 마취 관리

        정금희 ( Kum Hee Chung ),김승호 ( Seung Ho Kim ),전덕희 ( Duk Hee Chun ),이종연 ( Jong Yun Lee ),박성철 ( Seong Cheol Park ),박정현 ( Chung Hyun Park ),김민구 ( Min Goo Kim ) 대한마취과학회 2009 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.57 No.5

        Eisenmenger`s syndrome describes the elevation of pulmonary arterial (PA) pressure to the systemic level caused by an increased pulmonary vascular resistance with reversed or bi-directional shunt through an intracardiac or aortopulmonary communication. We report a case of an emergent craniotomy for cerebellar abscess in a 21-year-old male patient with Eisenmenger syndrome secondary to Large VSD. A PA catheter was inserted via right femoral vein, but could not be advanced pass the pulmonic valve. After futile attempts to place the catheter tip in the right ventricle. Anesthesia was induced with etomidate, rocuronium, midazolam and fentanyl and maintained with only high dose fentanyl. Milinone and norepinephrine were infused continuously to decrease right to left shunt. He was transferred to the intensive care unit under intubated state and treated with antibiotics for a few days due to intermittent high fever. The operation ended without major complications and the patient was discharged 42 days later. (Korean J Anesthesiol 2009;57:666∼9)

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