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      • 住空間에서 본 收納空間에 關한 硏究 : 共同住宅을 中心으로

        정규복 朝鮮大學校 1981 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This paper is that stand-up style tendency of our living pattern and as the variety of furniture would spread in the dwelling space, it would be bring about the differentiation, of function of the dwelling space and a small space. The space for storage actual condition of the apartment for commoners which is limited in residential area compare with the scale consciousness about holding amount, density of area, volume for furniture and form of storage space. As we should investigate the living area a method to be able to secure the maximum and got the material for rational housing plan. The analytical result of the investigation on the actual condition and the counterplan of storage space are as follows. 1) The average number of dwelling persons(4.4 persons) and the rate of adults to all the family (3.6 persons) per each residence in the 11F of which living ares are narrow, come close to the average number of all residences investigated. The area of residence per person is 6.4㎡, which is not enough large, compared with 8㎡ that Chombard de Lawre (1965) regarded as standards for the house for pathology. 2) Dweller's desire of 'one-more-room' results in the following order of demand for room; first, storage, second, kitchen and dining room, third, utility room. And the shelf is fairly wanted as storage equipment (37.4%). 3) The density of area for furniture to the room, and that of volume for furniture to the room is 25.12% and 11.7% respectively. 4) The ceiling height of living room is 2.3~2.4m while the maximum height of furniture is 1.8~2.0m. In the space between the top of the furniture and the ceiling, that is 30~60㎝, a kind of assembly box style furniture can be installed in accordance with living cycle, usage frequency, and the like. 5) It would be better to have system furniture, that is, to install the shelf to serve as storage on the whole wall of any side in the room. This system furniture has an advantageous point to be economical and make the most of dead space. 6) In a plan of furniture arrangement according to the column, beam and pipe shaft, it would be get rid of dead space. So first all the furniture should be unit or to standardize from module. The design of housing should start from the dimension of furniture and preferentially we would be reflected in a project the space of furniture so as not to become narrower owing to the furniture.

      • 空氣調和시스템의 維持管理와 덕트의 風動特性에 관한 硏究

        정규복 朝鮮大學校 大學院 1999 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        To maintain a conductive indoor environment, this study examines the flow characteristics of ducts, indoor air quality and the condition of the maintenance and management of the facilities. The purpose of this study is to improve air conditioning systems through the analysis of the operation and maintenance of air conditioning systems and provide the fundamental data about the duct line design to advance the performance and efficiency of such systems. First, We have studied building with established air conditioning systems and the instrument controllers in Kwangju City and other cities of Chunnam province. By conducting a survey, this study describes the subsidiary situations, operations, maintenance and control of filtered ventilation. The contents of the survey are : ① the epitome of buildings as the objects of the investigation, ② equipment system and the operation condition, ③ the regulation and management of management documents, ④ the environment of indoor heat and the present condition of management, ⑤ air ventilation and supply, ⑥ equipment control and ⑦ workers' discontents. Second, We examined the flow characteristics of square duct (an air supply equipment of air conditioning system). To get the basic material of duct design, we conducted three kinds of experiments. They are as follows : ① Studies of the flow characteristics of the exam duct, and the different aspect ratios. Also examination of the correlations of aspect ratio and the air flow. ② After measuring the moving pattern of vortex in the cornet part of square duct, tests of the moving equation of vortex and the values of experiment. ③ After making the branch duct of 90°in square duct, comparisons and analysis of the flow relations of branch duct and main duct. Then the expected change of wind quality in duct. The results are as follows; 1. The operation condition of air conditioning system, indoor environment, conditions of maintenance and control of equipment. 1) For 65% of buildings as the objects of the investigation, the total floor area is below 5,000㎡. Judging from the fact that air conditioned areas are distributed in about 60~70% of the total floor areas, the majority of the space per building seems to have been constructed as air conditioned areas. 2) To reduce equipment and installment costs, in public offices 37.5 percent of all water quality system was used. In business offices 33.3 percent of FCU system was used and others of 17.1 percent. Next, the single duct system which all air system is established are 18.8 percent, 30.3 percent, and 25.7 percent per building. 3) The equipment condition of cold·hot heating source machine is 42.9 percent in cold source machine with absorption type, 33.1 percent of hot heating source was used and this was found the most commonly used cooling and heating method. 4) Hot room period in the operation period of air condition is one to two months longer than cold room period. Cold time in operation time per week is one to two hours shorter than hot time. 5) Energy use can be economized by adjusting the indoor temperature and humidity to a conducive environment according to outdoor conditions for efficient operation under the condition of part load accounting for the most of the operating time. 2. Flow characteristics in duct for effective design of air conditioning system. 1) When fan frequency is constant, the air speed in square duct decreases in the position where non-dimension height of 0.9 (z/b) and aspect ratio increases. As fan effectiveness is diminished, the air speed decreases form over non-dimension length of 0.6 (y/a). 2) As the equal flow in duct entry of the cornet area of right square duct is induced and goes downstream, boundary floor is developed by a viscous property of duct wall. Also the potential flow, which is core flow, disappears in the position x/Dh=16. Thus, we can see the area is completely developed in the point formed. 3) In case that flow speed increased in 90°branch duct of the right square single duct, many speed elements of a wave motion are generated. The values of speed elements of a wave motion grow because of the development of boundary floors in the walls of both sides. 4) While the loss by the friction of duct wall become larger in the area of the flow in duct entry, the loss by the collision of air particle become relatively smaller in the flow area developed completely due to the adequate speed of vortex. 5) The vortex generated in duct corner is developed in the vertical walls of both duct sides. The second flow by the collision of boundary floor is generated. The vortex by this second flow is generated. As speed increases, the space curvature reaction of the second flow becomes small. 6) As the power of duct system changes in proportion to the square of air velocity taking the efficiency of aspect ratio into consideration, we can control the wind velocity as low as possible and lower the power consumption by reviewing the pressure loss. This study on the operation condition of air conditioning system, the maintenance and control conditions of instrument, and flow characteristics in square duct above, will be the important data for pleasant improvement of indoor space and duct/fan design. The conditions of a pleasant and healthy indoor environment can be enhanced. Thus, the concrete control standard for the maintenance and control of air conditioning system must be reconsidered as well as the continued effort to develop innovative duct systems should be made.

