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      • India-Pakistan Conflict facing the Construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor

        Ding Jianjun,Wen Sainan 아시아사회과학학회 2021 Jornal of Asia Social Science Vol.5 No.3

        The risk factors facing the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor need to pay special attention to the opposition and conflict between India and Pakistan. In the conflict, India and Pakistan led the problem to the construction of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, which made the corridor construction bear an undue burden. India has a relatively negative attitude towards corridor construction. The deep-seated reason is that India regards China as a competitor based on its big country strategy, which may cause geopolitical worries about China and China-Pakistan economic corridor construction. Pakistan is a relatively weak party in India-Pakistan competition, and it is more inclined to use corridor construction to enhance its strength against India. China emphasizes that the corridor construction will bring benefits to Pakistan’s economy and people’s livelihood, while we cannot ignore the hostile relationship between India and Pakistan to some extent, and we should strive to build a benign interaction and multilateral win-win tripartite relationship among China, India and Pakistan.

      • Viewing Sino-India Relations from the Perfective of Indian Visa Policy

        He Hongmei,Shi Qianfan,Ma Li’ai 아시아사회과학학회 2021 Jornal of Asia Social Science Vol.2 No.3

        Looking back at history, it can be found that the Indian government has formulated a well stringent visa policy due to the impact of various factors such as India s internal affairs and foreign policies. To a certain extent, India’s strict visa policy is a product of its conservative foreign policy. With all-round development of politics, economy, and society in recent years, especially after Modi’s government took power and drove concepts of “Hindutva” and “Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam”, the self-confident government has carried out an “ambitious” foreign policy and continuously strengthened its ties with other countries around the world, which has effectively promoted the reform and change of India’s visa policy. Meanwhile, the flourishing visa policy also drives the transition of India’s foreign policy. In the 21st century, as the largest developing countries in the world, the relationship between China and India has been regarded as “Dragon Elephant Dispute” and it attracts worldwide attention. As Asia’s largest neighbor, China and India develop robustly, and the intention and possibility of cooperation and trust-building in bilateral economy, politics and culture are getting much stronger. However, for a long time in the past, India s strict visa policy has become a hurdle of the bilateral relations. Reviewing the literature, it is found that there are fruitful outcomes in the study of Sino-India relations, but few studies have probed into Sino-India relations from the changes of the visa policy. This paper attempts to sort out changes of Indian visa policy and the history of Sino-India relations, clarify the relationship between them, and make a judgment on the development of Indian visa policy and Sino-India relations.

      • KCI등재

        Aligned with Partners: The Shapes of India’s Alignment Strategy

        Ji, Yeon-Jung 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2019 남아시아연구 Vol.25 No.3

        This study attempts to answer three questions: First, how does India’s alignment strategy sit with the discussion? Second, what trend does India’s alignment strategy entail? Third, does collaboration in select fields such as defense cooperation serve the primary purpose of India’s alignment strategy? Exploring various aspects of India’s shift in foreign policy, this paper expands upon three findings. First, while contentious, India’s alignment strategy has as its heritage, and draws upon, its foreign policy foundations of keeping strategic autonomy; the difference is that India’s alignment seeks proximity-based equidistance, while nonalignment favors detachment-based equidistance. Second, India is likely to improve upon its alignment strategy more delicately in order to increase leverage with its partners. Third, one of the lucrative areas to which India applies an alignment strategy is defense, which has shown intermediate success. India aims to achieve greater leverage with its old and new partners. In conclusion, India’s ambitious great power project is contingent on how its alignment strategy successfully balances its partners in favor of its national interest.

