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      • KCI등재

        대학-산업간 협력체제 발전 방안: 미국의 기술 이전 촉진 정책의 성과와 시사점

        성낙돈(Sung Nak-don) 한국평생교육학회 2003 평생교육학연구 Vol.9 No.2

        사회의 지식 기반화가 가속화됨에 따라 경제 발전을 위한 산학 협력의 중요성은 커지고 있다. 산업의 생산성·경쟁력은 기술에 크게 의존하고 있고, 대학에서의 연구와 개발은 기술 혁신의 잠재력이 크기 때문이다. 기술을 연구·개발하는 것에 그치지 않고 이를 산업에 최대한 이전·활용하는 것은 경제 성장에 기여하는 핵심적 요소이다. 1970년대, 기술 개발의 능력에 있어서는 우위에 있던 미국이 산업화 및 생산성 경쟁에서는 일본 등에 뒤쳐져 결과적으로 경제가 오랫동안 침채되어 있었던 사태는 이를 잘 말해준다. 미국은 이에 80년대에 들어 대학에서 연구·개발한 기술의 산업에의 이전·활용을 극대화할 수 있는 정책을 도입하였다. 베이-돌 법(Bayh-Dole Act)의 재정과 그에 따른 대학 내 기술이전 전담기구(TLO)의 활성화 등에 의한 적극적인 산학협력 체제의 기반이 이 때 조성되었고, 이후 대학 기술의 산업적 응용에 주도적 역할을 하였다. 미국에서의 대학-산업간 협력에 의한 기술 이전 촉진 정책의 경험은 우리나라의 산학연계 촉진 방안을 구상하는 데 유용한 시사점을 제공한다. As the society gets more knowledge-based, the economic growth depends more on the technological innovations. It is thus imperative to take advantage, for the purpose of increasing productivity in the industry, of the R&D outcomes achieved by the researchers of the university. The UITT policy in the U.S., activated by the Bayh-Dole Act of 1980, is considered significant since it has produced hosts of innovations transferred and applied to the small industries for the last twenty years. The aims of the policy were to allow university scholars to own property rights on their inventions and discoveries, although their research was supported by the government, and thus to let researchers sell their patents to industries or start up their own businesses. The policy sought to diffuse innovations through such mechanism of property ownership, and proved to be successful. The U.S. case presents live implications for improving the Korean UITT policy which has just begun. A series of laws were enacted to allow university scholars to fully cash on their research outcomes. This paper clarifies which viewpoints and suggestions are relevant to the evaluation and elaboration of the UITT policy in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        시민단체 시민교육의 성격에 대한 연구 - ‘참여연대’ 사례(1995년~1999년)를 중심으로

        김창엽(Kim Chang-yeob),성낙돈(Sung Nak-don) 한국평생교육학회 2006 평생교육학연구 Vol.12 No.3

          시민으로서의 역량 함양, 권리와 의무수행, 참여를 통한 민주적 사회형성이라는 시민교육의 지향이 시민단체의 시민교육을 통해 구현될 것이라는 기대가 높아지고 있다. 그러나 시민단체는 시민교육을 주로 조직 본연의 사업 목적을 달성하기 위한 수단으로 활용할 가능성이 있다. 이에 따라 시민단체가 주관하는 시민교육의 목적은 순수한 시민교육의 본질적 지향 방향이나 목적과는 괴리가 있을 수 있다. 이 글에서는 90년대 대표적인 시민단체인 ‘참여연대’의 시민교육을 분석하였다.<BR>  이 사례에서 시민교육은 참여연대의 조직적 목적을 달성하기 위하여 시민들의 의식화와 조직화를 통한 자원동원을 목적으로 하는 시민교육의 성격이 확인되었다. 이 같은 결과는 시민단체 시민교육의 목적이 보편적인 시민교육의 이상과 모형을 구현해 줄 수 있으리라는 낙관적인 기대가 조심스럽게 재검토되어야 할 필요성을 제기하고 있다. 시민단체의 시민교육에 대한 이론적 접근과, 시민교육 지향에 대한 기존의 이해가 보완되어야 할 것이다. 참여연대의 사례에서 보여지는 시민단체 시민교육의 성격이 여타의 시민단체에서도 확인되는지를 밝힐 수 있는 연구가 후속 되어야 할 필요가 있다.   Civil organizations or non-governmental organizations are much acclaimed to have potential to fulfill such essential aims of civic education as the improvement of civic competency, the understanding and performance of civic rights and duties, and the civic engagement and participation. This expectation needs careful examination because civic education by NGO"s can often be initiated by the motives that are not necessarily educational per se. NGO"s may have civic education activities merely as an instrument for enlarging their primary non-educational purposes, which can hardly amount to building up an ideal model of adult civic education.<BR>  This article is an attempt to examine the thesis by studying the case of the PSPD(People"s Solidarity for Participatory Democracy) which started an exemplary adult civic education programs in the 1990"s. Drawing on a variety of literature as well as on long time participatory observations by the authors, the study reveals that PSPD-initiated civic education programs have been guided by goals that are not so much purely educational or learning-oriented as political and ideological. PSPD-based civic education are mainly instrumental in raising consciousness and mobilizing resources for transmitting and strengthening the political ideology held by the organization. They can be estimated to be short of being supportive in bringing up the learner"s autonomy, reflection, judgement, and critical thinking that is paramount to the ideals of civic education. The study suggests that the expectations of the NGOs" role in adult civic education may have been overstated and can hardly be entirely positive, and that the study on civic education should encompass critical restatement of the nature of NGO"s civic education activities.

