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      • KCI등재후보

        국내 부동산개발업의 특성과 발전방향

        서충원(Suh Chung Won) 한국부동산학회 2007 不動産學報 Vol.31 No.-

          1. CONTENTS<BR>  (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES<BR>  In this article, I"m going to seek for the foundation background of real estate development business through the definition and business structure of real estate development. Next, current condition of real estate development business in Korea will be investigated. Lastly, based on former discussion we will identify characteristics of real estate development in Korea and look for the way to develop it.<BR>  (2) RESEARCH METHOD<BR>  To achieve the research objective. We made use of the previous related data of Korea Developer Association and statistical data and so on.<BR>  (3) RESEARCH RESULTS<BR>  Approximate characteristics of real estate development in Korea based on it"s current condition and status are following.<BR>  First, the concepts of real estate development and it"s business are not clear. Second, classification of real estate development as an industry is somewhat unclear. Third, real estate development in Korea was influenced a lot by the IMF incident suffered in late 90"s. Forth, in business structure, real estate development is too much dependent on construction companies and banking institutions. Fifth, most real estate developers in Korea are small in size and scale. Sixth, the areas of real estate development are mainly focused on residential real estate development. Seventh, institutional basis should be strengthened for healthy growth of real estate development. In conclusion, real estate developers" voluntary efforts are needed.<BR>  2. RESULTS<BR>  For revitalization and development of real estate business, there should be the establishment of clear concept on real estate and proper steps for improving industrial classification system. Also, there should be administrative and financial support from the government, and private associations should try to do their best for increasing specialty and trust on real estate business.

      • KCI등재

        부동산개발과 지역경제발전의 법적 문제

        김동련 ( Kim Dong-ryun ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2016 일감부동산법학 Vol.12 No.-

        부동산개발은 재건축, 재개발, 신도시건설, 화장장설치, 쓰레기 처리시설 등 다양한 분야를 총괄하는 개념이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 부동산개발은 다양한 만큼 다양한 법률, 다양한 이해관계, 다양한 원리에 의해서 이루어지고 있다. 이를 명확히 하나의 개념, 분류, 원리로 설명한다는 것은 쉽지 않다. 하지만 부동산개발이 지역경제와 연관성이 있다는 것이다. 부동산개발의 형태에 따라 지역경제활성화가 되거나 비활성화가 되기 때문이다. 부동산개발로 공동화현상은 슬럼화, 지역낙후, 환경훼손 등의 다양한 문제를 야기한다. 따라서 우리는 올바른 부동산개발을 하여야 할 것이다. 이를 위한 몇 가지 법적 쟁점이 있다. 첫째, 부동산개발의 다양성과 일회성문제이다. 부동산은 다양한 법률, 원리, 방식으로 이루어지다보니 혼잡한 경우가 많이 있다. 또한 일회성·일시성인 정책들로 인해 개발지연, 난개발 등의 문제가 발생한다. 둘째, 부동산개발의 공익과 사익의 균형필요이다. 어떠한 이익이 공익인지, 사인인지는 명확하지 않지만, 이익형량에 따라 가이드라인의 제공 등은 필요하다. 셋째, 수많은 부동산개발관련 법률의 난맥상의 문제를 가지고 있다. 어느 정도 통합 및 융합을 통한 법제정비가 필요하다. 이를 위한 입법정책적 정비방안을 모색할 필요가 있다. 교육이 백년지대계이 듯, 부동산개발도 배년지대계라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 환경친화적이고 지속가능한 올바른 부동산개발을 통한 지역경제 활성화를 뒷받침해야 할 것이다. Recently, we have tried to find various plans for the invigoration of regional economy. It is said that the representative plan among them is a real estate development. In a small scope, the real estate development may be said as housing construction, farmland amelioration, housing land development and remodelling, etc. In a wide scope, it means various developments such as regional development, redevelopment and reclaimed land development, etc. It can be said that the scope of real estate development is varied depending on the views on which the real estate is seen. This real estate development is very relevant to the invigoration of regional economy. Specially, the land value, real estate market and local resident`s lifestyle are variously changed depending on the direction to which the real estate development is conducted. If such change has positive change, it has also negative change. We would like to review several issues from the legislative view to which this change is brought. First, it is the review on both public interest and private interest. In the real estate development, the public interest and private interest are clearly conflicting. However, it cannot be clearly distinguished whose interest is the public interest and whose interest is the private interest. Accordingly, adjustment and communication are always required. Second, it is necessary to organize various legislations. There are various laws about the real estate development and they have the formality called as regulation. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct the relaxation of regulation through the comprehensive review about them. Third, it is required to carry forward the real estate development suitable for regional characteristics. There are lots of cases in which the regional characteristics are seldom found in the most of apartments or buildings. However, since Jeju island has the buildings and types suitable for the characteristics of Jeju island, its regional color is well utilized and it shows additional effectiveness by utilizing such color as tourist attractions. Fourth, the continuous applicability is required. If the real estate development is once achieved, it has been continued for several decades or hundreds of years. Also, the real estate development may be achieved through the destruction of the environment. Several decades or hundreds of years must be passed in order to restore such destruction. Accordingly, it is necessary to conduct the development through the long term review.

