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      • 대구지역 고등학생의 금융이해도 연구

        곽영일 경북대학교 교육대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        So far, most financial literacy tests were analyzed by the score that students got and there were not many studies on the adequacy of test items or diverse factors that can influence students’ financial literacy. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the adequacy of test items in Financial Supervisory Service's financial literacy test by analyzing the test conducted to high school students in Daegu in terms of credibility, percentage of correct answers, and item discrimination. In addition, by analyzing the results from the financial literacy test, studies found diverse factors that affected students' understanding of financial literacy and therefore seek how to apply those findings to the real classroom. Based on the purpose of this study, all national and international literature on financial education was researched. This study tested 928 students from 6 different high schools in Daegu for their financial literacy using the Financial Supervisory Service's financial literacy test. The major findings of this study are as follows. First, Cronbach α coefficient of the financial literacy test was 0.769, so the test was reliable. If Cronbach α coefficient of the test is over 0.7, it is considered reliable; the average score of the financial literacy test was 58.9 points. Second, as for the score of each subarea for the financial literacy, the score of income and expenditure management area was the highest; it was followed by risk management, insurance, financial & decision-making and credit & debt management. The score of savings and investment area ranked the lowest. Third, as for the testing the percentage of correct answers, the item discrimination of item No. 11 (0.149), item No. 10 (0.158) and item No. 3 (0.199) was too low. The item No. 11 was related to interest, the item No. 10 to exchange, and the item No. 3 to insurance. The percentage of correct answers of two items, item No. 11 and No. 10 was also low. The percentage of correct answers of item No. 10 was 27.4% and No. 11 was 32.5% each. However, the percentage of correct answers of item No. 3 was 78.1%, which was too high. Items that had too high or too low a percentage of correct answers could influence negatively on the adequacy of financial literacy, thus these three items needed to be modified. Fourth, when it comes to academic skills in group difference, the difference of the scores between the groups which consisted of high-level students and the low-level students was significantly different. Depending on the economic level of home and the academic background of the head of household, the difference of the scores was significantly different. The difference in schools attended was staggering as well. The score of students who attend a special-purpose high school and regular high schools located in the superior district where students have a high level of education was extremely high. Fifth, as for financial activity, the score of the students who had their own named bank account was higher than that of the students who did not, and the difference was statistically significant. When it comes to pursuit of stability, the score of the students who avoided debt was higher than that of the students who did not, and the difference was statistically significant. According to the results of this study, the adequacy of the Financial Supervisory Service's financial literacy test was efficient, but some questions needed to be modified because a percentage of correct answers and item discrimination. Meanwhile, the understanding of subcategories like credit & debt management and savings & investment was low, so when social studies curriculum is made, these subcategories need to be emphasized. Furthermore, financial literacy was significantly different among groups depending on academic skills, economic level of home, the academic background of the head of household and type of school attended. These results suggested that financial education should be strengthened. Finally, as for the financial attitude of students, the financial literacy was significantly different between students who have a bank account and those who do not. It implied that the effect of financial education should be maximized when it is submerged with diverse real-life practices rather than when it is taught theoretically in the classroom.

