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      • KCI등재

        인천감리서 터의 구성과 변천과정 연구

        손장원(Sohn, Jang-Won) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2017 인천학연구 Vol.27 No.-

        감리서는 조선시대 지방행정 관서가 수행했던 기능에 외국과의 통상업무, 비자발급, 조계지관할, 외국인과 조선인 사이에 일어나는 각종 쟁송 등을 관할하던 개항장에 설치된 지방관아였다. 조선시대의 중요한 행정관서임에도 존속기간이 짧고, 감리서의 기능을 이어받은 일제가 흔적을 지워나갔기 때문에 관련 자료가 부족해 충분한 연구가 진행되지 않았다. 근대기에 대한 심층적 이해를 위해서는 감리서 연구가 필수적이다. 이에 따라 본 연구는 자료 확보가 비교적 쉬운 인천감리서를 고찰했다. 인천감리서는 개설이후 1년간 화도진사를 사용하다가 1884년 8월에 이르러 조계지 인근으로 옮겼다. 인천감리서가 신축이전한 부지는 개설이후 134년이 지난 현재에 이르러 여러 개의 필지로 나누어져 있으나, 전체 대지는 비교적 온전한 형태가 가구(街區)로 남아있다. 인천감리서가 입지했던 장소는 지리적으로 인천개항장의 중심지에 해당하는 곳이었으나, 일제가 인천을 항구와 항구인근에 세워진 일본조계지를 중심으로 도시를 운영하여, 법원 이전 전까지는 발전이 지체되었다. 인천감리서의 대지규모는 다른 지방관아에 비해 협소했으며, 향청과 객사를 설치하지 않은 것이 특징이다. 인천감리서 안에는 우리나라 최초의 지방우체사인 인천우체사는 물론 법원과 검찰, 학교도 세워졌다. 결과적으로 인천감리서는 근대인천의 행정, 사법, 교육, 경찰, 행형, 통상의 시발지이다. 경성감옥 인천분감에서는 백범 김구선생이 수형생활을 했던 곳이며, 연구진행 과정에서 관련 도면을 입수하기도 했다. 아울러 근대기 외래문물의 영향으로 주로 외국인이 세운 건축물 중심의 연구가 이루어졌던 인천지역 근대건축사 연구의 지평을 넓혔다. 본 연구를 통해 감리서 터의 입지적 특성과 변천과정, 감리서 안에 세워진 각종 시설물을 살펴보았다. 추후 인천감리서를 구성했던 관아건축의 원형과 행정제도 개편에 따라 변화하는 과정을 구체적으로 규명하는 조선후기 감리서 건축에 대한 심층적 연구가 필요하다. The Kamni Office is a regional government office in the late Joseon Dynasty, established for commercial intercourse with foreign countries. The Kamni Office also took charge of the visa issuance and the charge for supervising concession and port. The Kamni Office was an important administrative organ in the late Joseon Dynasty. However, Japan"s invasion was wiped out. Japan destroyed the documents related to the Kamni Office and destroyed the building. Therefore, research was difficult due to lack of data on the Kamni Office. However, recent photos, maps, and drawings of Incheon Kamni Office have been found. The study is about Incheon Kamni Office. Incheon Kamni Office stayed for one year after its opening in Whadojin(花島鎭) in Incheon. In August, 1884, Incheon Kamni Office moved to concession near Port of Inchon. Incheon Kamni Office has been 134 years since the opening of Incheon. The building was completely gone, and an apartment was built. However, the entire land remains intact. Incheon Kamni Office was the center of Inchon during the late Joseon Dynasty. Incheon Kamni Office was smaller compared to other local government offices. In Incheon Kamni Office, the post office, the courts, the prosecution, and the school were built. Kim Gu was imprisoned in Incheon Kamni Office. In 1935, the Incheon Kamni Office building was completely destroyed by the construction of a new court building in 1935.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 輿地圖書에 나타난 인천 지역의 田結稅와 漕運路 연구

        이철성(Lee, Chul-Sung) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2007 인천학연구 Vol.6 No.-

