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      • 토니 모리슨의 『솔로몬의 노래』 : 흑인 문화유산의 복원과 인종적 정체성의 추구

        차현이 연세대학교 대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        본 논문은 모리슨의 주요 주제인 “흑인으로서 온전하게 생존하는 법”에 대한 고찰이다. 솔로몬의 노래는 노예해방 이후부터 1960년대 북부 도시에 사는 흑인들의 경험을 다룬다. 당시 미국 사회의 발 빠른 산업화는 남부 흑인의 북부로의 대이주와 더불어 공동체적 유대로 대표되는 흑인의 전통적 가치 상실을 야기한 한편, 흑인은 당시의 다른 소수민들과 마찬가지로 개인주의와 중산층의 경제적 안정을 강조하는 백인 지배 담론의 지대한 영향을 받는다. 지배 사회에 의해 다각적인 방식으로 조장된 중산층 이데올로기는 인종적, 성적, 계급적 위계를 전제하는 것이었으며, 모리슨은 이를 무분별하게 수용한 흑인들의 비주체적인 삶과 파편화된 관계를 통해 흑인의 전통적 가치 상실이라는 문제를 환기시킨다. 그리고 이로써 밀크맨으로 하여금 조상의 땅, 남부로의 여행과 정체성 추구의 여정에 오르게 한다. 모리슨은 구전전통, 신화, 민속 문화 등을 작품에 도입함으로써 흑인의 문화유산을 복원해내고자 하는데, 그것은 파일럿을 ‘문화유산의 보존자’로 창조하는 작업에 집중된다. 밀크맨이 정체성을 추구하는 과정은 흑인의 문화유산을 발견하고 비상 신화 이면의 비극을 깨달음으로써 파일럿이 구현하는 공동체 의식을 확보하는 과정이다. 밀크맨은 파편적으로 존재하는 인물들의 이야기를 모아 하나의 통합된 이야기를 만듦으로써 공동체 전체의 정체성과 공동체 구성원으로서의 자신의 정체성을 구성해 나간다. 다시 말해, 밀크맨은 남부 여행을 통하여 여성과 공동체를 버리고 날아간 흑인 남성의 무책임함을 인식하고 타자에 대한 책임과 사랑을 깨닫는다. 흑인 문화를 대변하는 파일럿과 그녀의 삶은 완전하지 않다. 또한, 문화적 복합체이기도 한 그녀는 타자성 자체를 상징한다. 즉, 모리슨은 파일럿을 통하여 인종 간 우열의 논리를 극복하고 차이에 대해 열린 태도를 견지할 것을 강조한다. 즉, 흑인의 인종적 정체성 확립에 대한 모리슨의 강조는 흑인이 미국이라는 인종주의 사회에서 타자가 아닌 ‘주체’로서 지배 가치에 함몰당하지 않고 온전하게 생존하기를 의도하는 맥락에서 읽을 수 있다. 흑인의 전통적 가치인 공동체 의식은 파편화된 흑인 공동체 구성원들이 지향해야 할 가치에서 더 나아가 흑백, 남녀를 포함하는 다양한 이분적 경계들을 극복하기 위하여 지향해야 할 가치로서 그 의미가 확장된다. 1장에서는 솔로몬의 노래에 나타난 인종주의를 지적한다. 2장에서는 시대적 병폐를 드러내는 인물들의 부정적인 모습과 흑인 사회의 계층적, 성적 분열에 주목한다. 논의의 상당 부분은 백인 중산층의 그릇된 이상을 무분별하게 내면화함으로써 하층민과 여성을 타자화하는 흑인 부르주아 메이컨과 그의 가부장적 억압에 의해 고통 받는 데드가 구성원들을 중심으로 전개된다. 3장은 파일럿에서 밀크맨으로 이어지는 모리슨의 문화유산 복원과 계승 작업을 살펴본다. 여성에 대한 인식의 전환과 공동체 의식의 확보는 밀크맨의 정체성 추구에서 중요한 자리를 차지한다. 4장에서는 모리슨이 파일럿을 통하여 차이의 수용과 공존이라는 메시지를 전하고 있음을 밝힌다. This thesis explores one of the main themes of Morrison''s Song of Solomon, that is 'how to survive whole as a black.' Song of Solomon deals with African American experiences from the time of emancipation up to the 1960''s. During this period, African Americans, like other ethnic groups, have been heavily influenced by the American dream of success, namely the ideology of the dominant white people who emphasize individualism and the achievement of the middle-class economic stability. A rapid industrialization of America has also affected the lives of African Americans, resulting in 'the great migration' of blacks to the North. First of all, this entailed the loss of traditional values that can be epitomized as a strong communal support among African Americans. The migration of the Deads to the North in Song of Solomon makes it clear that the displaced blacks in the North have been misled to embrace the dominant ideals of individual success in a hostile and racist environment. This