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      • KCI등재

        19세기 말~20세기 초 한국어 학습서를 통해 본 한국어 어휘 교육 –서양인 저술 한국어 학습서를 중심으로–

        박새암(Park, SaeAm) 돈암어문학회 2020 돈암어문학 Vol.38 No.-

        본 연구는 19세기 말에서 20세기 초에 간행된 서양인 저술 한국어 학습서의 분석을 통해 초기 한국어교육사의 한 단면으로 당시의 한국어 어휘 교육을 고찰하는 것이 목적이다. 이 시기에 출판된 학습서의 어휘 교육 내용을 어휘 제시 방식과 어휘 연습 방식으로 살펴본 결과 이 시기 학습서에 나타난 어휘 제시 방식은 문장이나 어휘의 대역을 통한 의미 제시방식, 어휘의 어원과 형태 정보를 제시하는 방식, 주제별, 사용 목적별 어휘 목록 제시 방식의 세 가지 유형으로 나타났다. 어휘 연습 방식은 이 시기 한국어 학습서에는 거의 나타나지는 않아 이 시기 한국어교육에서 ‘어휘’는 명시적인 교육의 대상이라기보다는 학습자 스스로가 알아서 학습해야 하는 대상으로 인식되었음을 알 수 있었다. 그러나 ‘Language School’에서 교재로 사용하기 위해 20세기 초에 출판된 언더우드의 Everyday Korean(1921)과 사우어의 Korean for Beginners(1925)에 나타난 주제별 어휘 목록의 제시나 어휘 학습을 위한 구체적 지시사항은 한국어교육이 개인적 학습에서 체계적이고 제도적인 교육으로 전환되어감에 따라 어휘 역시 개인적으로 학습해야 할 대상에서 체계적인 관리와 학습이 필요한 교육의 대상으로 인식의 전환이 나타난 사례로 확인할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study is to examine Korean vocabulary education as a part of the history of early Korean education through analysis of Korean language study books for English-speaking learners published in the late 19th to early 20th centuries. The contents of vocabulary education in the Korean language study books published during this period were reviewed in terms of vocabulary presentation and vocabulary practice. As a result, there were three types of vocabulary presentation methods that appeared in Korean study books during this period: a method of presenting meaning through a range of sentences or vocabulary, a method of presenting information on the origin and form of a vocabulary, and a method of presenting vocabulary lists by subject and purpose. Vocabulary practice methods rarely appear in Korean language study books during this period, so it could be seen that in Korean language education during this period, ‘vocabulary’ was perceived as an object that the learners themselves had to learn rather than as an object of explicit education. However, through a list of vocabulary by subject in Underwood’s Everyday Korean (1921) or specific instructions for vocabulary learning in Sauer’s Korean for Beginners (1925), Korean language education from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century is systematic and institutional in personal learning. As education changes, vocabulary can be confirmed as an example of a shift in perception from an object to be learned individually to an object of education that requires systematic management and learning.

      • KCI등재

        `근대적 한국어교육 형성기` 설정의 문제

        박새암 ( Park Saeam ) 서강대학교 언어정보연구소 2016 언어와 정보 사회 Vol.29 No.-

        This study aims to propose the setting of `a period of the formation of modern Korean Language Education(KLE)` as a basic work for a diachronic study of KLE in the periodization of the history of KLE and to present its validity. The modern charac-teristics of KLE during period of 19C to mid-20C, can be found as follows: First, the dynamic change of the Korean learning materials. Second, the formation of educational system. In the meantime, the KLE during this period has differences from the modern KLE in terms of development. At that time, there were KLE for the Japanese people and for Protestant missionaries, each of which developed teaching contents and methods, focusing on the specific language and the special purposes respectively. Besides, the KLE in the public sector led by the Japanese Government-General of Korea declined and died out according to changes of the colonial policies and liberation, so it did not lead to a modern KLE. However, in spite of this limitation, this study suggested that this period should be set up as `a period of the formation of modern KLE,` considering that a period of the beginning of modern KLE and a transition period because of the development of the internal aspect of education, the modern character of the KLE of the times and the connec-tion of the KLE of missionaries to the KLI of Yonsei University.

      • KCI등재후보

        <북장로회> 한국 선교부의 초기 한국어교육 연구

        박새암 ( Park Saeam ) 성신여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 人文科學硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        This study is an examination of the Korean language learning of the early Protestant missionaries, which was not revealed in the previous discussion, based on the records of the `Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (PCUSA)` Korea Mission. Missionaries from the `PCUSA` sent to Korea held an annual banquet where mission activities were reported, and in those reports were left records related to Korean language learning by missionaries. As a result, it was confirmed that Korean language learning was conducted mainly by the Language Committee in the Mission. The Language Committee regularly assessed the Korean language skills of missionaries and reported them to the Mission Board. In addition, senior and junior missionaries were divided into two groups based on their Korean ability. The Language Committee has been responsible for managing the Korean language learning of the missionaries by appointing the supervisors in each mission area. The Language Committee developed and used the `Korean Language Learning Course,` which is an evaluation tool for the evaluation of Korean language ability and a guideline for Korean language learning. This was the best educational choice that focused on `learning` in the situation when collective teaching and learning was difficult due to locale and time constraints. Therefore, it was confirmed that the Korean language learning of the Protestant missionaries in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was done within the active control of the Mission rather than the individual missionary.

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