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      • 老人福地政策의 地方分權化에 따른 財政移讓에 關한 硏究

        오용규 國民大學校 行政大學院 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Korea came to the old - aged era with 2000 year as its starting point that the aged man amount almost to 7% of the population, it is forecasted that the old person will amount almost to 13% in 2020. Rapid growth of the old people necessarily expands the desires over employment, income, health, care, and recuperation, thereupon it seems that the necessities for counter measures of the central government and municipalities will increase all the more. At present the main old person welfare system includes the guarantee of income, medical insurance, housing security, and welfare service to the old person at home etc... However the current old person welfare aid system leave much to be desired fairly in comparison with the degree of social development and the old person's wants. Accordingly the central government and municipalities should arrange the long - term old person welfare aid system aid system that could satisfy the old person's wants. Especially, strengthening of the welfare system on municipality level is more important because social welfare service is field - initiated from the characteristical point of view. Due to the aging society and the opening of localization, it has been expected that local governments will play an active role in solving social problems related to old age. However the central government in Korea it is established nearly all of the elderly welfare policies, while local governments have merely taken charge of its implementation. Therefore, the elderly welfare service has not been appropriately provided by the local government. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of local municipalities and fiance - decentralization of power in the field of elderly welfare. Based on the results of this study the following summary points can be made. The problems analyzed from this standpoint include the problem of activating municipality's old person welfare, the relation between municipality and the central government on the old person welfare, and the problem between municipality and private organizations. first, the problem of municipality's welfare activation pointed out in the study are unbalanced physical structure, irrational administrative system, a lack of systematic study program of vacational training organization old person, the shortage of manpower to employment exclusive charge for the most aged, and the shortage of leisure equipment for the aged and its organization. second, the problem between the central government and municipalities are the irrationality of old persons welfare service communication system, and the ambiguous work distribution. Third, the problem between municipalities and private organizations are the weakness of old person welfare service by the third sector system, and the insufficient linkage with volunteer welfare organizations. Improvement courses over the problems are as follow. First, unbalanced physical structure must be improved. Up to now the way of financing of municipality's social welfare has been that its finance complements to the weak support from the central government. However in view of the characters of social welfare service and the growth of the old aged and their desire, the rate of assignment to each of the central government and the municipality should be readjusted on the whale by an innovative adjustment coordination on overall social welfare affairs. Second, an effective administrative system should be settled, that is, because the specialized work assignment between the central government and the municipality is requested for promoting social welfare of local residents in the localization age. Third, it is necessary to make the private sector participate actively and the regulation should be reduced. Since the inauguration of the people's government, the role of private sector in social welfare sector has been increased. Especially to fulfill the weak finance of municipality and various needs, diversification of the service provider by the third sector must be settled without delay. Finally, this study suggests that a rational criterion to divide the of roles of elderly welfare between the governments should be developed. It is also recommended these criterion be put it in a statutory form, upon which the elderly welfare works should be drastically transferred to the local government. Additionally for improved implementation at the local government, the existing work assignment system should be reconfigured into an individual assignment style. It is important to clearly establish the concept, rights, responsibilities, and expense loads of the common works.

