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      • 가족집단의 교육적기능강화를 위한 연구

        한장덕 安東敎育大學 1968 論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        Purpose and method; The study is an attempt to point out what are the methods of home education. What are the differences among oponions of different social strata and the degree of their importance? With the results of the reference consultations, I have made the questionnaire composed with 35 items, which I administered to 1,164 persons(including school administrators, educational administrators, professors and teachers). Conclusion; To conclude the findings; first, among all strata, the following 12 methods of home education are considered most emphatically and important: 1. To built the condition for good habit of learning; 2. To take account into the motivation and interests of the students; 3. To take account into the abilities of the individual student; 4. To consider the methods to improve the economic life; 5. To take account into the adjust for the physical health; 6. To help even the less able students to achieve the basic standards of the whole class; 7. To encourage and enhance the student's appreciation for his family; 8. To encourage the special abilities of the individual students; 9. To cultivate the spirit of service; 10. To present the chance for learning in many ways and in various forms; 11. Adults must guide the students for them learn good actions and words; 12. The growth of the atmosphere of family pride; Second, even though I can find some differences among the people of every strata for emphasis on home education, it seems that they are originated from self-centeric attitude on the items.

      • 學生生活硏究所의 運營實態와 改善方案

        한장덕 안동대학 학생지도연구소 1989 學生指導硏究 Vol.9 No.1

        학생생활연구소는 매우 전문화되고 다양한 기능을 수행하여야 한다. 이상로(1979)는 학생생활연구소가 수행해야 할 기능으로 ①연구의 기능 ②자기이해의 조력기능 ③자기자신에 맞는 진로를 현명하게 선택·결정하도록 돕는 기능 ④문제해결능력의 배양 ⑤적응과 정신건강의 조력 ⑥조성적 기능과 지시적 기능 등을 들고 있으며 정원식(1982)은 학생에 대한 전문적 지도기능 ①학생문제에 대한 지도기능 ②전문적 학생지도개념의 보급과 교수에 대한 조력제공의 협조기능 등으로 요약하고 있다.

      • 대학 새마을 연구소원의 연구동향 분석

        한장덕 安東大學 새마을硏究所 1985 새마을硏究 Vol.4 No.1

        새마을 硏究會, 各大學 새마을 硏究所의 硏究誌, 새마을運動 中央本部 地域開發 調査硏究團의 學術論文 662펀 (부록 참조)을 分析한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1) 새마을 連動의 槪念 및 總括事項, 農 漁村 새마을 運動, 都市 새마을 運動, 學校(大學) 새마을 運動 領域은 않은 硏究가 進行되었으나 職場 工場 새마을 運動, 靑少年 새마을 運動, 婦女 새마을 運動, 金庫 새마을 運動, 올림픽 새마을 運動, 새마을 國際化의 領域에 關한 硏究는 不進하다. 2) 內容面에서 發展戰略 및 方向 (類型, 理論, 方案, 理念指針 및 方向, 戰略), 事業計劃 및 評價(分析, 評價, 成果, 調査, 硏究, 企劃, 實態調査), 所得增大(所得, 技術指導, 事例經營, 새마을 工場, 市場, 貯蓄과 金談), 精神啓發 (思想 및 精神, 敎育, 文化, 歷史的 事實과 現實, 弘報, 宗敎, 農協), 技術 및 人力開發 (組織活動, 指導者, 産學協同, 人力開發 및人口)둥에 關한 硏究가 많으며 生産基盤(生産基盤, 環境 및 構造, 交通, 通信, 農業構造, 農業機械化, 資源 및 生産資材), 行政 (行政支援, 執行機關 體制, 制度), 地域開發 (地域社會開發, 社會構造), 福祉環境(厚生福祉, 生活), 治山緣化 (地理), 問題點 및 展望(問題點과 展望, 政策 또는 課題)둥에 關한 硏究가 적음으로 集中的인 硏究가 要求된다. 3) 年代別 內容 및 領域의 分析에서 發展戰略 및 方向, 事業計劃 및 評價는 새마을 運動의 始作과 아울러 繼續的으로 硏究가 進行되고 있으나 所得增大, 精神啓發, 技術 및 人力開發은 繼續的인 硏究가 되지 않고 最近에는 論文의 數가 줄어드는 傾向으로 重點的인 硏究가 要請된다. 또한 領域으로는 槪念 및 總括事項, 農·漁村 새마을 運動, 都市 새마을 運動, 職場·工場새마을 運動, 學校(大學) 새마을 運動둥에 關한 繼績的인 硏究는 물론이려니와 特히 靑少年 새[이후원문누락]

