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        De Moor의 공간추론 개념의 확장과 초등수학교과서의 공간추론 내용의 분석 - 도형영역을 중심으로

        이정민 ( Lee¸ Jungmin ),김봉준 ( Kim¸ Bongjun ),전인호 ( Jeon¸ In Ho ) 서울교육대학교 초등교육연구원 2021 한국초등교육 Vol.32 No.3

        본 연구에서는 De Moor의 공간추론에 대한 개념의 확장을 모색하며, 그 관점으로 초등수학교과서의 도형영역에서 공간추론에 관한 발문을 조사하였다. 첫 번째 부분에서는 초등수학교육에서 공간추론에 관한 국내 여러 선행연구의 이론적 배경으로 사용된 De Moor의 공간추론 개념을 분석하여 그 내용들을 범주화하고 구조화를 모색하였다. 그 결과 De Moor의 공간추론의 개념은 시각화와 추론으로 구성되는 수학적 사고과정으로 볼 수 있었으며, 이를 바탕으로 그 개념의 구조를 공간능력과 추론으로 확장하였다. 그리고 공간추론의 정의를 다음과 같이 새롭게 제안하였다: 공간추론은 일상생활이나 학습활동에서 공간능력을 사용하여 추론을 수행하는 수학적 사고과정이다. 이 공간추론의 정의는 공간추론은 수학적 사고 과정이며 인간의 인지능력의 매우 중요한 부분인 공간능력과 수학적 추론(넓은 의미로)으로 구성되는 것을 의미하며, 여기서 공간능력은 기존의 알려진 정의(전인호, 2021)에 따라 공간시각화와 공간방향으로, 추론은 일반적으로 연역적 추론과 귀납적 추론으로 구성되는 것으로 제안을 하였고, 여기서 공간능력과 추론의 하위 구성요소들의 수준을 조정하면 대상 학년 수준에 적용가능한 공간추론 개념의 구조를 구성할 수 있음을 보였다. 두 번째 부분에서는 De Moor의 확장된 공간추론 개념의 구조적 관점으로 초등수학 수준에 적용 가능한 공간추론 분석 기준을 세워 현행 초등수학교과서의 도형 영역의 발문에서 공간추론 개념의 구조적 경향성을 양적 조사하였다. 그 결과 공간추론 개념의 구조적인 면에서 구조의 구성 일부분에 편중되는 경향이 나타났다. 공간추론을 구성하는 공간능력과 추론의 일부 하부 요소에서 학년과 단원에 따라 심한 편중성을 보였는데, 특히 공간능력의 경우는 학년별로 혹은 단원별로 일부 하위 구성요소에, 추론의 경우에는 전체적으로 (국소)연역적 추론에 편중되었다. 따라서 교육 과정은 학생들의 공간추론 신장을 위하여 학년과 단원에 따라 공간추론 내용을 구조적으로 편중되지 않도록 구성해야 하며, 그러기 위해선 다양한 공간능력과 추론을 사용할 수 있는 교수학적 방법의 개발이 필요함을 제언하였다. In this study, the expansion of the concept of De Moor’s spatial reasoning was sought, and from that point of view, the contents of spatial reasoning were investigated in the figure area of elementary mathematics textbooks. In the first part, we analyzed De Moor’s spatial reasoning concept, which was used as the theoretical background of several domestic previous studies on spatial reasoning in elementary mathematics education, to categorize and structure its contents. As a result, De Moor’s concept of spatial reasoning could be viewed as a mathematical thinking process composed of visualization and reasoning, and based on this, the structure of the concept was extended to spatial ability and reasoning. And the definition of spatial reasoning is newly proposed as follows: Spatial reasoning is a mathematical thinking process that uses spatial ability in daily life or learning activities to perform reasoning. This definition of spatial reasoning means that spatial reasoning is a mathematical thinking process and consists of spatial ability and mathematical reasoning (in a broad sense), which are very important parts of human cognitive ability. Here, spatial ability is proposed to be spatial visualization and spatial orientation based on existing known definitions (Jeon, 2021; McGee, 1979), and reasoning is generally composed of deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning. And it was shown that the structure of spatial reasoning concept applicable to the target grade level can be constructed by adjusting the level of subcomponents of spatial ability and reasoning. In the second part, as a result, in the structural aspect of the spatial reasoning concept, there was a tendency to be biased towards a part of the structure. Spatial ability constituting spatial reasoning and some sub-elements of reasoning showed severe bias according to grades and units. In particular, in the case of spatial ability, some factors were biased by grade level or unit, and in the case of reasoning, overall (local) deductive reasoning was biased. Therefore, the curriculum should be structured so that spatial reasoning contents are not structurally biased according to grades and units in order to enhance students' spatial reasoning. suggested.

