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      • Effects of annealing temperature of aqueous solution-processed ZnO electron-selective layers on inverted polymer solar cells

        Ka, Y.,Lee, E.,Park, S.Y.,Seo, J.,Kwon, D.G.,Lee, H.H.,Park, Y.,Kim, Y.S.,Kim, C. Elsevier Science 2013 Organic electronics Vol.14 No.1

        We investigate the effects of ZnO annealing temperature (T<SUB>A</SUB>) on the performance of inverted polymer solar cells with ZnO electron-selective layers deposited by spin coating aqueous solutions of an ammine-hydroxo zinc complex. The inverted solar cells based on poly(3-hexylthiophene):[6,6]-phenyl-C<SUB>61</SUB>-butyric acid methyl ester with T<SUB>A</SUB> as low as 80<SUP>o</SUP>C exhibit power-conversion efficiencies of 3.6%, which is equal to those of devices with higher T<SUB>A</SUB>. Characterizations of the ZnO films using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy, grazing incidence wide-angle X-ray scattering, and optical transmittance measurements show that the abrupt improvement of device performance from T<SUB>A</SUB>=60 to 80<SUP>o</SUP>C is due to the improvement of energy-level alignment arising from the increases in the relative amount and the crystallinity of ZnO.

      • 코스닥 등록기업의 거래소 이전효과에 관한 연구

        이계원 조선대학교 지역사회발전연구원 2003 地域發展硏究 Vol.8 No.1

        This study is purposed to test the market efficiency of KOSDAQ which present the adequate information to the investor in the second board market-I examine the impact of main board listing information on the stock price of KOSDAQ. I find that stock returns as measured by CAR are significantly increasing from disclosure day, which listing on KSE, to the after 30 business day. The positive correlation found between stock returns and listing announcement is also supportive of the view that KOSDAQ market has a lower degree of market efficiency than KSE. My findings can be summarized as follows. First, I find that listing on KSE is a good news for the investor in KOSDAQ. Second, CAR of listing firms from KOSDAQ is higher than the firms without KOSDAQ after listing day.

      • 釜山市內 公共圖書館 現況 古書室 運營實態分析

        韓桂文 新羅大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.27 No.-

        This thesis presents the effecfive management and methods of preservation of old materials through the analysis of the public libraries' present conditons and their realities of the old materials in Pusan. In pusan, there are 9 Public libraries in 11 administrative districts. But these public libraries are distributd in 5 districts only. Therefore almost 50% of Pusan residents have not been available public libraries services. The size of public libraries, Geographic conditions of library locations, the samll collections, unmatching of user numbers to the numbers of library staffs, lack of Qualified librarians, ets., there are too many defects to be improved for the better public library services. Only one public library has the old materials room. I is the Citizen's library. Therefore the library services have not been suficient to the users, as far as old materials concerned.

      • 도서관의 경영전략을 위한 정보기술의 활용

        한계문 新羅大學校 1997 論文集 Vol.43 No.-

        This study is related to the strategic information system designed to the application for information technology to strategic management for libraries. By offering the fundamental materials for the judgement and forecast in management activities in libraries, reducing the uncertainty in decision making, and securing the higher rivalry through libraries, it suggests the fundamental guidance to the procedure, method, and the draft of the importation for information system capable to make the distinction for the own library from another libraries. The plan of strategic application for information technology is devided into the following three levels. ① The libralies trying to take the greatest virtue in the product of the accumulation of technology during some period of time, can adapt the strategic management in setting up the systematic plan. ② The libralies trying to take the greatest virtue in user service and the procedures of information management by the application for information technology, can set up the strategic technology development toward the higher additional value taking a serious view in the know-how in various technologies. ③ The libraries trying to improve the efficiency for the application for information technology, are important the policy making for development of technology. However, in most libralies, among the levels of application for information technology, either the strategic development which is capable for the diffusion of the existing information technology or importation technology, or the strategic management for either adaptation or reformation is considered more efficient rather than developing new technologies. Each library is reasonable to put in good order by planning the strategic development for information technology and/or the management system suitable to his own library.

      • 도서관 및 정보 시스템의 분석기법

        한계문 新羅大學校 1992 論文集 Vol.34 No.1

        The Systems study is defined as the logical analysis of the present systems;the evaluation of the efficiency, economy, accuracy, productivity, and timeliness of existing methods and procedures measured against the established goals of the library;and the design of new methods and procedures or modification of existing methods and procedures to improve the flow of information through the systems. System analysis, when a library is to develop a new system, is indispensable analytical techniques which is done as a precedent process This study is, 1) examing the locical conception of a system, and grasping constructive elements of a library and information systems, 2) discussing the eauses, needs, and methodology of a system analysis, 3) presenting the process and content in systematizative analysis. The Purpose of this study is to inquire the mutual relations among the subsystem analysis of a library and information system, to give assistances to the sucessful system development. The Effect of system analysis to be expected is follows: (1) the problem on the whole situation is able to make clear. (2) the mutual relations among constructive elements are understood. (3) the causes and effect of a problem can clarify. (4) the relations between a variable of a problem and restrictive requiste are clear up. (5) obtain an excellant result of a whole system. (6) the library can obtain itself to its envirnment.

