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        청년정책에서 청년은 어떤 이해관계자인가? 주목가치모형의 적용

        최영훈,박정민,김의경 단국대학교 융합사회연구소 2022 공공정책과 국정관리 Vol.15 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to analyze in what sense the youth is important in youth policy. Based upon Mitchell et al. (1997)'s stakeholder salience (MAW) model, email surveys and individual interviews was fielded towards 105 young people, youth practitioners, and public officials. The research found that the young people are perceived to be the most-frequently-reported stakeholder group in the youth policy, and that they are more seemingly to be types of stakeholders who suffers from power deficit, such as ‘dependent’, ‘demading’, and ‘discretionary’ stakeholders. It is also found that so-called official or institutional actors, including the central govenrment, local assemblies, metropolitan city major or district heads were more likely perceived as the ‘definitive’ stakeholder. Finally these results remain almost similar to those of the youth respondent group only. Overall, findings suggest that young people are more likely perceived to be a target group in the youth policy, rather than leading one. Finally, theoretical and policy implications are discussed. 본 연구는 청년정책에서 청년이 어떠한 의미에서 중요한 이해관계자인가라는 물음에 대해, Mitchell et al. (1997)의 이해관계자 주목가치 (MAW) 모형을 통해 분석하였다. 이를 위해 선행연구 및 면접조사을 통해 청년정책의 이해관계자의 유형화 과정을 거쳤다. 분석 결과, 첫째, 청년정책에서 가장 중요한 대상은 ‘청년’이고, 모든 이해관계자가 청년을 주요행위자로 바라본다는 점이다. 그러나 실제적으로는 청년집단을 정책의 주체적인 참여자 보다는 피동적인 수혜대상자로 인식하고 있었다. 둘째, 청년집단 내에서도 청년단체 소속 청년들은 스스로를 적극적이고 주체적인 요구집단으로 인식하는 반면, 일반청년은 스스로를 권력이 약한 집단으로 인식하여 두 집단 간에도 차이가 발생하였다. 본 연구결과는 청년정책에서 청년의 당사자성을 확보하기 위해서는 정책과정에서 보다 임파워먼트 할 수 있는 제도적 장치 마련을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Assessing Donor Salience and Motivation in Professional Sports from the Stakeholder Perspective

        Minhong Kim,James J. Zhang 한국체육학회 2019 International journal of human movement science Vol.13 No.2

        Charitable nonprofit organizations that are established by professional sport entities have gained popularity as a form of philanthropy in the sport industry. However, limited research has addressed the importance of donors and identified motivational factors that encourage donors to contribute to professional sport nonprofit organizations. The current study qualitatively explored the stakeholder salience concept as well as professional sport donor motivation from the standpoints of managers and actual donors of such nonprofit organizations. The findings suggest that stakeholder salience perceptions differ between nonprofit managers and donors. Fan identification, awareness of needs, personal cause involvement, charity image, and community support were identified as primary motivational factors while the perceived effectiveness and altruism were minor donor motivations to support professional sport nonprofits.

      • KCI등재

        부동산정책의 이해관계자 분석: 주목가치 모형의 적용

        김인수,최영훈 한국정책분석평가학회 2021 政策分析評價學會報 Vol.31 No.4

        Amid heated debates over housing problems prevalent among people, the authors tried to answer the two major closely related questions: Who are the stakeholders of housing policy? and who are the salient stakeholders in what sense? Taking a suggestion made by Wood et al. (2021), they used the Mitchell et al.(1997) to identify and define the stakeholders from the view point of the society, not from the managers. The data was drawn from 33 public officials, practitioners and professors. The research found that the ministrys of land and transportation and of planning and finance could be perceived as definitive, while the President and his aids and the ruling party as dormant. It is also suggested that when a variable, a dichotomous active vs. passive participnat dimension, is added to the MAW model, respondents tended to see core institutional or official government actors as the active participants and individuals or groups of them who would be subject to their policies regardless of whether they were targeted or not. There were provided theoretical, methodological and practical implications of this findings. 문재인 정부 이후 부동산에 대한 관심의 증폭은 부동산정책에 대해 다양한 사회내 집단들에서 영향력있는 또는 영향을 미치려는 집단들의 증대로 이어지고 있다. 이같은 영향집단들의 증대는 공공부문에서 이해관계자에 대한 이해에서 근본적인 질문들을 던진다. 부동산정책에 이들의 이해관계는 어떻게 정의되는가? 이 물음에 답하기 위해 본 연구는 전문가의 눈을 통해 ‘사회’의 관점에서 Mitchell et al.(1997)의 이해관계자 주목가치 (MAW) 모형을 부동산정책에 적용하고자 한다. 본연구는 다양한 부동산 정책, 교육 및 실무 분야에 종사하고 있는 33명의 전문가들을 대상으로 한 설문조사와 면접조사 결과를 활용하였다. 본 연구의 주된 발견은 부동산관련 주무부처와 주요유관부처인 국토교통부와 기획재정부는 ‘진성이해관계자’라로 확인된 반면 대통령이나 청와대 그리고 집권여당은 이해관계자유형이 특정화되지 아니하였지만, 지금은 ‘잠잠한’ 이해관계자로서의 성격이 강하였다. 또한 MAW 모형에 ‘참여집단-소외집단’이란 차원을 추가하였을 때, 응답이 참여집단은 정책결정주체, 소외집단은 정책대상으로 거의 이분화되는 경향을 보였다는 점이다.

      • KCI등재

        The Governance of the Olympic System: From One to Many Stakeholders

        Jean-Loup Chappelet 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2023 Journal of Global Sport Management Vol.8 No.4

        This paper describes how the number of stakeholders involved in staging the modern Olympic Games has grown and how this growth affects the resulting (Olympic) system’s governance. Relationships between stakeholders in the current Olympic system are now so varied and complex that purely hierarchical (led by the International Olympic Committee or by States) or market-based approaches to its governance are unsuitable. A possible alternative would be a collaborative form of governance that takes into account actors whose salience has increased greatly in recent years—elite athletes, civic groups, national courts of just-ice, as well as local, regional, and national governments.

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