      • 消防公務員의 福祉向上에 관한 硏究

        오용규 漢城大學校 行政大學院 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        It is very important to personally increase fire officers' personal safety when performing on-site activities and give them a sense of calling and responsibility for the performance of their jobs. It is also important to socially raise their sense of mission and morale in addition to their job consciousness by improving the welfare environment of fire officers. firstly, concerning this sector of public administration performance evaluation should be made more equitable and the promotion system should be improved. The promotion system should also be improved; examinations for promotion to fire sergeant or fire lieutenant should be composed of 50 % investigation and 50 % testing. besides the assignment of fire officers to their respective positions should be made efficiently. Favoritism causes an unnecessarily frequent number of new assignments and favoritism towards specific officers should be stopped. When assigning employees to new positions or transferring them, health conditions should be considered. For the purpose of education training in work should be solidified. Frequent invitations of lecturers and the purchase of training equipment essential for education training should be budget any concerns that deserve support. The law stipulates that the status of fire officers is unique and different from that of other general public officers. Fire officers are specially designated officers. This means that the government admits the administrative demand for fire officers is different from that of other general officers. Therefore, the quota of fire officers should be separated from the total quota available to local government, and managed as a special, an external quota . Secondly, concerning the area of economic compensation the system of payment and allowances should be improved. The short budget and finance hinder the rationalization of payment. In this situation, most fire officers are interested in minor matters like various kinds of allowances rather than in demanding a change of the payment system. Policy makers and local governments should pay attention to and improve this matter. also a hospital specializing in the medical checks and treatment of fire officers should be set up. Fire officers who have to face and cope with fires find it hard to predict and detect on-site harmful environments require special approaches to medical examinations. There is a lack of a system that specializes in helping fire officers with rare diseases resulting from burns and injury of the respiratory tract. Special treatments such as plastic surgery cost too much, but under the current health insurance, the system of treating an injury sustained while on duty is not well established, and a complete treatment of such an injury is hard to obtain. Even after finishing the treatment of an injury sustained from on-site activities, fire officers suffer for a long time from post-injury stress syndrome. They are vulnerable to bacterial infection and exposed to a much higher risk of infection. The recognition of this fact makes it more necessary to establish a hospital specializing in the treatment of fire officers and secure a system for stable treatment. at the same time Government promoted lots of solutions for improvement of work environment and raising the morale such as development of working system, construction of health care and medical system, possibilities of an overtime allowance, expansion of applications to be buried in national graveyard with minimizing burial process, and substantial compensation for a surviving family of died officials, but still insufficient. For instance, in case of a surviving family receive pension and compensation by 「Law of compensation for died officials on dangerous jobs」, and can lay the dead below the national graveyard by the 1st term of the 5th article of 「Law of establishment and operation of national graveyard」. Injured officials can charge for medical expenses and fees by 「Law of pension of official」. However, there are 4 problems of these laws. First, 「Law of compensation for died officials on dangerous jobs」 only states damages got from putting out a fire or saving the life on a disaster calamity spot. Second, there is no standard to verify if it's a disease from work by inhalation of toxic gas or other harmful substances. Third, laws relevant limits the application of 'died person while duty' comparative to police or soldiers. Last, there are still in short of systematic medical process and rehabilitation program for injured officials. Thirdly, concerning the area of physical working conditions with the three-shift system introduced, more fire officers are needed and should be secured. What is particular about the organization of fire fighting is that it should always be in readiness for unpredictable occurrences. As emergency responses are common for this organization, it is greatly different from other administrative organizations whose universal and usual jobs can be treated in a leisurely manner. The system of a five-day workweek has been enforced since July, 2007. The system applies to almost all areas of society such as outdoor workers, police officers, prison officers, subway employees, and communication service employees who are all similar to fire officers. In order to comply with the regulation of a 40-hour work week, a system of three or four shifts is in operation. Though fire officers are gradually working on three shifts, current fire officers are reassigned without new ones, which is a self-providing method, not a real three-shift system. Most fire officers still work 24 on and 24 off for 84 hours a week, suffering from overwork. The national government and local governments should hire more people and improve the working system of fire officers. also safety equipment for individuals should be prepared and deteriorated fire engines should be replaced. To create a good work environment for fire fighti

      • 폐 광케이블 재활용 방안에 대한 고찰

        오용규 경북대학교 산업대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        데이터 통신에 대한 수요가 증가하면서 동축 케이블로는 그 수요를 만족시키기 어려워 광케이블의 사용이 대안으로 각광받고 있다. 또한 산업이 급격하게 증가하는 만큼 나날이 증가되는 환경위협에 대응하기 위해 다양한 형태의 자원순환제도가 시행중에 있다. 따라서 광섬유 수요증가 만큼 발생되는 폐 광케이블의 재활용에 대한 연구가 필요하게 된다. 이 논문에서는 광케이블의 재활용과 관련된 기술적 및 정책적인 문제점을 분석하고 개선방안을 제시하고자 한다. Since copper wire cannot satisfy rapid increase of data communication nowaday, optical cable replaces copper wire. As much as optical cable is used, recycling of optical cable becomes important more and more to prevent environmental menace due to fast increase of the waste of optical cable. This thesis is a study on effective technology and policy on recycling of waste optical cable.

