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      • KCI등재

        몸과 여성 정체성 : 주디스 버틀러의 수행성과 우울증을 중심으로 Focused on Judith Butler's Performativity and Melancholia

        조현순 경희대학교 인문학연구소 2001 인문학연구 Vol.5 No.-

        Judith Butler is one of the most influential feminists and queer theorists in the contemporary debates on gender identity and feminist politics. This article aims to investigate the relation between woman's body and female identity from Butler's gender identity theory focused on performativity and melancholia. Female body still does matter and makes matter in the 21th century. Ambivalent meaning of contemporary body is described not only as an artificial and fictive construct in the cyberspace network, but also as a genuine and concrete entity to be controlled as the real beauty goods in the late capitalism society. Especially, female body is supposed to construct female gender identity in the repetitive signification process by predominant discursive discipline. Body is not just a neutral matter, but an inscriptive field of cultural meaning inculcated repetitively by current disciplinary system. Inconsistency between biological sex and cultural gender in heteronormativity generates gender crisis such as transgender or homosexuality, which explains that feminity or masculinity is not the pregiven essential property presupposing the original and essential core, but a kind of masquerade performing certain part provisionally and temporarily. Gender becomes constitutive constraints or regulatory ideals that contemporary compulsive heterosexual code has imposed repetitively for a long time. Thus, Feminity or female body is just a discursive and secondary effect to produce the appearance of substance by predominant ideology and disciplinary rule. By the way of performativity and melancholia, gender constitutes itself as constitutive constraints or regulatory ideals. On one hand, Gender is a masquerade which plays a certain role on the stage performatively, without presupposing inner essence or deep origin. It means a set of repeated acts within highly rigid regulatory frame and the repeated stylization of the body that congealed over time. On the other hand, gender is constructed like an incomplete corporation of the Other, which has already oppressed or excluded, in the mode of negation or double-negation. Melancholia is an incomplete and unfinished identification process of lost love object in the unconscious of the self. As a constitutive outside, feminity includes masculinity and homosexuality includes heterosexuality in itself, so the latter cannot assert the superior position to the former. The open subject is always in the process of becoming, because this identification process never ends. The transformative possibility of repeated and reiterative re-signification, re-articulation, and re-appropriation of unfixed, changeable, self-contradictory gender identity including constitutive outside is the subversive and revolutionary possibility of feminist body politics of Judith Butler.

      • KCI등재

        환상적 주체와 가면으로서의 여성성 : 안젤라 카터의 『 서커스의 밤 』 연구 A Study of Nights at the Circus by Angela Carter,

        조현순 경희대학교 인문학연구소 2000 인문학연구 Vol.4 No.-

        Identification of female subject and woman-identified woman has been one of the long lasting issues in feminism. Fantastic subject between reality and imagination goes beyond the dichotomy of essentialism and constructivism of woman identification. The relation between fanrastic subject and quest for the woman identification is embodied in Angela Carter's Nights at the Circus. This paper is to examine Nights at the Circus in the standpoint of new subject identification such as fantastic subject and performative subject. This paper presents two stages to study new aspect of gender subject in Nights at the Circus. First stage is to examine the connection between fantastic subject and gender identity focusing on new woman identity quest. And second stage is to read the relation between performative subject and gender identity concentrating on womanliness as a 'masquerade' on the stage. Fevvers, a winged aerialist, is fantastic and performative female gender subject who is constructed on the stage provisionally and strategically. And Walser who seeks to find out her real identity from the objective viewpoint of Western pragmatism becomes fantastic and performative more and more in the process of seeking the fantastic woman's identity. Fevvers is presented as 'New Woman' and Walser as 'New Man' in the novel. According to Joan Riviere and Judith Butler, masquerade and mask explains how to construct performative gender identity. Masquerade means there's nothing like essential substance behind the appearance. As radical feminity and superficial feminity are the same thing, authentic womanliness is such a mimicry and masquerade also. Gender identity is constructed performatively as a mask constructs subject on the stage provisionally and strategically. This new kind of identity is always open to new resignification and reinscription permanently through repetition and iteration. Fevvers's variously interpreted body and Walser's transposition of perception mode shows the possibility of performative aspect of new gender identity.