      • KCI등재

        제국의 정당화, 여성의 타자화__인도 통치와 여성에 대한 제임스 밀과 존 스튜어트 밀의 글을 중심으로__

        구하원 인도철학회 2022 印度哲學 Vol.- No.65

        This article examines the writings of James Mill(1773-1836) and his son John Stuart Mill(1806-1873), two representative thinkers of the period during which British rule over India was being consolidated by the East India Company. I particularly focus on their attitudes towards British rule in India as well as women’s rights. Both James Mill and John Stuart Mill left significant bodies of writing on India while working for the East India Company. James Mill’s The History of British India(1817) became a hegemonic text on Indian history, particularly due to its division of the stages in Indian history and criticism of Indian society and culture. He also argued that the status of women in a society reflected its progress towards civilization, and that the appalling position of Hindu women justified British rule of India. On the other hand, although John Stuart Mill left a large number of despatches on Indian education, the Native princes, and governance of the Company, he rarely mentioned his work or India in his political or philosophical writings. In comparison to his father, John Stuart Mill also displays a more tolerant attitude towards Indian customs and culture, with mentions of Indian women as examples of efficient political rulers. The father and son did not deny the justness of British rule in India, in spite of differences in the purpose of such colonial rule as well as in their attitudes towards women and women's rights. This article compared their writings, and how these thoughts were expressed in the policies and rationalization of Company and imperial rule over India, as well as men’s rule over women. I also suggest that their writings were crucial to the rise of Indian intelligentsia and their understanding of history and women in modern India. 이 논문은 동인도회사를 통한 인도 지배가 확고해지던 시기에 영국의 대표적인 지식인으로 꼽히던 제임스 밀(James Mill)과 그 아들 존 스튜어트 밀(John Stuart Mill)의 글을 중심으로 영국의 인도 통치와 여성에 대한 두 사람의 인식을 검토하고자 한다. 제임스 밀과 존 스튜어트 밀은 둘 다 수년간 동인도회사에 재직하며 인도 관련 저술을 남겼다. 제임스 밀은 『영령인도사』(1817)를 통해 인도 사회와 문화를 신랄하게 비판하며 인도사의 서술 방식 등 인도에 대한 부정적인 인식에 오랫동안 큰 영향을 끼쳤다. 그는 또한 여성의 지위를 통해 문명 여부를 알 수 있다고 주장하며 인도 여성의 낮은 지위로 동인도회사의 지배를 정당화하였다. 존 스튜어트 밀의 경우, 회사 재직 당시 남긴 공문을 통해 인도의 교육과 왕조 관련 정책, 통치 방식에 대한 그의 입장을 읽을 수 있으나 이 외의 저술에서는 인도에 대한 논의가 거의 전무하였다. 그러나 아버지와 달리 인도의 전통과 관습을 상당 부분 수용하는 모습을 보이며, 여성의 능력을 보여주는 예로 인도 여성을 꼽기도 하였다. 두 부자는 영국의 인도 지배를 부인하지 않았으나 그 목적에 있어 상이한 입장을 보였으며 여성이나 여성의 참정권에 대한 태도 역시 차이를 보였다. 이 논문에서는 두 사람의 저술에서 보이는 태도를 분석한 후, 동인도회사의 정책과 인도에 대한 제국의 지배, 그리고 여성에 대한 남성의 태도를 고찰하며 이들이 인도 지식인들의 근대적인 역사와 여성에 대한 인식까지 끼친 영향을 간략히 살펴보고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        벤처 캐피탈 투자규제에 관한 비교법적 고찰

        고재종(Jae-Jong Koh) 한국기업법학회 2011 企業法硏究 Vol.25 No.2

        India is the great market having the populations of about one billion next to the china and a lots of people think India becomes the big axis of the world economy. By reason of this facts, Many countries like U.S., Russia, China, Japan and France etc. have been interested in the capital investment in India. Futhermore, After India opens doors to the foreign from 1991 year, India maintains the high economic growth rate according to the sound development of the service departments. By a statistical research after 2000 year, Recent economy of India maintains over 2% average growth rate in comparison with about 6% growth rate of the past 10 years. This growth rate is the second top next to the china. And the advanced countries have been striving for the cooperations and relationships with india by the summit conferences. But our country is not enough to the direct investment against india. Therefore, I will study on the india’s law system and policy about the foreign’s direct investment, especially, about india’s venture capital investment. Concretely, I will inquire into the india’s investment circumstances against foreign investors and Foreign Venture Capital Investment Regulations 2000(FVCI 2000). Also, I will examine into the related law of our country’s venture capital investment. The target on this inquiry is to give the clues when the investor of our country invest in india. But I will not inquire into the all elements related on the indian direct investment about venture capital investment. I think that we all must prepare at the deliberate, reasonable and basic data for investors at every respects.