      • KCI등재

        뉴욕 메트로폴리탄미술관 소장 트뤼브너 조상비(造像碑, the Trübner Stele)의 진위 논쟁 재고(1) ―조상기(造像記)와 문헌 및 금석학적 자료를 중심으로

        하정민 ( Ha¸ Jungmin ) 미술사와 시각문화학회 2021 미술사와 시각문화 Vol.27 No.-

        미국 뉴욕의 메트로폴리탄미술관(The Metropolitan Museum of Art) 내 아시아관에는 높이가 308cm에 달하는 대형 불교 조상비가 전시되어 있다. 이 조상비는 〈트뤼브너 조상비(the Trübner stele)〉로 불리는데, 이전 소장자였던 외르그 트뤼브너(Jörg Trübner, 1902?-1930)의 성을 따서 붙여진 것이다. 명문에 의하면 이 조상비는 북위(北魏) 영희(永熙) 2년(533)에 제작되기 시작했으며, 동위(東魏) 무정(武定) 원년(元年, 543)에 완성된 것으로 보인다. 〈트뤼브너 조상비〉는 구미의 여러 유명 미술관에 소장된 중국 불교 조각들 중에 가장 논의가 분분한 예 중 하나이다. 이 조상비는 6세기 불교 조각의 가장 중요한 명작으로 높이 평가받기도 했으며, 동시에 20세기 초의 위작이라고 폄하되기도 하였다. 특히 〈트뤼브너 조상비〉 정면의 많은 부분이 보수되면서 원형을 잃고 다시 조각되었다며 그 의미가 축소되기도 했다. 〈트뤼브너 조상비〉를 둘러싼 논란을 해결하려는 시도는 간단하지 않지만, 중국 불교미술 연구사에 있어서뿐만 아니라 구미(歐美)의 중국 조각 컬렉션의 역사와 의미를 조명하는 데 있어서도 매우 중요하다. 이러한 작업은 크게 두 가지로 나누어질 수 있다. 먼저 이 조상비의 정면과 뒷면에 새겨진 조상기와 여러 제명(題名)들을 6세기 중엽의 역사적, 지리적 상황과 대조해 보는 것이다. 다음은 조상비에 새겨진 불·보살상의 도상과 양식, 조각의 주제 및 화면 구성과 배치 등을 마찬가지로 6세기 중엽 전후 중국의 불교 석굴, 조상비 및 단독 조상(造像) 등에 나타난 시각적 요소들과 비교함으로써 미술사적으로 면밀하게 검토하는 것이다. 이 조상비의 정면 조각의 표현에 대해서는 진위 여부에 논란이 많았다. 반면 이와 대조적으로 조상기의 내용 및 서체(書體)에는 그간 특별히 논란이 제기되지 않았다. 그러나 이 조상비를 건립한 주요 공양자(供養者), 이와 관련된 이 조상비의 명칭, 그리고 이 조상비가 원래 세워졌던 지역 및 사원명(寺院名) 등과 관련해서 논란이 있는 부분이 적지 않으므로, 조상기의 내용을 자세히 살펴볼 필요가 있다고 생각된다. 본고는 〈트뤼브너 조상비〉의 명문을 자세히 조사하여, 기록된 공양자의 인명과 관직명, 그리고 원래 위치에 관해 알려 줄 수 있는 지명 등이 6세기 중엽의 역사적, 지리적 상황과 잘 부합된다는 사실을 밝힌 글이다. 따라서 이 조상비의 명문 부분만으로 판단한다면 〈트뤼브너 조상비〉는 6세기 중엽경에 제작된 진작(眞作)으로 보아도 무방할 것으로 생각된다. 다만, 〈트뤼브너 조상비〉를 건립하는 데에 가장 중요하게 기여한 공양자가 누구인지에 대해서는 이도찬(李道贊), 혁련자열(赫連子悅), 무맹종사(武猛從事) 등 다양한 의견이 있다. 이 조상비의 원래 위치 및 관련 사원에 대해서도 이견이 있으나, 대체로 하남 북부의 기현(淇縣) 부근으로 그 범위를 좁혀볼 수 있다. 조상기와 제명 등 조상비에 기록된 명문은 6세기 중엽 무렵의 역사적 상황에 대한 기록을 잘 담고 있다. 이 명문이 틀림없이 6세기 중엽경 제작된 진작으로 판단됨에 따라 〈트뤼브너 조상비〉의 진위 문제 중 절반 정도는 해결된 셈이다. 그러나 이러한 명문 관련 논의의 진행만으로는 이 조상비의 진위 문제를 완전히 해결할 수는 없다. 따라서 〈트뤼브너 조상비〉의 진위에 대한 논란을 해소하기 위해서는 조상비에 새겨진 불·보살상과 여러 인물들 및 장식 요소 등을 미술사적으로 상세히 분석해야 한다. 필자는 〈트뤼브너 조상비〉는 6세기 중엽경에 제작된 원작이 이후 어느 시기엔가 보수되면서 재조각되어 다시 봉안된 것일 가능성이 크다고 생각한다. 이에 대해 필자는 별고를 통해 다룰 생각이다. A large Buddhist stele, called “the Trubner stele” named after Jorg Trubner (1902-1930), its former owner and an art dealer, is displayed at the gallery for Chinese Buddhist art on the second floor of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. According to the inscription carved on the front and obverse sides of the stele, its creation began in 533 during the Northern Wei dynasty (386- 534) and was completed in 543 during the Eastern Wei dynasty (534-550). The Trubner stele is one of the most controversial Chinese Buddhist sculptures housed in several renowned art museums in Europe and the United States. It has been highly acclaimed as the most important masterpiece among Chinese Buddhist sculptures from the sixth century, disparaged as a forgery in the early twentieth century, or even disregarded for having been considerably recut and restored. The effort to resolve the controversy surrounding the Trubner stele is not that simple, but the issue is crucial