is what makes Milkman Dead, the male protagonist, explore his forgotten black heritage in a pilgrimage to the land of his ancestors. Pilate Dead requires special attention in that she represents Morrison''s attempt to recover the black cultural heritage by stressing African American cultural expressions such as Southern black myths and folklores. As a cultural bearer, Pilate leads Milkman to the source of their own culture in Song of Solomon. Milkman''s quest for racial identity is ultimately a quest for the sense of community, which becomes available only after both his recovery of black cultural heritage and his understanding of the hidden meaning of the flying myth. By piecing together the fragmented narratives of each character to form a unified story, Milkman constructs the story of the black communal identity and finds his identity as a member of that community. In other words, Milkman comes to reflect on himself regarding his selfish and irresponsible acts in the past. His travel to the South enables him to recognize the importance of love and responsibility for the ''other.'' Pilate, embodying black culture, is not only a woman of mysterious character and life but a cultural hybrid. Futhermore, she symbolizes the ''otherness'' itself. That is, in her description of Pilate, Morrison transcends the logic of superiorinferior between races and emphasizes the openness to difference. We can read Morrison''s emphasis on racial identity as an attempt to make black people perceive themselves as ''subjects'' not ''objects.'' The sense of community is not just an asset that the dissociated members of black community need to remember and recover but a clue to how the present generation of black people can overcome all types of racial discrimination in a new struggle for both establishing racial justice and fighting against countless dichotomous lines such as malefemale and blackwhite binaries. I begin with a chapter on racism in Song of Solomon. The second chapter explores the negative aspects of various characters in the novel and illuminates both gender and class fragmentation in black community. As a rich and arrogant patriarch, Macon marginalizes women and working-class people, embracing uncritically the false ideals of the white middle-class people. The third chapter considers recovery and succession of black culture mostly through the character of Pilate and Milkman''s trip to the South. Milkman''s new understanding about women''s presence perfects his quest for identity. The fourth chapter suggests that Morrison''s special representation of Pilate conveys a strong message of coexistence and open-mindedness for difference.