      • KCI등재

        The Nuclear Factor in India’s Foreign Policy

        Mishra Sitakanta,Ji Yeon-Jung(지연정) 한국인도학회 2009 印度硏究 Vol.14 No.2

        인도의 핵 정책과 대외 정책에 관한 논의는 독립 후부터 지금까지 끊임없이 이슈가 되고 있다. 특히 핵 보유와 사용 및 발전에 대한 문제는 여러 시기를 거쳐서 다양한 범위에서 다루어졌는데 크게 3가지 범주로 나누어볼 수 있다. 1947년부터 1962년까지는 핵 문제가 주로 비동맹과 군축이라는 큰 틀을 중심으로 논의되었으나, 1962년 중-인 전쟁 이후에는 핵무기 제조의 필요성과 핵 비확산이라는 세계적인 추세가 맞물려 핵무기 보유가 범국가적인 의제로 급부상하였다. 이후 1998년 제 2차 핵실험 이후를 기점으로 인도의 핵 문제는 인도 외교의 핵심이자 대외정책의 기조를 재검토하게 하는 다른 국면을 맞이하였다. 특히 인도-미국간 체결된 민간 핵 협정은 인도의 대외 정책 전반에 관해 재고하는 계기가 되었으며, 이후 핵 문제는 인도 내 주요한 두 학파간의 쟁점이 되었다. 우파 성향의 학자들은 인도가 핵실험과 2차 핵실험 이후 상황을 통하여 인도의 대외 정책 방향과 외교 전략 사이의 접합점을 찾는 새로운 전환기를 맞이했다고 평가하고 있으나, 반미(反美) 성향의 좌파학자들은 인도와 미국의 전략적 협력 관계가 그간 인도의 핵무기 정책의 연장선에 있다기보다 미국의 국익에 종속되는 정책이라고 주장하고 있다. 독립 이후 인도의 대외 정책의 행보를 살펴보면 국가 안보의 큰축이 핵 보유 및 핵무기를 중심으로 움직이고 있으며 이는 수십 년간에 걸친 인도 정부 와 교섭단체들 사이의 수많은 논쟁과 이를 해결하려는 국가적 시스템을 통하여 알 수 있다. 본 연구는 인도의 핵 문제가 국가 안보 인식 및 외교 전략에 미치는 영향에 대한 논쟁을 토대로 대외 정책 논의 구조상에 가져온 변화를 살펴보고 인도 대외정책의 변화 과정 중 핵이라는 요소가 가지는 중요성에 주목하였다. Throughout the history of independent India, nuclear and foreign policy issues have been democratically debated in the country. The nuclear debate, particularly, may be seen in four phases. The debate soon after independence was marked by the country’s concerns for disarmament and nonalignment. After China’s attack on India in 1962, the debate centered around India’s concerns about nuclear proliferation, loopholes in the nonproliferation regime and the dilemma whether India should manufacture its own nuclear weapons. The third phase of the debate commenced in 1998, after India successfully tested its nuclear weapons at Pokhran. (The earlier test in 1974 was avowedly a Peaceful Nuclear Explosion.) The focus in the current phase of the nuclear debate (the fourth phase) is whether nuclear weaponization is a continuity or departure from India’s long-held policy of nuclear ambiguity. India’s engagement with the US in the post-Pokhran-II period and the recently concluded Indo-US civilian nuclear deal has brought the debate of “continuity or change” in India’s foreign policy to the fore. One school is of the view that the nuclear tests and post-Pokhran-II diplomacy have changed the way the Indian elite began to think about external relations; that nuclear diplomacy has inevitably brought maturity and self-assurance to India’s foreign policy. The other school, while viewing the policy of nuclear weaponization not as continuity but a “reactionary departure”, considers the burgeoning Indo-US strategic partnership as a euphemism for India’s joining the “US Empire” as a junior partner, unmindful of its long-term national interest. While India’s domestic nuclear debate is prominent in academic and media discourse, the intrinsic link between the country’s nuclear policy and its foreign policy and how nuclear policy has impinged upon the foreign policy discourse has not been enquired adequately. Indian diplomacy has always shouldered the responsibility of propagating the country’s beliefs, concerns, and agenda in the nuclear domain and allaying misapprehensions regarding its nuclear policy. In turn, the nuclear factor has sufficiently influenced the structure, nature and strategy of Indian diplomatic undertakings. This paper highlights the importance of the nuclear factor in India’s foreign policy discourse and how it has remained a major determinant in its diplomatic endeavor.