      • Max Weber의 Wissenschaft als Beruf의 一考察 : 敎育學的 側面을 中心으로

        한장덕 安東大學 1984 安東大學 論文集 Vol.6 No.1

        Ⅰ. Vorwort Die Rolle und Wirkung des Universitatslehrers Max Weber ist bis heute nicht systematische erforscht werden. Das ist um soverwunderlicher, als Weber zusammengenommen etwa 13 Jahre seines Lebens als Hochschullehrer tatig war: Am. 1. 2. 1892 wirt er Privatdozent an der Universitat Berlin, am 1. 10. 1903 lasst er sich von semen Lehrverpflichtungen an der Universitat Heidelberg entpflichten; in Sommersemester 1918 liest er an der Universitat Wien, am 1. 4. 1919 ubernimmt er an der Universitat Munchen wiederum einen Lehrstuhl. Die foigende sind die Inhalte, die die wisser. Schaftliche-und hochschullehrerische Seite in Wissenschaft als Beruf von Max Weber dargestellt werden. Ⅱ. Die wissenschaftliche Seite: A. Die zunehmende Intellektualisierung und Rationalisierung beeutet also nicht eine zunehmende allgemeine Kenntnis der Lebensbedingungen, unter denen man steht. Das aber bedeutet: die Entzanberung der Welt. B. In der heutigen Zeit ist die innere Lage gegeniiber dem Betrieb der Wissenschaft als Beruf bedingt zunachst dadurch, dass die Wissenschaft in ein Stadium der Spezialisierung eingetreten ist, wie es fruher unbekant war, und dies in alle Zuk-unft so bleiben wird. C. Die Voraussetz ungen der Sinn der Wissenschaft als Beruf sind "Weg zum wahren Sein", "Weg zur wahren Kunst", "Weg zur wahren Natur", "Weg zum wahren Gott", "Weg zum wahren Gluck". Ⅲ. Die hochschullehrerische Seite: A. Jeder Mann, der sich zum Gelehrten berufen fuhlt, muss sich vielmehr klar-machen, dass die Aufgabe, die ihn erwartet, ein Doppelgesicht hat. Er soil quali-fiziert sein als Gelehrter nicht nur, sondern auch:als Lehrer. B. Wie kennen sein erschutterndes Schicksal. Daraus wollen wir die Lehrere ziehen: daB es mit dem Sehnen und Harren allein nicht getan ist, und es anders machen: an unsere Arbeit gehen und der "Fortererung des Tages" gerecht werden-menschlich sowohl wie beruflich. C. Der echte Lehrer wird sich sehr huten, vom Katheder herunter ihm irgendeine Stellungnahme, sei es ausdrucklich, sei es durch Suggestion-denn das ist naturlich die illoyalste Art, Wenn man "die Tatsachen sprechen lassf"-aufzudrangen. D. Politik gehbrt allerdings auch nicht dahin von seiten des Dozenten. Gerade dann nicht, wenn er sich wissenschaftlich mit Politik befasst, und dann am aller-weinigsten. E. Personlichkeit "auf wissenschaftlichem Gebiet hat nur der, der rein der Sache dient. Und nicht nur auf wissenschaftlichem Gebiet ist es so. F. Ich glaube, wenn der akademische Lehrer seine Zuhorer notigt, sich daran zu gewohnen, das er dann mehr als eine nur intellktulle Leistung vollbringt, ich wurde so unbescheiden sein, sogar den Ausdruck "sittliche Leistung" darauf anzuwenden, wenn das auch vielleicht etwas zu pathetisch fur eine so schlichte Selbstverstandlichkeit Hingen mag.