      • 임산부의 산전관리이행에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구

        차현 이화여자대학교 대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        임신 중 규칙적인 산전관리는 임신부와 태아의 건강을 확인하며 최적의 건강상태로 새로운 모성역할에 능동적으로 대처하게 하기 위함이다. 그러므로 임신부가 신체적, 정신적으로 적절한 준비를 하는 것은 임신, 분만, 산욕기간에 산모와 아기의 건강에 직접적인 영향을 줄 뿐만 아니라 더 나아가 가족전체의 건강과 안녕을 증진시킬 수 있으므로 이 시기 임신부는 자신과 태아의 건강을 유지하고 증진시키려는 노력이 필요하다. 게다가 변화된 현대의 가족체계가 핵가족화가 되는 추세이기 때문에 전통사회와는 달리 가족의지지 자원이 부족하여 모성역할에 대한 교육과 훈련을 포함한 임신, 분만, 육아에 관한 산전교육이 요구되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 임신부를 대상으로 산전관리이행 실태를 조사하고, 일반적 특성, 산과적 특성, 건강신념, 산전교육경험유무를 파악하여 산전관리이행과의 관련된 요인을 분석함으로써 임신부의 산전교육프로그램에 대한 기초자료를 마련하고자 시도되었다. 조사 대상은 서울특별시에 소재하고 있는 5개 대학부속병원과 1개의 산부인과전문 병원에 산전진찰을 받기 위해 내원한 만 20주 이상에서 분만전까지의 임신부 204명을 대상으로 1999년 3월 30일부터 4월 17일 사이에 설문 조사를 실시하였고, 수집된 자료를 모두 전산부호화한 후 SPSS 통계 package를 이용하여 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 응답자의 32.8%가 직업을 가졌으며, 평균연령은 29.08세로 35세 이상의 노령임신부는 6.9%이었다. 응답자의 평균임신횟수는 2.13회, 자연유산 0.31회, 인공유산 0.36회, 사산 0.02회이었다. 2. 응답자의 11.8%가 임신, 분만, 육아에 관한 산전교육을 경험하였고, 교육경험자의 70.83%가 임신, 분만, 육아에 실질적인 도움이 될 것으로 응답하였다. 경험한 산전교육내용으로 1위는 분만시 통증완화를 위한 보조동작이었고, 다음으로 임신으로 인한 신체변화 및 증상, 임신중의 모체질환 및 이상임신, 임신섭생과 담배/술/약물/기호식품에 대한 주의와 산욕기 모체변화/건강관리 내용순이었다. 3. 응답자의 81.4%가 기회만 준다면 산전교육에 참여하겠다고 하였으며, 교육방법으로는 강의를, 교육희망횟수로는 월 1회를 가장 많이 희망했다. 희망하는 산전교육내용으로 1위가 태아/기형아 검사, 다음으로 신생아의 상태/성장/발육, 육아법, 분만시 통증완화 보조동작으로 태아 건강에 대한 관심이 가장 높았다. 4. 건강신념 중 인지된 민감성은 직업이 있는 경우(p<0.05), 결혼기간이 3년 이상(p<0.05), 관모와 함께 살고 있는 경우(p<0.05), 분만경험이 있는 경우(p<0.01), 자녀가 있는 경우(p<0.01) 높았다. 인지된 심각성은 직업이 있는 경우(p<0.05), 편모와 함께 살고 있는 경우(p<0.01) 높았으며 통계적으로도 유의했다. 산전관리에 대한 인지된 유익성은 첫 임신인 경우(p<0.01), 분만경험이 없는 경우(p<0.05), 자녀가 없을 때(p<0.05) 높았다. 인지된 장애성은 직업이 있는 경우(p<0.01), 분만경험이 있는 경우(p<0.01), 자녀가 있는 경우(p<0.001), 계획되지 않은 임신(p<0.05) 일 때 높았다. 5. 산전관리 이행은 연령이 25세에서 29세일 때(p<0.05) 높았고, 임신기간이 분만에 가까울수록(p<0.05), 분만경험이 없는 경우(p<0.05), 자녀가 없는 경우(p<0.05), 계획임신이었을 때(p<0.05) 높았다. 6. 산전교육을 경험한 임신부(p<0.05)가 경험이 없는 임신부에 비해, 그리고 산전교육에 참여를 희망한 임신부(p<0.01)가 희망하지 않은 임신부에 비해 산전관리 이행정도가 높았으며 통계적으로 유의했다. 7. 건강신념 중 유익성(p<0.001)이 산전관리와 정적 상관관계이었으며, 장애성(p<0.001)은 부적 상관관계로 통계적으로도 유의했다. 8. 위계적 다중 회귀분석(Hierachical Regression Analysis)의 결과 연령, 임신기간, 분만경험유무, 자녀유뮤, 계획임신여부를 투입한 Model 1은 산전관리 이행에 대해 8.5%의 설명력을 가졌으며(계획임신 p<0.05), Model 2는 산전교육경험유무를 추가 투입하여 설명력이 10.7%로 높아졌으며(산전교육경험유무 p<0.05), 건강신념을 추가 투입한 Model 3은 장애성(p<0.001), 유익성(p<0.01), 산전교육경험유무(p<0.05)순으로 산전관리에 영향을 미쳤고, 이들 전체에 의한 설명력은 25.3%이었다. Effective prenatal care during pregnancy makes sure of an pregnant women’s and fetus’s health and it is positive preparation for new motherhood in optimum health. Therefore, proper preparation in physical and psychological aspects not only directly affects the health of an pregnant women and a fetus during pregnancy, delivery and lying-in period, and also improves the whole family's health and well-being, so an pregnant women should make efforts to keep and improve her and her baby's health. Also, in the trends of nuclear family, adaptation to a new motherhood is difficult because of lack of family support, so prenatal education of pregnancy, delivery and child care is needed. The purpose of this study was to analyze the prenatal care of pregnant women and the factors which could affect them. The subject of this research was 204 pregnant women who were from 20 weeks pregnant to near nine months pregnant and visit 5 college-attached hospital, and the research was done from Mar. 30 to Apr. 17, 1999. The results were as follows. 