      • KCI등재

        인도와 동남아관계: 인도 동방정책을 중심으로

        김찬완 ( Chan Wahn Kim ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2013 東南亞硏究 Vol.22 No.2

        This paper traces the evolution of India-Southeast Asia relations focusing on India’s look east policy. It discusses how the look east policy has influenced New Delhi’s diplomatic style towards Southeast Asia. It also understands that how it has influenced the shaping of India``s bilateral and multilateral relations with the ASEAN countries and the region as a whole. In this context, this study first examines the background of the renewed Interests of India towards Southeast Asia focusing on New Delhi’s hope to be member of ARF during the first half of the 1990s. And then, this paper analyses political and strategic dimension of the relationship between India and Southeast Asia with special reference to the China factor which is currently more emphasized on. This study also tries to examine economic aspects of relationship between the two. India has cultivated close relations with the individual countries in Southeast Asia and the ASEAN as a whole by pursuing the look east policy since the early 1990s. It is shown that India has achieved a fair success in terms of its political, strategic and economic returns by pursuing the Look East Policy. While enhancing links with ASEAN and other ASEAN-led multilateral institutions, India has also succeed to qualitatively improve bilateral links with member states. It has certainly enhanced India’s status and image not only in Southeast Asia but in the world. India has, however, failed to participate in the Chiang Mai Initiative Multi-lateralisation (CMIM) which could emerge as an important new economic order centering in Southeast Asia. In this regard, it is said that India’s look east policy toward Southeast Asia has a certain limitation to ensure India as a responsible great power of Asia. Concerning the China factor, this paper suggests that India may think about a regional grouping along with Australia, Indonesia and Korea. It is called AIIK(Australia, India, Indonesia, and Korea) which will enhance Indian involvement in Southeast Asia.

      • The British East India Company’s Influence on Indian Economic Modernization1

        Wei Su 아시아사회과학학회 2023 Jornal of Asia Social Science Vol.10 No.3

        During the late rule of the Mughal Empire, India was fragmented politically and culturally, experiencing divisions not only in governance but also in religious and cultural aspects. Political fragmentation, religious conflicts, economic backwardness, and societal seclusion were the harsh realities of Indian society at that time. With the occupation of Bengal by the British East India Company, Britain exercised nearly 200 years of colonial rule over India, with the company's direct rule lasting for 100 years. The Indian feudal system suffered significant blows during the expansion of British East India Company's colonization, leading to the overthrow of the Mughal Empire and local Indian rulers, and the gradual erosion of the feudal system under external influences. The British East India Company's colonial rule became a key factor in catalyzing India's modernization process. Following the Battle of Plassey, the East India Company launched its conquest of Indian territories. In the initial phase of occupying Bengal, the company blindly implemented a system of excessive taxation to fulfill its pursuit of self-interest, which proved detrimental to both the people of Bengal and the company itself. Subsequently, the East India Company adjusted its land policies and initiated permanent land settlement in the Bengal region. In the context of land taxation, the company implemented the Ryotwari system in southern India and the Mahalwari system in northern India. The colonial activities and land reforms of the British East India Company had a profound impact on Indian society and economy.


