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      • KCI등재

        2010 파주, 안산지역 갈대, 억새 등 야초류의 이용실태와 사료가치 평가

        서성(Sung Seo),김원호(Won Ho Kim),정민웅(Min Woong Jung),박형수(Hyung Soo Park),심재진(Jae Jin Shim),박진길(Jin Gil Park),성하균(Ha Guyn Sung),김종덕(Jong Duk Kim),이종경(Joung Kyong Lee) 한국초지조사료학회 2011 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구는 부존 조사료자원의 이용을 활성화하여 수입사료를 줄이고 가축 사료비를 절감하고자 2010년도에 경기 파주 (민통선 지역)와 경기 안산 (시화지구)에서 갈대와 억새 등 야초자생지를 탐색하고, 수확?이용실태 조사와 함께 사료가치를 분석하였다. 파주 민통선 내억새 (Miscanthus sinensis)와 갈대 (Phragmites communis) 혼합 자생지는 90~100 ㏊ 규모로, 1차 곤포작업으로 사일리지 520톤 (㏊당 6톤), 2차로 380톤 (㏊당 4톤)을 조제하여, 연 사일리지 900톤 (㏊당 10톤)을 생산하였다. 곤포의 유통가격은 롤당 52~55천 원으로 ㎏당 130~137.5원이었다. 곤포는 자가소비 50~70%, 판매유통 30~50%로, 수익성은 인건비 정도로 추정되었다. 초장 70 ㎝의 재생 억새는 조단백질 9.6%, 상대사료가치 82.4 (건초 4등급), 건물 소화율 67.7%, 초장 70 ㎝의 재생 갈대는 각각 13.8%, 84.3 (4등급), 67.9%로 사료가치는 높았으며, 수확이 늦어짐에 따라 사료가치는 크게 낮아졌다. 안산 시화지구 (3공구)의 갈대 등 야초류자생지는 100 ㏊ 정도로 2009년도에는 50 ㏊에서 사일리지 550톤 (㏊당 11톤)을 생산하여 롤당 50천 원에 유통하였으며, 2010년도는 잦은 강우와 장마로 부분 이용에 그쳤다. 고초기의 갈대는 건물률 89.8%, 조단백질 2.2%, NDF 80.6%, ADF 55.4%, 상대사료가치 52.9 (5등급), 건물 소화율 36.4%로 볏짚에 비해서도 사료가치는 크게 낮았다. 초장 80 ㎝의 재생 갈대는 조단백질 12.9%, 상대사료가치 99.8 (3등급), 건물 소화율 66.6%로 사료가치는 양호하였으며, 개화기의 초장 150 ㎝ 갈대는 조단백질 4.5%, 상대사료가치 59.9 (5등급), 건물 소화율 42.2%로 볏짚의 사료가치와 비슷하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여볼 때, 갈대, 억새 등 야초류는 현 상태에서 최대한 수거?이용하되, 사료가치를 유지하고 가축 기호성을 고려한 시기에 수확하는 것이 중요하며, 최소한 볏짚과 비슷하거나 그 이상의 사료가치를 기대하기 위해서는 7월 중순 이전 (늦어도 7월까지)에 수확?이용하는 것이 권장된다. 본 연구에서 조사된 대부분의 야초류는 상대사료가치가 75 이하인 건초 5등급으로 사료가치는 매우 낮았으며, 키가 작은 영양생장기에 수확한 경우에만 4등급으로 나타났다. 부존 조사료자원의 이용은 양질의 사료작물 생산과 병행하여 추진하는 것이 바람직하였다. This study was carried out in 2010 to investigate the utilization and nutritive value of native grasses, such as Phragmites communis and Miscanthus sinensis which might reduce the cost of feeding domestic cattle. The regions within the Civilian Control Line in Paju and Sihwa region in Ansan were surveyed. In Paju, the yearly silage production was 900 MT harvested from 90 ha (10 MT/㏊). About 30~50% of these were sold out at the marketing price of 52,000~55,000 Won per roll (130~137.5 Won/㎏). Regrown Miscanthus sinensis of 70 ㎝ in length contained 9.6% of crude protein (CP), 82.4 of relative feed value (RFV), and 67.7% of in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). Regrown Phragmites communis of 70 ㎝ in length contained 13.8% of CP, 84.3 of RFV, and 67.9% of IVDMD. As harvesting was delayed, the quality was decreased dramatically. In Ansan region, Phragmites communis plantation covers 100 ha. The silage production was 550 MT from the area of 50 ha (11 MT/㏊) in 2009. And the marketing price was 50,000 Won per roll. But in 2010 only a small amount of grasses could have been baled due to frequent and much rainfall from spring to summer season. However, the good forage quality was observed from regrown Phragmites communis of 80 ㎝ in length, 12.9% CP, 99.8 RFV and 66.6% IVDMD, while that of late matured grasses was very low, 2.2% CP, 52.9 RFV and 36.4% IVDMD, greatly lower than forage quality of rice straw. The quality of grasses at bloom stage of 150 ㎝ in length was similar to that of rice straw, showing 4.5% CP, 59.9 RFV and 42.2% IVDMD. In conclusion, the overall quality of most native grasses in this survey were very poor. Therefore, we recommend that Phragmites communis and Miscanthus sinensis should be harvested during June or July to obtain better forage quality which is richer in forage values than rice straw. Production of high quality forage crops was also desirable for self sufficiency of forage.