        This study, based on contextual understanding of the land tax related provisions in 《Yeojidoseo(輿地圖書)》, tries to investigate what the structure and properties of land tax in the Incheon area. In this respect, this study would be a foothold for shedding light to noble aspects of history of local economy in late Chosun. Comparing records of hanjeon(旱田), sujeon(水田), and jeonse(田稅) in the Incheon area in 《Yeojidoseo》, we have found out that except Ganghwa-bu, which used jeonse tax income for its own finance, Incheon and Bupyeong didn’t have not so high rate of tax paying Gyeols(結). Results from the comparison 《Yeojidoseo》 with 《Takjijeonbugo》 suggest that this is because Incheon and Bupyeong had many non-taxed fields that were exempt from the levy of jeonse by the Ministry of Finance(戶曹). The records of Daedong(大同) in the Incheon area in 《Yeojidoseo》 show that Daedongse(大同稅) tended to be used for their own finances in such militarily important places like Ganghwa, Yeongjong, and Gyodong etc. Contrastively, it is observed that the amounts of payment and of reservation were divided in certain ratio in those areas relatively less important in their defense values such as Incheon and Bupeyong. The authority that all the areas except for Ganghwa paid jeonse to was Gwangheungcheong(廣興倉). However, in the case of daedong, Ganghwa used it for their own expenses without payment, whereas Gyodong paid it to Seonhyecheong(宣惠廳), and Incheon and Bupyeong to Chundaechang (春臺倉). As for the characteristics of Gyunse(均稅) in the Incheon area in 《Yeojidoseo》, Ganghwa, Yeongjong, and Gyodong show peculiarity of military purposes for the Capital defense whereas Incheon and Bupyeong have similar properties to common counties. However, since the Incheon area lied along with sea coasts with respect to its location, it had more revenue from sea taxes like ship tax and salt tax than from land tax. The coastal sea routes around the Incheon area were generally divided into the one toward the south and the other toward the north from Yu Island in Tongjin. The sea route around the Incheon area that had close relationship to grain paid as tax extended from Yu Island to Palmi Island of Incheon. Under this route existed 8 sea routes that connected Gyeonggi-do and Chungcheong-do. The name of Palmi Island originated from this. The sea route from Yu Island to Palmi Island lied on the line connecting Sohol Island and Deokjeok Island, between which lied so-called Seonamdaero(西南大路) that connected Chungcheong-do and Jeolla-do.

      • KCI등재

        개항기(1894~1905) 인천항의 금융 네트워크와 韓商의 성장조건

        김윤희(Kim, Yun-Hee) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2004 인천학연구 Vol.3 No.-

        The 1890’ saw the formation of the Incheon-Shanghai, and Incheon-Osaka overseas distribution networks. These two networks served as the routes through which goods were imported into Korea by Chinese and Japanese merchants before Japan’ introduction of the gold standard in 1897 and the expansion of Shanghai- Osaka trade. During this period, the competition between Chinese and Japanese merchants to import goods through Incheon for intermediate trade became a heated one. However, as a result of the Sino-Japanese War of 1894, the traditionally competitive relationship between the Chinese and Japanese merchantsoperating within Korea’ foreign community gave way to one that was more complementary in nature. Thereafter, Chinese and Japanese merchants began to import different goods and to target different consumption markets. Chinese merchants in Incheon became intermediate wholesalerswho would purchase the goods imported by Japanese merchants and then resell them. As copper became the main currency within theforeign community after 1897, Korean merchants, who were already well placed to distribute the imported goods within the domestic market, were able to further strengthen their position by controlling the circulation of copper currency within foreign community. Meanwhile, as Korea, China, and Japan found them using different currency systems as a result of Japan’ introduction of the gold standard in 1897, the abovementioned overseas distribution networks, which had originally served as the routes through which goods were imported from Japan and China, suddenly found them serving as the main conduits for Japanese currency. As the volume of imports of cotton products from Osaka increased significantly, in Incheon, where both silver and gold were accepted as currency, Japanese currency began to be used to pay for the cotton products imported from Shanghai. In addition, to secure the position of the Japanese currency as the main currency within the Korean foreign community following the introduction of the gold standard, the Japanese began to remit large amounts of goldback to Japan through Incheon, while Japanese currency streamed into Chosun. As a result of the emergence of such anexchange structure, the exchange rate for the silver originating from Shanghai rapidly dropped. In the Shanghai market, the terms of trade on the items imported from countries which had adopted the gold standard started to worsen. Chinese merchants in Incheon began to import goods from Shanghai when prices there dropped, selling these wares in exchange for Japanese currencyin order to be able to purchase cotton goods from Osaka. As a result of these Chinese merchants’activities and the concurrent drop in the Shanghai market the exchange rate in Incheon rapidly deteriorated. Moreover, increasing amounts of the Japanese currency circulating in Incheon found its way into Osaka. The arrival of the Japanese military in Manchuria after 1900 and the Russo-Japanese War of 1904 brought about an opening up of the Manchurian market. As a result of the Chinese merchants in Incheon, Japanese currency began to also circulate in the Manchurianmarket, thus expanding the circulation sphere of the Japanese currency and assuring that the overseas networks connecting Shanghai-Incheon-Osaka remained intact. The difference between the exchanges rate for copper currency in the foreign community and the domestic market allowed the Korean merchants in Incheon, who were actively engaged in both the overseas and domestic markets, to grow in stature. The exchange rate for copper currency, influenced by changes in the exchange rate in the foreign community, was higher in the domestic market. This difference in the terms of trade resulted in linking foreign trade to the domestic trade in Incheon. As the terms of trade for imported goods worsened as a result of the rising exchange rate, Korean merchants purchased an increasing amount of domestic goods. During this process, copper curren