1. Among the subject, 32.8% of pregnant women had jobs, and the average age was 29.08. Comparatively aged pregnant women over 35 occupy 6.9%. The subject had average pregnancy frequency(2.13), spontaneous abortion(0.31), artificial abortion(0.36) and stillborn(0.025). 2. 11.8% of the subject experienced prenatal education on pregnancy, delivery and child care, and 70.83% of those who experienced prenatal education thinked it will be practically helpful to pregnancy, delivery and child care. The contents of the prenatal education they experienced were first, subsidiary movement for easing delivery pain, second physical change and symptoms caused by pregnancy, third, diseases during pregnancy and abnormal pregnancy, and fourth, care against smoking/ drinking/drug/ abuse/and favorite food and pregnancy care. 3. 81.4% of the subject answered they would like to participate in prenatal education if they have an chance, and they hoped for instruction most and once a month is a most-wanted frequency. The preferred contents of prenatal education were first, inspection of fetus/deformed child, second, a fetus’s state/growth/development, the third, child care, and the fourth, subsidiary movement for easing pain, which indicate their interest in a fetus’s health. 4. When it comes to health beliefs, perceived susceptibility was high in case of women with job(p<0.05), more than three year’s marriage(p<0.05), living with lone mother(p<0.05), pregnancy experience(p<0.01) and having a child(p<0.01). Perceived severit was high in case of women with job(p<0.05) and living with lone mother(p<0.01). Perceived benefit of prenatal care was high in case of first pregnancy(p<0.001), no delivery experience(p<0.05), and having no child yet(p<0.01). Perceived barrier was high in case of women with jobs(p<0.01), delivery experience(p<0.01), having a child already(p<0.001), and unexpected pregnancy(p<0.05). 5. Prenatal care was done best at age from 25 to 29(p<0.05), and it was better in case of women closer to delivery time(p<0.05), no delivery experience(p<0.05), having no children yet(p<0.05) and planned pregnancy(p<0.05). 6. The pregnant women who experienced prenatal education(p<0.05) compared with others who didn’t, and those who expect prenatal education compared to others who don’t do better prenatal care, and it was also statistically meaningful. 7. Among health beliefs, perceived benefit is positively related to prenatal care and perceived barrier is negatively related to it, and it is statistically meaningful. 8. the results of hierarchical regression analysis are below with Model 1, considering age, pregnancy period, delivery experience, having child, planning pregnancy, planning pregnancy(p<0.05) was critical variable. These variables were 8.5% effective to performance of prenatal care. With Model 2, considering experienced prenatal education together with Model 1, prenatal education experience(p<0.05) was critical variable. These variables were 10.7% effective to performance of prenatal care. With Model 3, considering health belifs together with Model 2, the effective variables seem to be perceived barrier9p<0.001), perceive benefit(p<0.01) and prenatal education experience(p<0.05). These variables can explane one’s performance of prenatal care at 25.3% of decision coefficient in this analysis.

