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        주맹 ( Meng Zhou ) 동아시아불교문화학회 2012 동아시아불교문화 Vol.11 No.-

        宋代不僅詩僧輩出,而且僧人詩話也相當豊富,只是散逸得十分嚴重,據不完全統計,至少五種論著已佚,五位詩僧僅存少量殘存詩論,現存最完整的是惠洪≪冷齋夜話≫和≪天廚禁련≫、文瑩≪玉壺詩話≫,타們共同構成了此類著作的主體。從著錄情況來看,大致流傳有序;從版本情況來看,張伯偉先生≪稀見本宋人詩話四種≫是目前≪冷齋夜話≫和≪天廚禁련≫的最佳版本,吳文治先生≪宋詩話全編≫詳錄了諸種殘存僧人詩話,≪玉壺詩話≫的版本考訂自然成爲重點,這爲深入探尋宋代僧人詩話奠定了堅實的文獻基礎。 There were quite a few notes on classical poetry that were written by monks, who wrote poems in the Song dynasty. However, many of them failed to be handed down in the history, and at least five works were lost and five works were fragmentary according to incomplete statistics. Consequently only three works were well preserved today, including Elegant Study Noteson Literatiinthe Song Dynasty(Leng Zhai Ye Hua) and Aristocracyon Poetry Creation(Tian Chu Jin Luan) that were written by HUIHong, and Noteson Contemporary Poetrythat was writtenin Yu Hu(Yu Hu Sh iHua) by WENY in. If were view the history about the seworks, wecould know that there were not only definite recording sbut various editions in different dynasty. As we know, the best editions are Four Rare Notes on Classical Poetry in the Song Dynasty that was written by Mr.ZHNAG Bo Weiand Complete Collection of Notes on Classical Poetry in the Song Dynasty that was written by Mr.WU Wen Zhi. But we have to emendation the edition of Noteson Contemporary Poetry that was written in Yu Hu(Yu Hu Shi Hua) and it is the foundation to deeply research about poetics.

      • KCI등재
      • 唐五代詩格理論演進的邏輯歷程

        周萌 동의대학교 인문사회연구소 2009 인간과 문화 연구 Vol.- No.15

        唐五代是詩格的鼎盛時代,就作者的身份屬性而言,士人紛紛參與,僧人也不甘落後,成為一道特殊的風景線;就聚變的時代共性而言,初、盛唐和晚唐五代各有側重,在重心移位的過程中實現了新的發展。這兩大坐標交匯於僧皎然《詩式》,形成了詩格理論完整的動態系統,顯示出明晰的演進軌跡。這對於深入理解唐詩和中國文學批評史,都有十分重要的參照意義。 Forms of Poetry were in a period of great prosperity in Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties. On one hand, both intellectuals and monks were interested in poetics and wrote plenty of papers, which was unique in the history. On the other hand, they made great progress in poetics that could obviously be separated into two different stages and the latter was more abundant than the former. However, Formers of Verse (Shi Shi) that was written by the famous monk named JIAO Ran was the bridge of these two stages. If we regard it as a whole, they could be arranged to one complete system according to their soul. So we can conclude that it is valuable to deeply comprehend poems in Tang Dynasty and Chinese literature theory.

      • 从复古通变观看《诗式》对《文心雕龙ㆍ通变》的接受

        周萌 동의대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 인간과 문화 연구 Vol.19 No.-

        《诗式》在诸多层次上受到《文心雕龙》的影响、复古通变理论即是典型例证。虽然刘勰和皎然均以中道思想为指导、用通变理论来回应类似的时代问题、及时总结了诗学的最新发展、但刘勰通达平和而皎然有所偏重。 Forms of Verse(《诗式》)was effected by Carvinga Dragonat the Core of Literature (《文心雕龙》)in many ways, and the Theory of Restore and Renovation(复古通变)was a typical case. Both Liu Xie(刘勰)and Jiao Ran(皎然)replied to the poetics dilemma in their ages with the Theory of Restore and Renovation, which was guided by the Theory of Madhyamāpratipad(中道), therefore they got a lot of significant achievements about up-to-date development of poetry, however, Lie Xie’s opinion was more moderate than that of Jiao Ran.

      • 唐五代士人诗格选诗的统计分析

        周萌 동의대학교 인문사회연구소 2011 인간과 문화 연구 Vol.18 No.-

        Poetries of intellectual poets are boasting vast amount in its volume and contents, but it has a certain united style on the whole. When comparing it to a poetry style of monks, the following 3 aspects of differences are found. First, a poetry style of intellectual poets can be largely divided into beginning tang (初唐), late tang(晩唐), and the Five Dynasties(五代, 907-960). On the other hand, a poetry style of Buddhist monks was mainly focused on late tang and the Five Dynasties and 皎然(jiaoran)’s ≪诗式≫played a decisive role for it. Second, a poetry style of intellectual poets in beginning tang was influenced by study about maxim of the Six Dynasties (六朝). However, a poetry style of intellectual poets in late tang and the Five Dynasties was influenced more by a poetry style of monk poets. Third, a poetic trend of monk poets is relatively accordant and a form established here is largely affecting up to literary criticism of Bei Song after going through late tang and the Five Dynasties. 唐五代士人诗格较为复杂、从分布时段来看、主要集中于初、盛唐和晚唐、五代;从文献考辨来看、数量众多、散佚也相当严重;从诗学主题来看、两个时段之间存在重大差异、反映出诗学观念的变迁。通过统计分析选诗情况、可以大致勾勒士人诗格的主流发展线索。

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