      • KCI등재

        선인체육관에 관한 연구

        조준호(Cho, Jun Ho) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2014 인천학연구 Vol.21 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 선인체육관에 관한 연구를 통해 그 실태를 파악하고 인천체육사에 어떠한 의미가 있는지를 살펴 보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구에서는 당시의 시대적 배경과 선인학원의 탄생, 그리고 선인체육관의 건립과 활 용, 해체까지의 역사적 변천과정을 살펴 기록하고자 하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 우선 제3공화국은 체육중심정책을 펼치며 체육을 통한 ‘건민체육’과 ‘국위선양’에 집중하였다. 이러한 시대적 배경 은 체육중시사조와 새로운 실내체육관 건립을 시대에 요청하게 된다. 이때 제3공화국과 긴밀한 인천 선인학원이??등장한다. 선인학원은 초, 중, 고, 대학교의 계통적 학교체육을 크게 활성화시킨다. 뿐만 아니라 선인학원은 “군인 정신으로 무기를 마련하는 심정”으로 동양최대의 체육관인 선인체육관을 건립한다. 선인체육관의 위치는 인천시??남구 도화동 235번지에 건립되었다. 선인체육관의 건립일은 1973년 10월 완공, 1975년 6월 준공된다. 선인체육관 의 면적은 14,532,32㎡였으며 2개의 강의동에는 한쪽은 1973년부터 인천체전이 자리했고, 다른 한쪽은 1976년부터??인천체고가 자리하였다. 선인체육관에서는 당대 최고의 스포츠인 프로복싱경기가 펼쳐졌다. 선인체육관에서 활약한 대표적 선수로는 홍수 환, 장정구, 박종팔, 유명우 등이다. 하지만 1990년대 이후 선인체육관은 건물 노후화와 함께 가수들의 공연장, 씨 름과 체조 등의 비인기 종목의 경기장으로 활용되며 쇠락의 길로 접어든다. 결국 대한민국 경제의 놀라운 성장은??학교 체육시설도 변화, 발전시켰다. 이제 선인체육관 보다 더 우수한 실내체육관들이 인천시 곳곳에 등장한다. 뿐 만 아니라 선인체육관의 한쪽 강의동을 차지한 인천전문대학이 인천대학교와 통합되었다. 또 다른 한쪽 강의동을??차지하고 있던 인천체육고등학교도 청라신도시로 교사를 이전했다. 결국 인천시는 선인체육관을 체육회관으로 리 모델링하고자 했으나 그 비용이 신축비용보다 더 비싸다는 판단으로 발파, 해체를 강행하였다. 선인체육관은 인천 체육 발전의 근간이었다. 시대를 초월하며 거대한 모습으로 등장한 선인체육관, 그곳은 인천체육의 자랑이었다. The purpose of this study is to identify the status of Sunin Gymnasium and its meaning in the sports history of??Incheon through researches on it. For the purpose of this study, it was tried to review the backgrounds of the??contemporary times, birth of Sunin school foundation, and the history of Sunin Gymnasium including??establishment, utilization and dissolution. The followings are the results of this study. The third republic concentrated on ‘Physical Education for Healthy People’ and ‘Enhancement of National??Prestige’ through sports centered policy. Because of these requests of the times, sports Gymnasium became??more important and many new indoor Gymnasiums were built. At this time, Incheon Sunin Foundation emerged??which had close relationship with the third republic. Sunin Foundation activated systemic school sports from??elementary school to university through middle and high school. Additionally, it established Sunin Gymnasium??which was the largest in the oriental world with “the mind to prepare weapons with the spirit of soldier.” It was??located in 235, Dohwa-dong, Nam-gu in Incheon. It was completed in October in 1973 and permitted to be??operated in June in 1975. The area of the Gymnasium was 14,532,32㎡. It had two school buildings. Incheon City??College has been located at one building since 1973 and Incheon Sports High School has been located in the??other building since 1976. In Sunin Gymnasium, professional boxing games were held which was the most popular sports at that time.??Famous boxers who played in Sunin Gymnasium include Hong Su-hwan, Chang Chung-gu, Park Cheong-pal??and You Myoung-woo. However, in 1990s, Sunin Gymnasium was used as a playground for unpopular sports??such as Korean wrestling and gymnastics as well as a performance venue of singers. Remarkable growth in??economy in Korea eventually developed sports facilities including school sports facilities. At this time, better??indoor Gymnasiums than Sunin Gymnasium appeared. Additionally, Incheon City College located in one of??buildings of Sunin Gymnasium was merged into Incheon University. Moreover, Incheon sports high school??located in the other building moved to New City of Cheong-na. Finally, it was blew up with dynamite and??dismantled, as remodeling cost was estimated higher than building cost, although the municipality of Incheon??tried to remodel Sunin Gymnasium as a sports center. Sunin Gymnasium was basis of the development of??school sports in Incheon. Sunin Gymnasium which appeared as a huge building transcending beyond the??times! It has been a pride of sports in Incheon.