        Serena Yi Cheng,Kuo-Ching Wang,Ben Wu 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Introduction Business event are much important to economies of many destinations all over the world (Jago, Mair, Deery, & Bergin-Seers, 2008). As the term, “business events” is referred to be the MICE industry, encompassing with Meeting, Incentive, Conference/Convention, and Exhibition. The MICE industry underpins tourist visitation for many destinations. Such destinations have transferred into making substantial investments to provide the meeting/exhibition facilities and hotel needed for business events. Announced in the 5th of MICE and Luxury Travel Conference, India will generate 6.5 million outbound incentive tourists by 2030. Especially in these years, the number of MICE outbound tourists has been more than 1.5 million and the number of Luxury travel tourists has been up to 3.6 million (India Infoline Housing Finance Limited [IIFL], 2017). Research for one of the business events that remains in minority is incentives. Incentive travel, also known as IT, is defined as one of worldwide management tools which uses special travel experiences or recognizes participants who exceed the expectation on performance (Society of Incentive Travel Executives [SITE], 2013). According to the Incentive Federation, the number of U.S. business using non-cash rewards has raised dramatically from just 26% in 1996 to 84% of all U.S. businesses in 2016 (Incentive Federation, 2017). Incentive travel is becoming a field in which not only attractions and venues matter, but also the organization of parallel training activities and conferences around an incentive activity is possible (Celuch, 2014). The United States remains a primary destination for 82% of U.S. planners choosing U.S. in 2017 (Incentive Federation, 2017). Another popular incentive destination, Australia is also viewed as one of ideal destinations for incentive travel. Tourism Australia in 2008 indicated that 34% of incentive travelers is from China, 12% is from New Zealand, and 10% is from Japan. Taiwan has received over 10 million travelers from abroad in 2016. However, tourists from India traveling to Taiwan are only 33,000 passengers. According to report in 2016, International Congress & Conference Association [ICCA] announced that Taipei City has held 83 international conference and become top 10 destinations in Asia for The Best Stop to Meet Asia. However, is Taiwan a good incentive travel destination for India? Despite a limited amount of information on expenditure and the number of incentive programs, numerous gaps remain in our understanding of this sector of business events and cross-culture marketing, including how incentive travel organizers in India select their travel destination? And how this process may differ in source markets? This exploratory study aims to examine these site selection factors in the incentive travel context and identify any similarities and differences in how incentive travel is conceptualized, planned, and organized in India. Literature review Incentive Travel The incentive market has seldom been studied in great depth as an individual segmentation. Lewis (1983) carried out a concept that incentive travel represents a sizable market segment for hotel companies in many destination areas. Sheldon (1995) highlighted that travel was regarded as a motivating reward or incentive among America’s Fortune 100 companies, and that travel incentives were mostly used by companies in the service sector. Shinew and Backman (1995) identified the “trophy value” of travel incentives, and proposed that incentive travel allows long-lasting positive engagement in staffs’ job performance. Xiang and Formica (2007) used cognitive mapping to understand how incentive travel managers view the business environment, concluding with fast-pacing of incentive travel market, and global structural changes presenting challenges to incentive planners. Budget and cost, uniqueness of the destination, and availability of suitable facilities were thought to be factors influencing the choice of destination for incentive travel (Mair, 2005); however, this has not yet been demonstrated in empirical research. Convention Site Selection According to Crouch and Ritchie (1997) “the choice of destination can make or break the convention”. The first research by Fortin and Ritchie (1977) was considered the process undertaken by meeting planners when deciding on which location to choose for annual meeting or convention. The nine factors identified by Crouch and Ritchie (1997) are accessibility, local support, extra-conference opportunities, accommodation, meeting facilities, information, site environment and other criteria. Despite knowledge of the convention site selection process, very little research has considered how different types of meetings choose their destinations. In one of the few studies to consider the site selection process of incentive planners, Del Chiappa (2012) suggests a certain degree of “destination inaccessibility” could make incentive location being more