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        SWAT-CUP을 이용한 SWAT 모형 검·보정 III: 다중 관측 지점 및 변수를 고려한 분석

        조영현,Cho, Younghyun 한국수자원학회 2020 한국수자원학회논문집 Vol.53 No.12

        In this study, a criteria for the SWAT model calibration method in SWAT-CUP which considers multi-site and multi-variable observations was presented. For its application, the SWAT model was simulated using long-term observed flow, soil moisture, and evapotranspiration data in Yongdam study watershed, investigating the hydrological runoff characteristics and water balance in the water cycle analysis. The model was calibrated with different parameter values for each sub-watershed in order to reflect the characteristics of multiple observations through one-by-one calibration, appropriate settings of model simulation run/iteration number (1,000 simulation runs in the first iteration and then 500 simulation runs for the following iterations), and executions of partial and all run in SWAT-CUP. The flow simulation results of watershed outlet point, ENS 0.85, R2 0.87, and PBIAS -7.6%, were compared with the analysis results (ENS 0.52, R2 0.54, and PBIAS -22.4%) applied in the other batch (i.e., non one-by-one) calibration approach and showed better performances of proposed method. From the simulation results of a total of 15 years, it was found that the total runoff (streamflow) and evapotranspiration rates from precipitation are 53 and 39%, and the ratio of surface runoff and baseflow (i.e., sum of lateral and return flow, and recharge deep aquifer) are 35 and 65%, respectively, in Yongdam watershed. In addition, the analytical amount of available water (i.e., water yield), including the total annual streamflow (daily average 21.8 m3/sec) is 6.96 billion m3 per year (about 540 to 900 mm for sub-watersheds).

      • KCI등재

        기상레이더 강수량 추정 값의 댐 유역 홍수 유출모의 적용

        조영현,우수민,노준우,이을래,Cho, Yonghyun,Woo, Sumin,Noh, Joonwoo,Lee, Eulrae 한국수자원학회 2020 한국수자원학회논문집 Vol.53 No.3

        본 연구에서는 국내 산지지형을 대표하며, 타 댐 유역에 비해 비교적 수문(수위/유량)관측소와 자료가 많은 용담시험유역에 기상레이더 강수량 추정 값(RAR)을 적용해 산지지형 댐 유역에서 강우의 시공간적 변동성과 이에 따른 홍수량의 정확한 분석을 통해 홍수 시 댐 유입량의 정확한 산정 등에 활용할 목적으로 홍수 유출모의를 수행하였다. 모의에는 최근 5년(2014~2018년) 동안 발생한 비교적 독립적인 총 8개의 홍수사상을 적용하였으며, 모형은 HEC-GeoHMS와 ModClark 방법을 통해 분포형 강우를 적용할 수 있는 비교적 간단한 모형인 HEC-HMS를 활용하였다. 아울러 이 과정에서 레이더 강수량의 모형적용을 위해 NCL 및 Python 기반의 자료처리 스크립트 프로그램을 개발하여 활용하였다. 연구 결과로서 기상레이더 강수량 추정 값(RAR)이 관측에 비해 다소 과소 추정(R<sup>2</sup> 0.86)된 것을 알 수 있었고, 기존 지점관측 기반 유역평균 강수량을 사용한 방법과의 비교에서는 레이더 강수량을 적용한 모형이 유역의 강우-유출 도달시간 등과 관련된 매개변수 값의 큰 조정 없이도 홍수유출을 효율적으로 (8개모의 평균 E<sub>NS</sub> 0.863, R<sup>2</sup> 0.873, 그리고 PBIAS 7.49%) 잘 모의하는 것을 파악할 수 있었다. In this study, we applied the Radar-AWS Rainrates (RAR), weather radar-based quantitative precipitation estimations (QPEs), to the Yongdam study watershed in order to perform the flood runoff simulation and calculate the inflow of the dam during flood events using hydrologic model. Since the Yongdam study watershed is a representative area of the mountainous terrain in South Korea and has a relatively large number of monitoring stations (water level/flow) and data compared to other dam watershed, an accurate analysis of the time and space variability of radar rainfall in the mountainous dam watershed can be examined in the flood modeling. HEC-HMS, which is a relatively simple model for adopting spatially distributed rainfall, was applied to the hydrological simulations using HEC-GeoHMS and ModClark method with a total of eight independent flood events that occurred during the last five years (2014 to 2018). In addition, two NCL and Python script programs are developed to process the radar-based precipitation data for the use of hydrological modeling. The results demonstrate that the RAR QPEs shows rather underestimate trends in larger values for validation against gauged observations (R<sup>2</sup> 0.86), but is an adequate input to apply flood runoff simulation efficiently for a dam watershed, showing relatively good model performance (E<sub>NS</sub> 0.86, R<sup>2</sup> 0.87, and PBIAS 7.49%) with less requirements for the calibration of transform and routing parameters than the spatially averaged model simulations in HEC-HMS.