      • 데이브 웩클(Dave Weckl)의 "컨템포러리 드러머 + 원” 리듬 분석 : ‘Island Magic’ 과 ‘Spur of the Moment’ 중심으로

        곽영일 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        대부분의 예술은 시간을 지나면서 그 시대의 환경이나 유행에 따라 다양하게 변하면서 진보적으로 발전하게 된다. 그러나 아무리 새로운 스타일이 탄생한다고 할지라도 이전에 축적된 많은 작품들과 양식의 영향을 받지 않은 예술작품은 없을 것이다. 이를 좀 더 좁혀서 악기, 특히 드럼에 적용시켜서도 같은 맥락으로 설명 될 수 있을 것이다. 지금의 드럼세트의 형태가 정착 된 뒤로 많은 리듬의 형식이 정형화 되었고 이 리듬들은 다른 스타일과 여러 형태로 융합되고 변화하면서 다양한 형태로 발전하고 있다. 그러나 아무리 새로운 스타일의 리듬이 생겨난다 하더라도 결국은 기본적인 형태를 변주하고 응용한 결과물일 것이다. 흔히들 우리가 ‘동시대’ 또는 ‘최신’의 의미로 자주 쓰는 컨템포러리(Contemporary)라는 용어는 음악 혹은 사람에게도 수식어로 많이 사용 되어 지는데 본 논문에서 분석하려는 곡의 작곡가이자 연주자인 드러머 데이브 웩클(Dave Weckl)도 그중의 한명이다. 따라서 그의 연주를 분석하여 특정 리듬 스타일을 어떻게 해석하고 그만의 방식으로 새롭게 창조하였는가를 연구 하는 것은 의미 있는 작업이 될 것이다. 본 논문은 데이브 웩클(Dave Weckl)의 앨범 마스터 플렌(Master Plan 1990)에 수록된 아일랜드 매직(Island Magic) 과 교육용 패키지 앨범인 컨템포러리 드러머+원(Contemporary Drummer + One)에 수록된 스퍼 오브 더 모멘트(Spur of The Moment) 의 드럼 연주를 중심으로 라틴리듬(Latin Rhythm)과 펑크리듬(Funk Rhythm)을 어떻게 그만의 방식으로 재창조 했는지를 분석하였다. 분석방법은 연주형식을 섹션별로 나누어 그 특징을 분석 하였고 그 형식을 바탕으로 세부적인 드럼 연주를 분석하였다. 그 결과 라틴리듬(Latin Rhythm)은 기본적인 라틴리듬(Latin Rhythm)의 요소들 특히 클라베(Clave)나 툼바오리듬(Tumbao Rhythm)을 바탕으로 전형적인 라틴리듬의 박자인 2박 혹은 4박자 리듬이 아닌 7박 리듬으로 재창조 하여 그 위에서 본인만의 곡의 해석과 드럼 스타일로 연주를 한 것을 알 수 있었다. 그리고 전형적인 4박자의 평크리듬(Funk Rhythm)은 그 박자를 유지하지만 리듬의 시작 위치를 치환하여 좀 더 정교하고 미묘한 효과를 내는 연주를 보여 주었다. 이와 같이 데이브 웩클(Dave Weckl)은 복잡하고 어려운 테크닉(Technic)의 연주를 보여 주는 것 같지만 이 또한 기본적인 리듬의 양식을 고수 한 채 자기만의 곡의 해석과 아이디어를 통해 재창조 한 것을 알 수 있었다. 이렇듯 본 논문의 연구를 통해 기본 리듬의 패턴(Pattern)을 어떻게 변형시키고 변주하고 발전시켰는지를 분석해 보고 이를 통해 연주분석능력과 테크닉(Technic)의 향상 그리고 실제 곡들에 적용 및 응용능력을 고양시켜 연주와 작곡, 편곡에서도 활용할 수 있기를 기대한다. An Analysis of Rhythm in “Contemporary Drummer + One” Performed by Dave Weckl - Focus on “Island Magic” and “Spur of the Moment”- Kwak, Young-il Major in Elementary Performing Art Education Graduate School of Education Busan National University of Education Supervised by Professor : Yang, Jong-Mo Most of the art develops progressively as it changes over time, depending on the environment and fashion of the time. However, no matter how new a style is born, there will be no artwork that has not been influenced by many previous works and forms. This can be explained in the same context by narrowing it further and applying it to an instrument, particularly a drum. Many rhythms have been formalized since the formation of the present drum set, and these rhythms have evolved into various forms as they converge and change into different styles and forms. However, no matter how new style of rhythm arises, it will eventually be a variation of the basic form and application. The term Contemporary, which is often used in the sense of 'contemporary' or 'up-to-date', is often used as a modifier for music or people, and the composer and performer Dave Weckl, Is one of them. Therefore, it would be meaningful to study how his interpretation of the rhythm style of his music was analyzed and created in his own way. This paper is an introduction to Dave Weckl's album "Master Plan 1990" and "Spur of the Moment" in Contemporary Drummer + One, an educational package album. The Moment) analyzed how Latin rhythms and funk rhythms were recreated in their own way. The method of analysis was divided into sections and their characteristics were analyzed. And detailed drum performance was analyzed based on the format. As a result, Latin rhythm is based on the elements of the basic Latin rhythm, especially Clave or Tumbao Rhythm, and is not a rhythm of a typical Latin rhythm, I recreated it with a 7-beat rhythm, and from above I was able to see that it was interpreted by my own song and played in drum style. And a typical four-beat Funk Rhythm maintains that beat but replaces the beginning of the rhythm to show a more elaborate and subtle effect. Thus, Dave Weckl seems to be playing a complex and difficult technique, but he also recreated it with his own interpretation and ideas of his own tune, adhering to the basic rhythm style. Through this study, we analyze how the basic rhythm pattern is transformed, varied and developed through the study of this paper. Through this analysis, I expect that it is possible to improve the ability of performance analysis and technique and to apply it to real music and to apply it to performance, composition and arrangement. An Analysis of Rhythm in “Contemporary Drummer + One” Performed by Dave Weckl - Focus on “Island Magic” and “Spur of the Moment”- Kwak, Young-il Major in Elementary Performing Art Education Graduate School of Education Busan National University of Education Supervised by Professor : Yang, Jong-Mo Most of the art develops progressively as it changes over time, depending on the environment and fashion of the time. However, no matter how new a style is born, there will be no artwork that has not been influenced by many