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        전북 완주군 원평촌에서의 유교문명의 부상과 쇠퇴 -농촌마을에서의 ‘중기지속’에 대한 일 연구-

        이정덕(Yi, Jeong-Duk) 한국지역사회학회 2022 지역사회연구 Vol.30 No.2

        고려시대까지 완주군 평촌지역을 지배하던 사찰들은 조선이 건국되면서 불교배척이 강화되며 승려수와 토지면적이 줄어들었다. 유교세력이 1545년 경 원평촌에 입향하고 그 후손들이 계속 과거에 합격하여 관직으로 진출하였으며 이곳에 문중, 사우, 서원, 조상숭배, 족보 등을 통해 강력한 유교체제를 세웠다. 이들은 사찰들을 탄압하여 1600년대 초 사라지게 만들었다. 그리고 절이 소유하던 토지들은 연안이씨에게로 넘어가게 되었다. 1820년대의 토지대장(양안)에는 대부분의 토지가 이미 연안이씨로 넘어가 있다. 입향조의 후손들이 늘어나고 강해지면서 기존의 성씨들이 점차 사라졌고 연안이씨 동족마을을 형성하며, 마을공간도 유교적으로 구성하였다. 앞산은 재실과 산소와 함께 조상을 모시는 곳이 되었고, 문중과 서원은 마을질서를 세우는 핵심이 되었으며, 집안에서는 가부장제가 강화되고 유교적 의례와 예절이 일상화되었다. 문중, 조상숭배, 산소, 서원, 족보를 통하며 유교적 부계혈족체제가 강화되었고 유교에서 배제되던 여성들은 민속신앙에 의지하였다. 20세기에 들어와 도시로 나가 신식학교를 다니는 사람도 생기고, 도시로의 이주자도 생겼다. 신문물과 신식교육이 확대되면서 유교적 재생산이 점점 어려워졌다. 산업화가 본격적으로 시작된 1960년대부터 출향자가 급격하게 늘어났고 유교적 의례가 ‘허례허식’이라는 비판을 받았다. 유교의례와 조상숭배도 점차 약화되고 문중도 약화되었다. 1973년 마을의 가장 커다란 건물인 교회가 세워지면서 기독교문명과의 다툼이 치열해졌다. 하지만 이곳 기독교인들도 효도를 강조하고 차례나 제사에서 재배대신 추도예배를 드려 기독교적 외피를 썼지만 유교적 관습과 많이 혼성되었음을 보여준다. During Koryo Dynasty, Wonpyungchon was a Buddhist area under two big temples. But Joseon Dynasty suppressed Buddhism and temples and limited the number of monks and the size of farmland. Buddhist temples near Wonpyungchon were diminished and banished by Confucian forces in the early 17th century. Their forefather came to the village around 1545 and many of his descendents passed the state examination and became bureaucrats. By organizing and mobilizing lineage, ancestor worship, shrine, school and genealogy. they dominated the area and constructed a confucian world. Most of the land owned by the temples were in the hands of Yi clan in the 1820 land register. How the land was transferred to Yi clan is not clear. Yi clan became dominant in the area and old clans seemed to move out. Yi clan reconstructed village by Confucian style. Tombs and shrines in the front mountains became the place for ancestral worship. Lineage, patriarchal system and Confucian school established Confucian social order, and Confucian rituals and manners became everyday activities. From the early 20th century, some villagers moved out to cities, attended Western style schools, and were influenced by Western culture. From the 1960s, many residents moved out to get jobs in industrial complexes. The number of attendants of ancestral worship has been dramatically decreased. From 1972, Christian followers in the region built a church and there was a serious competition between Christian and Confucian followers. However, Christians of the church tend to keep many Confucian values such as filial duty and ancestral rituals in a Christianized form.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        제2차세계대전 이후의 세계체제와 동아시아 압축근대

        이정덕 ( Jeong Duk Yi ) 전북대학교 인문학연구소 2015 건지인문학 Vol.13 No.-

        After the World War II, USA and Soviet Union clashes for the world hegemony. Japan, Korea, and Taiwan were under the USA led world system, and China, North Korea, and Mongol were under the Soviet Union led world system. USA supported Japan, Korea, and Taiwan with various assistances and opened its market to Japan, Korea, and Taiwan. Japan achieved about over 9% annual growth rate after 1946 for 30 years and Korea and Taiwan followed Japan soon. USA attracted China to USA side during the late 1970s when China was conflict with Soviet Union. America opened its market to China and gave Generalized System of Preferences to China in trade. East Asia became the export oriented economy led by the strong state system. While Latin American countries, which focused on the import substitute industrialization, failed to achieve fast economic growth, East Asia succeeded in fast economic growth for about 3 decades and are catching up the Western economy. East Asia became the strongest region for manufacture in the world. Fast growth for several decades fundamentally changed the characteristics of East Asian societies. It shows a very complex modernity. It is Westernized but complicated delicately with East Asian traditions. Hybrids, fusions, and compressed coexistences between the fast and the present, the West and the East are common. Compression also caused many disarticulations, dislocations, and distortions too. The fast following strategy seems to reach the final stage. East Asia now faces how to find a new way to a better world. This is not a comfortable situation for East Asia because East Asia does not experience the role of global leader for the last two hundred years.

