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      • KCI등재


        Xu Bao Yu 중국학연구회 2017 중국학연구 Vol.- No.79

        Xu Ling and Yu Xin were the most famous authors in the Six Dynasties since Zhao Ming-Wenxuan(昭明文選). No more research work has been carried out in the comments of their paralled prose(駢文). In this paper we just only discuss the comments in the theory of paralled prose and Fu(賦). In the theory of paralled prose, Wang Wenlu’s(王文祿) Wen-Mai(文脈), Lang Zhangju’s(梁章鉅) Tui-An’s Lunwen(退庵論文), Sun Mei’s(孫梅) SiLiu-Conghua(四六叢話) and Sun Deqian’s(孫德謙) Liucao-Lizhi(六朝儷指) were the important books. Among them, the two Sun’s was the master work. They basically hold positive attitude toward Xu-Yu’s(徐庾) paralled prose, which in accord with their views about paralled prose and essay. So they could break through the time, heap praise on Xu-Yu’s creation, not affected by ancient prose movement(古文運動), Song-Ming neo-confucianism(宋明理學) and the trend of classicism. In the theory of Fu(賦), there were some different judgements. The blame, such as Zhu Yao’s(祝堯) Gufu-Bianti(古賦辨體), objected the comic(俳體), modern(侓體) and Si-Liu style(四六體), defended the old form(古體). On the other side, the praise, such as Li Diaoyuan’s(李調元) Fuhua(賦話), broke away from traditional ideas and affirmed Xu-Yu’s contributions. On the whole, Qing Dynasty’s people could give the positive evaluations on Xu-Yu for their awareness of stylistic. It’s because they attached importance to it. However, since the last century new culture movement(新文化運動), the trend of criticism appeared again. They had an obvious inclination of the emphasis on content rather than on form, which still existed in the most histories of literature written by modern researchers.

      • KCI등재


        王水照,金甫暻(번역자) 중국어문논역학회 2019 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.45

        본 역문은 中國 復旦大學 王水照 교수가 책임 편찬한 《歷代文話》에 실린 〈歷代文話序〉를 번역한 글이다. 《歷代文話》는 중국문학비평 혹은 고문헌 정리 영역에서의 큰 공백으로 남아 있던 중국 역대 文章學 자료에 대한 일차적 정리의 결과물이다. 이 책의 출판은 중국 학계에서 큰 반향을 일으켰을 뿐만 아니라, 관련 학문 분야의 연구가 보다 활성화되는 데 크게 기여할 수 있었다. 아울러 지금까지의 성과에 힘입어 후속작업도 현재 기획 중인 것으로 알려져 있다. 그러나 아직까지 우리나라 학계에서는 이 책이 상대적으로 덜 주목받고 있는 상황이며, 이 책을 활용한 연구 역시 그다지 눈에 띠지 않고 있다. 이에 역자는 국내 관련 분야 연구 종사자 및 일반 독자들이 좀더 쉽게 이 책에 대해서 이해하고 다가갈 수 있도록 이 책의 서문에 대한 번역을 진행하였다. 이 서문에서 王水照 교수는 《歷代文話》 편찬의 의의를 비롯하여, 중국 전통시기 문장 비평 저작(文評著作)의 유형 및 전개 양상, 주요 내용 및 범위, 결점과 한계, 《歷代文話》의 편찬 원칙 및 수록 자료의 학술적 가치 등에 대해서 폭넓고 심도있는 논의를 전개하였다. 본 역문이 국내 관련 학문 분야의 연구, 특히 중국산문 연구 및 중국문학이론 연구에 보탬이 될 수 있기를 기대한다. The Lidaiwenhua (《歷代文話》) compiled by Professor Wang Shuizhao (王水照) is the primary collection of materials of the article study (文章學) in Chinese past dynasties. The publication of this book not only has produced a great sensation in Chinese academia, but also has contributed greatly to the activation of research in related disciplines. However, this book is relatively less popular in Korean academia, and researchs using this book are also not very noticeable. So I have translated the preface of this book, Lidaiwenhuaxu (〈歷代文話序〉), so that the researchers and general readers in Korea can understand and approach this book more easily. In this preface, Professor Wang first stated the significance of the compilation of this book, and then examined the types and development patterns of works that criticized ancient Chinese writings (文評著作). He also conducted extensive and in-depth discussions on the main contents, the range, the shortcomings and limitations of these works. Finally, he explained the principles of compiling Lidaiwenhua and the academic value of the materials contained in this book.

      • KCI등재

        1926-1935년 重慶의 ‘內的’ㆍ‘人的’ 요소와 도시근대화 - 조정요망

        동양사학회 2009 東洋史學硏究 Vol.109 No.-

        <P>This study was conducted as a part of the history of urban transformation, namely, how urban spaces have reflected and structured historic situations, focused on people living in cities and urban societies.</P><P> Among the open port cities under the treaty system, the centers (coastal areas) and the surroundings (inland areas) show very remarkable differences from each other. The opening of Chongqing was around 50 years later than Shanghai, and the coastal cities represented by Shanghai had already been substantially modernized. When Shanghai had gradually been positioned at the center of Chinese modernization, Chongqing in the deep inland was very slow in modernization and was merely a region remote from the center owning most of traditions. However, the influence of the centers on the surroundings was much stronger than the shock of ‘port opening.’</P><P> The prosperity and development of steamship transportation business on the Chuan River and the high enthusiasm of Chongqing city administrators, managers and supporters provided favorable conditions for the influence of the centers (coastal cities) to infiltrate into relatively closed environment. In particular, urban constructors (劉湘, 潘文華, 盧作孚, 劉航琛, 胡光麃, 胡仲實, 康心如, 楊燦三, 何北衡 etc.) who tried to connect Chongqing, an enclosed world in the inland, to the outside, the open world, and to cope with rapidly changing global trends had direct impacts on the process of urban development.</P><P> This meant that Chongqing was faced with the time to accept modern things. The modernization of Chongqing was a process that the influence of ‘the centers’ was continuously exerted on inland Chongqing full of obsolete and premodern things. However, in very ‘diverse’ modern changes (urbanization, the development of commerce and industry, people’s value system or cultural consciousness, change in the existence pattern of pubic areas), the urbanization of Chongqing basically concentrated on ‘construction’ imitating the material aspect of large cities such as Shanghai. In general, the urbanization process included education, police and organization services related to transportation, energy, telecommunication, water supply, education, health, public administration and other facilities. On the other hand, as revealed by the expression ‘downstream people (downstream culture),’ the historical and spatial distance was too large to achieve a cohesive force of unified Chinese culture and this meant the requirement of time and effort as that much.</P>