not only in the history of Chinese Buddhist art, but also in illuminating the history and contribution of the collections of Chinese sculptures in Europe and the United States. Such investigation can be carried out in two main ways. The first is to compare the names of men who participated in the creation of the stele, their official titles, and place names carved in the dedicatory inscription of the stele to the historical and geographical circumstances of the mid-sixth century. Secondly, visual imageries carved on the stele, such as Buddhas, bodhisattvas, other figures, and ornamental elements should also be extensively investigated in terms of form, style, and iconography, using visual elements from Buddhist caves, Buddhist steles, and freestanding sculptures in China from the sixth century. In contrast to the controversy over the authenticity of the sculptures carved on the frontal surface of the stele, little question has been raised over the contents and calligraphic style of the stele’s inscription. However, it is essential to analyze the inscription, since there are many controversies concerning the main contributor of the stele, the original geographical location, and the temple wherein it was originally established. This paper investigates the dedicatory inscription on the Trubner stele and reveals that the names of patrons, their official titles, and place names are in good accordance with the historical and geographical circumstances of the mid-sixth century. Thus, it can be an important clue in locating the original location. Accordingly, this stele can be considered a genuine Buddhist sculpture produced in the midsixth century. However, there are various opinions on who contributed the most to the construction of the stele, including Li Daozan, Helian Ziyue, or the wumeng congshi. There is also disagreement about the original location of this stele and the associated temple, but it cannot be determined accurately at this point. In general, the area can be narrowed down to the northern part of the Henan province near Qi County. Since the dedicatory inscription carved on the stele reflects the historical situation of the mid-sixth century, the inscription itself can be regarded as a genuine work created at that time. Thus, at least half of the issue regarding the authenticity of the Trubner stele appears to be resolved. Nevertheless, these discussions over the dedicatory inscription alone does not fully address the issue of authenticity over the stele. In order to resolve the controversy, it is fundamental to closely examine Buddhist imageries and other visual elements carved on the stele. It is highly likely that the genuine piece of the Trubner stele was created in the sixth century, but the frontal surface of the stele had been substantially damaged and thus had to be recarved and rededicated at some point to be the present form of the Trubner stele. I would like to proceed with this argument through a separate paper.