      • KCI등재후보

        민간부동산개발의 사업방식별 자금조달 특성에 관한 연구

        손진수(Son Jin Soo),서후석(Suh Hoo Suk) 한국부동산학회 2006 不動産學報 Vol.27 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study were to review, deduct and compare the financing characteristics of private real estate development. (2) RESEARCH METHOD Conceptual models to financing structure of private real estate development were developed through related literature reviews. Practical models and characteristics were suggested through case studies. (3) RESEARCH RESULTS The result of the study is as follows ; 1) The funding tools of land acquisition cost are constructor"s financing, real estate development trust financing and financial institution"s project financing. Recently the project financing tool has seen increased utilization. 2) However, all three tools are heavily dependent on the credit of construction company. 3) Three tools related in a competing and complementary ways and new variations are appearing in the market. 4) The development in real estate financing has progressed from solely constructor financing -> constructor + developer financing -> constructor + developer + financial institution financing. Further evolution is expected in the form of developer + financial institution financing. 2. RESULTS And the policy issue of the study is as follows : 1) The real estate development finance tools are expected to be more diversified and would raise the need for relevant regulatory developments that would meet the realistic needs of real estate development industry. 2) The real estate development industry, including constructors, developers, real estate investment trusts and financial institutions, need to enhance risk analysis and management capability of real estate development projects.

      • KCI등재후보

        부동산펀드의 수익극대화를 위한 프로젝트 파이낸싱의 법제도적 개선방안

        강정규 ( Kang Jeong Gyu ),이장우 ( Lee Jang Woo ) 한국부동산학회 2004 不動産學報 Vol.22 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES Real estate development in Korea had suffered a setback due to reduced real estate transactions and difficulty in finding the source of financing caused by a fall in real estate prices since the national liquidity crisis resulting in an IMF bailout. However, such a trend was reversed lately, as the pump-priming measures were taken on a national level to cope with the slowdown, resulting in a steady increase in such areas as construction orders, construction permits and the number of housing actually constructed. (2) RESEARCH METHOD Literature study and Case approach (3) RESEARCH RESULTS Recent advances in real estate development, however, were not made ideally, reaping the harvest intended in the first place in terms of overall efficiency including economical efficiency. Major reasons behind such a failure of real estate development included excessive costs of financing caused by the lack of the developer's own funds, inappropriate market survey, insufficient marketing efforts, poor marketability, bad pricing, poor design quality, lack of professionalism and inadequate conditions of location. It is safe to say that securing the stable source of financing, among others, is indispensable to the success of the real estate development project. 2. RESULT Real estate-backed securities system was recently introduced in earnest, and a case study conducted in this study indicated that 'Project Financing' can be the most positive method of securing financing stability. As the patterns in the real estate environment rapidly changed, real estate market switched to customer-oriented market from the supplier-oriented one. It is therefore necessary not to overlook the importance of securing financing stability to reduce or avoid the risks involved in real estate development projects.

