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        자발성 뇌 및 소뇌혈종의 임상적 고찰

        이규춘,황성남,석종식,임광세 대한신경외과학회 1985 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.14 No.1

        The clinical analysis of 139 spontaneous intracebral & cerebellar hematonaa confirmed by brain CT & admitted to this neurosurgical clinic past 3 years & 5 months were made with literature review. 1) The age incidence showed increase over fourth decade and male to female ratio was 56.1:43.9. 2) 50.4% of total patients showed hypertension but 40.3% did not checked their B.P. & 9.3% had normal B.P. before cerebral hemorrhage. Among 50.4% of hypertension cases, 72% received antihypertensive treatment intermittently, 2.9% regularly and the rest 24.3% did not. 3) 69.7% of hematoma located in basal ganglia & thalamus. In nonoperated patients, the morbidity & mortality showed no marked difference in their locations except pontine & cerebellar hematomas. In operated patients the morbidity & mortality was prominent in putaminal hemorrhage than in thalamus and cerebellum. Most of putaminal hematoma had semicomatose or comatose mental state and ventricular hemorrhage in 87.5%. 4) The morbidity & mortality increased in proportion to size of hematomas, grade of unconsciousness in admisson and state of intraventricular hemorrhage. 5) About time interval from ictus to operation, the patients within first 24 hours are 29 cases (51.1%)and the next 24 hours arc 13 cases (26.5%). The mortality rate of two groups were 55.1% & 53.8% respectively but no death 'in the patients with operation performed after 48 hours. 6) The morbidity & mortality rete were as follows. In the non operated patients (90 patients), no or mild neurological deficits: 22.2% moderate:21.1% severe: 20% and moribund or death:36.6%. In the operated patients no or mild neurological deficits:16.3% moderate: 18.4% severe:18.4% and moribund or death: 46.9% . The result of total patients showed no or mild neurological deficits:20.1%, moderate: 20.1% severe: 19.4% and moribund or death: 40.2%.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        급성기 두부손상 환자의 혈중 Creatine Kinase BB(CK-BB)에 대한 임상 분석

        이규춘,박용석,이영배 대한신경외과학회 1992 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.21 No.3

        The extent of brain damage is known to be an essential predictive factor in the clinical course of patient with severe head injury. The purpose of the work was to study the usefullness of brain type creatine kinases (CK-BB) as a biochemical index of brain injury. We performed a Tri-check isoenzyme electrophoresis to determine the serum level of CK-BB in 123 patients with head injury. CK-BB isoenzyme was detected in the serum in 24 out of 123 patients with acute brain injury(19.5%). The peak of CK-BB activity ranged from 2 to 85IU/I and mean value was 21.40±21.66IU/I. The activity was higher in patients with diffuse axonal injury, intracerebral hematoma and subdural hematoma than any other cases. The serum CK-BB isoenzyme was more frequently detected in low GCS score cases at admission and these patients had poor outcome than high GCS score cases. High CK-BB activity in serum was associated with poor prognosis, but a low CK-BB activity in serum was not necessarily a good prognostic sign. The presence of the serum CK-BB isoenzyme correlated with admission GCS score and with the ultimate outcome. We conclude that CK-BB level in serum is a reliable marker of cerebral parenchymal injury and may enhance the predictive value of the Glasgow coma scale score when used in conjunction with this indicant.

      • 실험적 척수손상에서 Lipid Hydroperoxides 생성과 항산화효소의 활성도 변화에 대한 연구

        이규춘,최덕영 중앙대학교 의과대학 의과학연구소 1992 中央醫大誌 Vol.17 No.3

        Lipid peroxidation has attracted increasing recently because it promises to unify many potential causes of secondary tissue damage into a single mechanism. An acute ballon compression for 3 minutes in the rabbit spinal cord was made to induce spinal cord injury. The production of lipid hydroperoxides and changes of antioxidants enzyme activities were evaluated. In addition, these values were compaired with the pathologic findings of the injured spinal cord. Lipid hydroperoxides were increased in 5-minute observation group. The activity of total superoxide dismutase in 5, 10, 1-minute observation groups was increased significantly (fourfold, p<0.005). And the manganese-superoxide dismutase (Mn-SOD) activity in 5, 10-minute was increased (p<0.025) but decreased in 30-minute group (p<0.025). The activity of catalase was somewhat variable and elevated in all observation groups except 2 weeks one. Microscopic examination of the compressed spinal cords showed normal finding (52%), focal hemorrhage (27%) and diffuse hemorrhage (21%) around the central canal of the spinal cord. Central hemorrage had no effect on the lipid peroxidation and activity of SOD but the activity of catalase was increased in diffuse hemorrage group (p<0.05). Lipid peroxidation is therefore an early step and antioxidants (superoxide dismutase, catalase) also induce quickly in a complicated cascade of biochemical events associated with the balloon compressed spinal cord injury.

