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        An Approach to Develop a Compact Transmission Line Tower with Special 8-Legged Confi guration

        Veerendra K. Shukla,M. Selvaraj,R. Ramesh Babu 한국강구조학회 2019 International Journal of Steel Structures Vol.19 No.1

        For transmission of electricity from power generation plant to substations, many types of structures are being used. The main function of these structures is to support the power conductors and earth-wire. 4-legged steel lattice tower is one of these structures, which is widely used for this purpose. The main drawback of a 4-legged lattice tower is its larger base width, which occupy very large area. Nowadays, in many countries, adequate land is not available to consider such large land occupying towers. In these situations, using monopoles became common practice. But the monopoles are much costlier than the 4-legged lattice towers. To avoid the use of monopoles and to reduce the base width at the same time, in the present work, an approach has been adopted to use a special lattice type structure with eight legs. A 220 kV multi-circuit suspension tower with 0°–2° deviation has been considered for present study. The detail explanations, like, tower geometry, load calculations, analysis and design of the proposed structure has been covered in the paper. It has been observed that land requirement can be considerably minimized by use of the proposed 8-legged tower. The cost of the 8-legged tower is slightly more than a 4-legged tower but much lesser than that of monopoles as the total weight of steel required is very less as compared to monopole. The results obtained from the study of the proposed tower have been compared with 4-legged tower and monopole. This paper discusses the feasibility of using the transmission line tower with 8-legs. The paper also discusses a comparative study of cost, right of way, height and base width of 4-legged tower, monopole and proposed 8-legged tower .

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study on the Calculation of Wind Load and Analysis of Communication Tower as per TIA-222-G and TIA-222-H Standards

        Ali Murtaza Rasool,Mohsin Usman Qureshi,Muhammad Ahmad 대한토목학회 2021 KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering Vol.25 No.2

        The Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) is responsible to provide recognized literature for the analysis & design of communication towers. TIA in 2005 released a standard “TIA-222-G” which has gained a widespread reference and most of the existing tower structures around the world have been constructed as per guidelines of this standard. However, in 2018, TIA released the latest standard TIA-222-H. To date, not much studies are available describing how much change in member axial forces occurs while using latest standard for analysis of tower structures. The main objective of this study is to provide guidelines for wind load calculation on tower body, appurtenances and other structures and to compare the member axial forces induced by the wind loads as per TIA-222-G & TIA-222-H standards. The analysis results show that member axial forces are not much affected when the tower was analyzed in accordance with both the standards. However, forces might increase when the basic wind speed increased more than 200 kph as per TIA-222-H standard.


        Measurement of aerodynamic coefficients of tower components of Tsing Ma Bridge under yaw winds

        Zhu, L.D.,Xu, Y.L.,Zhang, F.,Xiang, H.F. Techno-Press 2003 Wind and Structures, An International Journal (WAS Vol.6 No.1

        Tsing Ma Bridge in Hong Kong is the longest suspension bridge in the world carrying both highway and railway. It has two H-shape concrete towers, each of which is composed of two reinforced concrete legs and four deep transverse prestressed concrete beams. A series of wind tunnel tests have been performed to measure the aerodynamic coefficients of the tower legs and transverse beams in various arrangements. A 1:100 scaled 3D rigid model of the full bridge tower assembled from various tower components has been constructed for different test cases. The aerodynamic coefficients of the lower and upper segments of the windward and leeward tower legs and those of the transverse beams at different levels, with and without the dummy bridge deck model, were measured as a function of yaw wind angle. The effects of wind interference among the tower components and the influence of the bridge deck on the tower aerodynamic coefficients were also investigated. The results achieved can be used as the pertinent data for the comparison of the computed and field-measured fully coupled buffeting responses of the entire bridge under yaw winds.