      • 부동산개발업자의 해외 부동산 투자 인식에 관한 연구

        김정태 ( Kim Jung-tae ),윤지열 ( Youn Ji-yul ),하정민 ( Ha Jung-min ) 한국지역사회발전학회 2023 地域社會開發硏究 Vol.47 No.1

        The purpose of the study is to investigate the perception and to suggest implications of real estate developers on overseas real estate investment. As for the research method, the theoretical study by the literature search method and the case analysis study by the survey are combined. In the case study, the space is divided into five regions: the metropolitan area, Chungcheong area, Jeonla area, Gangwon area, and Gyeongsang area. A survey was conducted for about two weeks from June 27 to July 11, 2022, targeting 125 real estate developers in their 20s, 30s, 40s, 50s, and 60s and over in these areas. Among the collected 125 questionnaires, 100 sheets with high completeness were selected as samples, and cross-analysis was conducted using the SPSS statistical package. As a result of the analysis, first, the group and the lessee group who recognize the need for overseas real estate investment recognize that the number and amount of overseas real estate investment increases due to the strong domestic real estate policy centered on regulations. The number and amount of overseas real estate investment is highly likely to increase in the future, centered on the United States and Japan, and is highly likely to be deployed globally in various countries. However, it is necessary to carefully determine the timing of investment according to exchange rate changes so that foreign exchange loss does not occur, and also consider the country risk in which asset values fluctuate due to changes in the social situation of the investment target country or surrounding areas. Although this study has limitations in analyzing overseas real estate investment with a sample of only 100 real estate developers, the significance of the study is that it analyzed the perception of real estate experts who are “real estate developers” about overseas real estate investment.

      • 부동산 개발의 실물옵션에 대한 분석적 고찰

        유승동 ( Seung Dong You ) 한국금융공학회 2013 한국금융공학회 학술발표회 Vol.2013 No.1

        This paper provides an analytical framework for real estate development options. It has two contributions to the literature in real options in real estate development. First, the paper provides an extensive literature review on the real options literature on real estate development. The review contains both discrete and continuous models, providing insights on domestic and foreign studies. Second, the paper has a new strategy for the derivation of the value of a real estate development option. The options valuation in real estate development is expected to distinguished from the option valuation in traditional finance, as real estate developments have unique features that make real estate investments different from those in corporate finance. Therefore, the paper proposes an underlying asset process, which allows negative cashflow from a real estate development project.

      • KCI등재후보

        국가균형발전의 정책대안으로서 부동산정책의 새로운 방향모색

        이철우 재단법인 대구경북연구원 2016 대구경북연구 Vol.15 No.1

        This study attempts to explore the possibility and suggest a new direction of real estate policy as alternative policies of the national balanced development. Firstly, real estate policy should actively embrace the new paradigm of regional policy, ‘place integration of sectoral policy instruments’ that reflects regional distinctive properties of real estate, through the breaking away from ‘national-scale centered’ perspective that considers the area of South Korea as a homogeneous space through existing de-spatialized historicism. Secondly, in order for real estate policy to be established properly as an alternative regional policy of the national balanced development, criteria of regional classification and typology based on differentiation of real estate should be provided. Thirdly, the real estate policy as regional policy should aim at improving the regional disparity and efficiency, also combine and apply sectoral substantial/practical policy instruments by regions. Fourthly, the real estate policy should secure the minimum sustainability through the regional embeddedness. Lastly, the efforts of research and institutionalization regarding a new 「real estate information system」, which includes “improvement of relationship between real estate and human beings” as well as real estate itself deviating from existing collection and management system of real estate information at national or metropolitan municipality level, are desperately needed. 본 연구는 국가균형발전의 정책대안으로서의 부동산정책의 가능성을 모색하고 그 방향성을 제시하고자 하였다. 앞으로의 부동산정책은 기존의 탈공간화된 역사주의에 매몰되어 한국의 영역을 동질적 공간으로 간주하는 ‘국가스케일 중심’적인 시각에서 탈피하여, 부동산의 지역 차별적 속성을 최대한 반영하는 ‘부문별 정책수단의 장소적 통합’이라는 지역정책의 새로운 패러다임을 적극적으로 수용하여야 한다. 국가균형발전의 대안적 지역정책으로서의 부동산정책이 제대로 정착하기 위해서는 부동산의 차별성에 기초한 지역구분과 유형화의 준거가 마련되어야 할 것이다. 또한 지역정책으로서의 부동산정책은 그 목표를 대상지역 간 형평성 제고와 지역별 효율성의 제고에 두고 정책의 대상인 단위지역별로 부문별 실질적‧실행적 정책수단을 패키지 방식으로 조합하고 적용하여야 한다. 그리고 부동산정책의 지역적 뿌리내림을 통하여 최소한의 지속성을 확보하여야 한다. 마지막으로 기존의 전국 혹은 광역지자체 단위의 부동산 정보의 수집과 관리체계를 탈피하여 부동산 그 자체뿐만 아니라 “부동산과 인간과의 관계개선”까지도 포함하는 새로운 「부동산정보체계」를 위한 연구와 제도화의 노력이 절실하다.

