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      • KCI등재

        1970년대 일본의 근대건축 보존개념에 관한 연구

        임태희,이시다준이치로 대한건축학회 2006 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.22 No.10

        The conservation of the Japanese modern architecture in 1970's was made with different concepts from that of 1960's. This study is to examine the change of the concepts in 3 different aspect(academism, administration, and journalism). Firstly, the interest of academic field was shifted from architectural evaluation of individual buildings in ‘Meiji period', to the architectures in ‘Taisho period' and the evaluation as scenery together with surroundings. Secondly, the decisive factor in administrative determination of architectures as cultural assets was changed to aesthetic and architectural value, from cultural and historical one's in 1960's. Thirdly in journalism, the modern architecture was evaluated from the view of ‘amenity', ‘community', and campaign of ‘Machinami'. And eventually, the conservation concept was mainly led by the journals.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 일본의 근대건축 보존개념에 관한 연구

        임태희,이시다준이치로 대한건축학회 2006 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.22 No.4

        Though technical problems and design methods are commonly discussed as to the conservation and the renovation of the modern architectures, it is the recognition of the value they have that should initially understood. In Japan, the conservation of the modern architecture drew many and drastic attractions with a few renovation acts on the beginning of 1970s, however those discussions were started in 1960. The conservation was initiated as a resistance to the restructuring of the cities in the wave of high speed economic growth as a concept to continue architecture of history, not of aesthetics. This was temporary, and later different concept was introduced those actions.

      • KCI등재후보

        1940년대 방공 계획을 중심으로 한 서울(경성)의 도시 개조에 관한 연구

        안상민,이시다 준이치로,김주야 서울시립대학교 서울학연구소 2019 서울학연구 Vol.- No.77

        It was in 1936 that Kyoungseong Street Planning was promulgated in present Seoul, which has been regarded as a point of departure of Land Readjustment Project or District Development Plans in earnest. However, the shortage of materials and labor forces caused by war situation in 1940’s, had raised the delays in drawing up its statutory city planning. Compared to it, the project for air defense measures got propelled, which building materials were preferentially supplied to among any other city projects. The re-preparation work in central areas of Kyoungseong had been tied up. There was also another reason that Kyoungseong Street Planning originally focused on developing suburbs, in addition to it. ‘Air defense streets(방공 세도로: 防空細道路)’ to modify densely built-up areas, or ‘air defense parks(방공 공원: 防空公園)’ to utilize the open areas no advanced in their works because of material shortage, seem to have been expected as alternate plans to statutory city planning. On the other hands in case of Health Parks(보건 광장: 保健広場), which were prepared on the mountainous districts built flat, it would be said that they were interfered with the maintenance works for scenic zone, one of the important tasks in Kyoungseong Street Planning. Although there shows synthetical linkage with other urban infrastructure construction projects in proceeding Kyoungseong Street Planning until the beginning of 1939, but it seems only possible the least answers were required under all-out war situation. This study aims to make it clear with actual proofs. In the meantime, as for city planning in Seoul after the Second World War was over, there was no other choices than to succeed from Kyoungseong which had been modified by Japanese engineers. Studies to define the process of its successions and reformations would present important keys to understand the space structures of present Seoul. It tends the city planning projects in 1940’s to have been ignored by the reason of their negative images to compensate for war business under foreign domination and of their temporariness. However the construction works should have been advanced rapidly from their characteristic points of view, and its influences significantly remain in Seoul after liberation. 일제기의 경성에서는 1936년 경성 시가지계획을 책정하여, 가로망 정비와 토지구획정리사업, 지역제의 도입을 진행해 간다. 그러나, 전쟁의 심각화로 인한1940년경 물자 및 노동력의 부족은 법정 도시계획사업의 지연을 초래하게 된다. 이에 반해, 방공 대책 사업은 일반 도시계획 사업 내지 도시 사업보다 자재 배급이 우선되어 착실히 시행되어 간다. 경성 시가지계획에서는 워낙에 새로 편입된주변부의 정비에 중점이 놓여 있어, 시내 중심부 개조에는 미처 손이 미치지 못하고 있었는데, 청계천 구획정리는 구상 단계에 멈춰 계획안의 입안 이전에 중단이 된다. 이러한 가운데, 밀집 시가지의 개조를 위한 ‘방공 세도로’와 물자 부족으로 공사가 진전되지 못한 채 공터로 방치된 부지를 소공원으로 이용하는 ‘방공 공원’은소위 방공 대책을 목적으로 한 법정 도시계획의 대안으로 기대되어 있었던 것으로 보여진다. 한편, 경성을 둘러싸는 산지의 정상 부분을 평탄하게 조성하는 보건 광장은 경성 시가지계획의 중심적인 과제였던 풍치 지구의 정비와 저촉하는 것이라고도 할 수 있다. 1939년 초순까지 경성 시가지계획은 도시 제반 사업이유기적으로 연계하는 종합성을 보여주는 면도 있었으나, 일제의 총력전 체제화안에서 극소적인 해답을 구할 수 밖에 없어진 것으로 보여, 본 연구에서는 실증적인 해명을 목표하고 있다. 해방 후 서울의 도시계획은 일본인 기술자에 의해 개조되어가던 서울을 계승할 수밖에 없었다. 여기서의 계승과 개변을 명확하게 하는 작업은 현대 서울의도시 공간을 이해하는데 중요한 포인트를 제기한다. 1940년대에 진행된 도시계획 사업은 지배국의 전쟁 사업에 대한 부응이라는 부정적 이미지가 짙었던 데다가 사업 자체 역시 임시적 성격을 띠고 있어 무시되어 온 경향이 있다. 하지만, 특성상 공사가 신속히 진척되어갔던 점 등 해방 후 서울에 미친 영향은 크다.

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