      • KCI등재

        1910년대 인천부의 주요 의료기관의 활동과 현황

        김영수(Kim, Young-soo) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2014 인천학연구 Vol.21 No.-

        본고는 1910년대 인천에 존재하는 의료기관의 활동과 그 현황을 알아보는 데에 목적이 있다. 인천에는 크게 거류 민 경영의 인천병원, 인천경찰서의 지휘, 감독하의 조선인을 위한 의료기관인 보건조합 시료부, 영국성공회의 선 교병원인 성누가병원이라는 의료기관이 존재하였다. 인천병원은 거류민의 경영에 의해 운영되었지만, 병원의 시 설과 사업규모에서 거류민이 부담하기에는 역부족이었기 때문에 부제가 실시되면서 인천부에 편입되었다. 보건조 합 시료부는 인천거주 조선인의 의료위생사업을 담당하기 위한 기관으로, 보건조합 사업의 일부로 담당하여 조선 인 빈민환자에게 무료진료를 행하였다. 그리고 성누가병원 역시 인천지역의 조선인 의료의 많은 부분을 담당한 기 관이었다. 1910년대 인천의 지역의료에서 이 세 의료기관은 상당히 중심적인 역할을 했다고 볼 수 있다. 그러나 부제가 실시되면서 인천부는 인천병원에 이어 보건조합을 인천부에 편입시키는 방안을 논의하였고, 그 결 과 보건조합은 인천부에 편입되었다. 보건조합 시료부 역시 인천부에 편입된 후, 부경영의 인천병원의 시료부의??형태로 설치되기에 이른다. 그리고 선교병원으로서 인천의 지역의료를 담당하던 성누가병원은 재정부족문제와 보 건조합 시료부의 설치 등 내외부적인 요인으로 인해 병원운영에 어려움을 겪게 되면서, 그 영향력이 점차 약화되 어 갔다. 경영문제로 인한 성누가병원의 기능 약화와 부제의 실시에 따른 인천부의 기존 의료기관의 흡수 및 재편과정은 결 과적으로 인천의 지역의료 담당기관이 부가 경영하는 하나의 공적 의료기관으로 통합되는 결과를 낳았다. In this paper, the aim is to look into the role and transition of the major medical institutions of Incheon-bu in??the 1910s. There were three major medical institutions: the Incheon Hospital run by the Japanese settlement??cooperation, the Health Union Dispensary under the supervision of Incheon police station, and St. Luke??Hospital run by the English Church Mission. Incheon Hospital was the biggest hospital in Incheon; therefore, it was difficult for the Japanese residents to??run it and pay their own expenses and levies. After the administrative district (Buje) was reorganized, it was??incorporated into the Incheon-bu. The Health Union Dispensary was opened as a part of Health Union, which??took charge of health and sanitation of Korean residents in Incheon and provided free medical treatment for??poor Korean residents. There was also St. Luke hospital, which was in charge of medical care in Incheon,??especially for the low-wage workers. Incheon-bu incorporated the Health Union with its sound finance following the incorporation of the Incheon??Hospital. As a result, Incheon-bu managed both the hospital and the dispensary, and it entrusted the??dispensary to the hospital. St. Luke Hospital experienced a financial crisis and other issues related to??managing the hospital; therefore, its influence was faded in Incheon. The financial crisis experienced by St. Luke Hospital and the reorganization of the other two medical??institutions by Incheon-bu allowed local health care to be integrated into one public medical institution run by??Incheon-bu.