      • KCI등재

        무상귀속과 기부채납 간 비교를 통한 취득세 개선에 관한 소고

        김황규,박훈 한국지방세학회 2023 지방세논집 Vol.10 No.2

        The project implementer of the real estate development project is obligated to create public facilities or maintenance infrastructure once the project is approved. The public facilities or maintenance infrastructure created are attributed to the state or local governments through Gratuitous Contribution or Donation Acceptance. While Gratuitous Contribution is compulsory in accordance with the legal regulations of each development project, Donation Acceptance is a legal act and is made according to the donor's expression of intention to donate and accept payment. Therefore, there is a difference between these two from a legal perspective. Until 2015, no acquisition tax was imposed on real estate acquired from a Gratuitous Contribution or Donation Acceptance under the Local Tax and thus, there was no need to distinguish between Gratuitous Contribution and Donation Acceptance. However, due to the tax revision in 2016, the “real estate” and infrastructure received for free of charge as "opposite benefits" of Gratuitous Contribution or Donation Acceptance and free use rights received by Donation Acceptance have been excluded from the acquisition tax exemption. As a result, since the acquisition tax payment amount may be incurred, it is necessary to distinguish the two. However, in order to distinguish the two, it is necessary to clearly interpret the definition of "opposite benefits" in the law. Specifically, it is a question of whether something can be interpreted as "counter benefit" when receiving something in return for Gratuitous Contribution or Donation Acceptance. In addition, when 'real estate' is received, it may be a question of how to distinguish between non-taxable real estate and reduced real estate. When examining the meaning of the opposite benefit, it is necessary to determine whether the opposite benefit exists in transactions with substantial and economic consideration under the tax law, not limited to bilateral contracts under the jurisdiction. As for Gratuitous Contribution, even if there is a real estate which a project operator received free of charge due to the abolition of the purpose from the administrative agency, it cannot be regarded as an opposite benefit. This interpretation is consistent with the Supreme Court's judgment that public facilities acquired by the project operator due to the abolition of the purpose are free succession acquisition because there is no consideration exchanged between Gratuitous Contribution and the free transfer. Therefore, real estate acquired on the condition of Gratuitous Contribution should be interpreted as being non-taxable, not subject to reduction or exemption. On the other hand, Donation Acceptance is considered to be