      • KCI등재

        2010 해남, 평창, 원주지역 갈대 등 야초류의 이용실태와 사료가치 평가

        서성(Sung Seo),한대덕(Dae Duk Han),장선식(Sun Sik Jang),김원호(Won Ho Kim),정민웅(Min Woong Jung),최진혁(Jin Hyuck Choi),김진숙(Jin Sook Kim),김하영(Ha Young Kim),이종경(Joung Kyong Lee) 한국초지조사료학회 2012 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        본 연구는 부존 조사료자원 이용으로 수입사료를 줄이고 사료비를 절감하고자 2010년도에 전남 해남(간척지), 강원 평창(강변), 원주(섬강변), 전남 영광(와탄강변) 등 4개 지역에서 갈대와 억새 등 야초 자생지를 탐색하고, 수확·이용실태 조사와 함께 사료가치를 분석하였다. 전남 해남 해남목장 내 갈대(Phragmites communis) 위주의 야초 자생지는 300 ha로 예년에는 2회 곤포작업하여 연간 사일리지로 2,300~2,500톤(ha당 8톤)을 생산하였으나 2010년도는 1회 곤포조제로 사일리지 2,000톤(ha당 7톤)을 생산하였다. 유통가격은 롤 당 53천원으로 ㎏당 110원이었다. 곤포는 전량 자가소비하며, 외부 작업단에 롤 당 26천원의 작업비를 지불하였다. 연간 조수입은 2억 2,260만원이며, 소득은 1억원 수준(345천원/ha)이었다. 초장 150 ㎝의 갈대는 조단백질 8.4%, 상대사료가치 71.9 (건초 5등급), 건물 소화율 60.1%로 사료가치는 볏짚에 비해 약간 나은 것으로 평가되었다. 갈대 사일리지의 사료가치와 유기산 함량은 동일 지역에서 동일한 재료로 사일리지를 조제하더라도 수확시기에 따라 차이가 컸으며(CP 4.7~6.4%, RFV 62.2~78.9, 건물 소화율 41.9~53.9%), 갈대 사일리지의 품질은 수단그라스에 비해 불량하였다. 강원 평창 강변 자생갈대의 사료가치는 초장이 79, 117, 121, 142㎝로 생육이 진행됨에 따라 낮아져, 조단백질은 각각 13.9%에서 7.6%로, 상대사료가치는 90.7 (건초 3등급)에서 76.1 (건초 4등급)로, 건물 소화율은 72.9%에서 54.7%로 감소하였다. 원주 섬강 주변 야초류는 곤포수확 작업에 어려움이 있었으며, 초장 130 cm의 갈대는 조단백질 8.5%, 상대사료가치 82.3 (건초 4등급), 건물 소화율 70.2%로 사료가치는 높았으며, 220㎝의 성숙한 갈대는 조단백질 10.2%, 상대사료가치 65.1 (건초 5등급), 건물 소화율 48.9%로 볏짚 대비 조금 나은 것으로 평가되었다. 전남영광지역에서는 와탄천 주변에 자생하는 갈대를 수거 이용하고자 시도하였으나 경제성이 없어 중단하였다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여볼 때, 갈대, 억새 등 야초류는 현 상태에서 최대한 수거·이용하되, 사료가치를 유지하고 가축 기호성이 양호한 시기에 수확하는 것이 중요하며, 최소한 볏짚과 비슷하거나 그 이상의 사료가치를 기대하기 위해서는 7월 중순 이전(늦어도 7월까지)에 수확·이용하는 것이 권장된다. This study was carried out in 2010 to investigate the utilization and forage quality of native grasses, such as Phragmites communis which might reduce the cost of feeding domestic cattle. The regions surveyed were the Haenam ranch in Haenam, Pyeongchang, Wonju, and Yeonggwang. In Haenam, yearly silage production harvested from 300 ha was 2,000 MT (7 MT/ha). All of those round bale silages were self-consumed in that region, and marketing price was 50,000 55,000 won per roll (110 won/㎏). Phragmites communis of 150 ㎝ in length contained 8.4% crude protein (CP) with relative feed value (RFV) 71.9 and 60.1% in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD), which was somewhat more favorable than forage quality of rice straw. The silage quality of Phragmites communis varied greatly by the time of harvest (CP 4.7 6.4%, RFV 62.2 78.9, and IVDMD 41.9 53.9%), even with the same district and of the same original forage materials. Generally, the quality of Phragmites communis silage of was poorer than that of sorghum * sudangrass hybrid. In Pyeongchang, forage quality of Phragmites communis was decreased from 13.9% to 7.6% in CP, 90.7 to 76.1 in RFV, and 72.9% to 54.7% in IVDMD, as plant was getting mature, from 79 ㎝ to 117 ㎝, 121 ㎝ or to 142 ㎝ in length. In Wonju, the quality values of Phragmites communis of 130 ㎝ in length were 8.5% CP, 82.3 RFV and 70.2% IVDMD, while those of matured grasses of 220 ㎝ in length were lower (10.2% CP, 65.1 RFV and 48.9% IVDMD), but this was a little more favorable than quality of rice straw. In Yeonggwang, feeding Phragmites communis was tried in a Hanwoo feed, but stopped due to low profitability. In conclusion, the overall quality of most native grasses including Phragmites communis in this survey was poor. Therefore, we recommend that Phragmites communis and native grasses should be harvested on June or July to obtain richer forage quality in forage values than rice straw.

