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      • 교대 형식 라멘교에 대한 손상 예측 시스템 개발

        변남주,한휘석,권영웅,김평화,한상윤 한국복합신소재구조학회 2018 복합신소재구조학회 학술발표회 Vol.2018 No.04

        In this study, to develop the basis of damage prediction system for abutment type rigid-frame bridge, measurement data is generated by artificially expressing damage by Abaqus, a commercial structural analysis program, and applied to machine-learning. The rigid-rame bridge structural analysis model is expressed as closely as possible to the actual bridge condition considering the specification, damage expression, analysis method, boundary condition, and load. CNN(Convolutional Neural Network), one of the neural network algorithm, is used for machine-learning and accuracy is confirmed when there was no measurement error as a result of machine learning.

      • 수평 곡선 강박스 거더의 곡률중심각에 따른 비보강 플렌지 강도

        변남주,이기세,강영종 한국복합신소재구조학회 2015 복합신소재구조학회 학술발표회 Vol.2015 No.04

        This study investigates strength of unstiffened flanges in horizontally curved box girders under different curvature by using Abaqus 6.13 which is finite element method program. When horizontally curved girder is subjected to simple vertical load, bending moment and torsional moment occur at the same time different from straight girder. This torsional moment cause torsion and distortion on box section. Because of such phenomenon, longitudinal stress is non-uniformly distributed on flange of curved box girder. Non-uniformely distributed stress make strength of flange lower. Although demand of curved girder is increasing due to complexification of urban, it is only AASHTO(2012) that has certification for curved girder. But equation for curved girder in AASHTO(2012) neglect almost of curvature effect. Box girder is usually used for curved girder due to their superb torsional properties. So, we need more study for strength of curved box girder flange.

      • KCI등재

        교량 유지관리의 BIM 적용을 위한 통합 정보체계 구축 연구

        변남주,강영종,한휘석,권영웅,한상윤 한국방재학회 2019 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.19 No.2

        The bridge of social overhead capital facilities in Korea has been in the construction saturation due to rapid economic growth since the 1970s, so the importance of maintenance has risen. Studies of applying BIM (Building Information Modeling) to bridge maintenance are increasing as a tool that not only accumulates information based on a 3D information model but also establishes a linkage system to manage bridges effectively. However, most of BIM studies for bridge maintenance just focus on accumulating the history information of safety inspection so that the information is not used efficiently for the maintenance. Therefore, in this study, the information items necessary for the safety inspection, valuation, and durability life prediction of the bridges are organized by analyzing existing research and guideline. In addition, integrated maintenance information system was constructed considering the linkage between each information in order to apply BIM to maintenance. 국내의 사회간접자본 시설물인 교량은 1970년대 이후 급속한 경제성장으로 인해 건설 포화 상태에 접어들어 유지관리의 중요성이 대두되고 있다. BIM (Building Information Modeling)은 3D 정보모델을 기반으로 정보를 축적하는데 그치지 않고 정보들간의 연계체계를 구축하여 교량을 효율적으로 관리할 수 있는 도구로써 교량의 유지관리에 적용하려는 연구가 증가하고 있다. 하지만, 대부분의 교량 유지관리 관련 BIM 연구는 단편적으로 안전진단의 이력 정보를 축적하는데 초점을 맞추고 있어 정보가 유지관리에 효율적으로 사용되고 있지 않다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 BIM을 유지관리에 적용하기 위해 기존연구 및 지침서를 조사·분석하여 교량의 안전진단, 가치평가, 내구수명 예측에 필요한 정보 항목들을 정리하고, 각 정보들간의 연계를 고려하여 통합 유지관리 정보체계를 구축하였다.

      • KCI등재

        작은 섬 재원도 포구의 한·중 흑산도 해로상 해양사적위상에 대한 시론

        변남주 국민대학교 한국학연구소 2016 한국학논총 Vol.46 No.-

        This manuscript is intended to explain how Jaewondo(在遠島) played its role as a port in pre-modern period and examine its status. First, I reviewed the spatial, geographical background of Jaewondo and researched origin of the name, Jaewondo. As a result, I found out that the first record of Jaewondo(載 元島) was in 『海上錄』 written by Jeong Huideuk(鄭希得) during the Jungyoo war. Also, a Chinese merchant ship visited in 1800year, for Jaewondo is connected to the East sea of China, And before reviewing the sea historical status of Jaewondo, I briefly introduced the ocean currents that influenced the formation of the sea route of Heuksando which lies between Korea and China and demonstrated base ports of the southwest seashore nearby Jaewondo. For conclusion, Jaewondo wasn't related to the costal paths in pre-modern time, but it was deeply related to the sea route of Heuksando, which lies between Korea and China. The name Jugdo(竹島) recorded by SeoGeung(徐兢) can be regarded as Jaewondo, considering its tide time in sailing and archaeological finds. Also I considered it resonable to go via Jaewondo if someone were to go Heuksando from Youngsan river by ship in pre-modern time. 본고는 전근대시기 작은 섬 재원도(在遠島) 포구가 해양사적으로 어떤 역할을하였고, 그 위상을 살펴보는 것이 목적이다. 먼저 재원도 포구의 공간·지리적 배경과 지명유래를 역사적으로 검토하였다. 그 결과 정유재란 당시 정희득이 쓴 『해상록(海上錄)』에서 재원도(載元島)가 최초의 기록이었다. 또 재원도에는 중국의 동해와 연접하여 1800년에 중국 상선이 표류하여 왔다. 재원도의 해양사적 위상을 검토하기에 앞서 한·중흑산도 해로의 형성에 영향을 미친 해류환경과 이와 연계된재원도 인근 서남해안 거점 포구를 간략히 소개하였다. 마지막으로 재원도는 전근대시기 연안해로와는 관련이 없었으며, 한·중 흑산도 해로와 관련성이 매우 깊었다. 서긍이 기록한 죽도는 항해 시 물 때와 고고출토물로 보아 재원도 일 가능성으로 보았다. 전근대시기 영산강 수로에서 출발한 뱃길도 재원도를 경유하여 흑산도로 가는 것도 합리적이라 판단하였다.