      • KCI등재
      • 지역축제가 지역정체성의 형성에 미치는 영향

        이정덕(Yi, Jeong Duk) 한국문화관광학회 2003 문화관광연구 Vol.5 No.2

        As Anderson(2002) mentioned, the imagined community is possible when the residents imagine that they are members of the same community. However, he didn't clarify why and how the boundaries of the imagined and real communities are different in what conditions. I want to clarify why and how the boundaries of the imagined and real communities are different through an analysis of some local festivals. Local festivals, organized by local governments, are working as a reminder of the community by recalling the boundary of the local administrative unit. Through this process, local residents share and strengthen their communal identity to a certain degree. Since main local festivals are usually organized or supported by local governments in Korea, the name, organization, and programs of a local festival also reflect the boundary of the local government who organizes or supports the festival. However, this symbolic boundary is not coincide with the real administrative boundary. Even though Jeonju Sori Festival is organized by Jeollabuk-do province, its site is in Jeonju city and its name reflects not Jeollabuk-do province but its capital city Jeonju. Thus, residents out of Jeonju complained why the provincial festival is held only in the provincial capital city Jeonju. Since the festival is held in Jeonju city, many provincial residents consider the symbolic boundary of Jeollabuk-do, recalled by the festival, is narrower than the provincial boundary. In Pungnamje, Jeonju city tries to fortify its identity as the old provincial capital over Kwangju and as the central city of Jeolla-do province, which included until 1894 Jeollanam-do and Jeollabuk-do provinces, by introducing the parade of Jeolla-do governor of Joseon Dynasty. Thus, the symbolic boundary of Jeonju is expansionist and wider than the administrative boundary. The symbolic boundary of Chunhyangje, organized and supported by Namwon city, is coincided with its administrative boundary. However, this symbolic boundary conceals the recent history that Namwon is the result of the integration of two counties in 1914 even though the subtle tension between residents of two counties still remains.

      • KCI등재

        근대화 시기 마을종교의 갈등과 변화 -한 농촌마을의 기독교민속 형성과정-

        이정덕 ( Jeong Duk Yi ),오현아 ( Hyun A Oh ),김다희 ( Da Hui Kim ) 남도민속학회 2014 남도민속연구 Vol.28 No.-

        이 마을은 임진왜란 이후 한 씨족이 유교를 중심으로 주도하는 마을이었다. 이들은 마을중앙에 서원을 건립하였고 문중과 조상의례와 동회를 통해 지역을 주도하였다. 이들은 유교를 적극 내세우고 불교를 배척하였으며 민간신앙과는 공존하였다. 일제강점기부터 민간신앙이 약화되기 시작하여 1970년대에 이르러서는 소수 노인의 정화수, 고시레 등을 제외하고는 대부분 사라졌다. 조선의 몰락 과정과 일제강점기를 거치면서 유교의 정당성이 약화되었고, 마을에 있던 서원도 흥선대원군의 정책에 따라 1869년 철폐되어 교육기관으로서의 기능을 상실하게 되었다. 1960년대의 산업화와 도시화 과정에서 경제성장이 강조되면서, 유교는 명분, 조상, 의례를 강조하는 과거의 사상으로 인식되었다. 마을에서 문중과 조상의례는 아직지배적인 관습이었지만 젊은층의 참여와 관심은 크게 약화되었다. 이러한 상황에서 1970년 마을에서 기독교도가 선교를 시작했다. 이들이 제사를 우상숭배라고 비난하자 다수의 마을 사람들로부터 심한 반대가 있었다. 기독교인 아들과 유교적인아버지와 심각한 갈등이 나타났다. 일부 아버지는 제사를 포기하고 기독교도가 되기도 하고,일부 아들이나 며느리는 기독교를 포기했으며, 또는 적절한 추도예배로 타협하기도 했다. 대체로 서로 타협하여 절충하고 공존하는 방식이 나타났다. 이러한 과정에서 마을 주민 일부에게는 예배, 기도, 찬송가, 성경으로 이어지는 기독교 민속이 형성되고 있다. 즉, 40년에 걸치는 기독교생활을 통하여 예배, 기도, 찬송가, 성경이 일부 마을주민의 일상적으로 반복되는 관습으로 정착되고 있다. 즉, 일부 주민에 한정되어 있지만, 마을에서 전승되는 기층문화의 하나로 정착되고 있는 상황이다. 과거에 불교와 유교가 들어와 그 일부가 기층민중의 생활관습으로 정착되었듯이 기독교의 일부가 일부 민중의 생활관습으로 정착되는 과정에 있다. Christians focus on the religious life for God, who created mankind, to enter the heaven. Through prayers, graces at meals, blessing, hymns and good news, people try to reach God, to persuade themselves to keep in the religious life. Prayers, graces, hymns and sermons are becoming a part of folklore. In contrast to Christianity, Confucians focus their homage and relationship with ancestors and parents. They focus on this world and humanity. Ancestral worship, morality, ancestral rites, lineage, genealogy and Confucian school were already part of Korean folklore. However, Confucian folklore has been weakened by the Westernization of Korea from th 1880s. The contents and processes of Confucian rites became simplified and attracted less and less people. This village preserves the Confucian folklore relatively well. After 1960s, young people left for cities and the majority of village residents are elderly now. Confucian Folklore Culture in rural village has lost its influences and supremacy in village lives. During the 1970s, there was a strong Christianization in Korea. From the beginning of Christian entrance into the village in 1970, there was a serious conflict with the Confucians over ancestral worship. The Christians work very hard to disprove ancestral worship because they think the ancestral worship is an idol worship. But the Confucians consider the rites for ancestors as a symbol for humanity and their respect to the elders and the ancestors. Even though the Confucian folklore is weakened through the Westernization of Korea, it is well rooted deep into mind of people. Rites for ancestors, respect for the elders, lineages and Confucian schools maintain Confucian culture alive yet. Christian folklore is expanding but limited to Christian followers. Christianfolklore is not yet a general folklore for the rural village.