      • 組織葛藤이 勞使에 미치는 影響에 관한 硏究 : 우리나라 産業組織을 中心으로

        차현 水原大學校 經營大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        The labor - management conflicts mean the attribute of the labor - management relation in the symmetrical dimension of labor - management cooperation. The labor - management conflicts are the subordinate conception of the social conflicts as we consider that the labor - management relation belongs to the general social relation and/or the industrial relation. There's existed the cooperation and confrontation in the labor - management relation as conflict & integration and reinforcement & agreement exist in our society. It is the better idea to minimize conflicts of the nation, general industry and the organization lying in the individual unit through the understanding of the specific reality which is in the Koren industrial organization and let the persons concerned in the organization renew the contingency on the basis of reality and the value distribution by the value - pursuit. Generally speaking, the study on the various conflicts against to our country's industrial organization have been macro and/or micro and so they could not present the necessary roles, the functional directions and the sufficient understanding against to the roles and/or functions as being the industry general and the society general. Functional endowment and the sufficient role - carrying to his or her organization as a constituent can transfer and diffuse its value to the general industrial field and society general again. The external expressed conflicts with a sudden raid as the time goes are not the revolutional method which because there are hierachical contradictions between capitalists and labores surrounding by the structural contradictions which can not be solved by the reason of that the Korean society has been on the political, social and economical relations mechanically. The reason why we have some confusion about between the revolution which needs the transference of the power and the reform which needs the internal development or means the behavioral expressions is caused by the facts that the laborers or the consitituents have not been given the created value appropriately and the managers' exclusive possessiveness for the power under the circumstances of our country's traditional organization operating system has been too feudal. It is very natural that men could possess the early age's capitalistic social and economical mechanism as men has become socialize and be group - interest on the basic process that men broke from the lives of the natural status, industrialization with the economical needs and had working - specialization for promoting the effectiveness. These men's aspirational satisfaction methods in the self - evolutional stage could bring the developments to the economic, social, personal and political fields and according to the facts mentioned above the organizations have become to show the changeable functions for the answer purpose of external-environment changes. The organization which is born with its goals to contribute for making the social-value is not longer the organization itself nor the self satisfaction directional one. The absolute conception, now in our society, loses the effective value in the view of the rationalization and strategic sight with considering of environments. The progress of science and technies should make the political and economical mechanism collapsed by the diffusion, the subordinate strategy rather than convergency, ironically, and is controlled by the various social environments. The mutual dynamic relation which has a character of natural status, going in order; retrogression; and mutual reaction between them, has big influences to a unit - organization, and an orgaization has a concrete unit behavioral attitude, i.e., functions & roles for driving its goals. As men moves from the natural status to the social contract status, conflicts must be appeared with some roles required. As same as this one, the organizational constituents should have some roles whether they want these or not to achive the organization goals and now constituents have individual or group or organizational conflicts which are connected with the external environments. Disputes, the behavioral attitude, appear at the point where and/or when the organization goals and the individual person's needs & wants meet with these roles and conflicts, and disputes make the new roles & conflicts and circulates its growth. This study is studied and examined as following on the basic directions mentioned above. In the first chapter, the goals and meaningfullnesses of this study are examined through that an organization needs the management at the side of collective intersting confrontation and the social value of the organization & the importances of constituents' role are stressed according to the industrialization. The studying method was also presented. In the second chapter, the major theories of the process of men's socialization prior to the general character of an organization and conflicts are examined and the effects to the organization constituents by the social and industrial development and the necessity of management participation by them with its theoretical back-ground are also examined. In the third chapter, the basic organizational character and the beginning of conflicts against to the constituents' relative value, their functions & roles for approaching the organization goals with its effectiveness and specific theoretical carring methods are studied. In the fourth chapter, the pratical model of labor - management relation is presented on the basis of the above theoretical background and at the side of contingency which is to maximize of functions and roles what is to be necessary for the Korean society general, industry general and industrial organizations. In the fifth chapter, the following conclusion could be get with the above process, finally. It is more efficient to study about that the organization conflicts which are appeared according to the Korean industrial and social contingency in the organization goals and the practicing functions and roles of an organization and a constituent through the examination of the process of men's socialization and the proess of their aspirations than to examine in the currently flatted social structure.