      • 초고성능 콘크리트 I형 거더의 전단강도에 프리스트레스가 미치는 영향

        변남주,이정화,한상윤 한국복합신소재구조학회 2017 복합신소재구조학회 학술발표회 Vol.2017 No.04

        Prestress is a reinforcement method to control crack due to moment on concrete girders with low tensile strength. In the existing literature, it is mentioned that prestress for ordinary concrete affects not only crack control but also shear strength enhancement. As the construction material improves, UHPC(Ultra-HIgh Performance Concrete) with excellent strength and ductility has been developed by combining ultra-high strength concrete and steel fiber. However, study on the effect of prestress on the shear strength of UHPC with different material properties from ordinary concrete is lacking. Therefore, in this paper, the effect of prestress on the shear behavior of UHPC I-girder is studied by finite element analysis. As a result of the analysis, it has been confirmed that the prestress increases crack strength and shear strength of UHPC.

      • KCI등재
      • 초고성능 프리스트레스트 콘크리트 I형 거더의 복부판 전단강도

        변남주,이정화,이기세,강영종 한국복합신소재구조학회 2016 복합신소재구조학회 학술발표회 Vol.2016 No.04

        Concrete has been widely used for material of bridge girder. However, Concrete is considered as inefficient material for long-span girder. Because it has low material strength compared with those of steel girder, huge cross sectional area are required to have same strength of steel girder bridges. UHPC(Ultra High Performance Concrete) as new material is developed to supplement this weakness of concrete. UHPC has high compressive strength and show softness behavior due to it is reinforced by fiber. If UHPC has no any reinforcement for shear, diagonal tension crack failure is dominant like normal concrete. So, reinforcement for shear is essential and prestress is efficient method of reinforcement for UHPC due to high compressive strength. However, design equation for shear strength suggested by K-UHPC Certification(2012) do not consider prestress effect. Therefore, this study investigate effect of prestress for shear strength of ultra high performance concrete I-girder by using finite element analysis program

      • KCI등재

        조선시대 제주행 ‘官海路’에서 출항포구의 변화

        변남주 국민대학교 한국학연구소 2018 한국학논총 Vol.50 No.-

        본 논문은 조선시기 제주 ‘관해로’와 관련하여 육지부 포구의 변화를 살펴본 것이다. 조선시대에 편찬된 지리지에서 언급한 육지부 출발포구는 모두 3곳(나주, 해남 삼촌포, 강진 군영포)으로 조선시기 내내 변경이 없다. 이런 지리지의 내용을 다른 기록에 나타나는 제주 출항 예를 찾아 견주어 보았다. 그리하여 지리지의 기록과는 달리 조선 초기의 제주행 출항포구는 모두가 변경되었음을 찾아볼 수 있었다. 나주 출항의 경우는 1433년 무렵에 나주의 목포에서 직통으로 제주 가는 공식 관해로가 폐쇄되고, 영암 고달도(이진)로 변경되었다. 해남의 경우 고려시대에는 현산면의 남포에 이어서 조선 초인 1412년 화산면 삼촌포로 이동하였다가 다시 15세기 중반 무렵에 화산면 관동마을 남쪽에 있는 館頭浦로 이전되었다. 강진의 경우 조선 초기에는 강진읍 군영포를 이용하다가 17세기 중반 이후에 남당포가 공인된 제주 왕래 포구로 변경된 듯하다. 이렇게 육지부 출발포구가 모두 변했음에도 불구하고 조선시기에 편찬된 여러 지리지에서는 사라진 옛 지명을 그대로 사용하면서 제주해로에 관한 경로도 변경 없다. 이는 기왕의 『고려사』 내용을 그대로 답습한 결과로 판단된다. This thesis is on the alteration of government owned ships’ mainly used ports to Jeju island in Joseon Dynasty. There are no changes in departing port (Naju, Samchonpo of Haenam, Guengyeongpo of Gangjin) mentioned in the geography books written in Joseon Dynasty. I cross-checked these geography books by comparing these books with other written records which states actual departing records of government owned ships to Jeju island. And by that, I found out the fact unlike the geography books, other ports were mainly used in the early years of Choseon dynasty. And there were alterations through time. In the case of Naju, the official sea route from Mokpo of Naju to Jeju was shut down in 1433, and was replaced to Yeongam Godaldo. In the case of Haenam, the Nampo of Hyunsan-myeon was mainly used in the Korea dynasty, which was replaced to Samchonpo of Hwasan-myeon in 1412, and then moved to the Kwandupo in middle 15th century, which is located in the southern part of Kwandong village. In the case of Gangjin, it seems like Gunyeongpo of Gangjin-eup was mainly used in the ealry years of Joseon Dynasty, which was replaced to Namdangpo in middle 17th century. Despite the fact that alterations actually existed, most of geography books written in Joseon Dynasty fails to state these facts and keeps using old forgotten names of these ports. Also they fail to mention the alteration of main sea route to Jeju. This seems to originated from the fact that these books referred much to 『Korea History』.

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