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      • 배추와 무우의 屬間變異體 誘起에 關한 硏究 : 未成熱胚와 外1來 DNA와의 co-cultivation 및 屬間交雜胚의 培養 Co-cultivation of Immature Embryos with Exogenous DNA and Culture of Intergeneric Hybrid Embryos

        嚴聖均,陳旬馥,朴贊熙,朴重春 慶尙大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.29 No.1

        배추 및 무우의 未成熟?에 外來 DNA를 co-cultivation시킴으로서 變異體 誘起를 試圖하였으며 屬間交雜을 통하여 雜種體를 生産함으로서 遺傳的 多樣性을 넓히고 genetic barrier를 克服하고자 本實驗을 試圖하였다. 1.핵배추 및 궁중무우의 未成熟?와 相互 外來 DNA와의 co-cultivation ?培養에서 完全한 植物體의 獲得은 핵배추 ?와 궁중무우 DNA와의 co-cultivation 에서는 ?粉後 20日 以上 發育한 ?를, 궁중무우 ?와 핵배추 DNA와의 co-cultivation 에서는 ?粉後 25日 이상 發育한 ?를 置床했을때 效果的이었다. 이들의 分化率은 ?粉後 日數가 經過할수록 또한 外部 DNA 存在下에서 높았으며 특히 10㎍의 DNA 存在下에서 가장 效果的이었다. 器內에서 分化된 個體는 hypocotyl의 發育이 억제되거나 지나치게 伸張될 뿐만아니라 cotyledon이 swelling 되는 등의 非正常的인 個體가 대부분이었으며 이들 個體는 계속 發育되지 못했다. 外來 DNA 와 co-cultivation 시킨 後分化된 個體중 正常的으로 發育된 個體의 表現型과 및 ?白질 isozyme 分析 結果 control區와 差異가 없었지만 10㎍의 DNA濃度下에서 非正常的으로 發育된 個體는 ?白質 및 isozyme banding pattern 상에서 control 區와는 큰 差異를 보였다. 2.배추 및 궁중무우 間의 屬間交雜 ?의培養 궁중무우를 種子親으로 한 것보다 핵배추를 種子親으로 했을 경우 受精率이 높아 ?의獲得이 많았다.雜種?培養時 ?粉後 日數가 經過할수록 分化 個體數가 많았으며 分化된 個體의 葉型은 배추와 무우의 中間型을 , 花色은무우와같ㅇ느 白色을 나타냈다. 雜種體의 葉 ?白質과 isozyme 分析 結果 ?白質과 AcP의 banding pattern은 무우가 種子親일 경우에는 무우와 같은 banding pattern이 관찰되었지만 배추가 種子親일 때에는 배추와 같거나 배추와 무우의 混合形이 觀察되었다.MDH의 banding patterndms 4개의 雜種體中 배추와 같은 것이 1個體였고 나머지 3個體는 兩親에서 觀察되지 않은 새로운 banding pattern을 나타냈다. This experiment was conducted to produce genetic transformants through co-cultivation of immature embryos with foreign DNA.and to produce intergeneric hybrids between radish and Chinese cabbage. It was designed to help broaden the genetic diversity of crop plants and to overcome the genetic barrier. 1. Co-cultivation The later the embryos were removed from the mother plants.and the higher the concentration of exogenous DNA up to 10 ㎍/embryo.the better the differentiation of the explants. However, most of the differentiated plants were developed abnormally;leaving only a few plants with a mother-type morphology were obtained . Electrophoretic banding patterns of totalproteins and the isozymes of acid phosphatase of norma; plants obtained by co-cultivating Kungzung embryos with Haekbaechu DNA revealed that there was no significant difference in any of them . Only those plants developed abnormally exhibited different banding patterns of the isozymes and total ptoteins as well. 2. Intergneric hybridization With embryo culture techniques, intergeneric hybrids have been obtained between Chinese csabbage and radish. The fertilizxation rate was higher when Chinese cabage served as a female than radish served as female. The later the embryos were removed from the mother plants. the better the differentiation of explants. The embryos have developed into mature plants with the characteristics of the intermediate type of two plants kabnd resembled radish in flower color . Majority of the tetrad stage adn pollen grain of prent species are oraml. whereas those of intergeneric hybirds are abonormal. The banding patterns of total ptoteins revealed that a Chinese cabbage type or a mixed type of radish and Chinese cabbage was served as a female. The total proteins banding patterns of radish type wer observed only when radish served as a female. One Chinese cabbage type were MDH banding patterns were observed in the tybrids, 3 out of 4 hybrids exhibited new banding patterns which were not observed in the hybirds, 3 out of 4 hybirds exhibited new banding patterns which were not observed in the patterns. With the exception of minor band , the isozyme banding patterns of AcP were similar to the banding patterns of total proteins.

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