      • KCI등재후보

        인천의 읍격 변화와 그 원인 연구

        서영대(Suh, Young-dae) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2010 인천학연구 Vol.13 No.-

        이 글은 고대에서부터 조선시대까지 인천(원 인천)의 읍호와 읍격의 변천 과정을 정리해 본 것이다. 원래 인천은 비류국 또는 미추국이었으나, 기원 전후 무렵에 백제의 영역이 되었고, 백제에서는 이를 彌鄒城이라 했다. 그러나 고구려 광개토 왕에 의해 4세기 말 고구려의 영토에 편입되었고, 고구려에서도 이를 미 추성이라 했는데, 지방조직에서의 위상은 縣級 정도의 성이었다. 그러다 가 6세기 중엽 신라가 한강 하류 지역으로 진출하면서 신라에 통합되었 고, 新州 관할 하의 한 성이 되었다. 이때 역시 인천의 위상은 縣級 정도 였고, 지방관으로는 현급의 장관인 道使가 중앙으로부터 파견되었을 것으 로 짐작된다. 한편 통일신라시대에는 신라의 지방제도가 더욱 체계화되면서 인천은 栗木郡의 領縣이 된다. 그리고 757년(경덕왕 16) 경덕왕이 한화정책의 일 환으로 지명 개정을 추진할 때는 邵城縣이 되었다. 그러나 경덕왕의 개 혁이 실패로 끝나면서, 소성현은 다시 매소홀현이나 미추홀현으로 환원되 었을 가능성이 있다. 고려시대 인천은 1018년(현종 9) 樹州의 임내가 되어, 고려의 지방제도 속에 처음으로 일정한 위치를 가지게 된다. 그러나 임내이기 때문에 중앙으로부터 지방관은 파견되지 않았고, 통솔은 향리층에 의해 이루어졌 다. 그러나 숙종 때는 경원군으로 승격되는데, 그것은 숙종의 思母의 정 과 인주 이씨 세력의 무마가 목적이었다. 이때부터 인천에는 지방관이 파견되는 등, 인천의 위상이 변화하기 시작한다. 나아가 인종 초년에는 다시 仁州로 승격되는데, 그것은 인종의 어머니에 대한 애정과 함께 李資 謙의 입김이 작용했을 가능성이 크다. 그리고 경원군에서 인주로의 변화 는 인천의 영역의 확장과 주변 군현과의 영속관계 확대 등, 인천의 위상 을 강화하는 것으로 해석된다. 또 1390년 경원부로 승격되었는데, 그것은 공양왕이 신종을 매개로 왕권의 정통성을 찾기 위한 노력의 일환이었다. 조선시대에도 인천의 읍격 변화가 일어난다. 시작은 태조가 경원부를 인주로 다시 환원하는 조치였는데, 그것은 고려의 정통성을 부인하기 위 한 것이었다. 그리고 1413년에는 인천군으로 개명하는데, 이때 처음으로 인천이란 지명이 등장한다. 이어서 1459년에는 인천은 도호부로 승격하 는데, 그것은 세조의 왕비 정희왕후의 외향이기 때문이었다. 이로서 인천 의 읍격과 위상은 일단 안정되었으나, 광해군 때·숙종 때·순조 때 도합 3차례 현으로 강등된 적이 있었다. 이처럼 인천의 읍호와 읍격은 시대에 따라 변화가 있었지만, 인천 자체는 해체되거나 분해되지 않고, 하나의 고을로 수천 년을 유지해 왔 다. 이 점이 바로 인천의 저력을 보여주는 것이라 할 수 있겠다. This paper aimed at the village promotion and demotion of proper Incheon in historical times and it's causes. Incheon had been Michu state. About 1st century B.C., Michu state merged in Bakjae dynasty and Baekjae called it as Michu Castle(彌鄒城). In late 4th century, King-Gwanggaeto(廣開土王) of Goguryeo dynasty, attacked Incheon and made it as his territory. In this time, Incheon was also called Michu or Maeso(買召) Castle and the grade of Michu Castle in local system of Goguryo was Hyun(縣), a kind of small local unit. In 6th century, Incheon was conquered by Silla dynasty and it's grade in local system of Silla was Hyun. The governors of Hyun in Silla were titled Dosa(道使), so it is not difficult to assume Maeso castle's governor was called Dosa. After Silla unified Goguryeo and Baekje In 7th century, Silla fully equipped his local system and Incheon