      • KCI등재

        이원우 동시 「세 발 달린 황소」 연구 – 정수민 동화 「세 발 달린 황소」와의 비교 –

        원종찬 한국아동청소년문학학회 2024 아동청소년문학연구 Vol.0 No.34

        일제강점기에 ‘세 발 달린 황소’라는 제목으로 두 개의 작품이 존재한다. 하나는 이원 우의동시「세발달린황소」이고, 다른하나는정수민의동화「세발달린황소」다. 이 중 정수민의 동화 「세 발 달린 황소」는 1999년 ‘겨레아동문학선집’에 수록된 이래 한국 아동문학의 대표작 중 하나로 자리를 잡았다. 하지만 카프 작가 이원우의 동시 「세 발 달린 황소」는 ‘겨레아동문학선집’에 빠져 있을 뿐만 아니라, 지금에 이르도록 학계에서조차 별로 주목받지 못하고 있다. 실상 정수민 동화는 이원우 동시의 개작에 속한다. 하지만 원작에도 미치지 못하는 진부한 교훈적 생활동화로 탈바꿈했다. 이원우의 「세 발 달린 황소」는 ‘기−승−전−결’ 의 서사를 내포한 동화시로 볼 수 있다. 시적 화자인 가난한 칠성이가 그림 속 ‘세 발 달린 황소’에 가탁해서 억울한 사연을 풀고 의지를 피력하는 결말인 데다 환상의 스토리 를품고있어서동화와같은극적효과를빚는다. 하지만정수민의「세발달린황소」는 이원우 동시에서 기본 모티프만 가져왔을 따름이지 원작의 전복적 해결 대신에 동무끼 리의 친교를 강조하는 통속적・작위적 해결로 나아갔다. 이원우 동시의 칠성이는 동화적 상상을 통해 ‘불의에 맞서는 성난 황소’로 거듭나 있는 반면에 정수민 동화의 칠성이는 가난하지만 남을 잘 돕는 그저 ‘착한 어린이’에 지나지 않는다. 정수민 동화가 이원우 동시의 단순 개작은 아니다. 차라리 원작의 분위기와 성격, 스토리와 주제의식을 그대로 살려냈더라면 좋았을 텐데 결말의 변형으로 단점이 한층 불거진 모습이다. 명실공히 대표 작가・작품 선집에 값하려면, 이원우 동시 「세 발 달린 황소」는 들어가고 정수민 동화 「세 발 달린 황소」는 빠져야 걸맞다. 카프 작가 이원우의 계급주의 동시에 대한 보다 폭넓은 조명이 필요하다고 본다. Two pieces were written by the title of ‘The Three–legged Bull’ during the Japanese Imperial Rule: one was Lee Wonwoo’s children’s poem and the other was Jeong Soomin’s fairy tale. Jung’s fairy tale, since it was published in ‘Korean Children’s Literature Collection’ in 1999, has become one of the major pieces of children’s literature. However, Lee’s children’s poem was not published in ‘Korean Children’s Literature Collection’ and is still not attracting any attention in the academic sector today. Jeong Soomin’s fairy tale is actually a kind of remake of Lee Wonwoo’s children’s poem, but it ended up being a fairy tale with a banal lesson. Lee’s poem has four verses: ‘Introduction−development−turn−conclusion.’ The poetic speaker, the poor Chilseong, uses ‘the three–legged bull’ in a picture to resolve un unfair situation and bolster his determination in the end. The story carries a fairy tale–like dramatic effect, so it creates a fantastical narrative. However, Jung’s fairy tale only borrowed a motif from Lee’s poem and drew a common and unnatural conclusion to stress friendship. Chilseong in Lee’s poem adopts fairy tale–like imagination to confront injustice as an angry bull, whereas Chilseong in Jeong’s fairy tale is just a poor but helpful child. June’s fairy tale is not just a remake of Lee’s poem. It should have kept the original piece’s mood, character, plot, and theme, but it even highlighted the weakness by altering the conclusion. As a reputable collection of leading writers and pieces, it should have included Lee’s children’s poem 「The Three–legged Bull 」 and removed Jeong’s fairy tale 「The Three–legged Bull」. It is necessary to re– evaluate the worth of Lee Wonwoo from the Japanese Imperial Rule.

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