      • A case of onychopapilloma presenting as longitudinal melanonychia

        ( Jung Min ),( Jung Yup Kim ),( Sun Min Lim ),( Jae Yun Lim ),( Ju Yeon Choi ),( Han Saem Kim ),( Jung In Kim ),( Joon Hong Min ),( Young Jun Choi ),( Jae Hui Nam ),( Ga Young Lee ),( Won Serk Kim ) 대한피부과학회 2016 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.68 No.1

        Onychopapilloma is an uncommon benign neoplasm of the nail matrix and nail bed. The clinical feature of onychopapilloma is not specific, and the majority of cases present clinically as localized longitudinal erythronychia, exceptionally as leukonychia or melanonychia. It is characterized histologically by distal subungal hyperkeratosis and nail matrix metaplasia of the nail bed with marked papillomatosis. A 50-year-old man presented with 3 year history of a longitudinal pigmented streak of the left index fingernail. He reported tenderness of the lesion. He had been treated with antifungal agent for 3 months, but showed no response after 1 year of follow up. He had a history of ankylosing spondylitis. Total excision was done, and the histologic findings showed papillomatous nail matrix squamous epithelial hyperplasia and thick keratin layer in the distal nail bed. A periodic acid-Schiff test did not reveal fungal elements. The patient showed good response without recurrence. We concluded that these findings were consistent with onychopapilloma presenting as longitudinal melanonychia, which was not a common clinical feature. Our case adds onychopapilloma to the list of conditions that can induce melanonychia.

      • A case of microvenular hemangioma on the chin

        ( Jung Min ),( Jae Yun Lim ),( Ju Yeon Choi ),( Han Saem Kim ),( Jung In Kim ),( Hyun Min Seo ),( Sang Hyeon Hwang ),( Ho Joo Jung ),( Jae Hui Nam ),( Ga Young Lee ),( Won Serk Kim ) 대한피부과학회 2015 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.67 No.1

        Microvenular hemangioma is a relatively rare, acquired, and slow-growing benign vascular lesion that usually arises as a small, reddish papule or plaque in young to middle-aged individuals. It commonly occurs on the arms, trunk, or legs. Histologically, it consists of irregular branching capillaries and venules involving the full thickness of the dermis. Herein, a 29-year-old woman presented for 2 years with an asymptomatic 1x1cm erythematous papule on the chin. Histological examination showed vascular proliferation of thin-walled blood vessels throughout the dermis. The vascular lumina were often collapsed but conspicuous. The endothelial cells are mostly flattened or slightly plump. Many flattened endothelial cells show immunoreactivity for CD31. There was noobvious nuclear atypia. We report this case of microvenular hemangioma developing on the chin, an unusual location.

      • FCP 8 : A clinicopathologic analysis of eyelid skin tumors

        ( Jung Min ),( Ju Yeon Choi ),( Han Saem Kim ),( Jung In Kim ),( Hyun Min Seo ),( Sang Hyeon Hwang ),( Heun Joo Lee ),( Yoon Hwan Kim ),( Jae Hui Nam ),( Ho Joo Jung ),( Ji Hye Park ),( Ga Young Lee ) 대한피부과학회 2014 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.66 No.2

        Background: Eyelid tumors are common neoplasms in daily dermatology practice and encompass a wide variety of benign and malignant tumors, sometimes mimicking common inflammatory conditions. Still, there have been insufficient clinical investigations of these conditions. Objectives: This study was performed to investigate the epidemiological aspects of eyelid skin tumors. The aim of this study was to provide dermatologist with recent data on the relative frequency and the clinical features of the various eyelid skin tumors. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed data of 111 patients biopsied for the eyelid skin tumors at Kangbuk Samsung hospital between January 2009 and July 2014. Results: The mean age of the patients was 56.8 years old. Benign tumors largely predominated over malignant ones, representing 81% of cases in this series, and the 3 mostfrequent subtypes were melanocytic nevus (18%), seborrheic keratosis (17%), and epidermal cyst (14%). Basal cell carcinoma was the most frequent malignant tumor (15%), followed by squamous cell carcinoma (3%). Among 111 cases, 8 cases (7%) are connected to eyelash. Conclusion: This study suggests that various tumors including malignancy can affect the eyelid areas. This study provides useful data on the incidence and characteristics of eyelid skintumors. Further investigation with a large group of patients is necessary to better understand the epidemiology of eyelid skin tumors.