      • 한국과 중국의 상속법 비교연구 : 중국 상속법 개정논의의 쟁점을 중심으로

        오용규 서울대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        한중 수교 이후 한국과 중국의 교류가 늘어남에 따라 법률 분야의 교류도 늘고 있고 한국인과 중국인 간의 혼인, 이혼, 상속 등의 법률문제도 늘고 있다. 또한 장래 통일을 대비하여 남북 가족법의 통합을 위한 준비도 필요하다. 이러한 점에서 사회주의 법체계인 중국 상속법에 대한 비교법적 연구가 의미가 있다. 최근 중국 내에서 상속법 개정 움직임이 활발히 있었는데 비록 개정 논의가 입법으로 결실을 보지는 못 하였으나 개정을 위한 토론과 연구의 결과물들은 중국 가족법에 대한 이해를 넓히는데 큰 도움이 될 수 있다. 중국 상속법은 사회주의 법체계로서 여러 가지 면에서 우리 상속법과 다르다. 그 본질에 있어서 사유재산제도 인정을 기반으로 하는 자본주의 상속법과 달리 국가에 의한 사회보장을 대신할 수 있도록 부양관계가 상속법 전반에 내재되어 있다. 부양관계가 있는 경우에는 혈족이 아닌 인척이더라도 상속인의 범위에 포함시킨다든지 부양의무의 이행 정도에 따라 상속분을 증감할 수 있다든지 2순위 법정상속인이더라도 노동능력이 없고 생활수입원이 없는 경우 일정액의 유산을 인정하는 규정들이 그러하다. 중국 상속법 개정 논의 중 법정상속과 관련하여 주요한 것은 현재 중국 상속법상 법정상속인의 범위가 너무 협소하여 그 범위를 4촌까지 확대하는 것에 대하여 많은 학자들이 동의하고 있고, 양리신(杨立新) 교수는 최근 배우자의 상속순위를 영순위(零順位)로 하여 배우자의 상속권을 보호함과 동시에 직계존비속 이외 근친들의 상속권도 보장할 것을 주장하고 있다. 유언상속과 관련하여서는 유언의 자유를 보장한다는 원칙하에 유언의 형식을 더 다양하게 하고 구체적으로 규정하여야 하며, 유언의 자유를 제한할 수 있는 필유분(必留份), 유산작급청구권(遗产酌给请求权) 제도를 보완하고 특유분(特留份) 제도를 신설하여야 한다고 주장한다. 노동능력이 없고 생활수입원이 없는 법정상속인의 범위 내에 있는 근친에게 필유분을 인정하되 현재 1개 조문밖에 안 되므로 필유분의 범위, 청구방법, 효력에 대하여 구체적으로 규정할 것을 주장하고, 인척관계의 상속권은 폐지하는 대신에 유산작급청구권을 인정하여 부양관계가 있는 사람을 보호하되, 이에 대하여도 인정범위, 청구방법 등에 관하여 구체적으로 규정할 것을 주장한다. 그 밖에 법정상속인을 보호하기 위하여 특유분 제도의 신설을 주장하며, 그에 대하여 인정범위, 계산방법, 효력, 감쇄 등의 조문을 둘 것을 주장한다. 이와 같은 한중 상속법 비교연구는 우리나라 상속법 개정에도 시사점을 줄 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 북한 가족법의 이해에도 도움이 되어 향후 남북 통합가족법 제정에 밑거름이 될 수 있다.

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