      • 品質經營시스템 통합에 의한 P/L制度의 效果的 對應方案 : 醫療機器産業 中心으로

        정규복 弘益大學校 國際經營大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        국내 의료기기산업은 ISO 9000, EN 46000, ISO 13485, QSR, KGMP, FDA, CE 등 여러 가지 혼재되어 있는 시스템 규격과 이로 인한 인증심사 및 사후관리 업무로 인하여, 업체들의 중복된 관리로 인한 손실부담과 또한 P/L제도의 강제도입으로 이에 대응하기 위한 별도의 P/L시스템 구축 등으로 기업 경영관리에 막대한 영향을 주고 있다. 특히 의료기기의 특성상 고도의 안전성을 요구함과 동시에 빠르게 변화하는 고객의 요구에 적절히 대응할 수 있어야 시장에서 경쟁력을 확보할 수 있다. 이에 따라, 본 연구는 우리나라 의료기기 업체들의 현실에 적합하게 효율적으로 혼재되어 있는 시스템들을 통합하여 운영하기 위해서는 어떻게 시스템을 통합하는 것이 가장 효율적인 시스템이 될 수 있는가에 대하여 연구함으로써, 통합하고자하는 ISO 9000과 EN 46000, ISO 13485, KGMP, P/L등의 각각의 시스템이 가지고 있는 공통점과 통합작업과정의 문제점들을 해결하고, 나아가 우리나라 의료기기 산업의 모델이 될 수 있는 통합운영시스템을 구축하여, 신규 도입된 P/L제도에 대응할 수 있는 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 이를 위하여, 본 논문에서는 제1장 서론에서 본 연구의 목적과 방법 등에 대하여 서술하였으며, 제2장 이론적 배경에서는 일반적부문의 기본이 될 수 있는 ISO 9000 품질경영시스템의 제정과 발전과정 및 시스템의 구성과 국내 P/L제도에 대해서 조사하였으며, 제3장에서는 의료기기산업의 위험관리와 품질경영시스템에 대하여 고찰하였다. 그리고 제4장에서는 통합된 의료기기 산업의 시스템과 P/L제도에 대응할 수 있는 시스템에 대하여 통합하여 구축하는 것과 그 과정에 대해 설계하였다. 제5장에서는 국내의료기기 제조업체중 선두 그룹에 있는 H사에 4장에서 설계된 통합시스템을 적용한 사례에 대하여 연구하였으며, 향후 시스템통합구축을 통하여 P/L제도에 대응을 시도하고자 하는 의료기기 업체에 대하여 구체적 방향을 제시하였다. 그러나 통합된 시스템이 아무리 잘 구성되어 있다 하더라도 최고 경영자의 시스템운영에 대한 의지와 구성원의 참여의식이 부족하면 이 통합된 시스템은 결코 성공할 수가 없다. 따라서 시스템 운영전에 최고경영자와 전사원의 참여와 의식전환 등 철저한 준비가 선결되어야 한다는 것이 연구사례에서도 확인이 되었다. 다만, 본 연구에서 아쉬운 것은 P/L부문과의 연계에서 시간부족으로 인하여 제품안전부문과 위험분석기법의 구체적 적용에까지 접근하지 못했던 것이다. 이를 보완하기 위해 향후 제품신뢰성부문과 P/L의 구체적 연구가 필요할 것으로 사료된다.