in a practical and economic compensation relationship under the tax law if the right to use is acquired free of charge in return even if it takes the legal form of a judicial gift contract. Therefore, if a free use right is provided in exchange for Donation Acceptance, the free use right is an opposite benefit to Donation Acceptance. However, since acquisition tax is difficult to see as a development profit recovery system, it is desirable to reorganize the development profit recovery system such as development charges if the purpose is to limit development profits because there is a counter benefit. In addition, Donation Acceptance is a system that can expand necessary infrastructure even if the state does not directly invest in infrastructure, so it is necessary to provide benefits to revitalize projects where Donation Acceptance is made. For real estate acquired under the condition of Donation Acceptance, legislative amendments such as returning the acquisition tax to non-taxable are required. In other words, the conclusion of the paper is that real estate acquired on the condition of Gratuitous Contribution is not subject to acquisition tax from an interpretive point of view, and the acquisition tax on real estate acquired on the cond... 부동산개발사업의 사업시행자는 사업시행인가 시 공공시설 또는 정비기반시설을 조성할 의무를 부여받는다. 조성한 공공시설 또는 정비기반시설은 국가 또는 지방자치단체에 무상으로 귀속되거나 기부채납된다. 무상귀속은 각 개발사업의 법률 규정에 의하여 강제적으로 이루어지는 것인 반면, 기부채납은 법률 행위에 의한 것으로서 증여자의 기부의 의사표시와 채납이라는 승낙의 의사표시에 따라 이루어지는 것이므로, 양자 간 법률상 차이가 있다. 과거 지방세법에서는 귀속 또는 기부채납을 조건으로 취득하는 부동산에 대하여 취득세를 부과하지 아니하는 것으로 규정하여, 그동안 양자를 구분할 필요성이 크지 않았다. 그러나 2016. 1. 1.부터 귀속 또는 기부채납을 조건으로 부동산 및 사회기반시설을 취득한 자가 귀속 또는 기부채납의 ‘반대급부’로 ‘부동산’ 및 사회기반시설을 무상으로 양여받거나, 기부채납 대상물의 무상사용권을 제공받는 경우 등을 취득세 비과세대상에서 제외하고 지방세특례제한법상 감면 대상으로 규정하였다. 따라서 취득세 납부세액이 발생하는 현행 법령의 경우에는 양자를 구분할 필요성이 있다. 하지만 양자를 구분하기 위해서는 법문상 ‘반대급부’가 무엇을 의미하는지 해석을 필요로 한다. 구체적으로 무상귀속 또는 기부채납의 대가로 무언가를 받았을 때 그 무언가를 ‘반대급부’로 해석할 수 있는지 문제된다, 또한 ‘부동산’을 받은 경우 비과세되는 부동산과 감면되는 부동산을 어떻게 구분하여야 하는지가 문제될 수 있다. 반대급부의 의미를 검토하였을 때, 반대급부라 함은 사법상 쌍무계약에 한정하지 아니하고 세법상 실질적・경제적 대가관계가 있는 거래에서 그 존재 여부를 파악하여야 한다. 따라서 무상귀속에 대해서는 사업시행자가 행정청으로부터 용도 폐지되어 무상으로 양도받는 부동산이 있더라도 이를 반대급부로 볼 수 없다. 이러한 해석은 무상귀속과 무상양도 간 대가성이 없으므로 용도 폐지되어 사업시행자가 취득하는 공공시설이 무상승계취득에 해당한다는 대법원의 판단과 일관성이 있다. 결국 무상귀속을 조건으로 취득하는 부동산은 감면 대상이 아닌 비과세 대상에 해당하는 것으로 해석하여야 한다. 반면 기부채납은 사법상 증여계약의 법률형식을 취하더라도 그 대가로 무상사용권을 취득한다면, 이러한 거래는 세법상 실질적・경제적 대가관계에 있다고 보고 있다. 따라서 기부채납의 대가로 무상사용권을 제공받았다면 그 무상사용권은 기부채납 부동산의 반대급부이다. 그러나 취득세는 개발이익환수제도로 보기 어려우므로 반대급부가 있다는 이유로 개발이익을 제한하고자 하는 목적이라면 개발부담금 등 개발이익환수제도를 정비하는 것이 바람직하다. 뿐만 아니라 기부채납은 국가 등이 직접 기반시설 등에 투자하지 않더라도 필요한 기반시설을 확충할 수 있는 제도이므로 기부채납이 이루어지는 사업이 활성화되도록 혜택을 부여할 필요성이 있다. 따라서 기부채납을 조건으로 취득하는 부동산에 대해서는 취득세를 다시 비과세 대상으로 환원하는 등의 입법 개정이 필요하다. 다시 말해 논문의 결론은 무상귀속을 조건으로 취득하는 부동산의 경우 반대급부라는 단어가 성립하지 않음을 전제로 해석론적 관점에서 취득세 비과세 대상임을 주장하고, 기부채납을 조건으로 취득하는 부동산의 경...

