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      • 녹색성장과 지역균형발전

        고병호 청주대학교사회과학연구소 2011 한국사회과학연구 Vol.33 No.2

        최근의 개발이론은 녹색변환(green conversion)을 통해 경제성장과 환경보호를 동시에 추구하는 새로운 패러다임으로 전환하고 있다. 탄소저감정책과 친환경정책을 통해 경제성장과 환경훼손의 탈동조화(decoupling)을 추구하고 있는 것이다. 녹색성장이 사회의 모든 분야에서 가장 우선적이고 지배적인 가치로 자리 잡고 있는 시점에서 ‘녹색성장과 지역균형발전’이란 이글의 주제는 녹색성장을 통한 지역융성과 지역균형발전을 도모하고자 하는 것이다. 녹색성장이 바람직한 가치라고 해서 모든 지역이 똑같은 노력을 경주할 수 없으며, 국토공간의 녹색화와 지역의 여건 및 특성을 반영한 특성화가 이루어져야 정책의 효율성을 제고할 수 있다. ‘탄소저감형 국토의 녹색화’와 ‘녹색성장형 지역특화발전’을 통해서 지역이 보유한 녹색자원과 역량을 발휘하여 에너지 사용과 온실가스 배출을 최소화한다. 그 과정에서 녹색기술을 융합한 새로운 성장동력을 발굴하여 지역경제를 활성화시키고 삶의 질을 제고시키며 궁극적으로는 국토의 지역균형발전에 다가설 수 있다. 따라서 녹색성장의 기본시각을 재정립하고 지역균형발전의 관점에서 지역의 경쟁력, 녹색국토의 기조, 도시나 지역의 녹색환경 조성 및 활성화방안 등을 모색해 녹색성장의 시사점, 녹색정책의 방향성을 탐색해 보고자 하는데 이 연구의 의미를 찾고자 한다.

      • 지역특화발전특구와 지역균형발전

        고병호 청주대학교사회과학연구소 2006 한국사회과학연구 Vol.28 No.2

        지역특화발전특구가 전국적으로 확산, 지정되고 지역발전의 또 하나의 정책수단으로 추진되고 있다. 특화발전사업을 지원하기 위해 일정 지역을 특구로 지정해 선택적으로 규제특례를 적용하는 것이 그 특징이다. 자치단체가 자율과 창의력을 바탕으로 특화된 발전전략을 추진함으로써 경제사회 활력을 창출할 수 있는 제도를 마련하는 것이다. 규제도 지역특성에 따라 다를 수 있다는 새로운 접근으로 지역별 규제특례를 인정함으로써 자치단체의 지역개발사업 모형으로 채택되고 있다. 그럼에도 특구발전의 제도화과정과 시책에서 긍정적인 점과 문제점이 드러나 있고, 따라서 지역특화발전특구의 효율적인 제도개선 및 운용방향에 다소 혼선이 있다. 특히 균형발전의 시각에서 특화발전특구의 지정과 규제특례를 통한 지역의 특성화와 균형발전이 조화를 이루어야 한다. 특구의 유형이 부처별 추진정책상 중복이 있어 조정이 필요하고, 규제특례 만의 한계 등을 고려, 특구발전의 총괄적 패키지 지원과 차별화전략이 강구되어야 할 것이다. This paper focuses on looking more closely at the institutional process of Regional Special Zone for regional development and suggesting the desirable strategies for enhancing regional special zones and fostering regional specific resources in a view of balanced regional development. Each Korean municipalities has made all endeavors to concentrate its diverse innovative efforts on regional development for a better place to live in. This has enabled local administration unit to substantively develop their regional specialty industries for economic invigoration. Particularly, The Ministry of Finance and Economy has designated total 72 special zones until 2006. Regional Speciality Development Zone is one of the participatory government's seven balanced national development tasks. The types of Regional Special Zone are as follow: ① special zones for promoting native resources, ② tourist/leisure and sports special zones, ③ educational special zones, ④ distribution and logistics zones, ⑤ medical and social welfare special zones, ⑥ R&D special zones. To help promote their regional special zones' brand value and play a leading role in regional development, We need to foster regional special zone's resources and through formulating strategies at regional level to ensure a balanced regional development, We can establish efficiently regional special zones as a policy measure.