belonged to Yulmok county(栗 木郡) in this course. In the 757, King Kyungduk(742~765) changed Maeso's name to Sosung-Hyun in the course of political reformation. But King Kyungduk's reformation denied by aristocrats of Silla, so name called Sosung returned to Maeso. Next of Silla was the Goryeo dynasty. In the 1018, Incheon belonged to Su-Ju(樹州), but the local governor of Incheon did not despatched by government of Goryeo dynasty and it was governed by local influential persons called by Hangli(鄕吏). But in the period of King Sukjong(1095~1105), Incheon promoted to higher level in local systems of Goryeo as Gyungwon-Gun or Gyungwon county(慶源郡). This was to appease In-Ju Lee families who were originated from Incheon and most influential family at that time. King Injong(1122~1146) also upgraded the Incheon as In-Ju(仁州). The Ju was higher grade of Kun in Goryeo. And the reason of promotion in this case also influenced by Lee Jagyum (李資謙) one of In-ju Lee's families, who was not only grandfather on king Injong's mother's side but also king Injong's father in law. In the 1390, King Gongyang promote the Incheon to Gyungwon-Pu for legitimation of his authority as king. After the Goryo dynasty, the Chosun dynasty was build in the 1392 and there are many times of village promotion and demotion in Chosun dynasty. The first was demotion of Gyungwon-Pu to In-Ju and the reason of this demotion was to deny legitimation of Goryo dynasty. In the 1413, Incheon was demoted to Incheon-Kun(仁川郡). But in this case, the reason of demotion was not political but practical, i.e. Incheon did not have sufficient conditions such as enough populations and area, which Ju must have. In spite of demotion, this has very important meaning because name of province Incheon was appeared first time in history. In the 1459, Incheon upgraded to Dohopu(都護府), because Incheon was hometown of Queen Junghee's mother. From this to the 1895, the grade of Incheon in local administration system was Dohopu. But there were exceptions in three times. The first was period of the King Gwanghae(1608~1623), the second is period of the King Sukjong(1674~1720). In all this case, Incheon demoted from Incheon-Dohopu to Incheon-Hyun and the reason of demotion was a kind of punishment for revolt of villagers. But term of demotion did not over the ten years.