      • GO-13 : The Effects of Body Mass Index on Survival Outcomes in Patients With Cervical Carcinoma (IB1 to IVA)

        ( Jung Min Park ),( Yoo Young Lee ),( Chel Hun Choi ),( Tae Joong Kim ),( Jeong Won Lee ),( Duk Soo Bae ),( Byoung Gie Kim ) 대한산부인과학회 2014 대한산부인과학회 학술대회 Vol.100 No.-

        목적: This study was designed to investigate the effect of body mass index (BMI) on treatment outcomes for patients with cervical carcinoma. 방법: This retrospective cohort study included all patients with cervical carcinoma (IB1 to VIA) who were treated at Samsung Medical Center between April 1996 and December 2007. We excluded patients who had neoadjuvant chemotherapy or rare histologic subtypes. The BMI (kg/m2) for each patient was categorized by using World Health Organization criteria. BMI was chosen at initial outpatient clinics or before initiation of treatment. 결과: We could enroll 1003 patients with cervical cancer. The median follow up is 52 months (1-181) and 5-year overall survival rate was 86.3%. There were 174 (17.3%) recurrences or progressions and 124 (12.4%) deaths during the study period. The median age and BMI of all patients was 50 years (21 to 85) and 23.6 kg/m2 (15.4 to 38.5). On univariate analysis, compared with normal weight (BMI 18.5-24.9 kg/m2) and overweight (BMI > 25 kg/m2), a BMI <18.5 kg/m2 was associated with decreased progression and overall survival but not statistically significant. However, for multivariate analysis, higher BMI was significantly associated with better overall survival (HR; 0.941, 95% CI; 0.892-0.933). Regarding BMI and related parameters, age (R2= 0.167, p< 0.001), hypertension (R2= 0.167, p< 0.001) and lymphocyte count (R2= 0.167, p< 0.001) were the independent factors that are related with BMI of the patients. 결론: We found that cervical cancer patients who had pretreatment lower BMI entails diminished overall survival. Patients with younger age, no history of hypertension, and lower level of pre-treatment lymphocyte count were associated with pretreatment lower BMI in this study population.