      • The Victim에 있어서의 Humanity 探究

        金啓民 釜山大學校 1981 人文論叢 Vol.20 No.1

        <Abstract>The purpose of this study is to investigate the sense of infringement which the hero suffers from, and examine the process of recovering it and finally to find the protago-nist's humanity in the absurd world.The novel opens by introducing Leventhal in conjunction with the suffocating heat, Bellow makes the atmosphere a reflector of Leventhal's interior suffocation. A dangling isolate, Leventhal is at his most vulnerable when Allbee, another "victim" and anti-Semite, does indeed blame, accusing Leventhal of having intentionally cost him his job years before, the loss of which led to poverty, his wife's death, and his degeneration.Though he vehemently denies Allbee's accusations at first, Leventhal fells strongly responsible for Allbee's deterioration, and so Leventhal acknowledges his responsibility, offers help and understands that Allbee is a suffering human, not merely his persecutor. The theme of the book has its central expression in the two-page speech of the old Yiddish journalist, Schlossberg as Bellow's spokesman. Briefly summarizing, he suggests the regality and elevation of his view of life; "More than human", he says, "can you have any use for life. Less than human you don't either." He means that to be more than human or less than human is to be divorced from the deepest reality. The only meaning of life is what we give it. Schlossberg says, "Why be measly? Choose dignity. In another words, the wisdom of Schlossberg is that human life has dignity; human life has greatness and beauty-but only on condition that it is human life, not subhuman or more than human. Leventhal has something of the same instinctive feeling for humanity. He thinks of Schlossberg words about the human being, and of "the explicit recongition" in Allbee's eyes which he could not doubt was the double of something in his own. Leventhal has unconsciously accepted Allbe as his double, and in doing so has confirmed his own humanity.Thus, through the growing sense of the reality of others, through his growing aware-ness of their kinship with him, Leventhal has become, in Schlossberg's terms, "human."Clearly, Bellow wants us to see all men as if they were one and each man as if he were all, because each man is everyman. In touching Allbee ---All-Be---everyman, Leventhal touches all of humanity; indeed, he become all of humanity.As Hoffman suggests in his thesis, The Victim is not about anti-semitism, but rather examines Jewish insecurity and the Jewish attitude toward complicity in anti-semite Jews are the archetype of the moderns, I can say that Bellow in this novel shows our modern's attitude for the better life as well as the direction of human life by humanity in the complicated and absurd world.

      • KCI등재

        부채비율이 주식수익률과 주가순자산 비율에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 외환위기 부채비율 200%를 중심으로 Empirical Evidence

        이계원 한국세무회계학회 2004 세무회계연구 Vol.15 No.-

        본 연구는 자본구조(부채비율)가 기업가치의 대리변수라 할 수 있는 초과수익률과 주가순자산비율에 영향을 미치는지의 여부를 검증한다. 특히, 외환위기 이후 IMF의 요구에 따른 부채비율 200%이하라는 목표를 달성한 기업들에서 자본구조와 기업가치간에 어떤 유의적인 관련성이 있는지를 살펴보고자 한다. 즉, 부채비율 200%를 최적자본구조의 기준점이 될 수 있을 것인지를 살피기 위해, 외환위기 이전 2년과 이후 3년 동안인 1996년 1월부터 2001년 12월까지를 표본기간으로 선정하고, 표본기업은 상장기업 중 결산일이 12월 31일인 제조업을 대상으로 536개 기업(5년간 누적 기업수임)을 선정하였다. 실증분석 결과, 외환위기 이후 정부가 정책목표로 설정한 부채비율 200%이하 의무달성 5대 재벌기업들은 물론, 재벌기업과 비재벌기업을 분류하여 분석한 결과에서도 자본구조가 기업가치에 유의적인 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 나타났다. 결국 부채비율 200%가 기업가치를 극대화하기 위한 최적자본구조로서 의미를 지니지 못하였다고 판단된다. 이는 비록 IMF의 요구에 따른 정부의 부채비율 200%이하 정책으로서 단기적으로는 기업의 위험축소라는 나름대로의 긍정적인면이 있지만, 부채비율 축소로 인하여 기업가치가 달라지지 않았다면 기업으로 하여금 중·장기적인 새로운 투자를 할 수 있는 기회를 가지지 못하게 하는데 일조를 한 것으로 보인다.

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