      • KCI등재

        1926-1935년 重慶의 ‘內的’ㆍ‘人的’ 요소와 도시근대화

        金希信(Kim Hee-Sin) 동양사학회 2009 東洋史學硏究 Vol.109 No.-

        This study was conducted as a part of the history of urban transformation, namely, how urban spaces have reflected and structured historic situations, focused on people living in cities and urban societies. Among the open port cities under the treaty system, the centers (coastal areas) and the surroundings (inland areas) show very remarkable differences from each other. The opening of Chongqing was around 50 years later than Shanghai, and the coastal cities represented by Shanghai had already been substantially modernized. When Shanghai had gradually been positioned at the center of Chinese modernization, Chongqing in the deep inland was very slow in modernization and was merely a region remote from the center owning most of traditions. However, the influence of the centers on the surroundings was much stronger than the shock of ‘port opening.’ The prosperity and development of steamship transportation business on the Chuan River and the high enthusiasm of Chongqing city administrators, managers and supporters provided favorable conditions for the influence of the centers (coastal cities) to infiltrate into relatively closed environment. In particular, urban constructors (劉湘, 潘文華, 盧作孚, 劉航琛, 胡光?, 胡仲實, 康心如, 楊燦三, 何北衡 etc.) who tried to connect Chongqing, an enclosed world in the inland, to the outside, the open world, and to cope with rapidly changing global trends had direct impacts on the process of urban development. This meant that Chongqing was faced with the time to accept modern things. The modernization of Chongqing was a process that the influence of ‘the centers’ was continuously exerted on inland Chongqing full of obsolete and premodern things. However, in very ‘diverse’ modern changes (urbanization, the development of commerce and industry, people’s value system or cultural consciousness, change in the existence pattern of pubic areas), the urbanization of Chongqing basically concentrated on ‘construction’ imitating the material aspect of large cities such as Shanghai. In general, the urbanization process included education, police and organization services related to transportation, energy, telecommunication, water supply, education, health, public administration and other facilities. On the other hand, as revealed by the expression ‘downstream people (downstream culture),’ the historical and spatial distance was too large to achieve a cohesive force of unified Chinese culture and this meant the requirement of time and effort as that much.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재


        김보경 중국어문논역학회 2019 中國語文論譯叢刊 Vol.0 No.45

        The Lidaiwenhua (《歷代文話》) compiled by Professor Wang Shuizhao (王水照) is the primary collection of materials of the article study (文章學) in Chinese past dynasties. The publication of this book not only has produced a great sensation in Chinese academia, but also has contributed greatly to the activation of research in related disciplines. However, this book is relatively less popular in Korean academia, and researchs using this book are also not very noticeable. So I have translated the preface of this book, Lidaiwenhuaxu(<歷代文話序>), so that the researchers and general readers in Korea can understand and approach this book more easily. In this preface, Professor Wang first stated the significance of the compilation of this book, and then examined the types and development patterns of works that criticized ancient Chinese writings (文評著作). He also conducted extensive and in-depth discussions on the main contents, the range, the shortcomings and limitations of these works. Finally, he explained the principles of compiling Lidaiwenhua and the academic value of the materials contained in this book. 본 역문은 中國 復旦大學 王水照 교수가 책임 편찬한 《歷代文話》에 실린 <歷代文話序>를 번역한 글이다. 《歷代文話》는 중국문학비평 혹은 고문헌 정리 영역에서의 큰 공백으로 남아 있던 중국 역대 文章學 자료에 대한 일차적 정리의 결과물이다. 이 책의 출판은 중국 학계에서 큰 반향을 일으켰을 뿐만 아니라, 관련 학문 분야의 연구가 보다 활성화되는 데 크게 기여할 수 있었다. 아울러 지금까지의 성과에 힘입어 후속 작업도 현재 기획 중인 것으로 알려져 있다. 그러나 아직까지 우리나라 학계에서는 이 책이 상대적으로 덜 주목받고 있는 상황이며, 이 책을 활용한 연구 역시 그다지 눈에 띠지 않고 있다. 이에 역자는 국내 관련 분야 연구 종사자 및 일반 독자들이 좀 더 쉽게 이 책에 대해서 이해하고 다가갈 수 있도록 이 책의 서문에 대한 번역을 진행하였다. 이 서문에서 王水照 교수는 《歷代文話》 편찬의 의의를 비롯하여, 중국 전통시기 문장 비평 저작(文評著作)의 유형 및 전개 양상, 주요 내용 및 범위, 결점과 한계, 《歷代文話》의 편찬 원칙 및 수록 자료의 학술적 가치 등에 대해서 폭넓고 심도 있는 논의를 전개하였다. 본 역문이 국내 관련 학문 분야의 연구, 특히 중국산문 연구 및 중국문학이론 연구에 보탬이 될 수 있기를 기대한다.

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