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      • KCI등재

        초등 과학에서 STS 주제에 대한 수행평가자료의 개발: 6학년 우리 몸의 생김새 단원의 호흡관련 주제를 중심으로

        심주옥 ( Joo Ok Shim ),김은진 ( Eun Jin Kim ),임채성 ( Chae Seong Lim ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2005 초등과학교육 Vol.24 No.1

        In this study, we developed an elementary science performance assessment material on STS theme, especially the respiration. The material is constituted with 3 components, which are performance task, students` response format and scoring system, and it also has various objective domains such as applying science knowledge, improving science attitude, using ICT, communicating and reflective thinking. It offers teachers a tool by which they can assess students` abilities on a whole. The task is made with the motivation-evoking content of No Smoking. It is constructed on the activity of writing a letter to his/her father not to smoke. The students` response format is made by problem solving process, and the scoring system is matched with the steps of students` response. The material involves several theoretical backgrounds and the strengths of performance assessment. In addition, due to the detailed students` format and scoring system, it can be used practically in elementary science classroom.

      • KCI등재

        초등 과학에서 STS 주제에 대한 수행 평가 자료의 적용

        김은진 ( Eun Jin Kim ),심주옥 ( Joo Ok Shim ),임채성 ( Chae Seong Lim ) 한국초등과학교육학회 2005 초등과학교육 Vol.24 No.3

        In this study, we applied the elementary performance assessment instrument on STS theme in science instruction which it had been developed on the previous study. Sixty-seven elementary students participated in this study and were assigned into two groups: One was assigned to an experimental group since they were taught with the instrument (N=32) and the other was assigned to the comparison group since they followed teachers` guide of 7th Korean National Curriculum (N=35). Prior to and after teaching, tests on the science attitude, science process skill, and science knowledge domains were administrated. The results were analyzed quantitatively. Further, we also investigated students` recognition about the instrument and the science class qualitatively according to the instrument. The results showed that there were statistically significant improvements on science process skills and aspects of the understanding of science knowledge. Many students were aware of them positively as well. However, a few problems, including too many amounts of writing and difficulties in communication with one another, were appeared.

      • 초등학교 학생의 학년별, 성별에 따른 과학학습양식과 과학태도

        심주옥,임채성 부산교육대학교 과학교육연구소 2002 科學敎育硏究 Vol.27 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate how the science learning styles and science attitudes were related according to grades and sex of elementary school students. In this study, 292 from third to sixth grade students completed inventories designed to reveal their the science learning styles and science attitudes, then the data were analyzed. The major finding are as follows: First, it was shown that the third graders prefer ways of learning through the combinations of personal sense, feeling, and observation. As the grades increased, the students preferred the way of learning science by doing which involve planning of experimental methods and using of various experimental apparatus, and the ways of learning science involving application and extension of principles and results they known from instruction. Second, boys showed characteristics of learning that they related experimental results to other experimental processes, manipulated the various experimental apparatus and equipments on experiment table, and found the experimental plan and results by themselves. On the other hand, girls showed preferences for things familiar to them and had difficulties in planning or new experiment. Third, the learning science of the elementary school students through concrete experiences and reflective observations had positive influences on the students' appreciation of and attitudes toward science, and the formation more active and cooperative science attitudes. These results suggest that teachers consider students' learning styles and science attitudes as important factors in their science instruction

      • 초등 과학에서 STS 주제에 대한 수행 평가 도구의 개발과 적용

        임채성,김은진,심주옥 부산교육대학교 과학교육연구소 2004 科學敎育硏究 Vol.29 No.-

        In this study, we developed an elementary science performance assessment tool on STS theme and applied it in science instruction. It is constituted with performance task, students' response format, scoring system, and it has various objective domains such as science knowledge applying, ICT using, communicating, reflective thinking. It offers teachers a tool by which they can assess students' abilities on a whole. The task is made with the motivation evoked content, that is "no smoking". It is constructed an the activity of writing a Letter to father not to smoke. The students' response format is made by problem solving process, and the scoring system is matched with the steps of students' response. As according to the results of applying it, there were statistically significant improvement for overall several science process skills, for aspect of the understanding of science knowledge, and many students were aware of it positively as well.

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