previous works and forms. This can be explained in the same context by narrowing it further and applying it to an instrument, particularly a drum. Many rhythms have been formalized since the formation of the present drum set, and these rhythms have evolved into various forms as they converge and change into different styles and forms. However, no matter how new style of rhythm arises, it will eventually be a variation of the basic form and application. The term Contemporary, which is often used in the sense of 'contemporary' or 'up-to-date', is often used as a modifier for music or people, and the composer and performer Dave Weckl, Is one of them. Therefore, it would be meaningful to study how his interpretation of the rhythm style of his music was analyzed and created in his own way. This paper is an introduction to Dave Weckl's album "Master Plan 1990" and "Spur of the Moment" in Contemporary Drummer + One, an educational package album. The Moment) analyzed how Latin rhythms and funk rhythms were recreated in their own way. The method of analysis was divided into sections and their characteristics were analyzed. And detailed drum performance was analyzed based on the format. As a result, Latin rhythm is based on the elements of the basic Latin rhythm, especially Clave or Tumbao Rhythm, and is not a rhythm of a typical Latin rhythm, I recreated it with a 7-beat rhythm, and from above I was able to see that it was interpreted by my own song and played in drum style. And a typical four-beat Funk Rhythm maintains that beat but replaces the beginning of the rhythm to show a more elaborate and subtle effect. Thus, Dave Weckl seems to be playing a complex and difficult technique, but he also recreated it with his own interpretation and ideas of his own tune, adhering to the basic rhythm style. Through this study, we analyze how the basic rhythm pattern is transformed, varied and developed through the study of this paper. Through this analysis, I expect that it is possible to improve the ability of performance analysis and technique and to apply it to real music and to apply it to performance, composition and arrangement. An Analysis of Rhythm in “Contemporary Drummer + One” Performed by Dave Weckl - Focus on “Island Magic” and “Spur of the Moment”- Kwak, Young-il Major in Elementary Performing Art Education Graduate School of Education Busan National University of Education Supervised by Professor : Yang, Jong-Mo Most of the art develops progressively as it changes over time, depending on the environment and fashion of the time. However, no matter how new a style is born, there will be no artwork that has not been influenced by many previous works and forms. This can be explained in the same context by narrowing it further and applying it to an instrument, particularly a drum. Many rhythms have been formalized since the formation of the present drum set, and these rhythms have evolved into various forms as they converge and change into different styles and forms. However, no matter how new style of rhythm arises, it will eventually be a variation of the basic form and application. The term Contemporary, which is often used in the sense of 'contemporary' or 'up-to-date', is often used as a modifier for music or people, and the composer and performer Dave Weckl, Is one of them. Therefore, it would be meaningful to study how his interpretation of the rhythm style of his music was analyzed and created in his own way. This paper is an introduction to Dave Weckl's album "Master Plan 1990" and "Spur of the Moment" in Contemporary Drummer + One, an educational package album. The Moment) analyzed how Latin rhythms and funk rhythms were recreated in their own way. The method of analysis was divided into sections and their characteristics were analyzed. And detailed drum performance was analyzed based on the format. As a result, Latin rhythm is based on the elements of the basic Latin rhythm, especially Clave or Tumbao Rhythm, and is not a rhythm of a typical Latin rhythm, I recreated it with a 7-beat rhythm, and from above I was able to see that it was interpreted by my own song and played in drum style. And a typical four-beat Funk Rhythm maintains that beat but replaces the beginning of the rhythm to show a more elaborate and subtle effect. Thus, Dave Weckl seems to be playing a complex and difficult technique, but he also recreated it with his own interpretation and ideas of his own tune, adhering to the basic rhythm style. Through this study, we analyze how the basic rhythm pattern is transformed, varied and developed through the study of this paper. Through this analysis, I expect that it is possible to improve the ability of performance analysis and technique and to apply it to real music and to apply it to performance, composition and arrangement.