      • 都市主婦를 위한 學校主導 社會敎育의 基礎硏究

        한장덕 安東大學 1979 安東大學 論文集 Vol.1 No.1

        Die Funktion der Frauen hat wegen den funktionnellen Anderungen der Familie sich viel verandert. Die Ursache dieser Anderung im Bereich der Frauentatigkeit sind hervergerufen durch die moderne Gescllschaft, durch die Verkurzung der hauslichen Arbeit dank der fortgeschrittenen wissenschaftlichen Technik, auch die Verlangerung des Durchschnittsalters tragt dazu bei. Da es in der Families immer mehr Freizeit gibt, ist die Volksbildung unbedingt notwendig. Also, 1) Der Verfasser analysiert die Forderungen der Frauen in der Volksbildung. 2) Er fuhrt in den wahren Sachverhalt dieser Volksbildung in der Schule ein. 3) Er sucht die baste Methode, die in diesemBereich erfolgreich sein kann. Durch Fragebogen, auf welchen 423 Leute geantwortet haben, gibt es folgende Hinweise. 1) Diese Volksbildung der Frauen muβ auf den wert und die Haltung der modernen Gesellschaftsentwicklung und der Staatsentwicklung orientiert sein. 2) Ein wichtiger Punkt in dieser Ausbildung ist die Behandlung des Familienlebens mit seinen Freizeit und die Moglichkeit eines gesunden Vergnugens. Dies muβim Bereich der Gescllsehaftsentwicklung und der Staatsentwickiung gelernt werden. 3) Dieser Unterricht soil der Moglichkeit der Frauen angepaβt werden und zwar im Fruhling und im Herbst, ungefahr einen Monat, sei es 3 oder 4 Tage in einer Woche, beginnt um 10 Uhr morgens bis 1 oder 2 Uhr nachmittags. 4) Der Lehrgang muβsich befaβen mit den besondern Forderungen der Gesellschaft und mnβmit Lehrern und Frauen diskutiert werden. 5) Fruhere Methoden mussen nach und nach verschwinden, gegenseitige Diskussionen, Seminare, Experimente, praktische Methoden sollen. 6) Die Schuldirektoren und die Lehrer mussen wissen, daβunsere Schule in der Gesellschafsentwicklung eine wichtige Rolle spielt und sie wissen, die Schule als das Zentrurm der Gesellschaft haiten. Auch mussen sic in der betreffenden Behorde stets neue Ausbildung erhalten. um so uberzcugen zu konnen.

      • 韓國의 敎育社會學 硏究動向 一考

        한장덕 安東大學 1980 安東大學 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        The Purpose of this study is to cultivate the ability of the establishment of the educational policy and the performance of teaching profession, and to raise the effective educational results, and to grope for a direction of educational research in order to solve the educational problems caused by the changing society. I come to reach the following conclusion after research into the theses published in 1967 to 1979, and the recent tendency of foreign countries. The recent tendency of educational sociology of Korea. Many scholars have tried to examine the characterestic of educational sociology, but the socializing problems of school and class, the field of the teacher`s role and function to students and social structure, have been rarely studied. Accordingly, the study on educational policy, educational system, educational reformation, educational change, concerning the educational plan and educational lawmaking is requested. For the promotion of these research, it is also requested that the department of educational sociology should be established in many colleges, and seminar and symposium should be frequently held, and academic journals have to be issued by academic societies, which can establish the information exchange system with the societies of foreign countries.

      • Max Weber의 대학체제에 대한 논의

        한장덕 안동대학 학생지도연구소 1994 學生指導硏究 Vol.14 No.1

        Criterion-referenced test is used to ascertain an individual's status referred to a domain score with respect to a well-defined behavior domain (Popham, 1975). Three maior purposes of criterion-referenced tests are: (1) to estimate an examinee's domain scare: (2) to assign examinee to mastery states or categories (e. g., masters and nonmasters); and (3) to describe the performance of specified group of examinees in program evaluation studies (Hambleton, 1990) In this study, conceptualizations and estimation procedures for criterion-referenced tests reliability are discussed with literature review. Over the past decade various conceptualizations of criterion-referenced test reliability have been proposed, and numerous statistics have been devised for estimating the reliability of criterion-referenced tests (Hambleton, Swaminathan, Algina, Coulson, 1978; Berk, 1980a; Croker & Algina, 1986). These conceptualizations and estimation procedures are related to the first two purposes of criterion-referenced tests. Reliability of domain score estimates concerns the degree to which an examinee's test score approximates his or her domain score. Standard error of measurement and generalizability coefficient can be used to quantify the precision of domain score estimation. Reliability of mastery classification concerns the consistency or accuracy of mastery-nonmastery classification. The consistency of mastery classifications can be estimated based on a threshold loss function or a squared-error loss function. The threshold loss coefficients take into account whether examinees are consistently classified as masters or nonmasters across randomly parallel tests. Of the threshold loss coefficients, P_(o)-the proportion of consistently classified examinees across two criterion-referenced tests-is the simplest measure of the consistency in mastery decisions. P_(o) can be transformed into k and P_(o). These two coefficients reflect the proportion of examiees consistenty classified beyond that expected by chance. And, it is possible to estimate P_(o) or k from a single test administration. The squared-error loss coefficients take into account the squared deviations of individual scores from the cutting score across test forms. Livingston (1972) developed the first squared-error loss coefficient, K^(2) (X, T), based on classical test theory. And, Brennan and Kane (1977) derived index of dependability, Φ(λ), for criterion-referenced tests under the assumptions of generalizability theory. The accuracy of the mastery decisions concerns the degree to which mastery classifications based on test scores agree with the classifications would be made if the domain score were known, Two types of error can be made extrapolating from a test score to a mastery decision on the domain. One error is occurs when a nonmaster of the domain is classified as masters by the test score (false-positive decision), the other error is occurs when a master of the domain is classified as nonmasters by the test score (false-negative error). Wicox (l977) described procedures for estimating the probabilities of these two type of errors.

