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        Hidden Translation as Academic Practice

        Leo Tak-hung Chan 한국중어중문학회 2013 中語中文學 Vol.55 No.-

        Much effort has been devoted over the past few centuries to presenting China to the West in the English language, beginning with the classical sinology of nineteenth-century Britain and reaching a climax through late-twentieth century Chinese Studies in the States, carried out mostly in departments of East Asian languages and literature/cultures. Invariably there is one shared element in these approaches: translation. In our age, the pervasive use of English as the language of academic discourse, combined with the increased hegemony of English in fields beyond those of business, recreation and diplomacy, means that the “Westernization” of forms of knowledge related to Chinese culture and tradition has become inescapable. In the new linguistic imperialism, what is prominent are the misrepresentation, distortion and manipulation carried out in connection with the translation of ideas from Chinese into English. The present article focuses on ideas rather than texts in order to understand the cannibalization of one language by another that has occurred in translation. The example chosen is the translation of a key literary term-xiaoshuo (literally “small talk” but often translated as “fiction”)-which appears in academic writings published by American Sinologists in the past few decades, in which the epistemological gap between the Chinese and English terms is artificially bridged.

      • Translation as International Trade

        Leo Tak-hung Chan 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 2019 한국외국어대학교 통번역연구소 학술대회 Vol.2019 No.07

        Contemporary Chinese notions of translation have to be understood against a globalized world where international trading and business transactions are the order of the day. This paper proposes to discuss one current school of thinking about translation in China. In the past decade or so, translation has been seen as playing a crucial part in exporting Chinese culture in order to build a favorable national image and increase the country’s soft power. This has occurred as a result of the perception of an imbalance between the importation of things foreign (qing jinlai) and the exportation of things Chinese (song chuqu). To compete successfully on the international scene, cultural exports have to be promoted. Since globalization forces are dominating the scene, translation becomes an “industry” governed by the operational logic of a “socialist market economy”—a notion unheard of two decades ago. While translation can still be seen as inter-linguistic transfer, its value is no longer to be judged on the basis of whether the rendering is faithful or not. The “classical” theories of translation—wen (refinement), zhi (straightforwardness), xindaya (faithfulness, fluency and elegance), zhiyi (literal translation) and yiyi (free translation)—are slowly losing ground to the new conceptualizations of translation in the contemporary world, and the present paper focuses on the one most discussed, debated and disseminated in the past two decades or so.

      • An Empirical Study of the Perceived Benefits of Finalyear Translation Projects to Undergraduate Translation Students

        ( Tak Hung Leo Chan ),( Fung Ming Christy Liu ) 한국통역번역학회 2013 FORUM Vol.11 No.2

        Toutes les universites d``etat a Hong Kong proposant des cursus de niveau pre-licence en traduction exigent que leurs etudiants montent un projet en traduction, generalement durant leur derniere annee d``etude. Ce type de cursus est unique car la formation est dispensee de maniere individuelle. La presente etude cherchera a demontrer dans quelle mesure les projets en traduction de la langue chinoise a l``anglais sont benefiques pour les etudiants, a travers un questionnaire en trois etapes. Les resultats de l``apprentissage sont utilises comme unite de mesure principale. Les resultats de cette recherche montrent qu``il y a des ameliorations du niveau de competence statistiquement significatives chez les etudiants (a) concernant l``utilisation de la langue source et de la langue cible (b) dans le traitement des items culturellement connotes (c) dans l``identification d``un potentiel lectorat (d) concernant la traduction a un niveau professionnel (e) concernant l``utilisation des strategies de traduction appropriees, apres avoir termine leur projet en traduction. De plus, les competences ≪ psychophysiologiques ≫ des etudiants se sont egalement ameliorees et developpees par le biais de ces projets en traduction. Au vu de nos resultats, nous pouvons affirmer que les projets en traduction sont benefiques pour les etudiants. Les universites de Hong Kong ont connu en 2012 une reforme educative rallongeant leur cursus pre-licence (passant de 3 ans a 4 ans) et nos resultats aideront probablement les enseignants en traduction en leur donnant des indications importantes servant a l``enseignement et au developpement des programmes, puisque ces institutions devront bientot revoir leur programme d``enseignement pour satisfaire les besoins des etudiants en cursus pre-licence d``une duree de quatre ans.

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