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성명환(Sung, Myung-Hwan),권대흠(Kwon, Dae-Heum),오세익 한국농촌경제연구원 2011 한국농촌경제연구원 정책연구보고서 Vol.- No.-
The purpose of this study is to identify the status of coarse grains produced in Korea and to find implications required for facilitating the Korean minor cereal industry on the basis of conversion of consumer’s preference and the direction of agricultural policies. To this purpose, we collect and analyze basic data for identifying the status of Korean minor cereal industry through survey of distribution of coarse grains produced in Korea. There is a great opportunity for increasing production and distribution of coarse grains produced in Korea. With the spread of food consumption pattern oriented to healthy living and increasing old-age groups, consumer preference for coarse grains produced in Korea is still high. Changes of agricultural policies contribute to the great opportunity for increasing the market of coarse grains produced in Korea as well. That is, it is encouraged to grow other crops instead of rice in paddies by means of support policies because of accumulated rice stocks resulting from recent decrease in rice consumption in Korea. Referring to the result of this study, coarse grains, e.g., millet, foxtail millet, Indian millet, adzuki beans, etc., are valuable for different use as well as healthy functional food. Therefore, it is necessary to make an effort for advertising and commercializing the use of coarse grains mentioned above. By the way, cultivation of coarse grains still depends highly on manual work because of the low level of mechanized farming and it has a weak basis for soil management, e.g., drainage and water supply facilities which is thus a factor of lowering productivity and lower quality. However, it is necessary to attempt diversified cropping systems including cropping paddies, fields, etc., for improving farmers income as well as efficient use of farm land, since coarse grain has short growing period as compared to low productivity and a wide range of adaptation to the environment. With reference to current distribution of millet, foxtail millet, Indian millet, adzuki beans, etc. Nonghyup as a processing and selling union of farmers rather than local distributors have been engaged in distribution. Even though farmers association has a high market share in producers market, the share of Nonghyup as a processer and seller in wholesale market is significantly low as compared to the high share of private processors and wholesalers. The reason that a high share of farmers’ associations in producers market is not connected to the step of wholesale is due to the significantly improving capacity of private processors and intermediate wholesalers for processing and selling the cereals. However, the scale of Nonghyup’s processing and selling coarse grains at the wholesale step is stagnant, resulting in farmers associations’ lowered competitiveness as compared to the private business sector. Coarse grains can be a highly usable factor for vitalizing local agriculture. Coarse grains can be cultivated with less agricultural chemicals and are environment-friendly crops as well. Therefore, it is worth to actively enhance the farming structure of coarse grains, focused on individual farm households to organize specialized business based on local agriculture and to promote construction of production bases, e.g., installation of drainage in hillside paddies for encouraging to cultivate coarse grains in the paddies, abd installation of hire business sites for farm machines and equipment.
미국과 유럽의 사례를 통해 본 증오범죄 통계법안(2016년 이종걸 의원안) 고찰
성명환(Sung, Myung-hwan),심희섭(Shim, Hee Sub) 한국민간경비학회 2021 한국민간경비학회보 Vol.19 No.5
증오범죄는 피해자 개인에게 신체적‧정신적 악영향을 초래할 뿐만 아니라 동일한 특질을 지닌 인구집단에게 부정적이고도 포괄적인 파급력을 미칠 수 있다는 점에서 국가 차원에서 더 이상 도외시하기 어렵다. 이러한 맥락에서, 2016년 국회에서 제안되었다가 철회되었던 「증오범죄 통계법안」에 대한 본고의 검토는 충분히 의미가 있다. 미국과 유럽 사례의 검토를 바탕으로 한 본고의 연구 결과, 해당 법안은 증오범죄의 개념 정의에 있어서 묻지마 범죄의 개념을 포섭하고, 행위양태에 대한 아무런 제한을 두고 있지 않으며, 보호대상으로 하는 개인적 특질을 제한적으로 기술하는 등 국제적 흐름과는 다소 차이를 보이고 있음을 확인하였다. 관련 문제점에 대한 제언을 말미에 논의하였다. Hate crimes are difficult to ignore in that they not only lead to negative physical/mental effects on respective victims but also have a comprehensive negative impact on such a population group with the same characteristics. In this context, the review of this study on the ‘Hate Crime Statistics Bill,’ which was proposed by the National Assembly in 2016 and eventually withdrawn, is meaningful. Main findings, which are based on a comparison with both American and European approaches, include that the bill improperly define the concept of the motiveless crime, sets no limit on its behavior modality, and omits the specific range of individual victim’s traits that are subject to protection. That is, there is some room for doubt whether the bill is in line with the global standards. In addition to describing additional, several problems concerning the 2016 bill, suggestions responding to each problem are discussed.
김승규,류진,정재원,성명환,김태균,Kim, Seung Gyu,Ryu, Jin,Jung, Jae-Won,Sung, Myung-Hwan,Kim, Tae-Kyun 한국초지조사료학회 2015 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.35 No.4
본 연구는 전국의 686개 농가에 대한 설문조사를 통해 농가의 GM 기술과 GM 작물 및 이를 활용한 사료에 대한 인식, 농가의 생산 현황과 속성을 바탕으로 농가의 GM 벼(쌀)와 GM 사료작물에 대한 기술 수용성을 분석하였다. 개별적인 농가 속성에 따라 수용 의사가 다르지만, 2개의 GM 기술 수용성 추정에서 공통적으로 GM 기술 수용 의사를 높이는 변수는 GM 농작물의 필요성에 대한 인식과 잡곡이나 조사료 재배여부로 나타났다. 평균적인 경종 농가의 경우 7.8% 유의수준에서 농가소득이 47% 증가할 경우 벼(쌀)에 대한 GM 기술을 수용하고, 벼(쌀)를 제외한 사료작물의 경우에는 14.1% 유의수준에서 농가소득이 43% 증가할 때 GM 기술을 수용하는 것으로 분석되었다. 벼(쌀)와 비교해서 사료 작물은 상대적으로 적은 소득 증가에도 불구하고 수용 가능성이 나타났다. 그러나 두 가지 경우 모두 통계적 유의성이 5%를 넘어가 신뢰도에 문제가 있다. 앞으로 GM 기술에 대한 신뢰성이 높아짐에 따라 CVM에서 발생하는 가상적 편의가 줄어든다면 통계적 유의성이 높아질 것으로 기대되므로 이에 대한 추가 연구가 필요하다. Cultivating genetically modified (GM) crops is believed to be a practical solution to meet the increasing food demand, but GM crops are not legal in Korea mainly due to food safety issues. Even though the general public might not be ready to consume GM food, GM crops are imported and consumed as food and feed. To analyze farmers's willingness to grow GM crops for feed, a survey was conducted among crop farmers and 640 valid responses were collected by mail. In the questionnaire, the farmers were asked to select either 'yes' or 'no' if they were willing or not willing to cultivate GM rice and GM grass, respectively, under the given hypothetical income increase rate (i.e., 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, or 70%). Logit regression was used to estimate the two dichotomous choices by explanatory variables including hypothetical income increase rate. The results show that farmers are willing to cultivate GM rice and grass when their income is expected to increase by 47% and 43%, respectively.