      • 학령기 말더듬 아동과 일반 아동의 기질과 의사소통태도 특성

        차현 조선대학교 대학원 2015 국내석사

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        <ABSTRACT> Characteristics of temperament and communication attitudes in school-age children who stutter. Cha Hyun Advisor: Prof. Chon HeeCheong, Ph.D. Speech and Language Pathology Graduate School of Chosun University The purpose of this study is to better understand the characteristics of temperament and communication attitudes in school-age children who stutter and who do not. Thus, a comparative analysis of the characteristics of temperament and communication attitudes between the two groups is performed. Then the degree of stuttering is classified into 'mild' and 'moderate' to be compared to non-stuttering children separately. The same characteristics of the non-stuttering children are studied, and the stuttering level, communication attitude and relation between characteristics are observed. The study subjects are 10 stuttering first to second grade pupils aged from 6 to 8 years 11 months(5 mild, 5 moderate) and 10 non-stuttering ones. They went through CAT-R and CBQ tests(Putnam & Rothbart, 2006). In case of the children who stutter, P-FA-II was done in order to find out the degree of seriousness of stuttering. The study results are as follows : first, the communication attitude of the stuttering children was significantly negative compared to their counterparts(p = .009); second, the communication attitude level of the three groups compared by the seriousness of stuttering resulted in a meaningful difference, but an after-study or afterward assessment found out further that the 'mild' stuttering group showed no significant difference to the non-stuttering group or to the moderate group while the moderate group showed significantly more negative attitude than the non-stuttering group; third, studying the upper level factors(surgency, negative affection, effortful control) and sub-factors for the temperament of the whole stuttering group and the non-stuttering group showed that there was no significant difference; forth, the comparison of the upper level factors and sub-factors for the temperament according to the seriousness of stuttering showed no significant difference; and fifth, the communication attitude level and temperament upper level factors and sub-factors level among non-stuttering children were not significantly different. But the coefficient of correlation of communication attitude and effortful control, one of the temperament upper level factors, turned out to be .448, which is relatively high. When comparing the communication attitude and temperament sub-factors, some of the sub-factors of effortful control such as inhibitory control(r = .554), low intensity pleasure(r = .404) and perceptual sensitivity(r = .480) turned out to be high, too. In case of the stuttering children, the communication attitude and temperament upper level factors and sub-factors were not significantly related. But the high intensity pleasure(r = -.455) showed strong negative correlation. Comparison between P-FA-II stuttering level, communication attitude level and temperament upper level factors and sub-factors, the variables did not show any correlation. But the stuttering level and communication attitude showed relatively high positive correlation(r = .620). The same applies for the correlation of effortful control and the stuttering level(r = .444). Also, the stuttering level and high intensity pleasure showed high negative correlation(r = -412), while discomfort(r = .423) and low intensity pleasure(r = .618) showed high positive correlation. The result indicates that the stuttering children do show more negative communication attitude than the non-stuttering ones, and the higher the seriousness is, the more negative they tend to get, as previous studies have revealed. But on the temperament aspect, there was no significant difference between the stuttering and the non-stuttering children, which disagrees with previous studies which claim that stuttering children are emotionally more negative and have lower effortful control. The temperament did not show any significant difference, either, even among groups divided by seriousness of stuttering. The study of the relation between the non-stuttering children and the temperament, the communication attitude and effortful control showed high correlativity. It is probably because of the high correlativity that occurred with inhibitory control, one of sub-factors of effortful control and also because non-stuttering children showed higher capability to control negative approachability than stuttering ones under an unfamiliar situation or a command. In case of the stuttering children, there was no significant relation between communication attitude and temperament, but one of sub-factors, high intensity pleasure showed high correlativity, which leads to a conclusion that the higher the high intensity pleasure gets, the less negative the communication attitude becomes. The stuttering level and the communication attitude also showed high correlation, which conforms to the previous study results that suggested the significant relation between the stuttering seriousness and communication attitude. Also, the stuttering level and effortful control showed comparatively high correlation. This is probably because the low intensity pleasure, one of sub-factors of effortful control is highly correlated. The result may lead to a conclusion that the lower the low intensity pleasure gets, the more reactive to environmental stimuli and thus the more one stutters. One of the sub-factors of high intensity pleasure showed strongly negative correlation with stuttering level, which may mean the faster one adopts to new environments, the less likely one should stutter. The stuttering level and discomfort showed high positive correlation, which may lead to a conclusion that the more discomfortable one gets, the more likely one should stutter.