extraordinary and exclusive. Mair, Jin, and Yoo (2016) indicated that incentive travel planners across three market- China, Australia, and America, shares similar perceptions on what characterizes incentive trips but differ slightly in the planning and operational phase pertinent to varying company characteristics and requirements. However, little is known about the cultural differences in incentive programs from one nation to the next. Methodology This research is an exploratory qualitative research, using in-depth interviews with incentive travel organizers, public relations professionals, company and staff who has participated in incentive travel to Taiwan and other Asian countries. Eight in-depth interviews (between 30 and 60 minutes) were carried out in India. The data collecting method is snowball sampling and 11 interviewees were invited by incentive organizers’ recommendations, while a list of qualified tour operators/specialists authorized by national tourism bureaus and organization (e.g., Ministry of Tourism Government of India or Travel Agents Association of India Active Member) are consulted as a sample frame, shown as table 1. Further, all interviewees were senior managers in their companies. For in-depth interviews, researcher has traveled to Mumbai, New Delhi and Jamshedpur in India between 12th and 26th Jan, 2018. Interviewees were asked to give some background on their incentive business. They were also asked to give information on how their incentive programs were structured and how they cooperate both with their incentive clients and with local suppliers of their incentive trips. Finally, they were asked in open-ended questions about their views on site selection, with eight site selection factors identified by Crouch and Ritchie (1997) and the outline designed by Mair, et al (2016). Findings This study explored site selection of incentive travel from the perspective of incentive planners, company, and participants. The finding suggests that the most popular incentive travel destination for Indian is Thailand with low expense and luxury hospitality. Most important part for choosing a destination is considering about food and beverage since there are a lot of vegetarian and chef should be familiar with Indian cuisine, for instance, foods in Singapore is more likely to be accepted by Indian. Both the operators and staffs from the company indicate that Indian travelers would like to have Indian cuisine and Bollywood show during the incentive trips, instead of local and cultural performance from the destination. Conference and accommodation facilities in China is well-prepared for MICE but expense is too high. Accessibility to Taiwan or to any countries won’t be a problem for incentive travel planners; nevertheless, there is still few direct flight from India to Taiwan which will influence the budget on overseas transportation. In addition, unfamiliarity with destination image of Taiwan reduces intention of visiting. However, since a new destination will be a motivator for encouraging employees to work hard, novelty destination for incentive trip is still important. One incentive travel planners suggest that enhancing the destination image by story-telling would help attracting Indian’s interests. Perceived risk will be reduces depending on local support (DMC). Incentive planners in India illustrate although decision maker is the representatives from companies, however, planners would give several packages of different countries, depending on budgets, basing on destination information from public relations professionals. It is obvious that public relations professionals and travel agencies are critical characters for site selection in India. F&B and budget are major considerations differing from other markets- China, Australia, and America. Conclusions This article interviewed incentive operators, public relations professionals, and company purchase incentive travel, and examined how incentive travel is conceptualized, planned, and organized in India. The study suggests government and bureau relating to MICE should get well prepared for cross-cultural incentive traveler, according to Indian culture. In addition, destination imagine promotion would be another effort for planners to select a site for incentive program. Since incentive planners in India are not familiar with Taiwan, local support/ DMC could look for public relations professionals from India as a connection, and put more focus on India as a potential market. Further study should explore the site selection in different countries, and marketing strategies. A limitation of this research that should be acknowledged is the small sample size. However, the initial conclusions from this research suggest that, while the site selection factors identified in other markets provide a useful place to start, incentive travel organizers do not rely on same factors. The findings from this project will provide a basis for future research in the area of incentive, and useful information for incentive planners/organizers in Taiwan and worldwide.

