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      • 윈도우 환경에서 음성인식을 이용한 인터넷 검색기 구현

        임중혁,원호준,백인찬,권영헌,이건상 한양대학교 이학기술연구소 1999 이학기술연구지 Vol.1 No.-

        본논문에서는 Window 상에서 웹브라우저 검색어로 영문 알파벳을 인식하도록 하였다. 음성의 특징 벡터로는 10차원의 LPC, cepstrum, LSF(Line Spectrum Frequency) 계수와, 규격화된 필터뱅크 에너지를 사용하였으며 인식 알고리즘으로는 MSVQ 모델을 사용하였다. 인식 대상 어휘는 26개의 알파벳을 사용하였으며 실험결과 필터뱅크 에너지를 사용한 인식결과가 가장 우수한 것으로 나타났다. This paper represents the speech recognizer of English alphabet for the internet explorer in Windows. We use 10-dimensional LPC, cepstrum, LSF coefficients and normalized filter bank energies as the speech feature vectors and MSVQ model as the recognition algorithm. As the results the recognizer using the normalized filter bank energies shows the better performance than that using the other feature vectors.

      • KCI등재

        출토문헌(出土文獻)에 보이는 진한(秦漢)시기 령(令)과 률(律)의 구별

        임중혁 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2016 中國學論叢 Vol.54 No.-

        One of the important issues about laws and decrees during Qin and Han dynasties is whether “law” and “decree” were mixed. There are two types of interpretation for this issue: 1) According to Cheng Shude, the law and the decree were not strictly distinguished in Han dynasty. Names of laws and decrees were mixed. Sometimes, the decree was called law as well. 2) According to Kaoru Nakata, “decree turned into law” from the perspective of “conversion between law and decree”. The Decree of Gold and Cloth had been replaced by the Law of Gold and Cloth since a certain time. The author believes that the key to this problem is to analyze such terms as “incompliant to decree” and “incompliant to law” in the laws and decrees. “Incompliant to decree” means “when disobeying the existing legal provisions (“decree or law”), the person will be penalized”. In terms of the existing provisions, the referents of “incompliant to decree” and “the decree is not applicable” here can be considered as the proviso for judging whether the provision is a decree or a law. Cheng Shude held that decrees were mixed with laws at that time. However, it`s not because decrees were mixed with laws that the Decree of Gold and Cloth could be mixed with the Law of Gold and Cloth. Instead, it was a phenomenon occurring during the sorting of terms in the period of the bamboo slips of Qin dynasty collected by Yuelu Academy of Classical Learning. It was wrongly interpreted as mixed use of names of decrees and laws by scholars of later ages. Comparing “incompliant to law” and “incompliant to decree” from the Laws and Decrees of the Second Year with those from the laws of Qin dynasty, the sorting in the former is much clearer. In the 27 laws of the Laws and Decrees of the Second Year, “incompliant to decree” was only used once, and all the others were changed to “the law is not applicable” or “incompliant to law”. It can be seen that the principle of using the term “law” in laws and the term “decree” in decrees had been established at that time. Why? Because in the period of preparing the Laws and Decrees of the Second Year, the concepts of “law” and “decree” had been defined, so when “decree” was changed into “law”, it would be considered as contradictory to use “the decree is not applicable” under a law. It resulted from the sorting of concepts by the officials in charge of laws and decrees. Therefore, the author does not agree with the idea that “laws” and “decrees” were mixed in the period of Laws and Decrees of the Second Year. “Incompliant to decree”, “the decree is not applicable” and so on were still used in imperial edicts. Afterwards, when “decree” was changed into “law”, “incompliant to decree” turned to “incompliant to law” as well. As “incompliant to decree” was not distinguished from “incompliant to law” in the past, there were scholars deeming that there was no difference between “decree” and “law”. The concepts of “law” and “decree” were established during the period of bamboo slips of Qin dynasty unearthed at Shuihudi. “Incompliant to decree” was not completely transferred to “incompliant to law” in early laws of Qin dynasty. From the bamboo slips of Qin dynasty collected by Yuelu Academy, “incompliant to law” was used more frequently. During the period of Laws and Decrees of the Second Year, based on existing concepts of law and decree, the preparation for laws and decrees was adjusted and unified, which has historical significance. Why wasn`t “incompliant to decree” replaced by “incompliant to law” before the period of Laws and Decrees of the Second Year? It`s because during the period of bamboo slips of Qin dynasty unearthed at Shuihudi and the period of bamboo slips of Qin dynasty collected by Yuelu Academy, the laws kept by the Central Censor Office had not been modified yet.

      • KCI등재

        한대(漢代)의 불도죄(不道罪)

        임중혁 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2014 中國學論叢 Vol.46 No.-

        漢初的≪二年律令≫中沒有關于“不道”罪的記載. “不道”最初出現于文帝時期,武帝時期開始大增,此後直至哀帝時期的文獻中仍多有記載,而在後漢時期的文獻中却丙不多見. 雖然“不道”罪的內容沒有具體、明析化,但從“狡猾不道”的罪名用于經濟司法這一點來看,“不道”罪的判定似乎有一定的原則. “大逆不道”適用于謀反、謀立、祝詛上、妖言惑衆、亡臣子禮等涉及國家安危及與皇帝有關的罪行;“不道”適用于誹謗、罔上、誤朝、毆辱王杖主、殺人、不孝、犯宗廟園陵、泄露省中語、狡猾、非所宜言等罪行;“不敬”適用于與上述罪行相比較輕微的犯罪. 雖然“大逆不道”、“不道”、“大不敬”之間的相互關系흔模糊,但通過對實際案例的統計分析可知,“不道”分爲“大逆不道”(腰斬,棄市)和“不道”,“不敬”分爲“大不敬”和“不敬”,實際上是把他們按罪行的輕重分爲了四個等級. 就是在“不道”罪的說法開始盛行之後,在當時的律令中沒有明確規定的情況也是比比皆是,表現出極大的隨意性,甚至導致和實定法之間的沖突. 此外,本文認爲“不道”是“令”中規定的內容,而不是“律”中所規定的.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        秦漢 율령사 연구의 제문제

        임중혁 중국고중세사학회 2015 중국고중세사연구 Vol.37 No.-

        战国时期的律大约出现于公元前260年,秦令存在与否则一直颇有争议,岳麓书院藏秦简被发现后才证实其确实存在过。“盗铸钱令”与“钱律”并存,“金布律”与“金布令”并存,对于这种同名的律名和令名混用的原因,一般认为有两个。首先认为律和令的区分不明确,导致对同一所指既可称为律也可称为令。其次,认为令是对律的补充,比如说金布令改称金布律,使两个名称并存。对于称谓混用的原因,本文认为是在部分令改为律的过程中发生的。 学界一般认为魏晋律中的律和令的内涵发生过演化,即律用来专指有关刑罚的法规,令用来规定刑罚以外的,在这一分化过程中原来律中的非刑罚内容归到了令中,于是出现了令这种新的法律形式。但笔者认为律和令这两个概念的分化在秦律令中就已出现,对两者进行严格区分的是魏晋律。

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