      • 전남지역 쇄석 조골재의 재료 특성에 관한 연구

        정규복 전남대학교 대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        최근 들어 경제급성장에 따라 건설용 골재의 수요는 증가하였으며 천연골재의 대체품으로 쇄석을 많이 이용하고 있는 실정이다. 쇄석이란 원암을 강제 파쇄방법에 의해 소요입도로 생산해 내는 것으로 파쇄 전 원암의 물성이 곧 골재자체의 품질을 좌우하게 된다고 할 수 있겠다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 전남지역 쇄석이용 대상암석의 분포, 물리적 특성과 함께 광물학적 및 암석학적인 연구를 통해 골재로서의 이용 적합성에 대한 기초자료를 제공하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 먼저 전남지역에서는 편마암류와 응회암류를 많이 이용하고 있었으며 생산 골재의 품질은 모두 양호한 것으로 조사되었다. 물리적인 특성은 평균적으로 편마암류가 응회암류보다 좋은 것으로 나타났으며, 몇 개 지역에서는 K-장석으로 인한 높은 흡수율, 심한 편리 발달로 인한 낮은 압축강도와 탄성파 속도 등이 조사되어 골재로서의 이용에 문제가 있는 것으로 판단되었다. X선 회절분석, 현미경관찰 결과 네 군데 지역의 시료에서 알칼리 골재반응의 잠재성이 나타났으며, 직접 실험 결과 세 군데 지역에서 골재반응에 유해한 것으로 나타났는데 이는 직접적 실험 이전에 어느 정도의 문제성 여부는 광물관찰을 통해서도 예측할 수가 있었다. 이러한 결과로 미루어 보아 현재 이용되는 쇄석의 품질을 조사할 때 기본적인 물성 이외에 광물학적 및 암석학적인 조사를 함께 하면 보다 나은 품질의 쇄석을 이용할 수 있을 것이며 나아가 쇄석 이용에 적합한 암석의 광물학적인 기준을 마련할 수도 있을 것으로 판단된다. Recently, a lot of construction aggregates are substituted by crushed stone due to highly increased consumption of aggregates with economical development. Generally, physical properties of aggregates depend on those of host rocks because crushed stone is produced in proper particle size by forced crushing of the host rock. The purpose of this study is to find the distribution of rocks for crushed aggregates and to examine the suitability of crushed stone for aggregates by experiments on physical, mineralogical and chemical characteristics. Most of gneisses and tuffs distributed in this study areas are used for crushed aggregates. Physical properties of gneisses are superior to tuffs, however gneisses in the Suncheon and Muan areas, and tuff in Youngam area are inferior to others because of high quantity of K-feldspar, welled crack, slightly weathering. Alkali-aggregates reaction is tested in four samples in which cristobalites are found by examinations such as X-ray diffraction and thin section observations, and three samples among four are considered deleterious as a results of above experiment. When the crushed stone is used to the aggregates, if they are examined the petrological and mineralogical properties with physical properties, the crushed aggregates will be got improved in quality and furthermore will be expected the result of alkali-aggregates reaction.

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