      • KCI등재

        Feasibility of Anesthesia-Free Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy in Elderly Patients with Urinary Tract Infections

        Duk Yoon Kim,Hyun Jin Jung,Eun Kyoung Yang,Won Yeol Cho 대한요로생식기감염학회 2023 Urogenital Tract Infection Vol.18 No.2

        Purpose: Patients with underlying diseases, particularly in the elderly, urinary tract obstruction with a ureter stone would progress to severe conditions. Some of them have poor general conditions to endure anesthesia. Therefore, this study validated the feasibility of ureteroscopic stone removal without anesthesia for elderly patients with ureter stones who were under impending septic conditions or severe urinary tract infections. Materials and Methods: Thirty-four patients (16 males and 18 females) were included in this study. All of them had serious problems, making it difficult to endure anesthesia. Most of them were inserted pre-operative percutaneous nephrostomy catheter, and ureteroscopic lithotripsy was performed successfully after intravenous analgesic injection (pethidine 25 mg). Results: The mean age was 71.8±10.84 years. The locations of the stones were upper ureter in 11, mid-ureter in 6, and lower ureter in 17 cases. Urine and blood cultures identified bacteria from 17/34 patients. Escherichia coli was the most common (10/17), followed in order by Klebsiella pneumoniae and Staphylococcus epidermidis in 5 and 2 cases, respectively. Most patients had an abnormal white blood cell count (19,400±4,233.3/l) and elevated C-reactive protein levels (110.3±83.6 mg/L). No patient had to stop the operation because of intolerable pain. The mean of the visual analog pain scale was 3.2±0.86. The overall success rate was 100%. Conclusions: The trial of ureteroscopic lithotripsy after administering analgesics could improve the condition of elderly patients whose general condition is too poor to endure anesthesia without serious complications.

      • SCIE

        Peritubular capillary preservation with COMP-angiopoietin-1 decreases ischemia-reperfusion-induced acute kidney injury.

        Jung, Yu Jin,Kim, Duk Hoon,Lee, Ae Sin,Lee, Sik,Kang, Kyung Pyo,Lee, Sang Yong,Jang, Kyu Yun,Sung, Mi Jeong,Park, Sung Kwang,Kim, Won American Physiological Society 2009 American Journal of Physiology Vol.297 No.4

        <P>Ischemia followed by reperfusion induces microvascular endothelial cell injury, leading to the loss of functions such as regulation of vascular tone, tissue perfusion, permeability, and inflammation in kidney. Improvement of this endothelial dysfunction could be a good approach to treating ischemia-reperfusion-induced renal injury. Cartilage oligomeric matrix protein-angiopoietin-1 (COMP-Ang1) is a variant of native angiogenic factor angiopoietin-1 engineered to have higher activity. We evaluated the protective effect of COMP-Ang1 in an ischemia-reperfusion renal injury model. COMP-Ang1 preserved renal peritubular capillaries after ischemia-reperfusion injury without recruiting pericytes. Pretreatment with COMP-Ang1 attenuated the increase of blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine levels after ischemia-reperfusion. In addition, the morphological examination indicated less tubular injury in mice pretreated with COMP-Ang1 than in those treated with the vehicle. COMP-Ang1 treatment reduced the increase in the number of Gr-1-positive neutrophils or ER-HR3-positive macrophages infiltrating kidneys, increased phosphorylation of Akt, and preserved renal tissue perfusion flow and microvascular permeability. Furthermore, COMP-Ang1 decreased renal interstitial fibrosis 30 days after the ischemia-reperfusion injury. In conclusion, COMP-Ang1 can be a possible endothelial cell-targeted therapy for preventing ischemia-reperfusion-induced acute kidney injury.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Case Report : Angiomyofibroblastoma of the vulva

        ( Jung Won Seo ),( Kyoung A Lee ),( Na Ra Yoon ),( Jeong Won Lee ),( Byoung Gie Kim ),( Duk Soo Bae ) 대한산부인과학회 2013 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.56 No.5