      • 서울지역에서 유통되는 버섯류의 유해중금속 함량조사에 관한 연구

        차현 서울과학기술대학교 2014 국내석사

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        본 연구에서는 서울 지역에서 유통되는 버섯류 중 유해중금속 함량을 조사하였다. 식품공전 상에 등재된 무기물 전처리 방법을 이용하여 ICP - MS로 측정한 뒤 그 분석결과를 이용하여 국민건강영양조사를 기준으로 PTWI(Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake) 수치와 비교하여 1일 성인의 버섯 섭취량을 파악하고, 버섯으로부터 유래할 수 있는 유해중금속을 확인하여 그 위해성을 평가하고자 하였다. 유해 중금속으로 2013년 8월에 식품공전이 개정되어 신설된 납과 카드뮴을 포함하여 비소, 크롬, 니켈, 수은을 선택하여 재배환경과 환경오염에서 유래할 수 있는 중금속을 선택하였다. 분석의 신뢰성을 위해 직선성, 검출한계, 정량한계를 측정하였으며 ICP - MS로 분석한 납, 카드뮴, 비소, 크롬, 니켈은 모두 0.999이상의 양호한 직선성을 나타내었고 수은분석기로 분석한 수은 또한 0.999 이상의 양호한 직선성을 보였다. 각 원소의 검출한계와 정량한계는 납은 1.108 x 10^-5, 3.656 x 10^-5 , 카드뮴은 1.327 x 10^-5,4.379 x 10^-5, 비소는 1.056 x 10^-5, 3.485 x 10^-5, 크롬은 1.905 x 10^-4,6.287 x 10^-4, 니켈은 8.456 x 10^-4, 2.790 x 10^-3, 수은은 0.4 x 10^-3 , 1.2 x 10^-3 으로 측정되었으며, 미량 유해중금속 분석에 적합함을 확인하였다. 분석 결과에 대한 정확도 정밀도를 확인하기 위해 균질화한 버섯시료에 첨가한 농도에 대한 회수율로 정확도를 비교하였다. 납은 93.1, 카드뮴은 91.6, 비소는 100.1, 크롬은 89.9, 니켈은 83.1, 수은은 103.4 % 로 83.1~100.1 % 의 정확도를 나타내어서 허용범위인 80~120 %를 만족하였다. 한편 정밀도는 상대표준편차(RSD %)로 구하였으며 모든 측정값에서 3% 이하의 우수한 재현성을 보였다. 버섯류의 유해중금속 오염실태를 조사한 결과는 납과 카드뮴 모두 설정된 기준치인 0.3 mg/kg보다 낮은 범위로 측정되었고, 비소, 크롬, 니켈, 수은 또한 납과 카드뮴 기준치와 비교하여 납과 카드뮴과 비슷한 낮은 수준이었다. 납은 7.788(1.88-30.01)ug/kg [평균(최소값-최대값)], 카드뮴은 45.299(0.667-292.443)ug/kg, 비소는 54.555(2.392-229.317)ug/kg, 크롬은 42.633(8.405-334.313)ug/kg, 니켈은 22.401(ND-180.394)ug/kg, 수은은 8.925(2-25)ug/kg 으로 측정되었다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 계산한 주간 섭취량(Pb:0.003ug/kg, Cd:0.019ug/kg, As:0.023ug/kg, Cr:0.018ug/kg, Ni:0.009ug/kg, Hg:0.004ug/kg)과 PTWI(Pb:25ug/kg, Cd:6.25ug/kg, As:350ug/kg)와 비교하면, 납, 카드뮴, 비소, 크롬, 니켈, 수은 모두 0.02 ug/kg 이하로서 PTWI과 비교하여 매우 낮은 수준이었다. 따라서 새롭게 기준이 설정된 납과 카드뮴 이외 비소, 크롬, 니켈, 수은 모두 인체에 위해하지 않은 것으로 판단되었다. 본 연구결과는 세부기준이 최근에 설정되어 모니터링 자료가 필요한 납과 카드뮴에 대한 자료와 아직 세부기준이 마련되지 않은 비소, 크롬, 니켈, 수은에 대한 버섯류의 중금속 기준을 설정하는데 있어 참고자료로 활용할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.