      • KCI등재

        인천상륙작전 다크투어리즘 장소 자산을 활용한 인천광역시 관광 활성화 방안 연구

        고현종(Ko Hyeon-jong) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2024 인천학연구 Vol.40 No.-

        본 연구의 목적은 인천상륙작전 기념행사를 국제급 행사로 격상하여 추진하려는 인천광역시의 목표 달성에 기여하기 위하여 인천상륙작전 다크투어리즘 장소 자산을 활용한 인천 관광 활성화 방안을 제시하는 것이다. 이를 위해 다크투어리즘의 개념적 정의와 연구관점, 인천상륙작전의 배경과 역사적 의의, 관내 인천상륙작전 다크투어리즘 장소 자산을 살펴보고 지속가능한 관광 자원으로써 활성화하기 위한 방안을 모색하였다. 또한 인천상륙작전 다크투어리즘 장소 자산 활성화와 효율적인 관리를 위하여 통합 관리의 필요성을 제시하였다. 본 연구의 시사점으로 첫째, 본 연구는 인천상륙작전 다크투어리즘에 관한 연구를 처음으로 수행했다는 것에 그 의의가 있었다. 둘째, 인천상륙작전 다크투어리즘 장소 자산의 지속가능성에 대해 심도 있게 검토했음에 그 의의가 있었다. 셋째, 인천상륙작전 다크투어리즘 장소 자산을 권역별로 구분하고 주변 관광 명소들과 연계한 관광 상품 개발(안) 및 활성화 방안을 제시했음에 그 의의가 있었다. 본 연구의 한계로 첫째, 기존 문헌과 사례 중심으로 연구가 수행되어 연구의 일반화 및 수치화에 한계가 있었다. 따라서 향후 연구는 이러한 한계를 극복하기 위하여 양적 연구를 수행하여 보완한다면 이론적 확장에 기여할 수 있을 것이다. 둘째, 본 연구는 인천상륙작전 다크투어리즘 장소 자산의 개발 및 활성화 방안에 대해 제시하였으나 이를 위한 홍보 방법에 대해서는 구체적으로 제시하지 못하였다. 따라서 향후 연구에서는 이러한 부분을 보완하여 수행한다면 이론적 확장뿐만 아니라 ‘평화와 화합으로 만드는 초일류도시 인천’의 이미지 구축에 크게 기여할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to contribute to the achievement of Incheon Metropolitan City’s goal of elevating the Incheon Landing Operation commemorative event to an international level. To achieve this, the study proposes a plan for activating tourism in Incheon by utilizing the assets of the Incheon Landing Operation dark tourism sites. The study examines the conceptual definition and research perspective of dark tourism, as well as the background and historical significance of the Incheon Landing Operation. It also explores ways to activate Incheon’s Incheon Landing Operation dark tourism site assets as sustainable tourism resources. Additionally, the study suggests the need for integrated management for the activation and efficient management of the Incheon Landing Operation dark tourism site assets. The implications of this study are as follows. First, the significance of this study lies in being the first to conduct research on Incheon Landing Operation dark tourism. Second, it holds importance in the in-depth examination of the sustainability of Incheon Landing Operation dark tourism site assets. Third, the study distinguishes Incheon Landing Operation dark tourism site assets by region and proposes the development and activation plans for tourism products linked to nearby tourist attractions. The limitations of this study are as follows. First, the research was conducted primarily based on existing literature and cases, limiting the generalization and quantification of the research. Therefore, future research that addresses these limitations through quantitative studies could contribute to theoretical expansion. Second, while the study presents development and activation plans for Incheon Landing Operation dark tourism site assets, it does not provide specific promotional methods. Thus, future research that addresses this aspect could not only contribute to theoretical expansion but also greatly contribute to building the image of “Incheon, a first-class city created through peace and harmony.”

      • Study on Incheon Athletic Groups before liberating from Japanese rule(Focusing on Incheon Athletic Association and Incheon Sports Council)

        ( Junho Cho ) 한국체육학회 2016 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.1

        This study focused on two athletic groups, Incheon Athletic Association and Incheon Sports Council, which played their roles in Incheon before Korea was liberated from Japanese rule. The study result is as follows. Purpose: This study will show the establishment, activity and historical meaning of Incheon Athletic Association and Incheon Sports Council that worked in Incheon before the liberation. Method: It used newspapers, magazines, local papers in Incheon, governmental materials and books that dealt with Incheon Athletic Association and Incheon Sports Council under Japanese rule. Result: First, Incheon Athletic Association had led the athletics of Incheon in early 1920s. With the activities the association was established at Inchoen Public Hall on December 18, 1925. Incheon Athletic Association had held “Incheon Athletic Day” and athletic competitions of baseball games and tennis games from 1925. It was a Japanese association. The president of the association was the mayor of Incheon city. Incheon Police Agency used “Mudeokgwan”, a martial art training center, as its training center. It indicates that the local government has controlled the athletics with strong power. Incheon Athletic Association became weak with the fall of Japanese imperialism. Seconds, Incheon Sports Council was established on 8pm, January 11, 1936 at Sansujeong public hall. They needed a control institute for Korean sports that had improved rapidly. Incheon Sports Council handled Korean wrestling, soccer, basketball, skating and archery. It also tried to introduce and promote new sports such as rugby and car racing. But Incheon Sports Council was oppressed and closed by Incheon Mayor(永井府尹). It was merged with Incheon Athletic Association. Conclusion: Incheon Athletic Association was a Japanese athletic group. But it contributed to the development of Incheon’s modern athletics expanding the base of Incheon’s athletics before the liberation. Incheon Sports Council was the first Korean athletic group in Incheon that inspired the national spirit through sports under Japanese colonial era. It was a national athletic group that encouraged the pride of Koreans through sports.