      • 安東地域 農村住民의 生活觀에 關한 考察 : 새마을 운동 정신을 中心으로

        한장덕 安東大學安東文化硏究所 1989 安東文化叢書 Vol.1 No.-

        가. 농촌주민들의 생활관의 일반적 특질 (1) 시간관념이 희박하여 시간의 절약성이 적다. (2) 자기에게 부딪친 문제를 자기가 해결하는 문제해결 정신이 희박하다. (3) 사적인 것이 강하고 공적인 것은 약하며 정에 얽혀 공공질서나 준법정신이 희박하다. (4) 참여성이 희박하고 소극적이다. (5) 독창성이 희박하여 수구적인 생활관을 가졌다. 나. 성별 특징 (1) 일반적으로 부녀층이 모든 영역에 바라는 바의 생활관 확립이 뒤지고 있다. (2) 부녀층에서 특히 참여성, 공동성, 공동체 의식, 의타성의 지양, 독창성 등이 결핍되어 있다. 다. 연령별의 특징 (1) 일반적으로 연령이 증가할수록 모든 영역에서 바라는 바의 생활관 확립이 뒤쳐지고 있다. (2) 농업에 대한 인식은 젊은 세대일수록 싫어하는 경향이다. 라. 학력에의 특징 (1) 일반적으로 학력이 낮을수록 옳바른 생활관의 확립이 되어있지 않다. (2) 학력이 높을수록 농업을 싫어하는 경향이다. 마. 씨족집단의 특징 일반적인 특징은 우대씨족으로 구성된 부락이 단일씨족으로 구성된 부락보다 옳바른 생활관의 확립도가 높은 경향이며 특성을 찾을 수 없는 여러 씨족들로 구성된 부락이 옳바른 생활관의 확립도가 낮게 반응하였다. 바. 지도자에의 특징 일반주민들 보다는 옳바른 생활관의 확립이 되었다고는 하겠으나, 공사의 분별에 의한 질서유지 사상, 우리 민족의 우월성 인식, 자주적 문제해결 정신 및 농업에 대한 애착심 등이 확립되어 있지 않았는 경향임으로 이들 지도자의 계속교육이 필요하다. 사. 교통관계 교통관계에서 특별한 차이는 없었으나 협동적인 영역과 직업관에 대해서 편리할수록 약간의 높은 반응을 보이고 있다. 아. 새마을 운동 실시년도의 특징 새마을 운동 실시 년도에 따른 특징은 나타나지 않았으며 다만 실질숭상 영역에서 71년도 보다 72년도에서 72년도 보다 73년도에 약간의 높은 반응을 보였으나 이것은 가정의례준칙에 관한 법률등에 의한 것으로 해석되며 생활의 과학화 영역에서는 일찍 시작한 부락일수록 약간 높은 반응을 보였을 뿐 일반적인 특징을 찾아볼 수 없으므로 새마을 운동에서 정신개발면에서는 특별한 차이가 없는 것으로 해석됨으로 정신개발면의 대책이 특별히 수립되어야 되겠다. 자. 각 영역을 비교해 보면 협동적인 측면이 낮은 반응(48%)을 보이고 있으므로 협동성 앙약에 대한 방안 모색과 아울러 기타의 영역도 40%의 농촌 주민들이 우리가 바라는 바의 생활관이 확립되지 않았으므로 농촌주민들의 옳바른 가치관 형성을 위한 방안 연구가 시급한 실정이다.