      • 살기좋은 지역만들기와 지역균형발전

        고병호 청주대학교사회과학연구소 2010 한국사회과학연구 Vol.31 No.2

        2006년 이래 정부와 지자체 치원에서 지역만들기와 마을가꾸기가 균형발전의 큰 맥락에서 국토의 저변부 다지기의 정책 수단으로 추진되어 왔다. 지역이 마을 단위로 자율과 창의력을 바탕으로 공간의 질(quality of place)과 삶의 질(quality of life)을 개선함으로써 소외되었던 마을 단위의 생활공간이 활성화되고 균형발전의 완성화 단계를 지향하고자 하는 것이다. 따라서 ‘살기좋은 지역’이란 무엇인가를 재조명하고, 공간과 삶의 질을 향상시키기 위한 방법론 및 살기좋은 지역만들기 시책의 제도화과정과 시책추진과정에서 긍정적인 점과 문제점 등 정책적 분석을 통해 살기좋은 도시, 농촌, 마을만들기의 재설계, 통합적 체계화, 발전대안과 향후 진단을 탐색할 필요가 있다. The Participatory Government promoted the livable region(urban and rural area) or livable community making as a new regionally balanced development policy since 2006. The livable community making is to build a local community as a beautiful, delightful with amenity and distinctive community. This community building effort is initiated by local people under local autonomy to upgraded both quality of space and life. It is widely appreciated that this policy is essential and also timely in terms of the qualitative growth of Korean society. A livable community or village is 1) an area that has facilities and services enough to settle down there, 2) that has active local economy enough to provide local residents with many job opportunities, 3) that has beautiful and crean environment and landscape, and rich in attractive amenities, and 4) that has a good opportunities to participate in local activities. As for making livable cities and rural areas, the present regional policies should be turned into practical programs that can reflect local characteristics, strength, and weakness, and can respond to new local demand of those areas towards a better place to live in. Therefore, This paper focuses on looking more closely at the present government's policy for livable region or community and suggesting the desirable strategies and guideline to improve those areas in a view of balanced regional development.

      • 새마을廣域圈 開發政策의 方向設定에 關한 硏究 : 廣域圈의 槪念, 圈域設定 및 方向設定

        高秉浩,趙喆柱,朴鍾浩 청주대학교 새마을연구소 1984 새마을硏究論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        During last two decades, the policies and strategies of regional development has changed gradually in accordance with the shift of the economic and social environment which is mainly distinguished by economic growth, and enlargement and differentiation of the social structure in Korea. Most of all, the first decade was marked by economic rationalism based on efficiency strategies and quatitative growth, but the second decade conducted the pursuit of socio-economic balance of the spatial development in the regional dimension as well as in the national based on equity. And so it may be recognized that recently the trends and strategies of regional development have directed to equity-oriented development policies. In this context, the Saemaul Movement must be understood as an equity-oriented micro regional development to accomplish self-reliance for an integrated rural development in village unit level. Looking back upon the Saemaul Movement, even since it began in the year 1970, it has been developed more powerfully with the slogan of diligence, self-reliance and cooperation throughout the country, and the objectives of the movement: improved life environment, provision of community facilities, increased income and changes in the attitudes and values of inhabitants resulting from their participation and cooperation in village-level developing projects, have been almost achieved. However, since the beginning of 1980's, the Saemaul Movement has been under the necessity of establishing a new development policy for area-wide development because the basic objectives of village-level have been approximately accomplished and then it is necessary to pursue area-wide projects in need of scale-economics in village group level. That is to say, in the period of 1980's the policies and strategies of Saemaul Movement have been toward a cooperative development between villages, an area-wide development, apart from village unit development, which is called now "Saemaul Kwang Yeok Kwon" in Korean word. As stated above, the trend of regional development is toward the necessity of area-wide development in Saemaul Movement with special reference to micro-level regional development. However, the meaning, rolls and guidelines of it are not defined exactly. And so, this paper is intended to define the meaning of area-wide development in Saemaul Movement (Saemaul Kwang Seok Kwon), to define the roll and basic guidelines for development policy for it and to delineate the boundaries of it. Area-wide Development in Saemaul Movement is hard to define but generally speaking, it may be said that its meaning is the developing of a group of villages composed of 5-10 village units communally with express purpose of working jointly and constructing the integrated settlement area. In developing the, area-wide development in Saemaul Movement successfully, first of all, it is especially desirable that it has proper boundary in accordance with homogeneous characteristics and functional interaction between village units. And then it is necsssary to establish the basic principles for its development in detail. Briefly speaking the main emphasis of the development policy of area-wide development in this paper is given to the following. Firstly, systematizing hierarchical structure of micro-level regional development with special reference to the spatial arrangement of village unit, area-wide development in Saemaul Movement, Eup, Myon integrated settlement area and Gun(county) integrated settlement area. Secondly, establishing the integrated rural development and providing the communal facilities based on village group, especially placing the focus on basic need approach. Thirdly, Inducing the evolutional change of village cooperative scheme (VCS) into area-wide development. Fourthly, promoting inhabitants participation in public developing projects and enhancing the autonomous management of area-wide development in Saemaul Movement based on communal cooperative consciousness.

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