      • KCI등재

        부동산 개발법제의 현황과 과제 - 독일 개발법제와 관련하여 -

        강현호 ( Kang Hyun-ho ) 건국대학교 법학연구소 2016 일감부동산법학 Vol.12 No.-

        부동산이란 민법적으로는 물건으로서 사적인 자치의 대상이 되지만, 공법적으로는 공익을 담보하기 위하여 개발과 이용에 대한 규제를 하고 있다. 부동산이라는 자산은 국부의 50% 이상을 차지하고 있어서 재산적 가치로도 중요할 뿐만 아니라, 헌법상의 기본권을 향유하기 위해서도 중요한 역할을 수행하고 있다. 우리나라의 부동산 개발법제는 그동안의 과오를 수정하고 보완하면서 이제 계획 없는 개발은 없다는 모토 하에 전체적인 차원에서 큰 틀을 형성하게 되었고, 세계적인 차원에서 바라보면 선진적인 체제에 속한다고 볼 수 있다. 현 단계부터는 기본적인 체제를 존중하면서 상호간에 모순적인 내용을 고쳐나가고 보다 효율적인 체제를 정비하는 것이 필요하다. 우리보다 앞서간 독일의 부동산개발법제로부터 시사점을 얻을 수 있는데, 먼저 독일에서 규정되어 있는 부합의 원칙과 역흐름의 원칙과 같은 규정들을 보다 상세하고도 효력을 분명하게 하여 입법화 하는 것이 필요하다고 사료된다. 또한 부동산 개발과 관련하여 고려되는 다양한 요소들을 담아낼 수 있는 절차법적 그리고 실체법적인 체제의 정비가 필요하다. 나아가, 부동산 개발에 있어서 요청되는 요건들을 보다 간명하게 하여 국민들이 부동산 개발과 관련하여 누릴 수 있는 기본권의 범위에 대해서 보다 상세한 규정들이 요청된다. 마지막으로 부동산 개발에 있어서 환경에 대한 고려가 다소 부족한바, 우리나라의 환경영향평가법상 환경영향평가대상사업들의 범위는 너무나 커서 실질적으로 환경을 고려하기에 부족하므로 보다 실질적인 환경평가로 방향전환이 요청된다. Real estate is as a part of civil law, would belong to the subject of personal autonomy, but from the aspect of public law the it should be regulated to guarantee the public interest in its development and use. Real estate assets are important not only with its property value in the national wealth which accounts for more than 50% of the whole national wealth, but also with its role to ensure the constitutional and fundamental rights of the people. In the meantime real estate development legislation of our country has been developed and modified to compensate for mistakes and built a general framwork under the motto that there is no development without plan. This kind of korean development framwork would belong to the advanced system from the level of worldwide. Beginning with this stage it is necessary to respect the basic framework and then to fix the contradictory regulations to each other and to maintain the system more efficiently. We may obtain a few suggestions from german real estate development legislation, which has gone ahead of us. It is necessary to legislate the regulations more concretely and clearly, which are related the preferential effect of the rules. It is also required to adjust the real estate development system from the viewpoint of procedural law and substantial law, so that the related various elements which contain values could be considered properly. Furthermore, the requirements requested in real estate development should be more simple, so that the people can enjoy their fundamental rights in conjunction with real estate development. Finally, the consideration on the environment in the real estate development somewhat falls short of expectations of the people, because target projects of the environmental impact assessment are too big, therefore it is recommended to undertake a substantial enviromental impact assessment.

      • KCI등재후보

        부동산 개발사업의 기획업무에 관한 연구 - 건축물 개발사업의 기획업무를 중심으로

        김소연(Kim So Yon),박영기(Park Young Ki) 한국부동산학회 2007 不動産學報 Vol.30 No.-

          1. CONTENTS<BR>  (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES<BR>  This study is aimed to define and establish a concept of real estate development planning.<BR>  (2) RESEARCH METHODS<BR>  To achieve the research objectives, this study reviews and analyzes the books, dissertations about the real estate development. And investigates the consulting reports and the project profile of the property development project.<BR>  (3) RESEARCH RESULTS<BR>  The results of this study are as follows, Define the real estate development planning and propose the process and the work scope of the real estate planning.<BR>  2. RESULTS<BR>  The main purpose of this study is to define and establish a real estate development planning. Based on the literature and project status review, this study establish a project planning process and the work scope. The results of the study will be useful for real estate development project planning.

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