      • P121 : Comparison of the effects between conventional high intensity focused ultrasonography (hifu) and novel hifu for facial lifting: a split-face, evaluator-blinded, randomized pilot study

        ( Jung Min ),( Ju Yeon Choi ),( Han Saem Kim ),( Jung In Kim ),( Hyun Min Seo ),( Sang Hyeon Hwang ),( Heun Joo Lee ),( Yoon Hwan Kim ),( Jae Hui Nam ),( Ho Joo Jung ),( Ji Hye Park ),( Ga Young Lee ) 대한피부과학회 2014 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.66 No.2

        Background: High intensity focused ultrasonography (HIFU) is proved to be a safe, effective, noninvasive procedure to tighten the facial skin. Recently novel HIFU is introduced, but there has not been research about comparison between novel and conventional HIFU. Objectives: This study was performed to compare the efficacy and safety of conventional HIFU and novel HIFU in tightening the facial skin. Methods: 20 patients with moderate to severe facial wrinkles were randomized to receive HIFU, with one side of the face treated by conventional HIFU and the other side treated by novel HIFU. After 8 weeks of treatment, efficacy of the treatment was evaluated using three forms of assessment: two blinded observers’ evaluation, measuring the width of face and participant’s satisfaction score. All data was subjected to statistical analysis using independent or paired t-test. Results: All 20 patients showed clinical improvement on both treated side. There were no significant difference on both sides in terms of clinical efficacy and patients satisfaction but significantly less pain with novel HIFU treated side. No subject was noted to have any severe complication on both sides. Conclusion: This study suggest that the novel HIFU can be the safe treatment option for the facial lifting.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Radar Image Generation Method for Ship Handling Simulator

        Jung, Min,Lee, Sin-Geol,Song, Chae-Uk Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2006 한국항해항만학회지 Vol.30 No.7

        This paper proposes a method for generating radar images used in a ship handling simulator, which includes mathematical logics based on radar equations and information from Openflight format files. In order to make radar image much similar to that of real radar in PPI type, the proposed mathematical logic derives radar video signals under the consideration of not only the data form flight format file of simulation scenes, but also geographical radar's position. The proposed method is considered useful to make radar images in ship handling simulator with accuracy and reality.

      • KCI등재

        Concept & Implementation of Three-Layered Vessel Traffic Management System

        Jung, Min,Song, Chae-Uk Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research 2010 한국항해항만학회지 Vol. No.

        Recently IMO and IALA have developed the strategy of e-Navigation and the concepts of VTM to enhance the safety, efficiency and security of vessel traffic and protection of the marine environment. And current technical and functional trends require vessel traffic management systems to be improved so as to control vessel traffic not only in waters of harbour area, but also within EEZ waters. Under the consideration of these circumstances, a three-layered vessel traffic management system was proposed in this paper. The proposed system consists of three sub-systems, called Local VTS, Regional VTS and National VTS, and those sub-systems are designed respectively to be suitable for managing vessel traffic within their own jurisdiction waters.

      • P078 : A clinical and laboratory features of cutaneous leukocytoclastic vascultis

        ( Jung Min ),( Jung In Kim ),( Hyun Min Seo ),( Sang Hyeon Hwang ),( Heun Joo Lee ),( Yoon Hwan Kim ),( Joon Hong Min ),( Joon Lee ),( Seung Jae Lee ),( Ji Hye Park ),( Ga Young Lee ),( Soo Hong Park 대한피부과학회 2013 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.65 No.2

        Background: Cutaneous leukocytoclastic vasculitis (LV) is characterized by inflammation of the vessels in the dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Cutaneous LV is a reaction pattern that may be present in a heterogenous group of disorders. This process can involve only the skin or less commonly, can be a manifestation of generalized systemic vasculitis. Objectives: Purpose of this study is to analysis clinical features and incidence of laboratory abnormality. Methods: We conducted a retrospective analysis on 51 patients with histologically proven cutaneous LV attending our clinic between January 2008 and June 2013. Results: Abnormal laboratory findings were identified in 53% of patients including complete blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, antistreptolysin O, blood coagulaton test, antinuclear antibody, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibody, double strand DNA, liver function test, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine and urinalysis. Extracutaneous manifestations occurred in 41% of patients. Possible causative factors could be identified in 51% of patients including infections (32%), drugs (22%), collagen vascular disease (6%) and foods (2%). Both drugs and infections could be possible causative factors in 10% of patients. Conclusion: The disease features found in our study showed various laboratory abnormalities. Our study indicates that LV, as seen in dermatologic department, is rare severe systemic involvement.

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