        Angiomyofibroblastoma (AMFB) is an uncommon benign mesenchymal tumor. AMFB occurs almost in the vulvo-vaginal area of women. The gross features of AMFB are well-circumscribed so it clinically is often thought as Bartholin gland cyst or aggressive angiomyxoma. Usually, most tumors grow slowly, and patients do not feel pain. It also has low tendency for local recurrence. The histologic findings of the tumors are abundant thin-walled blood vessels with hypocellular and hypercellular areas. Almost all tumor cells have immunoreactivity for both desmin and vimentin. It also has estrogen and/or progesterone receptors, but staining for cytokeratin is negative. Here is a case of AMFB of the vulva occurring in a 40-year-old woman, involving the right labia majora. The patient described that her vulva mass grew in about few months. The maximum dimension of the tumor was measured as 2 cm, and we resected the tumor one month after as her second visit.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        Prognostic Value of Pre-Treatment SCC-Ag Level in Patients with Cervical Cancer

        ( Jung Joo An ),( Yoo Young Lee ),( Jin Young Park ),( Chel Hun Choi ),( Tae Joong Kim ),( Jeong Won Lee ),( Byoung Gie Kim ),( Duk Soo Bae ) 대한산부인과학회 2011 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.54 No.8

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the prognostic role of pre-treatment squamous cell carcinoma-related antigen (SCC-Ag) level in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Methods In this study, we retrospectively enrolled patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix (FIGO stage IB to IVA) who were treated at Samsung Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, from 1996 to 2007. Results We retrospectively enrolled 788 patients. Median SCC-Ag level was 1.6 ng/mL (reference range, 0.1-362.0) in all patients. Four hundred seven out of 788 patients had elevating pre-treatment SCC-Ag level (51.6%). When we divided the cohort based on the stage (early cervical carcinoma; IB1 and IIA vs. locally advanced cervical carcinoma [LACC]; IB2 and IIB to IVA) and performed multivariate analysis, pre-treatment SCC-Ag entailed prognostic significance only in LACC (progression-free survival: hazard ratio [HR], 1.007; 95% confidential interval [CI], 1.003-1.010; overall survival: HR, 1.005; 95% CI, 1.001-1.009). Among patients who showed recurrence disease and had the result of SCC-Ag before recurrence (n=94), 79 patients (84.0%) had the elevation of SCC-Ag level at the time of recurrence. Conclusion Pre-treatment SCC-Ag level is an independent prognostic factor for survival in patients with LACC. Measuring pre-treatment serum SCC-Ag may be a cost-effective method to predict prognosis in patients with LACC.


        Influences of Cultural Medium Component on the Production of Poly($\gamma$-glutamic acid) by Bacillus sp. RKY3

        Jung Duk-Yeon,Jung Sunok,Yun Jong-Sun,Kim Jin-Nam,Wee Young-Jung,Jang Hong-Gi,Ryu Hwa-Won The Korean Society for Biotechnology and Bioengine 2005 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.10 No.4

        In this study, the cultural medium used for the efficient production of $\gamma$-PGA with a newly isolated Bacillus sp. RKY3 was optimized. It was necessary to supplement the culture medium with L-glutamic acid and an additional carbon source in order to induce the effective production of $\gamma$-PGA. The amount of $\gamma$-PGA increased with the addition of L-glutamic acid to the medium. The addition of 90 g/L L-glutamic acid to the medium resulted in the maximal yield of $\gamma$-PGA (83.2 g/L). The optimum nitrogen source was determined to be peptone, but corn steep liquor, a cheap nutrient, was also found to be effective for $\gamma$-PGA production. Both the $\gamma$-PGA production and cell growth increased rapidly with the addition of small amounts of $K_2HPO_4$ and $MgSO_4\cdot7H_{2}O$. Bacillus sp. RKY3 appears to require $Mg^{2+}$, rather than $Mn^{2+}$, for $\gamma$-PGA production, which is distinct from the production protocols associated with other, previously reported bacteria. Bacillus sp. RKY3 may also have contributed some minor $\gamma$-PGA depolymerase activity, resulting in the reduction of the molecular weight of the produced $\gamma$-PGA at the end of fermentation.

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