      • KCI등재

        빅데이터를 활용한 한국 언론에서 형성된 인도 이미지 연구(2009년-2019년) - 네트워크 분석을 통한 뉴스 이슈를 중심으로 -

        신진영 한국외국어대학교 인도연구소 2019 남아시아연구 Vol.25 No.2

        This study analyzed the major issues about India that have been released in Korean media over the past decade, and found out the country image of India in Korea. The research period was 10years from March 11, 2009 to March 10, 2019, and a total of 8,387 news articles were collected. Firstly, key words were extracted from collected articles through text mining technique and main issues by network analysis from the news articles. And then, the issues were analyzed in each and 10 years period through CONCOR(CONvergence of iterated CoRrelations) analysis, which was clustered according to the similarity between the key words. Lastly, based on the results, the image of India was derived. The main issues that constitute the image of India are "Indian market and Korean companies", "political and economic cooperation between Korea and India," "economic change in India," "women rape," " conflict between India and Pakistan”, and “UNESCO” issues. These issues have been constructed Image of India respectively 'India as a market', 'India as a political and economic ally', ‘India with serious rape issues’, 'India with border disputes'. Second, as the positive/neutral/negative aspects of each image component of India, the economic and political related fields with Korea are positive, but the negative and positive aspects of Indian society and culture coexist. Third, from the viewpoint of strengthening and changing the image, the image of India tends to be repeatedly reinforced with existing issues rather than changing with new issues. This study provides the following suggestions for the positive image expansion and improvement of India in Korea. First, the expansion of the "UNESCO" issue will enable a positive image of India. Second, the program, which is an ‘Exciting India’ in 2014-15, suggests a possible change of India's image in a short period of time and provides a clue to how to improve the image. 본 연구는 지난 10년 간 국내 언론에서 형성된 인도에 대한 주요 이슈를 분석하고, 이를 기반으로 한국에서 형성된 인도에 대한 이미지를 분석한 것이다. 연구의 분석 자료는 2009년 3월 11일부터 2019년 3월 10일까지 10년간, 총 8,387건의 뉴스 기사이다. 분석 방법은 1차적으로 1년 단위의 뉴스 자료를 텍스트 마이닝 기법을 통해 키워드를 추출하고 UCINET 6.0도구 이용하여 네트워크 분석과 키워드 간의 유사성에 따라 군집화하는 CONCOR(CONvergence of iterated CoRrelations) 분석을 하여 매 년의 이슈를 도출하였다. 2차적으로 10년간의 기사를 종합하여 키워드를 추출하여, 네트워크 분석과 CONCOR 분석을 통해 이슈를 도출했다. 그리고 이 둘을 종합하여 최종적으로 인도 이미지를 추론했으며, 이슈분석을 통해 인도 이미지 구성요소의 강화 및 변화 양상을 파악했다. 본 연구 결과 인도 이미지를 구성하는 주요 이슈는 ‘인도시장과 한국기업의 약진’, ‘한·인도 국가 간 정치·경제적 협력’, ‘인도 경제변화’, ‘여성성폭행 문제’, ‘인도·파키스탄 국경 갈등’, ‘세계유네스코’로, 이에 따라 각각 ‘시장으로써의 인도’, ‘정치·경제적 우방으로서의 인도’, ‘신흥 경제국가 인도’, ‘성폭행 문제가 심각한 인도’, ‘국경분쟁국가 인도’, ‘세계적인 문화유산을 갖고 있는 인도’ 의 이미지가 구축되었을 것으로 예상된다. 둘째, 인도 이미지 구성요소별로 ‘긍정적/중립적/부정적‘의 시각을 살펴보면 한국과의 경제·정치 관련된 분야는 긍정적이나, 인도 사회나 문화에 대해서는 부정적 시각과 긍정적 시각이 공존하고 있다. 셋째, 인도 이미지는 변화의 요소가 다양하게 등장하기보다 기존의 이슈가 반복되어 강화되는 경향이 있다. 본 연구 결과는 한국에서 인도의 긍정적인 이미지 확대 및 이미지 개선을 위해 다음과 같은 시사점을 제공한다. 첫째, 본 연구에서 발견한 ‘세계유네스코’이슈의 확대를 통해 인도에 대한 긍정적 이미지 확대가 가능할 것으로 보인다. 둘째, 2014-15년 이슈가 되었던 ‘두근두근 인도’라는 프로그램은 단기간에 인도 이미지 변화 가능성을 시사하며, 이미지 개선 방안의 실마리를 제공한다.

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