      • 구강-운동 훈련프로그램이 다운증후군 학생의 조음 명료도에 미치는 영향

        곽영일 공주대학교 특수교육대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        다운증후군아동의 음운발달과 어린 정상아동의 음운발달 사이에 유사성과 차이점은 음운오류의 특성을 연구한 결과들에서 더 잘 드러났다. 선행 연구 논문의 내용을 살펴본 결과, 다운증후군아동은 음운변동 요소에서 종성 생략, 치조음 생략, 연구개음 생략, 후설음화, 전설음화 등에 부정확한 조음 명료도를 지닌 학생들이 많았으며, 학생들의 조음 영역에서 결함을 보이는 입모양이나 혀의 위치 등의 부정확성이 원인이 되었다. 이에 본 연구자는 구강-운동 훈련프로그램이 다운증후군 학생의 조음 명료도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 밝혀 특수학급 정신지체 학생의 언어지도에 의미 있는 기초 자료를 제공하는데 목적을 두고 다음과 같은 연구문제를 중심으로 자료를 비교 분석하여, 표와 그래프로 나타내었다. 첫째, 구강-운동 훈련프로그램이 다운증후군 학생의 치조음 명료도에 미치는 영향은 어떠한가? 둘째, 구강-운동 훈련프로그램이 다운증후군 학생의 연구개음 명료도에 미치는 영향은 어떠한가? 셋째, 구강-운동 훈련프로그램 중재 종료 후에도 다운증후군 학생의 치조음 및 연구개음 명료도를 유지하는가? 중학교 특수학급에 재학 중인 다운증후군 학생 3명을 본 연구의 연구대상으로 설정하고, 주 2회 아침 자율 학습 시간을 활용하여 진행하였다. 한국어 자동화 음운 변동 분석프로그램을 중재 검사도구로 사용하였다. 구강-운동 훈련프로그램을 독립변인으로 설정하고 치조음과 연구개음 계열의 음소를 종속변인으로 설정하였으며, 중재 프로그램의 효과를 검증하기 위해 실험설계는 기초선, 중재, 유지단계로 대상자간 중다기초선설계(multiple baseline across subject design)를 사용하였다. 자료처리는 기초선 검사, 중재 검사, 유지 검사의 변화를 표와 그래프로 제시하여 검사 실시 중에 나타난 대상 학생들의 다양한 반응 및 변화를 기술하였다. 다운증후군 학생의 부정정인 음운변동 향상에 대하여 관찰자간 신뢰도를 검증하기 위하여 특수교사 자격을 가진 교사 1명의 도움으로 전사된 자료의 음운변동 분석을 실시하였다. 전체 자료에서 5회기의 검사 자료를 무선 표집하여 관찰자에게 기록하게 하여 본 연구자와 특수교사의 일치도를 비교 분석하여 계산함으로써 관찰자간 신뢰도를 확인하였다. 본 연구에서 얻어진 결과를 연구 문제 중심으로 살펴보면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 구강-운동 훈련프로그램이 다운증후군 학생의 치조음 계열 음소의 조음 명료도에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 구강-운동 훈련프로그램이 다운증후군 학생의 연구개음 계열 음소의 조음 명료도에 의미 있는 변화를 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 구강-운동 훈련프로그램 중재 종료 후에도 다운증후군 학생의 치조음 및 연구개음 명료도를 유지하는데 효과가 있는 것으로 나타났다.

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