      • KCI등재

        대한제국기 이세직(李世稙)의 유배와 도주

        이규춘 국립해양문화재연구소 2021 해양문화재 Vol.15 No.-

        There are two purposes to this manuscript. Firstly, we study the different exile patterns shown in Korean exile culture. Because this research area is very broad, we narrow the scope to the exile and escape of Korean empire era exile Lee Sejik(李世稙). Secondly, we introduce “Sa-beop-poom-bo(司法稟報)” and its value and meaning as a cultural historical source. We restricted the sources for this study to the records of Lee Sejik from Sa-beop-poom-bo only. Lee Sejik was a personal servant and spy of King Go-Jong(高宗) during the Korean empire era. He was the mastermind behind the assassination of Kim Ok-Gyun(金玉均). Although he gained the trust of the King through this and was given several official positions, he abused his authority and was banished to Jeju-do for exile. He was then repositioned to Chuja-do because of conflicts with local scholars, where he succeeded in escaping exile while staying in a stopover spot, Wando. He infiltrated into Mokpo and eventually sailed to Japan where he defended his actions. Lee Sejik arrived in the exile spot of Jeju-do on May 6th, 1898 and was ordered to move exile spots to Chuja-do in September of 1898. He arrived in Wando on January 24th, 1899, and escaped on March 17th. He fled to Japan on June 19th. Five years later, Lee Sejik was re-exiled to Chuja-do, Wando province, and was pardoned a year later. Because the Korean empire era was a period of rapid change, prisoner escapes occurred from time to time due to lack of exile supervision. This could not have been possible without the help of low-ranking officials and local residents. Such reality is well recorded in Sa-beop-poom-bo. We hope further extensive research on this source will be continued in the future. 본고는 두 가지의 목적에서 연구를 시작하였다. 하나는 광범위한 의미에서 해양문화의 한 양상인 유배의 일면을 살펴보기 위함이다. 이에 구한말의 유배객인 이세직의 유배를 연구대상으로 선정하여 고찰하였다, 또 하나는 《사법품보(司法稟報)》의 자료적 가치를 소개하고자 함이다. 이세직은 대한제국기의 정치적 인물로 고종의 비호 아래 첩자로 활동한 자이다. 김옥균을 살해한 후 3년 여 동안 관직에 있었으나 몇 가지 비리 혐의로 제주도로 유배당하여 1898년 4월 22일 제주에 도착하였다. 이세직은 제주도의 지역 유림과 갈등을 일으켜 동년 9월 추자도로 이배가 결정되었으며, 1899년 1월 24일 완도에 도착하였다. 그리고 완도 군수가 휴가를 받아 상경한 틈을 타서 동년 3월 17일에 목포로 탈주하였고, 6월 19일에 일본인 복장을 하고 현해탄을 건너며 선상 인터뷰를 했다. 그 후 다시 정계에 복귀한 이세직은 1905년 3월 체포되어 동년 10월 추자도로 유배가 결정되어 동월 28일 제주에 도착하였다. 그리고 2년 뒤인 1907년 11월 18일에 특별사면 되었다. 이세직의 유배와 탈주의 과정은 당시 남도의 유배자 관리의 실상이 어떠했는지를 보여주는 실례이다. 이러한 전 과정이 낱낱이 《사법품보》에 수록되어 있어 자세한 사실을 알 수 있는데, 이것이 이 자료가 갖는 최대의 의의이자 가치일 것이다. 《사법품보》는 1894년(고종31)부터 1907년까지 조선 왕조 및 대한제국 시기에 전국 각지의 관아와 지방재판소에서 법부에 보내온 공문서를 제책(製冊)한 자료이다. 이 자료는 범죄자의 심문 내용과 판결 사항을 편집한 것인데, 여기에 구한말 사회의 적나라한 실상을 알 수 있는 온갖 정보가 실려 있다. 한국한문학의 관점에서 이 자료를 볼 때, 정부의 공식 문서를 국한문 혼용으로 기록했다는 점과, 이두식 표현이 다수 나타난다는 점, 정통 한문의 서술 방식에서 벗어나고 있다는 점, 표현상의 수사가 조야하지만 내용의 전달에 가식이 없다는 점, 일부의 기록에서는 세련된 문학성까지 읽어낼 수 있다는 점, 함경도와 평안도에서부터 제주도에 이르기까지 조선의 전 지역의 기록이 수록되어 있다는 점 등을 고려할 때, 자료로서의 존재 가치가 엄존한다. 그리고 대부분의 기록을 관아의 서기, 특히 형방이라는 중인 계층의 인물이 담당했다는 사실은 지금까지 사대부 계층의 작품 및 기록물에만 관심을 갖고 있던 한국 한문학계의 연구 범주를 확장할 수 있는 계기를 마련할 수 있을 것이다.

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