      • KCI등재

        광복이전 "인천체육협회"에 관한 연구

        조준호 ( Jun Ho Cho ) 한국체육사학회 2015 체육사학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        본 연구는 광복이전 인천체육협회에 대해 살펴보고 해당 단체가 인천의 근대체육발전에 어떠한 의미가 있는지를 살펴보고자 하였다. 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인천체육협회는 1920년대 초부터 인천의 체육을 주도하였고 이를 기초로 1925년 12월 18일 인천산수정공회당에서 창립되었다. 둘째, 인천체육협회는 일본인의 체육단체로 회장이 인천부윤으로서 1925년부터 매년 ‘인천체육데이’ 행사와 야구, 정구 등의 경기를 주도하였고 무도 수련관인 무덕관을 인천경찰서의 훈련장으로 제공하는 등 인천의 체육을 주도해나갔다. 셋째, 인천체육협회는 1936년 1월 창립된 인천체육회와 서로 경쟁하며 제1회 전조선탁구대회와 제1회 중부조선축구대회를 개최하는 등 의지를 보였으나 일제의 추락과 함께 쇠퇴한다. 인천체육협회는 일본인 체육단체였으나 광복이전 인천의 체육저변을 확대시키는 역할을 하였고 1936년 조선인 체육단체인 인천체육회의 출범에도 일조하며 광복이전 인천의 근대체육발전에 기여하였다. This paper studies Incheon Athletic Association until the liberation from Japan and its contribution to the development of modern athletics in Incheon. The results of the study are as follows. First, Incheon Athletic Association had led the athletics of Incheon in early 1920s. With the activities the association was established at Inchoen Sansoojung Public Hall on December 18, 1925. Second, Incheon Athletic Association had held “Incheon Athletic Day”and athletic competitions of baseball games and tennis games from 1925. It was a Japanese association. The president of the association was the mayor of Incheon city. Incheon Police Agency used “Mudeokgwan”, a martial art training center, as its training center. Third, Incheon Athletic Association competed with Incheon Sports Council that was established on January 1936. Incheon Athletic Association held the first Chosun Table tennis competition and the first Central Chosun Soccer Competition. But it has become weak with the collapse of Japanese Empire. Even if Incheon Athletic Association was a Japanese athletic association, it played a role to expand athletic foundation in Incheon before the liberation. It also helped to establish `Incheon Sports Council`` in 1936 which was a Korean athletic group contributing to the modernization of Incheon athletics before the liberation.

      • KCI등재후보

        도시성장을 위한 촉매제로서의 프로스포츠 활성화: 인천 원도심 경기장을 중심으로

        정진원,이종현 (재) 인천연구원 2017 도시연구 Vol.- No.12

        This study conducted the analysis of correlation between the original downtown growth and professional sports revitalization focused on the Incheon SK Happy-Dream Stadium and Incheon Football Stadium. As a result of the empirical analysis, it was found that Incheonconnected professional sports revitalization had a negative(-) influence on Incheon original downtown growth, while intra- Incheon original downtown growth was found to have no statistically significant effect on Incheon-connected professional sports revitalization. In other words, there is the necessity of having to arrange a close connection plan for Incheon-connected professional sports team revitalization and original downtown growth in Incheon. To this end, it is required that relative authorities should arrange professional sports marketing which could induce local residents’ aggressive participation, display openness of cultural activity within the original downtown in Incheon, set up a complex plan in combination with the surroundings of a stadium, and original downtown development plan, and form the cooperative relationship among Incheon-connected professional sports teams, Incheon urban planning, and its related culture policy. 본 연구는 인천SK행복드림구장과 인천축구전용구장을 중심으로 원도심 성장과 프로스포츠 활성화간 연관성 분석을 실시하였다. 실증적 분석결과, 인천연고 프로스포츠 활성화는 인천시 원도심 성장에 부(-)의 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났고, 인천내 원도심 성장은 인천연고 프로스포츠활성화에 통계적으로 유의미하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 인천연고 프로스포츠 활성화와 인천 원도심 성장을 위한 밀접한 연계방안이 요구된다. 이를 위해 지역주민의 적극적 참여를 유도하는 프로스포츠 마케팅, 인천 원도심내 문화적 활동의 개방성 표출, 경기장 주변과 원도심 개발계획과의 단지계획수립, 인천연고 프로스포츠 팀과 인천시 도시계획 및 관련문화정책과의 공조관계를 형성하여야 한다.

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