      • KCI등재
      • 소규모 현장 오수처리시설의 유지관리를 위한 Monitoring System 개발

        조영현 ( Cho Young Hyun ),권순국 ( Kwun Soon Kuk ) 한국농공학회 2001 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2001 No.-

        The monitoring system for maintaining on-site wastewater treatment plants(Biofilter) was developed. Proposed system applied PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) technique. In process of development, the research against the monitoring parameters which will be able to represent condition and operation of the plants was accomplished. These parameters are ORP(Oxidation-Reduction Potential), Water Level, Pump and Power on/off. Also, to measure, collect, transfer and display these parameters, DMU(Data Measurement Unit), MCU(Main Controller Unit) and Display Board were produced.

      • 소규모 현장 오수처리시설의 통합관리를 위한 모니터링 시스템 설계 및 운영 프로그램 개발

        조영현 ( Cho Young-hyun ),권순국 ( Kwun Soon-kuk ) 한국농공학회 2002 한국농공학회 학술대회초록집 Vol.2002 No.-

        The monitoring system for integrated management of on-site wastewater treatment plants(biofilter) was designed and its operation program was developed. In design process, the research on monitoring parameters which will be able to represent condition and operation of the pilot plants was accomplished, and these parameters came to reveal with ORP(Oxidation-Reduction Potential), water level, pump and power on/off. Proposed monitoring system is composed with measurement, control, communication and display device, and PCB(Prototype Circuit Boards) and microcontroller (PIC16F877) technique are applied to its design of control device for performing specific function. also, The operation program of PC setup is developed in order to provide a convenience to the manager.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        리앙(李昻)의 《미로의 정원(迷園)》과 反 디아스포라

        趙映顯(Young-Hyun Cho) 중국어문논역학회 2021 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.- No.48

        리앙이 “소설이 타이완 사람들을 위한 것이어야 한다”고 강조한 것처럼, 《미로의 정원》은 격동의 타이완 현대사 속에서 점점 쇠락해가는 “명문 세가 루청(鹿城) 주씨(朱家)의 후손 주잉홍(朱影紅)”의 성장 과정과 대단히 파격적인 성적 묘사를 통하여, “정치적 우언과 섹슈얼리티를 긴밀하게 결합시킨 작품”이다. 그렇지만 사이노폰(Sinophone)과 反 디아스포라(Against Diaspora)라는 시각에서 보면, 소설의 주요한 소재인 ‘菡園’ 개축을 새롭게 이해할 수 있다. 아버지 주주옌(朱祖彦)의 정원 개축은 분명 “국민당의 타이완 통치 자체를 거부”하면서 ”당당한 타이완적 정체성의 표현”이라고 할 수 있다. 이에 반해, 딸 주잉홍이 해적이었던 조상을 다시 족보에 기재하고, 복원한 ‘菡園’을 타이완의 보통 사람들에게 돌려주는 행위는 분명 아버지의 행보보다 한층 더 나아간 모습이다. 포르모사에 대한 강제 점거와 정착, 해적질 등으로 부를 축적했을 것으로 보이는 주씨 가문의 상징 ‘菡園’을 타이완의 보통 사람들에게 돌려준다는 것은 그것을 뺏고 빼앗겼던 타이완의 모든 거주자에게 돌려주는 것으로 본다면, 이는 단순한 돌려주기가 아니다. 200년이라는 시간성이 내재된 혼성 문화――원주민과 이주자들에 대한 약탈과 부의 축적, 원주민 문화와 200년간 반복해서 유입된 이주민의 문화가 만나고 충돌했던 시간의 흔적이 각인된 문화――가 내포된 공간을 반환하는 것이라고 볼 수 있다. As Li Ang emphasized that “the novel should be for the Taiwanese people”, The Lost Garden(迷園) is a work that closely combines “political allegory and sexuality” through the growing process of “Zhu Yinghong(朱影紅), a descendant of the prestigious Zhu(朱) family of Lucheng(鹿城)”, which is gradually declining in the turbulent modern history of Taiwan. However, from the perspective of Sinophone and Against Diaspora, the renovation of “the Lotus Garden(菡園),” the main subject of the novel, can be understood anew. Father Zhu Zuyan(朱祖彦)’s renovation of the garden can be said to be “an expression of the proud Taiwanese identity”, “rejecting the Kuomintang of China’s rule of Taiwan itself.” On the other hand, his daughter Zhu Yinghong’s act of re-listing his pirate ancestors in the genealogy and returning the renovated “the Lotus Garden” to the common people in Taiwan is certainly a step further than his father’s steps. Returning the symbol of the Zhu family, “the Lotus Garden,” which is believed to have accumulated wealth through forced occupation and settlement of Formosa, and piracy, to the common people of Taiwan, is to return it to all Taiwan residents who have been taken and stolen. This is not just a return. It can be seen as returning a space that contains a hybrid culture that has an inherent time of 200 years. Of course, the hybrid culture is a culture in which the traces of the time when the indigenous peoples and immigrants were plundered and wealth accumulated, and the indigenous culture and the cultures of migrants that had repeatedly flowed over 200 years met and clashed.

      • KCI등재

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