      • 서구의 근대자의식과 쌀문명

        이정덕 ( Jeong Duk Yi ) 쌀·삶문명연구원 2008 쌀삶문명 연구 Vol.1 No.-

        서구에서 르네상스(15세기)시기에 고대와 구분된 동시대(modern)로 인식되었고, 17세기에 이르러서야 중세가 시대적 용어로 정립되어 중세와 구분되는 동시대(modern)로 인식되기 시작하였다. 동시대(modern)가 중세보다 크게 진보했다는 자의식을 반영하여 19세기부터는 동시대(modern)가 개선된 것, 만족스러운 것, 효율적인 것도 의미했다. 18세기말부터 서구 동시대(modern)가 인류 최고의 진보단계이며 따라서 비서구가 이를 따라올 것이며 또는 그렇게 해야 한다는 생각이 일반화되었다. 결국 modern이라는 개념은 서구가 이성, 과학, 합리성, 민주주의, 자본주의을 이룩한 데 반하여 비서구는 열등하고 정체되어 있다는 의식을 내재하게 되었다. 이에 따라 근대라는 말 자체가 서구가 도달한 핵심가치로 포장되고, 비서구에는 이것이 없다고 전제하고 있다. 따라서 근대라는 말 자체에 서구가 우월하다는 내용이 이미 내포하여 근대/전근대의 틀 자체가 세계를 서구중심적 시각에서로 보도록 만든다. 하지만 서구는 르네상스 이후 이슬람으로부터 상업, 이성, 과학을 배웠으며 계몽기와 산업혁명 기간에 인도와 중국으로부터 농업기술, 철강기술 등의 다양한 기술을 흡수했으며 또한 중국의 이성, 합리성, 국가체제, 민본주의 등을 배웠다. 따라서 서구가 만들어낸 modern 개념은 서구와 동양이 서로 깊숙하게 상호침투하며 영향을 미쳐온 사실을 반영하지 못한 채 서구를 일방적으로 우월한 것으로 왜곡하고 있다. During the Renaissance in the 15th century, the Western scholars recognized their period as modern because they realized that they were different from the classic period. During the 17th century, the concept of the middle age was established and the modern was used as a separate period from the middle age because they thought that they were more developed than and different from the middle age. After France Revolution and the Industrial Revolution, the modern also implied more improved and more efficient. From the late 18th century, the Westerners started to believe that the modern Europe was most progressive and other civilizations should follow European steps. This consciousness of modern is the consciousness that the West is progressive but the Rest is stagnated. Reason, science, rationality, democracy and capitalism are the aspects of the ``modern`` West, and other areas should imitate Western values in order to achieve ``the modern``. Since the rest, including China and India, were stagnated because of their inner inertia, they cannot achieve modern by themselves. They needs the Western intervention. Most scholars including Marx and Weber thought that only the intervention by the West can change the inertia of the East. After all, "the modern" is described as Western characteristics and values that China and India didn`t have. This is not true. The Western Europe learned rationality, commerce, science and reason from Islam, especially in Spain and also from the middle east during the Renaissance period and also many technology, reason, rationality and state system from India and China during the Enlightenment period. The Western concept of modern conceals the interaction between Europe and the East and creates a pure opposition between the East and the West. This process was described by Edward Said in his book Orientalization. The similar process also happened in the development of the Western self-consciousness of modern in the Western Europe from the 15th century.