      • 노인 여가, 문화 복지 서비스정책수립을 위한 기초연구 — 인천시 부평구 지역노인을 중심으로 —

        조현순 한국임상사회사업학회 2007 임상사회사업연구 Vol.4 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 부평구 지역사회의 노인복지 현황을 파악하여 노인의 욕구를 기반으로 한 노인의 여가, 문화복지서비스정책을 수립하도록 제안 하는데 있다. 이에 대한 연구질문으로, 첫째, 부평구 노인의 인구 사회학적 특성은 어떠한가? 둘째, 부평구 노인의 복지욕구는 무엇인가? 셋째, 부평 노인복지 인프라의 현황은 어떠한가? 넷째, 부평구 노인의 복지욕구 해결을 위한 장애요인 과 해결대안은 무엇인가? 등 네 가지 주제를 정하였다. 복지서비스 수혜자인 노인들의 복지서비스의 욕구 및 현황을 파악하기 위하여 노인의 연령대에 근거하여 전기․중기․후기 노인집단으로 구분하였으며 그들 집단의 특성을 대표하는 이들로 크게 세 그룹을 구성하여 각 1~2회의 집담회를 2006.6~2006.9까지 진행하였다. 이를 토대로 전기 노인의 욕구, 중기노인의 욕구, 후기 노인의 욕구를 분석하고 기존의 복지서비스 인프라를 최대한 활용하되, 전체경로당 170여 곳을 통합하여 관리하는 효과적인 전달시스템을 위해 4개 복지관과 1개 노인 복지관의 협력관계구축을 제안 하였고, 노인의 조기 의식교육 프로그램, 경로당 지도력 양성프로그램 등 연령은 물론 대상에 맞는 프로그램의 설치를 제안 하였다. 특히 노인들이 젊은 이와 분리되기보다는 통합되어질 수 있도록 하기위한 쇼핑 공간, 문화공간 등의 노인 소모품 판매코너, 노인 만남의 장소, 찻집 등 실버존 설치의 의무화와 노인 인력활용방안을 제시 하였다. This study aims to examine the welfare of the senior citizens in Bupyeong-gu community and make suggestions to establish the leisure, and cultural and welfare service program to meet their needs. To accomplish this research goal, we proposed the following four research questions; First, what are the properties of the senior citizens in Bupyeong-gu in context of sociology of population? Second, what are the needs of the welfare of the senior citizens in Bupyeong-gu? Third, how is the infrastructure of the welfare of the senior citizens in Bupyeong-gu? Fourth, what are the obstacles to meeting the needs of the welfare of the senior citizens in Bupyeong-gu and solutions to them? To figure out the needs of the welfare of the senior citizens, the beneficiaries of welfare service, and their welfare condition, they were classified into the former term group, mid term group and latter term group by their age. Three parties who represent their own groups had focus group conversations one to two times respectively from June 2006 to Sep 2006. Based on these data, we have made an analysis of the needs of the welfare of the senior citizens in the former term group, mid term group and latter term group. We also made a suggestion to establish an effective cooperative network between 4 welfare centers and one senior welfare center, so that over 170 senior’s recreation halls are integrated and taken care of systematically while making full use of the existing welfare service infrastructure, and to offer them early senior citizen education programs and senior citizen’s leadership promotion programs by occasions in addition to their age. Especially, we suggested that shopping malls, senior’s goods sales booth in cultural space, senior citizens’ gathering place, cafe and other silver zones should be built mandatorily, so that the senior citizens can be integrated with the young rather than separated, and proposed the utilization plan for senior human resource.

      • SATS프로그램이 중학생들의 환경 문제에 대한 태도와 학업 성취도에 미치는 효과

        조현순 이화여자대학교 교육대학원 1996 이화교육논총 Vol.7 No.-

        The development of science and technology not only improved the quality of life of human being, but also brought about environmental problems. Consequently, consensus has been established that early environmental education for youngsters is critical for the preservation of clean environment. A conventional way of teaching has not been very effective for changing their attitude and behavior regarding environmental problems. STS program, which has been one of the major trend in science education, intends to teach science through everyday experience rather than knowledge. This study purports to examine the effectiveness of STS program on environmental problems compared to conventional teaching method. Six week program was developed and applied to subchapter' Environmental Pollutions $ Our Live' 3rd grade middle school science text book. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. 1. STS program was significantly effective in changing students' attitude (p < .001). It was effective not only changing their thinking but also changing their behavior. 2. There was no difference between the STS program and conventional teaching method in improving students' Knowledge(p > .05). 3. The correlation between the level of knowledge achievement and the attitude on environment was very low(r=.0564, p > .05).

      • KCI등재
      • Applications of competing risks analysis in public health

        조현순,Lee Dahhay,Lee Sanghee,최상범 한국통계학회 2022 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Vol.51 No.1

        In medical and public health research, survival statistics are of particular interest as they can reflect patient prognoses and improvements in health care systems. However, measures of survival differ in their use and interpretation depending on how they deal with competing causes of death. Cause-specific survival estimates survival function based on the event of interest while treating other events as censored, thereby representing the “net” impact of cancer on survival. On the other hand, cumulative incidence function and subdistribution hazard consider the number of subjects experiencing competing risks in their formulations, thereby providing measures for investigating the patients’ actual prognoses. In this paper, we review competing risks survival models used in public health study. We introduce the concept of competing risks methods and compare these with traditional net approaches (e.g. relative and cause-specific). We demonstrate how competing risks analysis can be used in population-based cancer survival analysis utilizing the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Result (SEER) cancer registry data. As the scope of public health study has extended beyond prognosis and risk prediction, competing risks analysis has been applied in such studies as well. We further discuss the uptake of the competing risks approach in personalized and precision medicine. Various methods and applications used in risk predicting prognostic models with competing risks are reviewed, aiming to provide effective analytical tools for researchers who plan to implement competing risks models on public health studies.

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