      • 成人 繼續敎育을 위한 大學의 役割 : 美國大學 遠隔敎育의 活用方式과 動向을 중심으로 Its Mode and Trend in American Distance Education

        成樂敦 덕성여자대학교 고등교육연구소 1988 敎育硏究 Vol.1 No.-

        Distance education, which utilizes a variety of modern communication media and technology to overcome the lack of face-to-face interaction between the teacher and the learner, is full of potential as an effective means of fulfilling life-long education needs that are rapidly growing in modern society. It is helpful especially for those youths and adults, working at work or home, who have considerable restrictions in terms of time or resource availability. For many people, it may indeed be the only way to revitalize or continue their learning after school experience. For the last twenty years, distance education has made remarkable progress with the help of worldwide concerns for lifelong education - i.e. the extension of education to working youths and adults in particular - as well as by means of serious effort to accommodate breath - taking developments in communication technology for educational purposes. Throughout the world, the practice of distance education is now universal either in developed countries or in developing countries. The vision and the prospect of distance education for the coming information society are being well presented in current international writings. Distance education, however, despite its potential, certainly asks for more academic inguiry and practical application, in order to be fully understood and realized as a viable means of teaching and learning. In reality, it is considered still marginal or peripheral in world education, as compared to the main stream classroom teaching. The inferior position and status of distance education seems to continue. This observation is true of United States where the extension of higher education through distance teaching has been regarded as important and had proved to be no less effective than face-to-face instruction. The distance education at American universities has been guided by the HUCEA, National University Continuing Education Association, an intercollegiate co-operative body that has been fully dedicated for more than 50 years to the extension and improvement of continuing education for citizens. Currently, about 70 universities and colleges all over the country exert mutual support as well as competition to reach out to youths and adults in more or less disadvantageous learning situations. The directions that NUCEA member universities aim for can be summarized into four areas : (1) continuous development of new courses, (2) wide-range utilization of high level technology and media, (3) monitoring, evaluation, and upgrading of existing courses, and (4) formulating of relevant intra - and inter - university policies to improve distance education practice. In all, the quality of distance education at American universities can be judged to be a model of its kind. The American university distance education can provide several perspectives for evaluating and improving Korean distance education. First is the method of designing distance education courses. Course design should be guided by the full combination of two kinds of expertise : superiority in subject knowledge and excellency in study guide writing. Second is the flexibility in program management. Diverse courses are operated without conflict to meet various types of learner needs. Also, courses are run either en credit babe or on non-credit babe, or on beth. Third is the method of quality control and full recognition of academic results. with official distinction impossible between credits earned by correspondence and the ones by residence, distance courses can be taken with pride and sincerity. Fourth is the inter-university accrediting effort. By cross accreditation of distance courses, universities provide maximum convenience and coverage for learners all over the nation. In all, in more general terms, American universities fully adapt to client - centered educational service by innovative means and on a wide scale. Korean universities, expecially Air and Correspondence University, well deserve extensive study to employ American ways of leashing out to adults in order to survive the emergence of the learning society.

      • 대학에서의 역량 기반 수업설계 방식의 적절성에 대한 탐색적 연구

        성낙돈 덕성여자대학교 열린교육연구소 2007 열린교육실행연구 Vol.- No.10

        For the last two decades, the competency-based education(CBE) as a reform idea for higher education has attracted significant policy attention in such countries such as the U.S., United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand. The validity of CBE in higher education, however, has yet to be established. Furthermore, CBE approach to higher education has scarcely been discussed in Korea. This study evaluates the relevance of the CBE approach to higher education. For the purpose, a survey was conducted to reveal the perceptions of the professors of the Duksung Women's University on the validity and applicability of the competency-based instructional framework developed and utilized by the Wheeling Jesuit University of the United States. The survey was conducted after an intensive faculty workshop that had been held for two consecutive days to instruct the concepts, principles, and procedures regarding the instructional designing model. The result of the survey supports the viability of the CBE approach to higher education. Also implied is that the fair training of the faculty, as well as the availability of a variety of specific practical models of practice for each academic discipline, is the prerequisite to the wholesome application of the approach.

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