      • 윌슨의 <통섭>1)에 대한 비판적 고찰: 문화를 중심으로

        이정덕 ( Jeong Duk Yi ) 쌀.삶.문명연구원 2011 쌀삶문명 연구 Vol.4 No.-

        윌슨은『통섭』이라는 책에서 사회생물학이 인문학과 사회과학을 통합하는 통섭(지식대통합)이 이루어져야 하는데 인문학자와 사회과학자가 유전자를 잘못 이해하여 이에 저항하고 있다고 주장하였다. 필자는 알튀세의 문제틀이라는 개념을 사용하여 윌슨의 통섭이 두뇌의 창발성을 무시하는 문제틀 안에 갇혀 있음을 설명하고 있다. 한국의 인문사회과학자들이 사용하는 통섭은 주로 학제적 또는 몇 개 학문의 융합적 연구를 의미로 사용하지 사회생물학이 인문학과 사회과학을 통합하는 지식대통합의 의미로 사용하고 있지 않다. 따라서 지식대통합으로서의 통섭과 학제적 연구 또는 몇 개 학문의 융합적 연구로서의 통섭은 구분되어야 하지만 같은 용어를 씀으로써 많은 혼란을 야기하고 있다. 문화는 유전자에 종속되기 때문에 문화를 유전자로 설명할 수 있다는 주장 자체도 잘못된 주장이다. 유전자가 인간의 활동에 영향을 미치지만 상수로서 역할을 할 뿐이다. 인간문화를 발달시켜온 변수의 역할은 두뇌의 창조적 사고가 한다. 두뇌가 크게 발달하면서 유전자가 가능하게 만든 (또는 허용한) 범위 안에서 두뇌의 창발성이 나타났다. 두뇌의 창발성이 지난 5천 년간 유전자의 변화 없이도 인간이 사회와 문화를 빠르게 발전시켜온 원동력이다. 유전자가 두뇌의 가능성을 열어놓은 것이지, 유전자가 구체적인 언어, 종교, 사고활동을 특정한 내용으로 하도록 결정하는 것은 아니다. Wilson insists in his book, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, that humanities should be integrated into sociobiology. His statement is based on wild speculation on the role of genes and epigenetic rules. I analyze and criticize his consilience by using the concept of problematic of Althusser. Wilson`s problematique excludes the role of emergent creativity of human brain. According to him, this emergent creativity is only an effect of epigenetic rules. In Korea, humanists usually use ``Tongseop``(통섭, Korean translation of consilience) not as the unity of knowledge but as interdisciplinary research. These different uses of the same word ``Tognseop`` cause many problems in scholarly discussion in Korea. I also insist that gene or epigenetic rules are the constant in human dynamics. That is the gene or epigenetic rules cannot explain the rapid change and wild diversity of human culture. The logics behinds the rapid change and wild diversity of human culture in the last 5,000 years require some other variables than genes or epigenetic rules. The rapid change and wild diversity of human culture was possible not because of genes, but because of the emergent creativity of human brain. Human genes allow the rapid development of human brain, but don`t decide what language, religion, or thoughts we use. In conclusion, Wilson`s concept of the unity of knowledge understates the role of the emergent creativity of humans very seriously.

      • KCI등재

        부랴트어 소멸위기와 민족정체성

        이정덕(Jeong Duk Yi),전봉수(Bong Su Jeon) 서울대학교 비교문화연구소 2007 비교문화연구 Vol.13 No.2

        The Buryats are a part of Mongolian ethnic groups subjugated by Russia in the late 17th century. In the process of resistance against the subjugation, they formed the Buryat ethnic consciousness. However, nowadays only about quarter of the Buryats use Buryat language and the number of Buryat language users continuously decreases. Major reasons for that include 1) the Soviet government made Russian language the only official language during the Soviet Union, 2) the school system uses Russian language and allows very few hours for Buryat language, 3) Russians has been the majority (about 70%), the Buryats has been the minority (about 25%), and major social positions are occupied by Russians, 4) those who use Buryat language move to urban areas don`t use Buryat language any more in general, 5) the increasing number of Buryat families use Russian at home, 6) no effective efforts on the government and the congress for Buryat language, and 7) the stigma on Buryat language. The reponses on the decrease of Buryat language usage are different from generation to generation. The young group don`t have interest in using Buryat language and they think the Buryatness does not depend on Buryat language usage but on blood and face. However, the old generation still consider Buryat language as the major criteria for the Buryatness. Rapid decrease of the users of Buryat language makes it impossible to use Buryat language as the main criteria for Buryat identity. Buryate language is in the process of being deleted from the criteria of Buryat ethnic identity.

      • KCI등재

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