      • 국민교육헌장의 생활화를 저해하는 요인에 관한 연구

        한장덕 安東敎育大學 1972 論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        The Charter of National Education was established and proclaimed on the 5th of December in 1968, but still the idea is not obtained for our lives enough. Therefore this reporter intends to study the obstructive factors to its realization and the way of the realization for our lives. For the purpose of this study, the 3,200 parsons who are over 20 years old are sampled by the disproportional stratified sampling method, in the urban and rural area, and the follwoings are found: 1. The idea of anti-communism, comfidence and pride, public good and order, illustrious spirit of our forefathers and prosperity of mankind has been obtained for the realization of the Charter for our lives but that of the love and respect, faithfulness, and participation and service. 2. The idea of self-reliant, sincere mind, learning and arts, developing the innate faculty, creative power and pioneer spirit, efficiency and quality, mutual assistance, sense of nation, freedom and responsibility, and industry and endeavor has a tendency to be obtained for its realization. 3. As the distrctical factors, generally the citizens have a tendency to realize this idea for their living more than the country persons have; especially, the idea of illustrious spirit of our forefathers, public good and order, and confidence and pride. The country parsons have done it less than the citizens did in the idea of self-reliant, efficiency and quality, and creative power and pioneer spirit. 4. As the factors of sex distinction, the men realized the ideas, prosperity of mankind, illustrious spirit of our forefathers, developing the innate faculty, public good and order, sence of nation, sense of anti-communism, confidence and pride, for their living more than the women did it, illustrious spirit of our forefathers, public good and order, sense of anti-communism, confidence and pride. 5. As the factors of age, the older they are, the less they realized the idea for their lives such as following; The age of 20-34: prosperity of mankind, illustrious spirit of our forefathers, public good and order, sense of nation, sense of anti-communism, confidence and pride. The age of 35-59; prosperity of mankind, illustrious spirit of our forefathers, sense of anti-communism, confidence and pride. Over the age 60; illustrious spirit of our forefathers, public good and order, sense of anti-communism. 6. As the factors of circumstances, the family that has a poor mass communication system has a tendency to realize the ideas less than those who have a good system did. High and middle class; prosperity of mankind, developing the innate faculty public good and order, sense of nation, sense of anti-communism, illustrious spirit of our forefathers. Low class; illustrious spirit of our forefathers, public good and order, sense of anti-communism. 7. As the factors of an educational experiences, the educated people have realized the ideas for their lives more than uneducated people have done. Over the alummi of secondary school; sense of nation participation and service sense of anti-communism, confidence and pride, illustrious spirit of our forefathers, prosperity of mankind, developing the innate faculty, public good and order, mtual assistance. Below alummi of primary school; illustrious spirit of our forefathers, public good order, sense of anti-communism, confidence and pride 8. As the factors of an occupation, the marine productor, independent enterpriser, industrialist mine operator and students were realizing the idea for their lives more than the farmers and house-wives. 9. As the factors of the understanding of the Charter, the men who understood the Charter had a tendency to realize the six moral clauses, prosperity of mankined, illustrious spirit of our forefathers, public good and order sense of nation, sense of anti-communism, confidence and pride and for their lives and those who did not understand the Charter did the two moral clauses of them public good and order, sense of anti-communism. As the above factors are found, the following policy should be required urgently; 1. To support the movement of the community school and establish the social-lization of education. 2. To frame the curriculum of various school, considering the particularity of the community. 3. To emphasize the adult education and drow up the program for the realization of the ideas for life by giving the benefit of mass communication to all people. 4. To give the test of the Charter in every examination and put the Charter in the curriculum of every institudes.

      • 지역사회개발을 위한 교육의 역할에 관한 일고

        한장덕,이천세 安東敎育大學 1972 論文集 Vol.5 No.1

        To study the relation between school and community development and to find an effective way of our community development, this theorical resarch was studied, analysing the present state. Therefore the following results were found for the way of our community development. 1. Using community school, the development of manpower should be respected to enphasizing the point of spritual development and the spritual reconstruction of human being. 2. By the scientific, long dated and synthetic plans for community development, the human and material resources in school should be made the best use of. 3. The cooporation systems should be related the community development organically. 4. The leaders should be trained for the purpose thoroughly. 5. The public welfare workers also should be trained thoroughly and in colleges, the subject of school and community development should be lectured for the students. 6. Reinforcing the adult education, the sprits of self-helf and indefendence should be instiled into the hearts of the people and the improved development should be made for a substancnce, not for an external form. 7. A rural community development should be made effects especially.

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