      • 지능형 영상감시 시스템에서 모바일 센서 융합을 이용한 폭력행위 인식

        차현 인하대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

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        본 논문에서는 지능형 CCTV에서 폭력행위의 연속적인 행동들로부터 추출한 특성들을 반영하고 영상에서의 사람 사이의 가림현상으로 인한 인식의 정확도 저하를 보완하기 위해 Dense Optical Flow 추정으로 얻은 움직임 정보와 폭행 피해자가 소지한 모바일 디바이스의 관성측정장치로부터 얻은 정보를 융합하여 기계학습 방법으로 폭행상황 인식 모델을 개발하는 방법을 제안한다. 또한 기존의 폭력행위 인식모델이 전체영역에서 Dense Optical Flow를 추정함으로써 발생하는 과도한 연산에 따라 실시간성을 확보하지 못하던 문제를 해결하기 위하여 Dense Optical Flow 추정의 대상지역을 객체 사이의 상호작용이 일어나는 영역인 ROI로 제한함으로써 연산시간을 최소화해 실시간성을 확보하였다. 제안된 모델의 연산속도 개선 및 가림현상으로 인한 인식도 저하의 개선 정도를 평가하는 실험에 따르면 연산시간 측면에서는 전체영역을 대상으로 하는 기존 방법 대비 최대 약 51배 빠른 연산속도를 보였고, 인식의 정확도 측면에서는 영상에서의 움직임 정보만을 사용했을 때에 비해 제안하는 모델이 11.4% 증진된 결과를 보였다. 이를 통해 제안하는 모델이 폭력행위 인식에 발생하는 과도한 연산에 따른 실시간성 문제를 보완하고 영상 내 행위자 사이의 가려짐에 따른 비전(vision) 인식 불능에 대한 문제점을 보완함을 확인하였다. In this thesis, we propose a violence recognition model based on machine learning technologies to improve the degradation of recognition accuracy caused by human occlusions by reflecting features extracted from continuous actions in intelligent CCTV through the fusion of the motion information estimated with Dense Optical Flow and the moving information obtained from the inertial measurement unit of the human’s mobile device. Also, to solve the problem that the previous violence recognition model can not secure the real-time due to computation overhead caused by estimating the Dense Optical Flow in the whole region, we reduced the computation time to secure the real-time by reducing the area of the estimating to the ROI which is the area where the interaction between human objects. According to the experiments performed to evaluate the improvement of the computing speed and the improvement of the recognition accuracy degradation due to the occlusion, the computing speed of the proposed model is up to 51 times faster, and its recognition accuracy is 11.4% higher improvement compared to using only video information. Therefore, the proposed model can overcome the problem of real-time due to computation overhead and can solve the problem of human occlusions in violence recognitions.

      • Bacillus cereus를 억제하는 bacillus subtilis HH28의 항균물질 정제와 특성규명

        차현 연세대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

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        청국장으로부터 Bacillus cereus의 생육을 억제하는 균주를 분리 및 선발하였다. 선발한 균주는 형태학적, 생화학적 분석 및 유전학적 분석에 의해 Bacillus subtilis로 확인 되었고 Bacillus subtilis HH28이라 명명하였다. Bacillus subtilis HH28 균주가 생성하는 항균물질을 정제하기 위해서 배양상등액을 0~80% 황산 암모늄 침전 시킨 후, 얻어진 침전물을 DEAE Sepharose FF이온 교환 크로마토그래피와 Sephacryl S-200HR 겔 크로마토그래피를 이용하여 정제하였다. 그 결과 항균물질은 19.7배의 정제도와 38.4%의 수율로 정제하였다. 정제한 항균물질은 tricine SDS-PAGE와 direct detection 방법을 이용해 분석한 결과, 분자량이 약 3,500 Da임을 확인 하였다. 항균물질은 그람 양성균인 Bacillus cereus와 Listeria monocytogenes 뿐만 아니라 그람 음성균인 Vibrio paphaemolyticus와 같은 식중독 미생물에도 항균활성을 나타내었다. 정제한 항균물질은 70~80℃에서 안정하였고, pH 2~8까지 12시간 동안 정치하였을 때도 항균활성이 유지되었다. 따라서 본 연구의 항균물질은 온도와 pH에 안정한 항균물질임을 확인할 수 있었다. 그리고 단백질 분해 효소인 protease, proteinase K, pronase E에 의해 항균활성이 소실되어 본 항균물질이 단백질성 물질임을 알 수 있었다.

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